32bit Build in Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I read in another thread that in order to make exe applications run on a 32bit OS, you need to go into the properties of your program and change Target CPU to x86. I've done this and for some reason, I still get an invalid win32 error when I try running it in Windows XP. I would post a picture but I don't have enough rep, so I hope you get what I'm trying to say!

I had your exact same problem, take a look here How to compile for Win XP with Visual Studio 2012?
Basically, VS 2012 does not support Windows XP, so you need to download & install CTP Update if you want your program to work in that OS.
Once installed, you need to change this option in your project properties:
Hope this helps.


Visual studio - gtkmm-app - MSVCP100D.dll is missing

I cannot execute my gtkmm-app any longer in visual studio 2012. It compiles fine but when executing it crasches. I get the error message that MSVCP100D.dll is missing.
I made this app in visualstudio 2010 last spring. OS was windows XP. No problem whatsoever.
Now I have visualstudio 2012 and windows 8.1 and get this error-message.
I dont know what to do? Is there a way to install MSVCP100.dll in the system-folder or could something be done in VS 2012?
I may underline that I just encountetred this problem when compiling and executing my gtkmm-app for the first time since the platform change and IDE-update. Ordinary console-applications no problems whatsoever.
If you also have time/knowledge - what is the purpose of this dll-file?
You are getting this error probably because you changed your compiler.
What you can do is to either recompile gtkmm with current Visual Studio or download pre-compiled binaries and rebuild your application.
Option 2 is to install Visual Studio 2010 back and forget about Visual Studio 2012.
If you want both latest Visual Studio and gtkmm 3 then...
It's not an easy task, and it's hard to answer your question in detail here, so
Here is an tutorial to let you get started compiling/installing gtkmm 3 in Visual Studio 2013 for Windows 7 and later:

How to Install Visual Studio 2015 in Ubuntu

I have heard about Visual Studio . Net 2015 for Ubuntu
I can't find anything useful online yet
Can you please help me install this version on ubuntu linux?
Thank you...
As far as I know, no Visual Studio can be run in the LINUX or UBUNTU version.It only can run in Windows
You can try Wine, but per the Wine application database, Visual Studio generally works poorly under Wine
use this link
Visual Studio Code isn't an IDE like Visual Studio
Instead, it's a modified version of ATOM which is a text editor. It lacks almost everything from the original Visual Studio. By now, Visual Studio 2015 isn't properly working under WinE. Maybe a test can be done using the ISO instead of the web installer. Make ISO installer work under WinE it's your only option to get Visual Studio under Linux.
You can try wine, but it probably wont work very well.
Visual Studio Code isn't a full IDE and I hate it, but you can try it.
You could use a virtual machine with windows on it, or you could look at other programs that are similar. For example I use pycharm, because I generally work in python.
You can try wine.
Or Visual Studio Code, announced and released (preview) today:
Microsoft have released a cut down version for Linux https://code.visualstudio.com/ its simply called visual studio code! Then you have to install additional components such as ASP.NET version 5 which you can download from the same link. In my own experience I installed all of these and the program worked fine. That is until it was time to reboot my Linux Mint v 17.2 system. I use an encrypted drive and was able to enter my password to unencrypt my drive, but then after entering my userpassword my system crashed and went into a loop which I couldnt get out of. So I had to boot from a USB stick with Mint on it and unencrypt the drive from there to remove Visual Studio Code and its components just to access my system again so beware - there is a major bug here which needs fixing.

Visual Studio 2012 updates

How can I find What Update version I have in Visual Studio 2012? (update 1 or 2 or 3). HOw can I go back to update 1 so that I can build .dll which can be supported in windows XP? I am sorry It's not a programming question but highly appreciated for your answer. I'm stuck!
I have a following Error: Unable to load DLL 'xxx.dll': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)
My Target OS is windows XP: 32 bit .NET 4.0.
Also Same dll works for windows 7 and other so I think there shouldn't be dependency problem.
Help -> About will tell you what update you are running.
As far as I can tell, targeting windows XP is supported from VS 2012 with any update. You just need to make sure the project targets a version of the .NET framework that is supported on Windows XP. (.NET 4 or earlier)
How can I find What Update version I have in Visual Studio 2012?
Open Visual Studio, Click Help, Click About. See Second line.
Mine says "Version 11.0.60315.01 Update 2"
How can I go back to update 1?
(assuming Windows 7)
Control panel > Programs and Features > view installed updates > uninstall the update you want under the Visual Studio 2012 category.
That being said, I have no idea if this solution is actually something you need to do or will fix your problem. It is simply about how to remove the updates. It sounds like you may just need to download the latest .NET framework for XP.

The procedure entry point `GetTickCount64` could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll

I created an MFC app on Windows 8 using Visual Studio 2012 Update 3. It works on Windows 8, but on Windows XP, it shows me the following error:
The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll
I searched for a solution, but it was said that Update 3 has fixed the problem with Windows XP. I downloaded and installed it, but it didn't help.
However, before installing the update, I was having a worse error!
Can anyone solve this problem?
The function does not exist in XP. In the documentation for the function it says "To compile an application that uses this function, define _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0600 or later." (That means Vista and newer.) If you do that the app will not run on XP.
You should download Visual Studio Update 1 or later. Then you can target Windows XP
See here:
How to compile for Win XP with Visual Studio 2012?

Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate compatibilty issues with Windows 8

Whenever I try to run Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on Windows 8 Professional x64 bit I receive the following dialog:
This program has compatibility issues:
Any idea why should there be any compatibility issues for the product which was released for Windows 8?
It is a problem already signaled by other users, seems that installing the Update2/Update3 will resolve the problem.
You could trigger the install of the Update going to the menu Tools, selecting Extensions and Updates and then checking for Updates. Beware, before to start be sure to have plenty of time. It is a long process and is not very fast
