What's a good node.js / mongoose form builder? - node.js

From using other frameworks I've gotten used to not building out and mapping forms to db objects manually. Since using node.js and mongoose. I'm looking for a form builder that allows the following:
automatically maps mongoose objects to form fields
handles both 'new' and 'update' use cases
allows class injection around form fields for styling
includes validation
allows one to add custom fields
Does anyone know of any such form builders for node.js, express, mongoose?

I haven't used it, or looked at it in depth, but https://github.com/oJshua/mongoose-forms looks like it may be of interest.

I know this is kind of old discussion but I just wanted to recommend checking out Formage (npm: formage)
Setup is easy and straightforward. You can check it out in matter of minutes and hopefully this can help you.


How to create custom abstract objects with attributes in Typo3?

I am now familiar with "basic" Typo3 - Usage and templating. Right now, I am stuck though, because I am not familiar with custom extensions etc.
I am looking for a way to represent Objects, that I get via methods of my own php-class from an XML-DB-Interface, in Typo3.
To be more precise :
I have a really complex XML-Interface and a php-class which is complete already, to interact with that interface, making methods available, that are meant to interact with different object-types in the underlying DB.
I now want to create abstract objects with the corresponding attributes in Typo3 to be able to work with them in typo3 (display/create/modify).
Furthermore, it would be helpful to find a way to "link" the functions of my php class to typo3-functions, so I can (perhaps?!) build up some kind of simple report-generator that generates conditional reports of those objects.
Could anybody lead me into the right direction and link (a) HowTo(s) or perhaps even examples that I could modify?
Thanks in advance, Oliver
Check how DBAL extension is coded.
You might want to implement this XML system as your own abstraction system to store your objects and use TYPO3 backend forms to manipulate those.

Liferay Structure Predefined Value

Which table in Liferay stores the predefined values given for a structure.
Also is there a facility in Liferay to populate these values dynamically using webservices?
The API used to be JournalStructureService, however, as the documentation states, this has been replaced with the Dynamic Data Display API, which, for example, you can find under DDMStructureService in version 6.2.
This gives you a hint where to find the underlying data, however, you don't want to manually write to the database. You do want to use the API to change values. Trust me. Consider the database to be an implementation detail and leave it alone - if nothing else to make your next upgrade experience easier. You should never change any values in the database manually without knowing exactly what you're doing. And, trust me, the keyword here is "exactly", and you'll fail to know all the possible side effects. Don't touch it.
As said #Olaf, depends on Liferay version you will need to use the JournalStructureService or the DDMStructureService. So, if you want to use the Liferay Service by web api you have two options the Axis api where you can obtain WSDL (domain:port/api/axis) or you can use the Json api (domain:port/api/axis). In many cases you are going to need a token to use this services.

Sails.js - Get async data from an EJS file

Are there a good way to get async data from an EJS file?
Sails.js only have async methods to get data from a database.
I have a collection of Pages with their associated content Values. In some cases I want to get a specific Value from another Page (e.g.: in a related page module, a navigation module...). And I need to do that server side, to keep the front-end part SEO friendly.
The easier way should be to retrieve all the Pages and Values inside the controller, and then expose a function to my EJS to get the specific data I need. But I really don't want to retrieve each time all the data from a collection.
I'm working on a CMS so I would avoid creating a new controller/view for each specific cases that I will have.
It seems there is no good way to do that, so I reworked my controller to make it a bit more intelligent. It solve my problem for now.
Assuming I understand you correctly....
data is sent to the view by passing an object into the view funciton
return res.view({data: "important data"});
I'm guessing that you want to call a method for some specific data mid-render. Because having all the data ready on the res.view() call is too slow. As far as I know this is not possible. That would almost certainly be "blocking" code.
Best option I could recommend is to grab specific data using ajax on the client after page load. One of the best features of using sails :)

How can I link two content types in Orchard CMS in a many-to-many relationship?

I'm working on an Orchard site where I want to document some code - a series of plugins and a set of commands that each plugin can handle.
So I'd like to have a page for each plugin, and a page for each available command, then somehow link the plugins with their supported commands.
On the plugin page, I'd like to have a list of all the commands supported by that plugin.
Conversely, on the page where each command is documented, I'd like to list all the plugins that support it. This seems to be a many-to-many relationship.
I'm happy with creating content types and I guess I'll create a 'Plugin' content type and a 'Command' content type. I expect the solution will somehow involve the use of queries. I'm not really sure how to tie it all together though.
I'm not really sure how to approach this. Has anyone got any suggestions for how to achieve this? Is there a way to do this just by configuration and defining new content types, or do you think I'll need to write code?
You can either use a content picker field configured for multiple items, or you can implement it following this doc topic: http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Creating-1-n-and-n-n-relations
One option is to us the Mechanics Module, which gives you a way to create relationships between parts either in your data migration or using the admin UI. See the Mechanics Documentation to find out more.

Can I associate custom metadata with an ALAsset?

I'm building an iPhone app that, among other things, allows the user to take and store photographs associated with locations. I am currently using the ALAssetLibrary to allow the photographs to be stored in Photos and be accessible outside the app (on a computer for instance via the built-in mechanisms). There is not a lot of technical content out there for working with the ALAssetLibrary but from what there is I have managed to cobble together a working version of this. I have had to resort to storing a dictionary of photo URLS in my app and manually detecting if the photo still exists when displaying lists of them because there does not seem to be a way to add custom metadata to an ALAsset.
What I would really like to do is add two custom metadata fields to each asset to provide it with a title and a custom id value that I can use to filter on when enumerating the asset library.
As a secondary task, I'd like the user to be able to update the title metadata.
Can it be done? At this point, I really don't think it can because the API really doesn't seem to provide the necessary methods to get/set custom metadata. I'm hoping against all odds that there is some other aspect to the AssetLibrary framework that I have not yet discovered.
At a minimum, if someone can authoritatively say "NO" then at least others might find this breadcrumb on their own trail of hope and change tack more quickly!
And, having 0 reputation I can't tag it with AssetLibrary :( wow, this day is just going downhill. FML
I've been looking over the documentation and I dont think it is possible to tack on additional fields to the ALAsset object, well you can create your own object or extend theirs but that wont help you when your pulling back assets because you'll need to init yours and populate it then.
Look I know this falls short of a really good answer but I had to try.
The ALAsset class documentation describes a property - customMetadata. This is documented to be an NSDictionary of whatever custom tags you want. Currently, however, it is not implemented in the class (I've raised a bug on Apple's developer site to bring the issue up).
