autoCrat naming google documents - document

Can autocrat be set up to use a column heading to name the document when it is merged. I have a form that creates student information and final grades in a spreadsheet and I use autocrat to merge data from the spreadsheet to a google doc., but each document merged has the same name unless I change it in the merge process or after the merge is complete. It seems if we could use <<Student>> in the "File naming convention to use" in the Set merge type step this would solve the problem.

If I got it right, you just have to use the proper tag at the fifth step of autocrat configuration. It'll probably be something like $student.


Changing Custom site column to lookup

I got thrown in to a situation where the customer has a production enviroment and needs to make some changes without losing data.
One part of the problem is changing a sitecolumn (used in CT, 2-3 lists, and multiple web parts as custom property) from a text field to a lookup.
I have tried to set the schemaxml via powershell and push the changes to the lists. I get errors.
I have also tried to update the column in the list with lookup schemaxml.
If i remove the sitecolumn and create a new the webparts stop working, since they need the sitecolumn.
What would be the best solution for solving this?
#Simon if you try to replace column type from text to lookup, you will lose data for sure.
Create extra single line of text column 'Backup' in the list.
Write powershell script to copy the data from current text column to Backup column.
Change type of column from Text to Lookup.
Use Manual or powershell approach to rewrite data in new column.
Delete temporary backup column.

How to create a view using a count of certain field

I am trying to create a categorized view of all Notes documents that have a field with exact same value, i.e. there is a field for Contractor Name and I want to create a view that lists each Contractor and the documents that relevant to each. How do I do this? I have tried view formulas like the following but no success as yet
SELECT #IsAvailable(Contractorid) & #Count(Contractorid) > 1
SELECT #Count(#IsAvailable(Contractorid)) >1
Nsf databases are no relational databases. The count of different documents with a unique value in a specific field cannot be used to build a view selection formula.
You could write an agent, that runs through all documents and counts them and puts all with count > 1 in a folder, but this is quite a lot of LotusScript code and needs some advanced knowledge.
The other possibilit would be to categorize the view by ContractorId and add one column before that categorized column: simply use 1 as column formula and select "display totals" in the column properties as well as "hide details".
Then at least you have the information, how much documents are in each category, but unfortunately you cannot filter by it and you cannot sort by this column.
A third possibility would be to use an xpage interface, but that is even more work to do and a completely different story developmentwise.
This is similar to view to identify duplicates. My approach is to use folder.
Make a new folder with design of your view. Instead of (not working) selection formula use short LS code as an action, or QueryOpen event (make sure only one user runs the script).
The code should cooperate with another (hidden) view sorted by Contractorid. Make a ViewNavigator for that view and traverse through it with simple logic - if previous entry has the same Contractorid as the current one, put both documents into folder**. That way you will get list of all documents with duplicate Contractorid. Make sure to wipe all the current content from the folder at the start.
** This can be optimized further by slightly more complicated algorithm to handle first duplicate diferently - for more than two duplicates this algorithm makes extra calls of PutInFolder method.

Can I merge Sharepoint lists with unique value conflicts by updating metadata?

I am trying to merge or copy data from either an excel spreadsheet or another sharepoint list into a master list. The main "item number" column will enforce unique values, but each item will be assigned to multiple "project numbers" using metadata.
Is it possible to tell sharepoint to auto-update the metadata when duplicate items are added to the list? I could probably even edit the metadata manually if it would display the old entry for modification, but the only option I've seen is modify or delete the new item.
Sounds to me(from the description you have given) you are trying to collate several lists in to one and any data within each list you need to merge. Is this correct?
If so you will probably need to do a bit of custom code. Heres a little run through.
Get the list objects of the lists containing your items or grab your items from excel.
Iterate through each of the items in the list(or excel) importing the items over to the Master list.
Just before the above step you will need to check if the unique identifier already exists in the master list. If it does grab that item and update it if it doesn't continue adding the item as normal.
As always i would recommend you have a crack at it yourself. It's far more rewarding to make something work yourself and to be honest to do the above if you can read other peoples code it should take too long to copy(i mean reuse :P) other peoples code off the web to get the desired outcome.
I am not aware of a way you would be able to do this out of the box or via SharePoint designer.
Hope this helps

Need to delete old SKU# and enter new SKU # onto a master sheet

This project keeps throwing new and exciting things that I am having a good deal of trouble with.
I am hoping that there is an easy solution but I am starting to suspect it may be a macro problem.
What I have is...a master list of products, 10,000 of them. It is now end of season and we are moving a range of products to a discontinued section.
So what I need to know is how can I delete all the SKU's I need to...and then as an added bonus feature...add the NEW SKU's for this season into the master list.
What I am hoping to do is create something that when we have to do this again in six months...we dont have to enter the data individually and just add a discontinued list...and a new list and it will auto update the main list.
I will have to add SKUS and the data they contain and my only knowledge of this is using Vlookup.
There are a lot of ways to tackle this, but you haven't given enough info to get a specific answer.
For example, if you have that list of discontinued product numbers somewhere, you could easily run a vlookup formula against that data source to the master data source. Then, just sort out the stuff you want and delete it or move it or whatever.
It also begs the question of why you have a 'discontinued' section. I loathe 'sections' in a database. If it's a real DB table, there shouldn't be any breaks'd deal with 'discontinued' versus 'active' with an additional field (column) and mark things as such there.
If the table and the data is organized well, you can easily do these tasks you are talkign about.

Sharepoint: Person column in custom list

I have a Person field in my custom list. I want to have a view that will show multiple fields from that Person instead of the one I had to choose when creating the Person column.
So basically I want to have one column for Person and then in the view see Name, title, email, phone. All of those are valid choices but I can only pick one right now.
I really want to avoid typing in the username lookup for each column I choose to display.
This is SP 2007
It sounds like you need to create a custom fieldtype (with a fieldcontrol) that inherits from the userfield but in viewmode renders out the different columns you need. Is that something along the lines you are looking for?
Note: This link is broken
You probably want a Computed Field. Note that this is not a Calculated Column. A Computed Field is what is used to display the same data is different ways. In SharePoint there is a Title field, but there is also a "Title (linked to item with edit menu)" computed field as well as a "Title (linked to item)" computed field.
See midway down this link for more details. I'm not sure if it will have all of the power that you need, but if it does it is almost certainly what you are looking for if you don't mind getting into the Schema XML file a little.
Could you use a DataView web part for this? If it's just a question of viewing the data that might be suitable.
Came across this thread and thought I'd add a tip. This suggestion is clearly not for every use case, but may work well in situations where you're managing a list rather than allowing manual inputs (verified to work with SP 2013):
Create a spreadsheet with columns to match your SharePoint list that contains multiple profile fields. (for example: name, phone number, email address)
In the spreadsheet, enter the same email address in all of the person/group field types in that row. (e.g.,,,
Select and copy the row(s) you wish to transfer to SharePoint.
In SharePoint, change the list view to "Quick Edit" and paste the row(s) into the grid.
SharePoint will process each field and convert the email address to the profile value you selected during the list setup.
