Causal Sentences Extraction Using NLTK python - nlp

I am extracting causal sentences from the accident reports on water. I am using NLTK as a tool here. I manually created my regExp grammar by taking 20 causal sentence structures [see examples below]. The constructed grammar is of the type
grammar = r'''Cause: {<DT|IN|JJ>?<NN.*|PRP|EX><VBD><NN.*|PRP|VBD>?<.*>+<VBD|VBN>?<.*>+}'''
Now the grammar has 100% recall on the test set ( I built my own toy dataset with 50 causal and 50 non causal sentences) but a low precision. I would like to ask about:
How to train NLTK to build the regexp grammar automatically for
extracting particular type of sentences.
Has any one ever tried to extract causal sentences. Example
causal sentences are:
There was poor sanitation in the village, as a consequence, she had
health problems.
The water was impure in her village, For this reason, she suffered
from parasites.
She had health problems because of poor sanitation in the village.
I would want to extract only the above type of sentences from a
large text.

Had a brief discussion with the author of the book: "Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook", Mr.Jacob Perkins. He said, "a generalized grammar for sentences is pretty hard. I would instead see if you can find common tag patterns, and use those. But then you're essentially do classification by regexp matching. Parsing is usually used to extract phrases within a sentence, or to produce deep parse trees of a sentence, but you're just trying to identify/extract sentences, which is why I think classification is a much better approach. Consider including tagged words as features when you try this, since the grammar could be significant." taking his suggestions I looked at the causal sentences I had and I found out that these sentences have words like
as a result
as a consequence
For this reason
For all these reasons
because of
on account of
due to
for the reason
so, that
These words are indeed connecting cause and effect in a sentence. Using these connectors it is now easy to extract causal sentences. A detailed report can be found on arxiv:


How does TreeTagger get the lemma of a word?

I am using TreeTagger to get the lemmas of words in Spanish, but I have observed there are too much words which are not transformed as should be. I would like to know how this operations works, if it is done with techniques such as decision trees or machine learning algorithms or it simply contains a list of words with its corresponding lemma. Does someone know it?
On basis of personal communication via email with H. Schmid, the author of TreeTagger, the answer to your question is:
The lemmatization function is based on the XTAG Project, which includes a morphological analyzer. Within the XTAG project several corpora have been analyzed. Considerung TreeTagger, especially the analysis of the Penn Treebank Corpus seems relevant, since this corpus is the training corpus for the English parameter file of TreeTagger. Considering lemmatization, the lemmata have simply been stored in a lexicon. TreeTagger finally uses this lexicon as a lookup table.
Hence, with TreeTagger you may only retreive the lemmata that are available in the lexicon.
In case you need additional funtionality regarding lemmatization beyond the options in TreeeTagger, you will need a morphological analyzer and, depending on your approach, a suitable training corpus, although this does not seem mandatoriy, since several analyzers perform quite well even when directly applied on the corpus of interest to be analyzed.

NLP: Pre-processing in doc2vec / word2vec

A few papers on the topics of word and document embeddings (word2vec, doc2vec) mention that they used the Stanford CoreNLP framework to tokenize/lemmatize/POS-tag the input words/sentences:
The corpora were lemmatized and POS-tagged with the Stanford CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014) and each token was replaced with its lemma and POS tag
For pre-processing, we tokenise and lowercase the words using Stanford CoreNLP
So my questions are:
Why does the first paper apply POS-tagging? Would each token then be replaced with something like {lemma}_{POS} and the whole thing used to train the model? Or are the tags used to filter tokens?
For example, gensims WikiCorpus applies lemmatization per default and then only keeps a few types of part of speech (verbs, nouns, etc.) and gets rid of the rest. So what is the recommended way?
The quote from the second paper seems to me like they only split up words and then lowercase them. This is also what I first tried before I used WikiCorpus. In my opinion, this should give better results for document embeddings as most of POS types contribute to the meaning of a sentence. Am I right?
In the original doc2vec paper I did not find details about their pre-processing.
For your first question, the answer is "it depends on what you are trying to accomplish!"
There isn't a recommended way per say, to pre-process text. To clean a text corpus, usually the first steps are tokenization and lemmatization. Next, to remove not important terms/tokens, you can remove stop-words or even apply POS tags, to be able to remove tokens based on their grammatical category, based on the assumption that some grammatical categories (such as adjectives), do not contain valuable information for modelling a topic for example. But this purely depends on the type of analysis you are going to follow after the pre-processing step.
For you second part of the question, as explained above, tokenisation and lower case tokens, are standard parts of the pre-processing routine. So I also suspect, that regardless of the ML algorithm used later on, your results will be better if you carefully pre-process your data. I am not sure whether POS tags contribute to the meaning of a sentence though.
Hope I provided some valuable feedback to your research. If not you could provide a code sample to further discuss this issue.

Calculating grammar similarity between two sentences

I'm making a program which provides some english sentences which user has to learn more.
For example:
First, I provide a sentence "I have to go school today" to user.
Then if the user wants to learn more sentences like that, I find some sentences which have high grammar similarity with that sentence.
I think the only way for providing sentences is to calculate similarity.
Is there a way to calculate grammar similarity between two sentences?
or is there a better way to make that algorithm?
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
My approach for solving this problem would be to do a Part Of Speech Tagging of using a tool like NLTK and compare the trees structure of your phrase with your database.
Other way, if you already have a training dataset, use the WEKA to use a machine learn approach to connect the phrases.
You can parse your sentence as either a constituent or dependency tree and use these representations to formulate some form of query that you can use to find candidate sentences with similar structures.
You can check this available tool from Stanford NLP:
Tregex is a utility for matching patterns in trees, based on tree relationships and regular expression matches on nodes (the name is short for "tree regular expressions"). Tregex comes with Tsurgeon, a tree transformation language. Also included from version 2.0 on is a similar package which operates on dependency graphs (class SemanticGraph, called semgrex.

word2vec lemmatization of corpus before training

Word2vec seems to be mostly trained on raw corpus data. However, lemmatization is a standard preprocessing for many semantic similarity tasks. I was wondering if anybody had experience in lemmatizing the corpus before training word2vec and if this is a useful preprocessing step to do.
I think it really matters about what you want to solve with this. It depends on the task.
Essentially by lemmatization, you make the input space sparser, which can help if you don't have enough training data.
But since Word2Vec is fairly big, if you have big enough training data, lemmatization shouldn't gain you much.
Something more interesting is, how to do tokenization with respect to the existing diction of words-vectors inside the W2V (or anything else). Like "Good muffins cost $3.88\nin New York." needs to be tokenized to ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New York.'] Then you can replace it with its vectors from W2V. The challenge is that some tokenizers my tokenize "New York" as ['New' 'York'], which doesn't make much sense. (For example, NLTK is making this mistake This is a problem when you have many multi-word phrases.
The current project I am working on involves identifying gene names within Biology papers abstracts using the vector space created by Word2Vec. When we run the algorithm without lemmatizing the Corpus mainly 2 problems arise:
The vocabulary gets way too big, since you have words in different forms which in the end have the same meaning.
As noted above, your space get less sparse, since you get more representatives of a certain "meaning", but at the same time, some of these meanings might get split among its representatives, let me clarify with an example
We are currently interest in a gene recognized by the acronym BAD. At the same time, "bad" is a english word which has different forms (badly, worst, ...). Since Word2vec build its vectors based on the context (its surrounding words) probability, when you don't lemmatize some of these forms, you might end up losing the relationship between some of these words. This way, in the BAD case, you might end up with a word closer to gene names instead of adjectives in the vector space.

Unsupervised HMM training in NLTK

I am just trying to do very simple unsupervised HMM training in nltk.
import nltk
trainer = nltk.tag.hmm.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer()
from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
emma = gutenberg.words('austen-emma.txt')
m = trainer.train_unsupervised(emma)
ValueError: A Uniform probability distribution must have at least one sample.
Can I find an example of using nltk.tag.hmm.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer.train_unsupervised?
Apparently, nltk requires us to manually specify the set of observed symbols and states, and also requires the unlabeled sequences to be in the form of [ [(symb,tag),(symb,tag),...], [(symb,tag),(symb,tag),...], ...].
So we have
s = """"Your humble writer knows a little bit about a lot of things, but despite writing a fair amount about text processing (a book, for example), linguistic processing is a relatively novel area for me. Forgive me if I stumble through my explanations of the quite remarkable Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in, computational linguistics using Python. Computational linguistics, moreover, is closely related to the fields of artificial intelligence, language/speech recognition, translation, and grammar checking.\nWhat NLTK includes\nIt is natural to think of NLTK as a stacked series of layers that build on each other. Readers familiar with lexing and parsing of artificial languages (like, say, Python) will not have too much of a leap to understand the similar -- but deeper -- layers involved in natural language modeling.\nGlossary of terms\nCorpora: Collections of related texts. For example, the works of Shakespeare might, collectively, by called a corpus; the works of several authors, corpora.\nHistogram: The statistic distribution of the frequency of different words, letters, or other items within a data set.\nSyntagmatic: The study of syntagma; namely, the statistical relations in the contiguous occurrence of letters, words, or phrases in corpora.\nContext-free grammar: Type-2 in Noam Chomsky's hierarchy of the four types of formal grammars. See Resources for a thorough description.\nWhile NLTK comes with a number of corpora that have been pre-processed (often manually) to various degrees, conceptually each layer relies on the processing in the adjacent lower layer. Tokenization comes first; then words are tagged; then groups of words are parsed into grammatical elements, like noun phrases or sentences (according to one of several techniques, each with advantages and drawbacks); and finally sentences or other grammatical units can be classified. Along the way, NLTK gives you the ability to generate statistics about occurrences of various elements, and draw graphs that represent either the processing itself, or statistical aggregates in results.\nIn this article, you'll see some relatively fleshed-out examples from the lower-level capabilities, but most of the higher-level capabilities will be simply described abstractly. Let's now take the first steps past text processing, narrowly construed. """
sentences = s.split('.')[:-1]
seq = [map(lambda x:(x,''), ss.split(' ')) for ss in sentences]
symbols = list(set([ss[0] for sss in seq for ss in sss]))
states = range(5)
trainer = nltk.tag.hmm.HiddenMarkovModelTrainer(states=states,symbols=symbols)
m = trainer.train_unsupervised(seq)
I thought that this was this bug in NLTK:
However the error message "A Uniform probability distribution must have at least one sample." is different from the one you get from the bug.
