Calculating grammar similarity between two sentences - nlp

I'm making a program which provides some english sentences which user has to learn more.
For example:
First, I provide a sentence "I have to go school today" to user.
Then if the user wants to learn more sentences like that, I find some sentences which have high grammar similarity with that sentence.
I think the only way for providing sentences is to calculate similarity.
Is there a way to calculate grammar similarity between two sentences?
or is there a better way to make that algorithm?
Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

My approach for solving this problem would be to do a Part Of Speech Tagging of using a tool like NLTK and compare the trees structure of your phrase with your database.
Other way, if you already have a training dataset, use the WEKA to use a machine learn approach to connect the phrases.

You can parse your sentence as either a constituent or dependency tree and use these representations to formulate some form of query that you can use to find candidate sentences with similar structures.
You can check this available tool from Stanford NLP:
Tregex is a utility for matching patterns in trees, based on tree relationships and regular expression matches on nodes (the name is short for "tree regular expressions"). Tregex comes with Tsurgeon, a tree transformation language. Also included from version 2.0 on is a similar package which operates on dependency graphs (class SemanticGraph, called semgrex.


NLP Structure Question (best way for doing feature extraction)

I am building an NLP pipeline and I am trying to get my head around in regards to the optimal structure. My understanding at the moment is the following:
Step1 - Text Pre-processing [a. Lowercasing, b. Stopwords removal, c. stemming, d. lemmatisation,]
Step 2 - Feature extraction
Step 3 - Classification - using the different types of classifier(linearSvC etc)
From what I read online there are several approaches in regard to feature extraction but there isn't a solid example/answer.
a. Is there a solid strategy for feature extraction ?
I read online that you can do [a. Vectorising usin ScikitLearn b. TF-IDF]
but also I read that you can use Part of Speech or word2Vec or other embedding and Name entity recognition.
b. What is the optimal process/structure of using these?
c. On the text pre-processing I am ding the processing on a text column on a df and the last modified version of it is what I use as an input in my classifier. If you do feature extraction do you do that in the same column or you create a new one and you only send to the classifier the features from that column?
Thanks so much in advance
The preprocessing pipeline depends mainly upon your problem which you are trying to solve. The use of TF-IDF, word embeddings etc. have their own restrictions and advantages.
You need to understand the problem and also the data associated with it. In order to make the best use of the data, we need to implement the proper pipeline.
Specifically for text related problems, you will find word embeddings to be very useful. TF-IDF is useful when the problem needs to be solved emphasising the words with lesser frequency. Word embeddings, on the other hand, convert the text to a N-dimensional vector which may show up similarity with some other vector. This could bring a sense of association in your data and the model can learn the best features possible.
In simple cases, we can use a bag of words representation to tokenize the texts.
So, you need to discover the best approach for your problem. If you are solving a problems which closely resembles the famous NLP problems like IMDB review classification, sentiment analysis on Twitter data, then you can find a number of approaches on the internet.

How does TreeTagger get the lemma of a word?

I am using TreeTagger to get the lemmas of words in Spanish, but I have observed there are too much words which are not transformed as should be. I would like to know how this operations works, if it is done with techniques such as decision trees or machine learning algorithms or it simply contains a list of words with its corresponding lemma. Does someone know it?
On basis of personal communication via email with H. Schmid, the author of TreeTagger, the answer to your question is:
The lemmatization function is based on the XTAG Project, which includes a morphological analyzer. Within the XTAG project several corpora have been analyzed. Considerung TreeTagger, especially the analysis of the Penn Treebank Corpus seems relevant, since this corpus is the training corpus for the English parameter file of TreeTagger. Considering lemmatization, the lemmata have simply been stored in a lexicon. TreeTagger finally uses this lexicon as a lookup table.
Hence, with TreeTagger you may only retreive the lemmata that are available in the lexicon.
In case you need additional funtionality regarding lemmatization beyond the options in TreeeTagger, you will need a morphological analyzer and, depending on your approach, a suitable training corpus, although this does not seem mandatoriy, since several analyzers perform quite well even when directly applied on the corpus of interest to be analyzed.

How to create a simple feature to detect sentiment of a sentence using CRFs?

I want to use CRF for sentence level sentiment classiciation (positive or negative). But, I am lost on how to create a very simple feature to detect this using either CRFsuite or CRF++. Been trying for a few days, can anyone suggest how to design a simple feature which I can use as starting point to understand how to use the tools.
You could start providing gazetteers containing words separated by sentiment (e.g. positive adjectives, negative nouns, etc) and so using CRF to label relevant portions of the sentences. Using gazetteers you can also provide lists of other words which won't be labeled themselves, but could help identifying sentiment terms. You could also use WordNet instead of gazetteers. Your gazetteer features could be binary, i.e. gazetteer matched or not matched. Check out for more examples and references.
I hope this helps!

Causal Sentences Extraction Using NLTK python

I am extracting causal sentences from the accident reports on water. I am using NLTK as a tool here. I manually created my regExp grammar by taking 20 causal sentence structures [see examples below]. The constructed grammar is of the type
grammar = r'''Cause: {<DT|IN|JJ>?<NN.*|PRP|EX><VBD><NN.*|PRP|VBD>?<.*>+<VBD|VBN>?<.*>+}'''
Now the grammar has 100% recall on the test set ( I built my own toy dataset with 50 causal and 50 non causal sentences) but a low precision. I would like to ask about:
How to train NLTK to build the regexp grammar automatically for
extracting particular type of sentences.
Has any one ever tried to extract causal sentences. Example
causal sentences are:
There was poor sanitation in the village, as a consequence, she had
health problems.
The water was impure in her village, For this reason, she suffered
from parasites.
She had health problems because of poor sanitation in the village.
I would want to extract only the above type of sentences from a
large text.
Had a brief discussion with the author of the book: "Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook", Mr.Jacob Perkins. He said, "a generalized grammar for sentences is pretty hard. I would instead see if you can find common tag patterns, and use those. But then you're essentially do classification by regexp matching. Parsing is usually used to extract phrases within a sentence, or to produce deep parse trees of a sentence, but you're just trying to identify/extract sentences, which is why I think classification is a much better approach. Consider including tagged words as features when you try this, since the grammar could be significant." taking his suggestions I looked at the causal sentences I had and I found out that these sentences have words like
as a result
as a consequence
For this reason
For all these reasons
because of
on account of
due to
for the reason
so, that
These words are indeed connecting cause and effect in a sentence. Using these connectors it is now easy to extract causal sentences. A detailed report can be found on arxiv:

Paraphrase recognition using sentence level similarity

I'm a new entrant to NLP (Natural Language Processing). As a start up project, I'm developing a paraphrase recognizer (a system which can recognize two similar sentences). For that recognizer I'm going to apply various measures at three levels, namely: lexical, syntactic and semantic. At the lexical level, there are multiple similarity measures like cosine similarity, matching coefficient, Jaccard coefficient, et cetera. For these measures I'm using the simMetrics package developed by the University of Sheffield which contains a lot of similarity measures. But for the Levenshtein distance and Jaro-Winkler distance measures, the code is only at character level, whereas I require code at the sentence level (i.e. considering a single word as a unit instead of character-wise). Additionally, there is no code for computing the Manhattan distance in SimMetrics. Are there any suggestions for how I could develop the required code (or someone provide me the code) at the sentence level for the above mentioned measures?
Thanks a lot in advance for your time and effort helping me.
I have been working in the area of NLP for a few years now, and I completely agree with those who have provided answers/comments. This really is a hard nut to crack! But, let me still provide a few pointers:
(1) Lexical similarity: Instead of trying to generalize Jaro-Winkler distance to sentence-level, it is probably much more fruitful if you develop a character-level or word-level language model, and compute the log-likelihood. Let me explain further: train your language model based on a corpus. Then take a whole lot of candidate sentences that have been annotated as similar/dissimilar to the sentences in the corpus. Compute the log-likelihood for each of these test sentences, and establish a cut-off value to determine similarity.
(2) Syntactic similarity: So far, only stylometric similarities can manage to capture this. For this, you will need to use PCFG parse trees (or TAG parse trees. TAG = tree adjoining grammar, a generalization of CFGs).
(3) Semantic similarity: off the top of my head, I can only think of using resources such as Wordnet, and identifying the similarity between synsets. But this is not simple either. Your first problem will be to identify which words from the two (or more) sentences are "corresponding words", before you can proceed to check their semantics.
As Chris suggests, this is a non-trivial project for a beginner. I would suggest you start of something simpler (if relatively boring) such as chunking.
Have a look at the docs and books for the Python NLTK library - there are some samples that are close to what you are looking for. For example, containment: is it plausible that one statement contains another. note the 'plausible' there, the state of the art isn't good enough for a simple yes/no or even a probability.
