Has anyone had any issues with MySQL 5.1 and ExpressionEngine? - expressionengine

Our main client server is running MySQL 5.0.96, but we'd like to upgrade to 5.1. We're running a couple of older EE1.6 sites (non older than 1.6.7 iirc), and the rest are EE2.2+
Are there any gotchas/problems we might encounter (maybe in our custom self-wrriten add-ons) when we upgrade?

I run many EE installs with MySQL 5.1+ clients with no issues. Unless your SQL in custom add-on is really sloppy and you're running MySQL in STRICT mode, I can't see any issues.

My production server runs 5.1 and both my local and dev servers run 5.5 without issue, so I doubt you'll run into any problems.

Currently running 5.5.28 without any problem.


ArangoDB crashes while arangorestore.exe

To reproduce:
Have corrupted database (I think it's the same-time writing issue for non waitForSync collection)
Use arangodump.exe
Use arangorestore.exe (Service arangod.exe stops working while run)
Get Arangod.exe crashed after trying to launch the service
To make backup I were ignoring some collection using --maskings option and rule set. I have gotten an error if I weren't.
To restore the data I did use stable and also nightly, the latest versions of ArangoDB server.
There is not much useful info for the deeper log level.
Also happens for another win10 computer. And can't be run on linux (wsl debian) because my computer's processor doesn't support sse 4.2 or higher
Older version 3.8.5-1 works fine! (upgraded my previous version 3.8.1)

Installing MongoDB compass this may take a few minutes

It has been half an hour and it is still stuck at the same progress. My machine is Windows 7 and I have downloaded the Community Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later. Sreenshot
Does anyone know why? Do I really need Compass if I were to use it with Node.js?
I'm new to MongoDB and node.js
Please help. Thanks in advance
As for January 2021, I've faced this issue with version 4.4.3. Press cancel on the installation won't help, and need to close the PowerShell process.
Then, Re-install without the compass, and after successful installation, install manually only the compass itself.
Compass is a GUI client which can be used to manages collections, documents etc.
To do development in Node.JS (or any other programming language) you do not need Compass as it is a GUI tool which is a mongo client.
You can use mongo CLI client(Recommended). If you really need GUI tool, you can try Robo 3T.
Only MongoDB server + any client is needed for most web development. Any client can be used to configure it, like CLI or Robo 3T or compass.
Although, you even don't need local installation of mongoDB server. You can use a cloud database like MongoDB Atlas. It has all tools inbuilt as is very powerful. However I would still recommend doing a local installation of mongo server to avoid dependency of network while testing your app.
Please refer to the following link.
Instead of choosing Complete Installation, choose "Custom" instead, then at the last step, uncheck 'Install MongoDB Compass'. This will complete the installation.
Downloading/installing version 4.0.14 worked for me.

Is it possible to run Magento TAF (Test Automation Framework) on Linux?

I'm trying to configure Magento TAF on Ubuntu, following the Installation Guide pdf.
I read on it...
Current version limitations:
Remote tests executing
UNIX running Usage
Firefox profile through configuration file
...but I feel skeptical :)
There is a main shell script prepared (runtests.sh)
if I configure everything and I execute selenium RC and runtests.sh, firefox browser opens... (but stands on empty page).
Furthermore: there are several inconsistences on the Installation Guide, that's why I suspect that Linux restrictions perhaps are deprecated. For example: on page 2 says...
At the base level, Magento Test Automation Framework will require the
following software: (...)Selenium RC 2.0.3
... but on page 4...
Download and install Selenium RC 1.0.3 (...).The latest available
version is 2.x, Download Selenium RC (Now available NEW 2.0b), but
automated test cases will probably not work with it.
The question: Is it possible to run Magento TAF on Linux?
Yes, it is possible.
I had the same problem using Selenium Grid in version 1.x.
Download Selenium Driver (Selenium 2). I got the tests running in Debian without modifying runtests.sh.
If you plan to test with several OS / browsers you can find a quick start tutorial for Selenium Grid 2. This may be helpful if you host your Magento code on a linux webserver. It's much easier now to set up the grid than it was with Selenium 1, fortunately.
Launch the server with
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.15.0.jar -role hub
By default, the server will run on port 4444. You can start the server on a Linux box without a desktop environment (e.g. a development web server).
Then you set up boxes with desktop environment (e.g. a Windows machine and a Linux machine). Now you download the server standalone library for every machine and start the client:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.15.0.jar -role node -hub
You have to change the IP to the IP of your Selenium server (and change the port if you did so in the first command). By default, the client will run on port 5555. If you want to use another port for the client or if you wish to start several client instances, you can define custom ports using the -port switch.
Note: don't care too much about the software versions mentioned in the document at all. It seems to be a bit outdated.
The latest public release works fine on Ubuntu/Debian pretty much out of the box, but the documentation is Windows-orientated.
We got the tests running on a headless Selenium installation using Google Chrome on Ubuntu server 11.04 64bit. Screen-shots are only possible when using Firefox, but Selenium requires version 3.6 of Firefox, so we'll need to downgrade the Mozilla browser to enable that.
[Update: March 27th 2012] We tried again with Firefox 10 after upgrading our packages and to our biggest surprise, it worked! We've now got screen-shots!
I wrote a tutorial (updated March 27th 2012) that outlines installing a fresh headless Selenium environment with Magento TAF on Ubuntu Server. Hope that helps.
Yes, this is possible.
I made a init script selenium-headless that simplifies running the TAF on a server.
The TAF project is under development, this is just a preview was published. The team wanted to share ideas and give valuable benefits (automatic tests) for everyone, who is developing for Magento. TAF will have changes, it will be restructured and polished before the official release.
The docs are outdated a little, they give general overview of the tests usage. Currently TAF can be run on both Windows and Linux, and both Selenium 1 and 2 can be used to run them.
Yes, TAF can be run on Linux.
Do not mind documentation inconsistences
If tests do not run - re-check your configuration and Selenium installation.
P.S. And sorry for issues - this version is just a working draft. It will be improved, documentation will be proof-read and informative messages will be provided.
Thanks for using TAF, anyway :)

Sybase - Windows 7

Moving from XP to Windows 7 with client side.
Running into a couple issues with Sybase 15.
1) "Interactive SQL" - many widgets in ie options are defective or missing
2) When running simple query get Swing/AVT widget exception error.
Anyone ran into or worked thru any issues moving to 7?
Other versions of the Windows app, but not 7. As you may be aware 7 is only slightly more reliable than Vista.
Those messages are classically due to (a) Sybase Client (SybaseCentral; InteractiveSQL, the GUI utilities) all using the Java VM and (b) that not being successfuly installed.
Get the Sybase Client CD, and install again. Do not Customise, use the Default installation options. Watch the progress for errors. Ensure the JVM installation succeeds. You may have to retrieve any missing files from the Windows 7 CD.
Otherwise open a Support Case.

Differences between IIS 6.0 / Windows 2003 and IIS 7.0 / Windows 2008

I am considering currently to get a VPS for some of my development test. I found some VPS at a cheap price, which suits me as it's only going to be used as a sandbox.
So far I know it is possible to install .Net 3.5 on the windows 2003 without problems, if I am correct it will be also possible to use IIS6 for all my development including asp.net mvc.
I am looking here if there is anything that would prevent me from using IIS6. I looked on google and apparently the main thing about IIS 7 is the modular design for plugins. This shouldn't be too much of a problem as most of my devs will be for personnal use.
(PHP on IIS will run fine with IIS6)
Our devs are doing all their development against Win2k3 / IIS6 servers with .NET 3.5 and have not encountered any issues that would have been fixed with IIS7. Which is probably good since I've yet to stand up a 2k8 server.
For devs, I think the main thing IIS7 adds is the integrated managed pipeline that allows you to write .NET code for IIS instead of an ISAPI filter.
Shared configs, FastCGI, caching improvements, etc. I think of more as admin features. Useful, but won't really affect your dev time.
IIS7 will provide faster services, but IIS6 should be able to do everything you need (unless you need to run PHP or something of the sort on IIS).
