vim in screen: vim does not highlight syntax when I'm in a screen session - vim

I cannot see any syntax highlighting in any language (e.g. python, c++ and sh) when I use vim within a screen session. The line numbers are in color though.
I precise that my terminal (in screen too) is able to show 256 colors schemes (I tested with the 256colors perl script found here: ).
How can I fix that?

OK, here is the issue/solution:
I used to call vim by using $vi, indeed:
$ which vi
alias vi='vim'
$ screen
$ which vi
I just learnt that screen doesn't load this system level alias which is tricky.

I had this problem. In my case, I was running a version of screen from brew. brew doesn't use ~/.screenrc as its startup file. So there's two solutions to this.
1) Set your term in the screenrc that brew_screen is expecting. This might be /opt/etc/screenrc. I didn't try this method, so I'm not sure.
2) Make an alias for screen that sets the term to what you want it to be. In this case, screen-256color is sufficient. I added the following line to my bash_profile, which is symlinked to my bashrc (mac problems):
alias screen='screen -T screen-256color'


Ubuntu Bash's Colors - How to disable colors & make it monochrome color instead?

I'm using Win10 with Ubuntu Linux installed with Bash.
I'm having trouble reading BASH multiple colors and want to switch it to monochrome color (2 colors) for easier reading.
I tried Google search and can't find the Ubuntu Bash command line for that.
If you only want to use two colors, we can add three lines to ~/.bashrc to achieve that.
We add three lines at the end of ~/.bashrc, like this:
$vi ~/.bashrc
rt LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
eval "`dircolors`"
alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS'
After add it completed, we exit this bash to flush it, then login this bash, here is my result:
Also, if you want to set other colors, we can follow this link to do it.
Here a similar case about you, please refer to it.
We can use CMD to open ubuntu bash, like this:

What is the "--servername" in "vim --servername VIM test.R"?

I just installed the vim-r-plugin on a Linux server and I found this issue (see below figure) prompted from the R console window (vimcom: Did you pass the --servername argument to Vim? ...) when I typed "\rf":
To solve the issue I followed the instructions here and was trying to find the "servername" and tested some commands such like:
But I have no idea what's the "--servername" I should use here. Any suggestions or answers? Thanks!
--servername is usually followed by some arbitrarily chosen name. This allows external processes like those used by your R plugin to interact with a running instance of Vim.
When the feature is available, GVim always starts as if you added --servername GVIMn where n is a number incremented for each new GUI window. You can see it on the right of the window title.
But you are using Vim so you'll need to do that explicitely:
$ vim --servername FOO

Why does my shell prompt disappear when I install vim 7.4?

I'm using CentOS 6. Since the CentOS repos have an older version of vim (7.2), I have compiled my own. However, I am having a weird issue. After running and exiting vim, I've found that my shell prompt has disappeared. Also, when I type, it does not appear in the terminal, nor does any output. What's weird is that it looks as though something is being outputted, since the cursor will move down the screen, but I can't see anything.
It must have something to do with compiling an X version, because it does not happen when I compile vim without X windows support (but I would like to have gvim, too). Here are the configuration options I supplied when compiling:
./configure --prefix=$OPT/Cellar/vim/7.4 --with-features=huge --enable-gui=auto --with-x --enable-xim
I also tried compiling without Xim. I've also tried explicitly setting --enable-gui=gtk2 (which is what gvim 7.2 from the CentOS repos uses).
I am using KDE4. The problem occurs both when running tcsh and bash. I have tried with $TERM set to both xterm and xterm-256color as well.
Additionally, running neither reset nor stty sane restores the shell to its proper behavior.
Any idea why my prompt disappears when running vim? As I missing a config flag or some other compilation issue?
I ultimately traced this down to an error in my ~/.vimrc file. I had some lines like this:
if has('gui_running')
# Gvim customization
if has('gui_gtk2')
# GTK2-specific Gvim customization
The second block was running every time vim loaded. Because it changed some window geometry, it ended up messing up bash; when I dropped back to bash, bash thought it only had ~53 columns to work with (and possibly some other things were messed up).
Solution: The second if block should be inside the first.

How can I get vim to point to macvim? Where can I find macvim?

I would like vim to point to macvim :)
Probably through an alias.
vim is here: whereis vim
macvim I can't find, e.g.
whereis macvim returns nothing
The MacVim distro comes with a script called mvim that takes exactly the same arguments as vim. Put mvim somewhere in your path. Then, just set the alias: alias vim='mvim'
If you want to completely override the system vim, an easy way is to use Homebrew. Just install MacVim with $brew install macvim --override-system-vim. The --override-system-vim flag will create mvim symlinks to vi, vim, etc. You may find it a cleaner way to achieve the same goal. Plus, I prefer to use Homebrew as a package manager.
EDIT: Since you say you don't know where MacVim is, you may just want to download the latest tarball for your system and start from scratch. There are three files: the MacVim application, the mvim script, and a README.
Put MacVim in your Applications folder. Put mvim somewhere in your path.
Going forward, you should look for mvim using which rather than whereis. E.g. $which mvim #=> /usr/local/bin/mvim
which returns the pathnames of the files which would be executed in the current environment. whereis checks the standard binary directories, and may miss files included in your personal path.
Alternately, use Homebrew, as I suggest above and it will manage the location of both files.
My answer is kind of the opposite of michaelmichael's and I've made it quite a few times:
MacVim comes with a CLI executable that you can use in place of Mac OS X's default Vim if you add a single alias to your ~/.bashrc/~/.profile. No need to compile anything, no need to put MacVim in a special place, no need to overwrite default programs with symlinks
This way, you can stay in CLI-land and enjoy the power of a powerful/recent/fast Vim.
MacVim is a native Mac OS X GUI version of Vim. It doesn't come preinstalled with your OS so you have to download it from the Internet or install it through homebrew (see michaelmichael's answer). Once it's installed, MacVim is where you have put it, plain and simple.
Because it's a full fledged GUI app, MacVim can't really be used as a drop-in replacement for the default Vim in the terminal.
`$ MacVim file.txt` will not work. `$ open -a macvim file.txt` will not work either.
You basically have two options: use the mvim CLI wrapper to open MacVim from the terminal or use an alias to MacVim's bundled CLI executable.
The mvim wrapper
I think michaelmichael's answer could be a expanded a bit but the most important is said.
EDIT: well scratch that.
The bundled CLI executable
Just add this line (customized to reflect your system) to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or whatever file is run by your shell at startup:
alias vim='/path/to/'
Open a new terminal window, $ vim file.txt should launch vim in your terminal window, just like the default /usr/bin/vim but with a lot more bells and whistles.
After installing mvim, you can find where it is located with typing into terminal:
which mvim
On my system this gave me:
Then you create an alias in .bash_profile by typing the following in your terminal, and hit enter:
echo alias vim='/usr/local/bin/mvim' >> .bash_profile
Restart your terminal and try typing:
vim .
This should launch mvim and not vim

getting vi and rxvt to work in cygwin

I am trying to use rxvt on my cygwin w win XP but the terminal appears and disappears. What could be wrong? This is true for all except rxvt-native . I have tried a few commands found online but with no success. I include 2 I have tried:
start C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -sb -sl 3000 -fg gray -bg black -fn "Lucida Console-14" -e /bin/bash --login -i
path C:\cygwin\bin;%path%
ssh-agent rxvt -e bash --login -i
Another problem I am facing is trying to get vi to work in my cygwin bash shell. Setting term to xterm or vt100 does not work. Hitting enter, I see a string 78 or some other issue pops up. I have never modified my .inputrc.
My main issue was trying to get vi to work properly. I just found out that if I run
/etc/postinstall/ , I can now navigate properly in vi. The 78 (newline) M still appears but at least I can navigate in vi.
Feb 25 - This problem went away after a few windows updates. Would it make sense to ANSWER my question on the basis that this is longer reproducible?
Can't answer the first question, but have you tried invoking rxvt from its shortcut in the Cygwin folder of the start menu?
Regarding the second question, the TERM variable tells applications what terminal they're running in, so if you set it to 'xterm' while running in the Cygwin console (where normally TERM=cygwin), they'll be sending xterm control sequences that the Cygwin console doesn't understand. So basically: don't do that!
Btw, you might also be interested in Cygwin's mintty package, which is another terminal that doesn't need an X server. Installing it also creates a start menu shortcut in the Cygwin folder.
I would assume you need an X server running.
You could install Cygwin/X
One thing which may not have been clear was that the whole exercise was to get vi to work. vim did not work either at that time. But after some windows update, the problem went away. Closing it...
