Keep taskbar icon, replace MFC dialog - visual-c++

I have a MFC dialog based application. User can change the language of the dialog, and I made this by closing existing dialog, and opening another with changed language. The problem is that the effect in the taskbar is that one icon is removed, and another identical is created in its place. If my application's icon is not the last icon in the task bar it will be perceived as it was moved to the end of taskbar icon set.
I want to retain icon's position in the taskbar, and rather to prevent icon flicker at all from happening. How do I do that?
The application must support OS'es from Windows XP to Windows 7.
EDIT: alternative question for which I would accept an answer is how to create an invisible window that is nevertheless shown in the taskbar, and how to forward relevant window messages from that window to my main window?

Make the dialog a child of another outer parent window. The parent can be a dialog or any other kind of window; all it will be providing is the title bar. If the user tries to resize it it will have to forward resizing commands to the dialog, but otherwise you shouldn't need to do much in the parent window.

Why not replace the dialog with a CFormView instead? That way there's a frame window that wraps around the dialog (which is embedded in a form view) and it's the frame window that owns the taskbar icon.
Create an SDI application that displays a CFormView. Display the dialog in the default language (or whatever langauge the user previously chose) on initialization. When the user chooses the 'change language' option, simply change the form view that's being displayed with a new one.
Bonus feature: with this design, the framework will take care of things like language-specific accelerators and menus for you with no effort on your part.
For more on how to do this, check out


Xcode 10 - how to pin UI element library window?

I'm laying out UI on a storyboard using the new, controversial library button which has been moved up.
This is driving me crazy - I want to be able to "PIN" this window to a secondary monitor so I can always see available components as opposing to having to click that button every single time I need an element. Currently it disappears, even on secondary monitor once I shift focus to the view controller on screen.
How do I pin the UI Elements library to be able to always see it ?
You can press the option button in keyboard and click in the library window, it's will hold
Picture of library windown

Hide mainform only and keep it in taskbar

I have a main form being the parent of x number of ToolWindows. I would like to hide the main form but keep it in the taskbar.
When I set the main form's Visible = false, it hides and keeps the ToolWindows visible, so far all good. But the icon in the taskbar disappears too.
I want to hide the main form, keep the ToolWindows visible AND keep the Taskbar icon so I can bring the main form back again.
By default, Application.MainFormOnTaskbr is set to true, which means the MainForm owns the Taskbar button. When a window is on the Taskbar, it is not possible to show/hide the window without affecting its Taskbar button accordingly. You have three choices:
Set Application.MainFormOnTaskbar to false, so the Application window owns the Taskbar button instead of the MainForm. Not advisible on Vista+, as ShowMainFormOnTaskbar was introduced to address UI issues in Vista onwards.
Create another window that has its own Taskbar button. You can use a similar technique that TApplication uses for its window.
Don't hide the MainForm, thus its Taskbar button will not hide. Move the MainForm offscreen, or resize it, so the user cannot see it but Windows still can.

Why is Excel / Word 2013 starting invisible?

Our Company recently upgraded to Office 2013 since we want to use SharePoint 2013.
We had several issues with the new Office Version but Microsoft has already solved some of them.
Anyways, one thing sitll grinds my gears:
Excel or Word sometimes starts invisible. It is visible in the Taskbar but the window doesnt pop up. I can click on the Icon in the taskbar but it doesn't change anything. The only way i figured out to show the window, is to use [Windows] + [Arrow Keys].
I can't tell the constellation why this is happening but most of the time it is if there isn't already another instance of the program running.
I don't have Office 2013 at home to reconstruct this but I have seen this on different Computers at our Office.
Now does anybody know about this issue?
What can I do about it?
Is it known to Microsoft?
Any help is appreciated.
I don't think that it's invisible, it's just starting off screen somewhere. Perhaps on a second monitor that is no longer there (or moved virtually to the other side). The [Windows] + [Arrows Keys] just moves the window onscreen where you can see it.
Alternatively, you could hover the mouse over the icon on the task bar, right click on the preview window and then select Move (if Move is grayed out, select restore and repeat). Then, hit any [Arrow Key] (this will attach your mouse to the window caption bar) then move your mouse (without clicking anything) until the window shows up on screen.
By doing this you can figure out what side of the screen the application is opening up (not that knowing helps much). Excel should just show up where ever you had it last, but it will not remember it's location if you snap it to the sides or top of the screen (which is what you were doing); It will only remember the Normal View size and position of the window.
My workaround for this bug is to click the Taskbar icon for the new (invisible) window while it's active, which minimizes the window, then click it again to restore it. Then it becomes visible.
I have the same issue, and it's definitely an invisible window, not off-screen (see workaround below).
It only happens in specific circumstances: when opening a second word doc from a sharepoint/office 365 location, the second doc gets a taskbar icon, but no visible content, so the first doc is still visible (but the second doc is invisibly in front of it).
The workaround is to click the minimise button on the first doc. Nothing will appear to happen because it's the invisible second doc window that receives the click event. Then select the icon on the task bar to make it reappear, properly visible.

How to deactivate window in Qt

I am trying to create a dockable window in Qt (it sits taking 4px width at the edge of the screen, always on top and it slides out when you hover it). I have to use WindowFlag BypassX11WindowManager (in order to hide taskbar hint, disable moving/resizing/etc. from window manager). I use these flags:
When I need my dock to be activated, I use the activateWindow() method. However, I have no idea, how to deactivate it.
Is there a way I can force my window deactivate? Now I can do it only by clicking another window and then return to the one that was active before revealing dock.
You should be able to use ->hide() to simply hide it if you don't want it to appear at certain points.
I assume, by the way, you know there is QDockWidget/ class that may help you as well. It's unclear from the above if you're using it or not.

System wide right click context hook

i am creating English To Gujarati Dictionary WinForm Application.
I need to set a system wide hook to the right click context menu on for text selection.
it means when this application is running,and if user selects word from any program and right click on it gujarati meaning of that word should be displayed as menu item.
How to do this?
or any other options like Registery Programming,shell extentions etc...?
i have to do this,even if you say its not possible.
so please help me.**
Hooking the mouse activity is the easy part. See SetWindowsHookEx, and lots of questions regarding hooking in SO. This way, you can tell when the mouse is right-clicked.
Getting the selected text is the harder part. See WindowFromPoint, for starters. You'd have to recognize the control, and if appropriate get the selected text from it. This will not always be possible using simple Win32 functions, if the control is complex.
Adding the translation to the right-click menu is probably the impossible part. Adding stuff to explorer context menu is not a problem, because explorer provides that possibility. But various applications will have various right-click menus, without a way to extend them. They might not even use Win32 for the menus, for whatever reason. A better option, IMO, would be one of the following:
Forget about changing the right-click menu. Open a window next to the point of selection with whatever content you want, and let the application show its own right-click menu.
If the user right-clicks while, say, pressing shift, show your own right-click menu, and don't pass the message to the application. So the user will see only one menu, which is yours. The user must of course be aware of this combination.
