Testing private SaaS on EC2? [closed] - iis

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to start doing some testing of our SaaS application on our EC2 instance and had some questions on how to test this outside of our local dev environment.
What are some of my options on making this private within EC2 to fully test the wildcard subdomains without making the site live?
Does this make sense?

You can use VPN to make EC2 subnet as part of your private network,Refer amazon document. Then a local DNS maybe needed to map wildcard subdomains or simple edit your host file.
Another suggestion is to only open service to your office's ip , redirect request from other IP to 404 etc.


Adding instances to Azure websites [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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From our Azure environment we are calling an external webservice which does IP filtering. We are currently running on two instances of our website and the outgoing IP addresses for those sites have been added to the FW on the external webservice.
If we need to scale out, by adding say 2 more instances, will/is there a risk the new instances get a new outgoing IP?
The website in itself has a fixed public IP (to allow for DNS), but we see that one of the instances gives a different IP, so if we setup autoscaling will we loose complete control (not that we have any) of that?
Please refer to http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/fd53afb7-14b8-41ca-bfcb-305bdeea413e/maintenance-notice-upcoming-changes-to-increase-capacity-for-outbound-network-calls?forum=windowsazurewebsitespreview for the list of IP addresses that can be used for outgoing connections from Azure websites.

Do i need to add host name to DNS server [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am hosting and application in IIS. the application is a INTRANET APPLICATION.
Already the server has 2 application hosted in it with host names
site1.k.com and site2.k.com
k.com is my domain name.
I have give host name for my site as
Do i have to make DNS entry for this.
If you have a wildcard dns entry such that <anything>.k.com goes to your server, then you don't need a specific DNS entry for site3.k.com, but it might make things easier down the road if you have it.
Of course, if you don't have the wildcard set up, and you need to have the url for site3.k.com work, then yeah, it'd be required.
Now, you mention that this is intranet ... if you have a windows server configured to broadcast that it's name is site3 via WINS service, then you might get away with not having the DNS entry, but this behavior is not reliable, because WINS may or may not route to remote sites, depending on WAN and/or VPN configurations, and will generally be a pain in the ass for support.

How to point two different domain names to a single website? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have on website but this site has no meaning full domain name but have good ranking on internet. I want to make this like this website will be pointed by two different domain names.
please suggest me that how can i do this. please give me easy steps for doing this.
Under each of your domains you should have DNS settings so go there and put the same DNS for each domain or you can set DNS for the first on and redirection for the second one.
You can just setup DNS records for both domains to point to the IP of your server.
If you have virtual hosts configured on your server, you may need to create an entry for both domain names.

How to host haskell app on amazon web services? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How can I host, say a Snap webapp, on amazon?
In other words, what are the first steps I need to take - as I am completely clueless.
Any tips appreciated!
First you need to have an amazon aws account. Then depends on your requirements you can select the instances and host it. You can set up the instance using the AWS Management Console.
have a look on this. http://aws.amazon.com/console/
this will also help to you Need a step by step guide to host a website on AWS

How to find DNS servers for each PPP session in linux? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How to get the DNS server address which are specific to each ppp session. For example, I have to ppp sessions each one connected different service provider, how do I find out the DNS server IP address which are assigned by each service provider? In general, the /etc/ppp/resolv.conf file will be overwritten with the new DNS IP address whenever a new ppp session is established. Is there any way how we can maintain separate files for DNS servers for each service provider?
ppp comes with scripts to update resolv.conf for you. Look at /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up. The last one has the rules for updating the resolv.conf file. ($DNS1 and $DNS2 variables).
You can add an ip-up.d script if you want.
