Telerik for MVC kendoui grid - telerik-grid

Does anybody know how I can present a "mail:to" option for an email link in a Telerik grid?
I cannot find anything on the web that redirects to a "mailto" link.
I tried this, but it doesn't work:
columns.Bound(o => o.Website).Width(300).Filterable(false).Sortable(false).ClientTemplate("<ahref='#=Website#'>#=Website#</a>");

I think you're just missing a space if I understand your problem correctly.
...ClientTemplate("<a href=''>Mail me</a>");
If you need to dynamically create the target, this article has more details:
How do I use action links?


POST request in controller for custom contact form via AJAX

I've build a custom form which action redirects to a confirm page. In the controller of this page I get the POST values via $request->request->get('fieldName');
To enhance the user experience I'd like to stay on the same page as the form and add a success message to the page. I guess this can be done via AJAX? I tried to follow this guide since it kind of seems to describe what I'm trying to achieve, but I struggle to understand the custom component part. It seems this is only for the backend?
Any help would be appreciated.
The guide you shared is about the administration, if you want to add your functionality to the storefront instead you should be able to follow this guide.
For an overview of how the administration and storefront differs, you can read up the concepts behind those two areas here.

With Liferay7, Can I change existed portal filter behavior, like AutoLoginFilter

After I opened Auto Login function for my portal, it worked very well. That I visited any page will cause an autologin trigger.
But I hope "Auto Login" will be triggered only when I visited specified url. When I visited other urls, I will still login with a normal login page.
Is it possible to change url pattern of Auto Login filter?
I have done this kind of thing in liferay 6.2 by update servlet-filter definition in hook xml file. But liferay 7 seems not suggest to use this way to define filter and update exited filter. Please give me some advice.
should give you the info about registering your autologins as a DS component
the filter hook is described in here
remember everything is now hidden in #component Annotations
is it that what your searching for ?

Does Application Insights track referrer url?

I think I looked and searched everywhere but I could not find any charts or report with referrer traffic data. I am using the newest version that stores data in the preview Azure portal. In the old Application insights (that was in VS Online) had this data.
Does anyone know if and where it can be found in the new portal?
Thanks in advance!
We don't have a native support for url referrer yet. As a workaround you could add a custom property to each JS SDK api call you need (like trackPageView). You'll have to set the property value yourself. I checked that this works:
appInsights.trackPageView(null, null, {urlReferrer: document.referrer});
First two nulls make us to set page name and url automatically. 3rd parameter is a custom properties object.
Then you'll be able to group by "urlReferrer" in the portal.
There is a property called "Page view referral url base" that you should be able to segment the chart or grid of page views.
In the Metric Explorer, Add a chart => Select Page View Metric => Turn Grouping On => select Page view referral URL base.

Orchard CMS - How to use html.action on views of admin pages? Common view for more admin pages

I need to use one common view(custom extends form needed for administration all my widgets) for more admin pages(EditorTemplates/Parts) of Orchard CMS.
So I tried #Html.Action with err:
The controller for path '/Alanis.Orchard/Admin/Widgets/EditWidget/5' was not found or does not implement IController.
Than tried prepare some helper to App_Code, but not found problem.
What is the best practicies to use one view for common code in more admin pages?
Thanks for any help.
You probably forgot to specify the area. Add an area parameter, with the name of the module as the area name.

Add application to page

I have a problem when I am trying to add my application to one of my pages. Earlier there has been an option in the left sidebar which simply says view profile application and then you could choose "Add to my page". Now that option is gone and instead there is just an option that says "view application timeline" or something like that. I cannot find how to add my applications to my different pages.
Anyone who have any idea how to solve this problem?
(I'm from Sweden, which explains my bad english)
Thank you!
The short version:
Enter this URL into your browser. Remember to replace YOUR_APP_ID first. There's currently no way to add an application just by clicking a link like before... :/
Please see
This explains the recent changes to how Apps are associated with Pages and shows both how to create a community page and link it to an app, and how to use the new 'add to page' dialog
You can also add apps to a page via the API, see
try my "fix" #
here is part of the source and actually all you need:
"" +
document.getElementById("appid").value +
"&next=" +
+document.getElementById("appid") is the id of your app
+document.getElementById("appurl") is the canvas or tab URL of your app
