I want to have a function that emails me once, and only once, if the value within any cell within Column H goes below 0.
I am going to do my best to describe this.
I want to search column C for any of the strings contained on a different sheet in column A, and if/when one of those strings is found, i want to return the column B that corresponds to the found string.
For example:
Sheet 1:
Column A
Column B
Column C
project 1
Status is Red, because....
Project 2
RAG- Green, PTG is....
And on another sheet I have common ways to describe their statuses in Column A, and in Column B, a simple letter R, A, G or NS (Not started) if no other common status is found.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Status is Red
Rag- Green
How can I Search Column C for a value on Column A (on a different sheet) and return column B in Column D on the original sheet?
Results should look like
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
project 1
Status is Red, because....
Project 2
RAG- Green, PTG is....
This may be a bit of an extended function and depends on how many rows you have in the second sheet.
You can hard code it with
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Red",C2)),VLOOKUP("Status is Red",Sheet2!$A$2:$B$3,2,FALSE),IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Green",C2)),VLOOKUP("RAG - Green",Sheet2!$A$2:$B$3,2,FALSE),"NS"))
Or use the more dynamic:
SEARCH(find_text,within_text) - returns the index of where the substring begins
ISNUMBER(value) - returns TRUE if a number, FALSE if not.
VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) - finds the value within the array and returns the corresponding value in the specified column.
$X$Y - the dollar signs stop the values from changing when you use ctrl+d or ctrl+r to fill multiple cells
So to break it down:
IF (search returns an index)
THEN VLOOKUP (find this value and return the corresponding value from this column)
ELSE (repeat above as needed)
I was able to count all the values using countifs, but I would like to count only the unique values in the cell.
Condition: If A value matches with K column values and L column values are completed or In progress, then count unique values in column I
EX: K2, K3, K4 matches the code ABP in A2, then it should return the count as 2
count abc#xyz.com as 1 if the status in any cells in L is completed or In progress.
Do not count mnp#xyz.com and gh#xyzcom because the status is enrolled
Does anyone have any idea?
Say in Column A I have a list of 50 events, each event is in its own row. In each adjacent cell in column B I'd like to the number of days since that activity was performed. The rest of the columns would be used to keep track of which dates each activity had been performed on (perhaps Columns C on each have a date on the first row increasing by one day each time and whether or not a given activity had been performed on that date could be marked by an X in that column and row). Does anyone know of an or method by which this could be performed? Thank you very much in advance. Example as of 1/20/18:
Days Since 1/17/18 1/18/18 1/19/18 1/20/18
Event A 2 X
Event B 1 X
Event C 0 X
Event D 3 X
What equation could you use in the "date since column above to make this idea work?
Put this formula in every cell of column B:
COUNTA returns the number of non-empty cells in the range (assuming Z is your last column).
ADDRESS returns the address of the cell in the given row and column.
INDIRECT returns the value of cell within the given address.
TODAY is self-explanatory ;)
Subtraction of dates equals the number of days between them.
Example (true for today):
Column A Column B Column C Column D ...
Days since event occurred
Event A 0 17/01/2018 20/01/2018
Event B 2 18/01/2018
The aim
I am try to create a formula which will allow specific information from 90 different worksheets, with an example of one such worksheet being below. Each work sheet represents data from a participant.
I want the data from the 90 work sheets to be summarised into the worksheet below.
The problem
The problem is that I need to create a formula that takes counterbalancing into account.
So in cell A3 of the second image I would to record the number of times the value 1 and 3 appears in column I of the first image.
The conditions
However, I would only like the numbers in column I to count if:
a) in column M of image 1 there is a value of 1
b) when the number in Column L is 1 and Column K is 1 or 4 OR when the number in Column L is 2 and the number in Column K is 3 or 4.
My attempt
=SUM('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$M$2,1*(IF('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$L$2,1*(IF('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$K$2:$K$41,1,4*(IF('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$I$2:$I$54,1,3)))))))
This did not work however and I have spent a long time on this and made changes but I still can't seem to get it to work.
Extra information:
In column I I want to count all the occurrences of 1 and 3 provided the specified conditions are met. The rows are not important, but rather, the column I information for each of the 90 spreadsheets.
New attempt with formula:
=COUNTIFS('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$M$2, 1, '[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$L$2, 1, '[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$K$2:$K$23, AND(1,4), '[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$I$2:$I$23, AND(1,3))
I have the below lookup condition but can't seem to get it working.
=VLOOKUP(A1,'Raw Data'!A1:A3,MATCH('Submitted Data'!B1,'Submitted Data'!A1:B1))
I'm trying to pull in the B column value from Submitted Data into the B column in Raw Data based of a match on A columns, I just keep getting an error.
Raw Data
1 L1 23
2 L2 17
3 L7 31
Submitted Data
1 L1 Complete
2 L7 Pending
3 L2 Complete
vlookup does the match for you so you don't need that function. This should work for you:
=VLOOKUP(A1, 'Submitted Data'!A1:B3,2,FALSE)
A1 is the cell with the value you want to find in a different range of cells (i.e, the data on the other sheet.
Submitted Data'!A1:B3 is the range of cells containing the data you want to find your A1 in, and then return the value that's a defined number of columns away from it (see the next sentence).
2 is the column from the range Submitted Data'!A1:B3 (i.e. column B) that has the value you want to return.
FALSE means you want an exact match for your A1 value.