Where to keep Aptana Studio 3 IDE unzipped folder? - linux

Aptana for linux comes as ready-to-launch zipped package. The
problem is that I don't know where I should put this unzipped folder.
I don't like it being in (polluting!) my home folder.
Where would you put this? Any suggestions? Where do you keep your Aptana's folder? Where would be the most elegant place? Is there special place to put such executables (like C:/Program Files on Windows)?

I keep that kind of stuff in my /opt directory.

This is how i have it setup:
1. I have created /home/bin and put the execs there (added bin to my Path so i can open Aptana straight from the terminal)
2. Created a "development" folder in the home folder (same level as Documents) and i have all my projects in that directory.
I am really not sure this is the right way since I am new to this too but this is what made sense to me.


Moving Git to another folder, but I've got a problem

My git was init in folder ~/ryan/pythonproject/ and then later on I started using PyCharm and it created a venv for the project after importing. So now I have:
The first directory has my original work on the project, and then it appears I have a duplicate of my work under the venv folder.
Whenever I commit/add/push it does the original folder as well as the venv folder.
What I would like to do is have Git stop monitoring the original folder and only have git under the venv folder only. What's the best way to do that?
If you want to stop monitoring a folder you can put it to the .gitignore file. So i.e. you have:
Then just add the lower two to the .gitignore .
But please think about it whether this is really what you want. Usually it is the other way around. Keep your files and ignore the build folder.

hex packages location on linux

I'm scanning an Elixir project by reading the mix.lock file and parsing the output of mix deps.tree command. Later on I need to locate each dependency's .tar file. On my windows machine the location is inside the C:\Users\{user-name}\.hex\packages\hexpm folder.
However on my linux machine, the .hex folder contains only cache.ets file, but no packages folder. Searching for .tar files returns nothing relevant.
Any idea where are those files hiding?
Should be under in your home: ~/.hex
But the archives seems to be located in ~/.mix/archives/
For example, if I try to upgrade my hex:
~ > mix local.hex
Found existing entry: /home/meox/.mix/archives/hex-0.18.1
You can find that on ~/.hex/packages/hexpm.
apparently the project on which a ran my tests was the first hex project on that machine, and running the mix deps.get didn't result any .tar files in the cache as expected, but when i switched to a different project all was back to normal and indeed everything as under ~/.hex/packages/hexpm

mergExt install assistance needed

I have the commercial LiveCode license.
I'm trying to install mergJSON as my first external and have looked at the lesson as well as googled all I can. I've got the Externals folder set up and now am hung up on setting up the Runtime structure. Which file goes into which folder in the Runtime folder? There is a mergJSON.bundle, .dll, .dylib, .lcext, and .so. The lesson that is referenced doesn't show a Linux folder under Runtime and it shows the files going into a Database Drivers folder. It also does not help someone new in this environment have a clue which of the 5 mergJSON files goes into which folder under Runtime.
Something as simple as a directory tree under My LiveCode would go a super long way in helping to understand how to get this product installed.
I am on OSX.
Can someone give me some pointers on getting this bundle I purchased loaded to I can use it?
The directory structure for Linux is the same as the other platforms shown in RunRev's how to but using the *.so file.
The filetypes for externals are:
Windows = *.dll
OS X = *.bundle
OS X Server = *.dylib
Linux = *.so
iOS and Android = *.lcext
This directory mirrors what you will find in the Tools/Runtime directory inside the LiveCode app package as seen here:

Geb Testing - project folder structure contains lot of files ending as closure.class

I am new to geb testing. We have two project folders. One of them is a subset of others. During last few days, whenever I check the status of the subset project folder using git shell, lot of closure.class files are showing as changed. But I am changing only the groovy files. I am not sure why this is happening? previously I haven't seen anything like this.
Also lot of class files are showing as untracked files.
The file name look like this.
We are using IntelliJ IDE.
There are lots of files, I mean class files generated when you try to build using gradlew. As Peter had suggested already, create a .gitignore file and add anything you want to ignore, for instance:
and run the gradlew clean command. You will not see those anymore. Cheers!

Nsis Zip2Exe leaves out log named folders

Im new to Nsis so pardon me if my problem is easly solveable.
I wanted to make an exe from my freshly zipped Xampp folder (it is a webserver software).
When i zipped this with total commander every folder was at the right place.
But when i run the Zip2Exe nsis application wouldn't compress into the exe my "log" named folders EVEN if they aren't empty.
Any help would greatly appriciated.
I had to revoke the Read only permission on the folders
