Pagination with SoundCloud API Search - search

Accoding to the API document Search and Pagination section on
I build my query URL like:
It did only return 10 results.
Even I add limit and offset parameters to make results with Pagination, like "&limit=20&offset=20", it is still only 10 results returning.
Does it mean we can not use pagination with soundcloud search API?

This was a bug in the SoundCloud API and should be resolved now. Please comment if you are still experiencing the problem.


does filetype equals pdf in google cse list work in python

I am using google custom search through the api google_api_client python. I want to retrieve the pdf documents for a particular query. Below is the function that does it.
def query_results(service,q=None,startIndex=1,siteSearch=None,fileType=None):
return service.cse().list(
When i call the above method passing q="alienware", filetype="pdf" and siteSearch="", I get hardly one result. But then when I type the same query filetype:pdf alienware in google search through browser, I got plenty of results. Did I do any wrong ? or Is there an issue with the api itself ?.
When i say I got plenty of results, I mean the below image
Below is the configuration of custom search
Specifying siteSearch="" means you will only search pages on It is equivalent to searching for on Google. Remove the siteSearch and you should get the expected results.

Instagram - Obtaining data in realtime

I am trying to get the recent post from a particular location. using this url.
So when I use this URL for the first time, I get 20 results. I obtain the max ID from the list of 20 results and modify my url .
But when I use the modified URL, I obtain the same result as the first one.
How do I go about solving this?
Contrary to what I thought, the media search endpoint doesn't return a pagination object. Sorry. It also doesn't support the min_id/max_id parameters, which is why you are having problems..
If you want to get different data you are going to have to use the time based request parameter MIN_TIMESTAMP. However it looks like that parameter doesn't work for that endpoint either (though the documentation says it is supported). Indeed, a quick search on the internet reveals it might be a long standing bug with the api.

Cloudant skip parameter not working

I'm trying to do paging of results from a Cloudant database.
I've tried using bookmark, but the fact that the final page of results still has a bookmark is a problem for me, since it means that apps using the database can't tell if there's a 'next page' or not without requesting it.
Instead, I've tried using skip with a URL like this:
However, this isn't working: I always get the first page of results.
Am I doing something wrong, or should this work?
Skipping results isn't supported in search. See the search documentation for the full list of supported options.

youtube api v3 search returns different results from youtube site

I'm trying to do a search on the v3 api using this url:,snippet&channelId=UCtVd0c0tGXuTSbU5d8cSBUg&maxResults=10&order=date&q=game&key=[API_KEY]
but this returns me only one playlist.
When I do this search on youtube site directly it returns more results to me:
Why this happens, is there something wrong that I'm doing?
We ran into a similar issue when we tried to search for large amounts of content. This is especially evident if you set the time range you're looking for using publishedAfter and publishedBefore to a very small range (say for example 1 hour). Even when we get to very small result sets (you can only paginate around 20 times on the API using pageToken back when we tried it, so it was when our totalResults were less than 1,000), we were finding actually only as little as 540 items.
We reached out to YouTube and our contacts there confirmed that the totalResults are just an estimate, and are not actually accurate. You may get up to the amount of items specified, but there is no guarantee that you will get exactly that. Your best bet is to capture as much as you can, and scan for data using a different time range.
Source: Reddit
In the first one you are using search->list method. Which is searching for channels?
In the second one you are doing a playlist search inside the channel.
You can do the same on API via playlists->list.
(Or if you want the videos inside the channel straight, use videos->list)
Might be a bug. If so and not yet filed, you can file it here:
The problem seems to be caused by the parameter order=date.
Adding order to the "YouTube query" (using channel): ,is not different. However omitting order from the "api request" gives the same result (6 items):,snippet&channelId=UCtVd0c0tGXuTSbU5d8cSBUg&maxResults=10&q=game&key=YOUR-API-KEY-HERE
Note, that with using order=date in the api request only 1 item is shown, while the same response shows totalResults": 6 (which seems to be right). I did not try all, but using order=relevance does not give this problem.

Getting xml for a playlist - custom spotify playlist

I am looking to create a custom spotify playlist rather than use the generator via the website. I need a way of grabbing this xml, rather like the lookup and search facilities that the webAPI provide. I have tried to use a playlist spotifyURI with the lookup functionality but it doesnt seem to work.
However, using this just gives me the following error :
"You hit the rate limit, wait 10 seconds and try again"
I don't think I have really hit the hitrate, I only tried it a few times.
If this isnt the way to go, what other options are there ? libSpotify ? This seems like rather a bigger solution for just getting some xml for a playlist.
Any help appreciated.
The web API doesn't support playlist lookup at all. If you want to find playlist data, you'd have to use libspotify.
