How to do a dojo build using nodejs? - node.js

I'm currently using the dojotoolkit and its build system.
I read the new build tutorial for 1.8 at
In the tutorial it mentions that you can speed up your build by using nodejs.
The build tool itself relies on Java (and, optionally, Node.js for even faster builds), so make sure that have you that installed as well.
But it fails to mention how to do this. Anyone know how this works?

I normally run it like this:
> node dojo/dojo.js load=build --profile myprofile.profile.js --release
This would build a release for the profile contained in myprofile.profile.js. It assumes you are in a directory, which contains both dojo and util as sub-directories. It also assumes that the path to node is set correctly.
If node is not configured in the path variable, you will need to use the full path to node:
> <path to node here> dojo/dojo.js load=build --profile myprofile.profile.js --release
On windows the path is normally C:\Program Files\nodejs\ but you might have to configure it as C:\PROGRA~1\nodejs\ to get it working.
Windows Notes:
The build scripts do not work with Node on Windows (except using Cygwin). If you are using Windows you can get it to work via the following patch:
Windows Patch
Use the attached node-win.patch file to edit the files: util/build/main.js and util/build/transforms/writeOptimized.js. The patch has worked for me 100% of the time and it a simple matter editing a few lines of code.
I've personally found the alternative to Node, using Rhino, useless. It always fails to detect the build paths correctly, no-matter what I set basePath to. I would strongly advise using Node over Rhino as it is more reliable and easier to setup.

The buildscript util/buildscripts/ checks if node is in your path and if so uses it.
This is currently not working under Windows (


NodeJS: gherkin-lint: How to make a binary from this node module?

I am currently working on a set of BDD tests using Gherkin and Python. In order to have standardized feature files I want to include a git hook for the repo.
I found a good linter, gherkin-lint, but it's all Node.js oriented and I don't want to have to install Node to use it. I tried to create a binary package out of it using the Node pkg module, but It is complaining about the bin entry on package.json.
# pkg . -o gherkin-lint
> pkg#5.8.0
> Error! Bin file does not exist (taken from package.json 'bin' property)
I'm not a Node.js developer and don't have much knowledge of it. Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
Also, I found a formatter (reformat-gherkin) that is pre-commit oriented, but it is not a linter. It only formats the feature files indentation and doesn't look for bad-practices in the code, like duplicated tags, so it doesn't fit for what I'm trying to achieve.

How to make a Nodejs distributable command line application

I'm making a command line application with commander, inquirer and nightwatch as top dependencies. The main purpose of the app is for automation and testing.. Is there any way i can make this distributable instead of publishing it as npm package. I want the same functionality as those cli made with python, where it can be setup, and run on a target machine. is this possible? Thank you
Here are two open source projects (PKG and Nexe) that enable you to package your Node.js project into an executable:
You can use either one to make an executable of your project.

Different node version for different projects, is there a way of telling node which version to use?

I have a pretty common (i guess) problem. Many of my projects utilize nodejs, some for business logic, others only for some building task.
I need to have different runtimes in different projects, one of my electron apps requires node 7.10.0, a typical build suite requires node 8.x.
Now i know - i can use sudo n 7.10.0 or sudo n latest to switch the runtime globally on my computer (For those, who dont know this - have a look at "n")
Anyway, IMO this is not so convenient (some times, i need to rebuild all the modules after switching versions, often i forget to switch and so on). Is there a way of telling node which interpreter to use? Can i use a .npmrc file in a project directory to force a specific nodejs version within that subdirectory?
I searched exactly for this (npmrc node version) but was not lucky enough to find something.
Okay, i found a similar quesion:
Automatically switch to correct version of Node based on project
it seems you can install "avn" and use a .node-version file to do exactly that.
sudo npm install -g avn avn-n
avn setup
then you can create a .node-version file in your project and enter the desired version
echo 7.10.0 > .node-version
Then avn will detect that and activate the correct version
Unfortunately i get an additional permissions error. So to make this work, you need to install/configure "n" to work without sudo/root.
If you're fine with using another tool you could use nvshim.
pip install nvshim # this is all you need to do
It does not slow your shell startup or switching directories, instead moving the lookup of which node version to when you call node, npm or npx by shimming those binaries. More details in the docs.
Source, I wrote the tool.
NVM (Node Version Manager) allow us to use different versions of node quite easily on a single machine. You can have a look at here how to configure and use it.
Volta can used to manage multiple nodejs, npm or yarn versions on different projects on same machine. It's cross-platform.
For example you can run volta pin node#14 in project directory and this will set node to v14 if it exists otherwise it will download and then set it.
More information here

Compiled node.js module not getting correct library path when copied to different machines

My problem is a little complicated but I'll try:
I have a node.js application that needs to be completely prebuilt and bundled alongside standalone node.js (specifically 4.4.5 LTS), zipped and deployed to offline CentOS 6/7 machines, meaning I cannot do npm install, and no gcc/g++/python so I cannot do things like node-gyp rebuild.
Everything is working correctly except this module: ibm_db.
It's compiled with node-gyp after downloading the db2 cli drivers, but basically it's supposed to work like the regular DB2 client except all its dynamic libraries, binaries etc. are inside the module path itself (node_modules/ibm_db/installer/clidriver).
If I deploy the bundle (which includes all node modules in the tarball, including ibm_db) to another machine, it's probably going to sit on a different path from the machine on which I built the bundle. When I try to run the app like this: ./node app.js (here node is a symlink to the standalone node binary inside the unpacked bundle) i get this error:
Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Now, I can clearly see that is inside node_modules/ibm_db/installer/clidriver/lib but the paths in bindings.gyp all use the original paths on the build machine which don't match, so I assume this is where the problem lies.
I can easily just add that path with ldconfig and it would work, however the user profile installing the app will not have superuser access so it's not a real option.
I tried setting the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH but node.js deletes this entry from process.env on startup, and even if I programmatically set it like process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH='...'; it doesn't seem to do anything.
Is there any way to modify the library path for a compiled module without recompiling/rebuilding it? If it's possible I would assume that would be the easiest solution, but I couldn't find a way to do it.

Distribution of node js module

I used the steps explained in this page: and successfully created a addon.node file using the node-gyp tool. it works fine and it's a wrapper of a c++ static library.
Now I want to distribute this, I created the package.json file using:
npm init
and test it using "npm install . -g" but it tries to recompile the module which will be difficult to achieve because it will require the libraries that I'm embedding into the .node file, is it possible to distribute the .node file that I already compiled in my system?
How can I include the compiled .node file into the npm package and upload it to the npm registry. I'm sure I'm just one step to made it, but I dont know where to start.
I read about the dependencies, but seems that it's suited when your module depends on other modules, and not with your own .node file.
Thanks for your help.
ok, I finally did what I wanted to achieve, here're the options in case someone else needs this:
To avoid the compilation you could create a new folder and copy the package.json in there, along with the .node file, I didn't find this, just tried and it worked.
Provide the required libraries to allow the user his own compilation.
Although the first one worked well, I will need to create a package for windows, linux, mac, etc. Which looks very odd to say: "if you are in linux use: npm install xxx-linux", so I decided to adjust my library to allow the user the module compilation.
To do this I created a "client-dev" installer that has the required libraries precompiled, as long as the include headers required, then created the node module to be compiled using the preinstalled libraries and headers. I will need to add a help in my website to explain that, in order to install the module, the user will need to install the dependencies first using apt-get, windows installer, or mac pkg.
Although this works for me, I don't know if that will be maintainable in the long run, but I didn't find a better way to do this. (the only link that finally enlightened my goal was one saying: "if you're going to use node modules with precompiled libraries you will have nightmares", anyway... I prefer that instead of doing a full implementation in node js from scratch and maintain version for java, c#, nodejs, php, etc.
