Sublime Text2 spell check color variation - colors

I'm experiencing that Sublime Text 2 (ST2) changes colors of the words that are marked by the spell checker with a red snakeline underneath them. This behaviour happens as I scroll or type words, and the color switches between pitch black or radioactive green. It doesn't seem to be a pattern in the variations.
Before color behaviour occurs:
The radioactive green color behaviour:
Anyone else experiencing this? It's quite freaking annoying. I'm on a 2012 Macbook pro retina with Mountain Lion, using the Solarized Dark colour scheme for ST2 (I've tried multiple, but same behaviour for all), and would love a fix! I've tried the forum, but nobody has a fix.

There may now be a viable workaround -- a spell check alternative.
The default syntaxes will need to be defined within the user configuration files. It now defaults to Markdown, Text, and Tex.
The built-in spell check of ST2 should be turned off when enabling the CheckBounce package.
The dictionary of words added in Mountain Lion is stored in:


Unicode Font Color in Android TextView?

I am trying to insert Unicode characters into a TextView. In particular, I want to include a check mark and an "X". I found two Unicode characters to do this, namely \u2714 and \u2716. These show up as shown below. These are Ok I guess but I'm not crazy about the colors. Ideally, the check mark would be green and the cross red. Or at least both the same color. TextView.setTextColor doesn't help.
My guess is that these colors are baked into the font (typeface). I guess I could download a boatload of TrueType fonts and try them one-by-one, but that seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
Does anybody know a way to change the colors? (or otherwise do what I want)
I suppose I could re-architect the app to use images but that would entail unacceptably major re-structuring.
Well, no one responded, so I'm posting this answer to capture what I think I learned. From my reading, it appears that color in TrueType fonts is a non-standard, vendor-specific extension to the TrueType specification, which was added to accommodate emoticons. So I guess I'm out of luck. Fortunately, It works fine on my Samsung if I can tolerate the colors.

Which ANSI code should I use to make text muted (dark gray)?

When I use code 1;30m it produces different results:
Xshell 5: gray and bold
PhpStorm terminal: only bold
Windows console: only gray
The goal is to make a part of text to be slightly muted, but if it possible, it should display similarly in most terminal clients.
Anyway I don't understand how "bold" flag can change the foreground color. What am I doing wrong?
ANSI didn't specify that. ANSI listed black, red, etc., and also mentions bold. How a particular terminal displays bold+black is implementation-defined (no standard applies).
"ANSI" refers to x3.64, withdrawn many years ago, replaced by ECMA-48 (aka ISO 6429).
For your amusement:
Control Functions for Coded Character Sets
Aren't bright colors the same as bold? (xterm FAQ)
How do I get color with VT100? (ncurses FAQ)
Confirmed, on xterm that displays a muted gray and on emacs it produces black.
You can try a 256-color code like ^[[38;2;85;85;85m (which may also give inconsistent results for the reasons mentioned in #ThomasDickey's linked articles).

Resharper todo items wrong color

I have Resharper set to show Bug and Not Implemented as red in the todo list, and Todo as blue. Yet for some reason it doesn't seem to want to actually use those colors. Instead of red it uses orange, and instead of blue it uses pink...
Has anyone else ever dealt with this before?
It seems, colors are configured for light color scheme. For dark scheme, like your's, ReSharper tries to adapt colors to be visible in any circumstances...

Why doesn't VIM recognize a color totally available?

This is mystery drives me crazy: I am trying to specify certain colors that are listed inside gVim 7.3 when running this script.
But when put in a .vim syntax file, gVim simply issues an error "Color name not recognized". This happens even with simple colors like orange. Instead, it only recognizes a few colors like red, blue, yellow, darkyellow, darkgreen, black, etc.
Why does this happen and how to workaround this?
Because, as a terminal program vim only supports ANSI colors by default.
I don't know enough about syntax files to fully answer, but these links might be useful
It's possible that only the normal colors are available to syntax files from there you can use a different color scheme to reassign the normal colors.
I ended up solving the problem by hard coding the offending color (orange) in the .vim file:
hi def MyOrange_color ctermfg=202 guifg=#ff5f00

Does anyone know a light Vim scheme which makes coding more readable and pleasant?

I know a lot of nice dark schemes for Vim which makes coding more readable and pleasant such as ir_black, wombat, zenburn. Its weird but I haven't seen so many popular light themes (white background).
Does anyone knows a light Vim scheme which makes code more readable and pleasant to see?
(that makes code less confusing to distinguish, something like Visual studio's default scheme?)
With all due bias-based disclaimers and caveats (I am the author of the color scheme), I find that Mayan Smoke both highly ergonomic as well as aesthetically pleasing (screenshot). Download page:
As alternative, you should also have a look at the immensely popular Pyte, which is eerily similar to Mayan Smoke (development was independent, and the similarity is convergence, I swear!), though the syntax colors are a lot more muted.
Check out, it has a HUGE list of colorschemes with previews.
If you do not like C samples, there are samples with other programming languages, too:
Louver is a bare-bones, light color scheme that somewhat resembles the default Visual Studio look.
I like Solarized for LCD monitors. It sucks on CRTs.
Screenshots at
This new theme is really nice, even with GVim on Windows:
I like dark background, but changing software a lot which like IE, VS studio .... So changing from dark to light and back is so uncomfortable, so light background is also my choice, I more prefer the theme name ironman, you can find it on vim plugin page.
You should try eclipse theme.
Interesting subject and such contradictory statements. First: according to my experience, everything with dark background is very bad for my eyes, unless I work in total darkness. But you shouldn't work in darkness anyway, just turn the lamp on.
Second: for (my) eyes feels best the backround color which I would describe "light neutral gray with slight greenish tone". BUT: especially these colors are very different from one monitor to another (with same RGB value), for example these are "guibg" colors from my two computers' schemes: guibg = #E2E2D8 on one pc and guibg = #E6EDD8 on another. Despite the colors look very similar they have different values. So honestly, there is only one way to make it "good for your eyes" - just pick some good scheme and finetune the colors, especially this background color is important imho. Also you can set several schemes with bg color adopted to outer lighting conditions. So if you see a description like "this color scheme is very good for eyes", it's sort of bulls*it, since it really depends. But I'd certainly advise to avoid any dark schemes.
As for me, readability is high and uniform contrast of all syntax elements.
