I'm writing a prompt - response style system with a bunch of various combinations of Maybe a, IO a, and MaybeT IO a, and there is a lof of stuff to take into account. Some IO actions for which there is no invalid input (and therefore aren't wrapped in MaybeT), some which are (and return an MaybeT IO a) some which aren't IO actions but can fail, so return Maybe a, and some that are just plain values and its beginning to seem that I have to remember inordinate combinations of <$>, Just, fmap, MaybeT, lift, =<<, and return just to get everything to be the right type. Is there any easier way to manage this or to reason about what functions I need to use to get my values where I need them? Or do I just have to hope I get better at it with time? Here is my example:
getPiece :: Player -> Board -> MaybeT IO Piece
getPiece player#(Player pieces _ _ _) board = piece
promptString = displayToUserForPlayer player board ++ "\n" ++ (display player) ++ "\n" ++ "Enter piece number: "
input :: MaybeT IO String
input = lift $ prompt promptString
index :: MaybeT IO Int
index = MaybeT <$> return <$> ((fmap cvtFrom1indexedInt) . maybeRead) =<< input
piece :: MaybeT IO Piece
piece = MaybeT <$> return <$> maybeIndex pieces =<< index
getRotatedPiece :: Player -> Board -> MaybeT IO Piece
getRotatedPiece player#(Player pieces _ _ _) board = piece
promptString :: MaybeT IO String
promptString = (++) <$> displayListString <*> restOfString
input :: MaybeT IO String
input = MaybeT <$> (fmap Just) <$> prompt =<< promptString
index :: MaybeT IO Int
index = MaybeT <$> return <$> ((fmap cvtFrom1indexedInt) . maybeRead) =<< input
piece :: MaybeT IO Piece
piece = MaybeT <$> return <$> maybeIndex pieces =<< index
rotatedPieceList :: MaybeT IO [Piece]
rotatedPieceList = rotations <$> getPiece player board
displayListString :: MaybeT IO String
displayListString = displayNumberedList <$> rotatedPieceList
restOfString :: MaybeT IO String
restOfString = MaybeT <$> return <$> Just $ "\nEnter rotation number:"
I must say, I am disappointed at the lack of conciseness, even if I removed the type hints I could likely write a shorter function to do the same thing in C# or python
Since you provided only a code fragment, I cannot try to refactor it. However, this is what I'd do: Most monads have a corresponding type class. The reason for it is exactly what you need here: When you create a monad using a monad transformer, it will inherit the operations of the inner monads (if appropriate). So you can forget about the inner monads and work just within the final monad.
In your case, you have MaybeT IO. It's instance of MonadPlus and of MonadIO. So you can refactor the code that returns Maybe something to work with a general MonadPlus instance instead, just replace Just with return and Nothing with mzero. Like:
-- before
checkNumber :: Int -> Maybe Int
checkNumber x | x > 0 = Just x
| otherwise = Nothing x
-- after
checkNumber :: MonadPlus m => Int -> m Int
checkNumber x | x > 0 = return x
| otherwise = mzero
-- or just: checkNumber = mfilter (> 0) . return
It will work with any MonadPlus, including Maybe and MaybeT IO.
And you can refactor the code that returns IO something to work with a general MonadIO instance:
-- before
doSomeIO :: IO ()
doSomeIO = getLine >>= putStrLn
-- after
doSomeIO :: MonadIO m => m ()
doSomeIO = liftIO $ getLine >>= putStrLn
This way, you can forget about <$>/fmap/liftM, Just, MaybeT etc. You just use return, mzero and in some places liftIO.
This will also help you to create a more general code. If you later realize that you need to add something to the monad stack, the existing code won't break, as long as the new monad stack implements the same type classes.
A less ambitious answer from me. Looking at your code, your operations like getPiece don't really return any information from the a particular error site. You can probably get away with just using IO and turning exceptions into Maybe values if you really want those. Some sample code I put together with some undefined functions referenced in your code:
import Control.Exception (handle, IOException)
data Board = Board deriving (Show)
data Piece = Piece deriving (Show)
type Pieces = [Piece]
data Player = Player Pieces () () () deriving (Show)
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt = undefined
cvtFrom1indexedInt :: Int -> Int
cvtFrom1indexedInt = undefined
maybeIndex :: Pieces -> Int -> Maybe Piece
maybeIndex = undefined
displayToUserForPlayer :: Player -> Board -> String
displayToUserForPlayer = undefined
display :: Player -> String
display = undefined
-- I used this when testing, to deal with the Prelude.undefined errors
--returnSilently :: SomeException -> IO (Maybe a)
returnSilently :: IOException -> IO (Maybe a)
returnSilently e = return Nothing
getPiece :: Player -> Board -> IO (Maybe Piece)
getPiece player#(Player pieces _ _ _) board = handle returnSilently $ do
let promptString = displayToUserForPlayer player board ++ "\n" ++ (display player) ++ "\n" ++ "Enter piece number: "
input <- prompt promptString
let index = cvtFrom1indexedInt (read input)
return (maybeIndex pieces index)
main = do
maybePiece <- getPiece (Player [] () () ()) Board
putStrLn ("Got piece: " ++ show maybePiece)
Notably I've moved from MaybeT IO Piece to just IO (Maybe Piece). Instead of using fmap or lift I've just used do notation for referring to the intermediate results of my IO action.
Going on your comments about C# or Python, I hope this was the sort of simpler answer you were looking for.
I'm trying to understand monad transformers. I have a code like this (that doesn't work):
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
add1 :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
add1 x = return $ Just (x + 1)
readNumber :: IO (Maybe Int)
readNumber = do
putStr "Say a number: "
hFlush stdout
inp <- getLine
return $ (readMaybe inp :: Maybe Int)
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- readNumber >>= add1
print x
It throws
Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Maybe Int’
Expected: Maybe Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
Actual: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
I figured out that I can make it work by introducing
(>>>=) :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b)
x >>>= f =
x >>= go f
go _ Nothing = return Nothing
go f (Just x) = f x
and using it instead of >>=. This is strikingly similar to a monad transformer, but I can't get my head around how exactly I should refactor this code to use it.
You may wonder "why does add1 return IO?" Let's say that it can be something more complicated that uses IO.
I'm looking to understand it better, so answers like "there is a better solution" or "it is already implemented in..." won't help. I would like to learn what I would need to change to make it work with >>= assuming that I want to do operations like IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b) that already work with my >>>=.
I'd say the most common way to use monad transformers is the mtl approach. That consists of using type classes like MonadIO and MonadFail to implement your programs and then in your main function use concrete transformers like MaybeT to instantiate the type classes and get the actual result.
For your program that can look like this:
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad (MonadFail (fail))
add1 :: Monad m => Int -> m Int
add1 x = pure (x + 1)
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt x = do
putStr x
hFlush stdout
readNumber :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => m Int
readNumber = do
inp <- liftIO (prompt "Say a number: ")
case readMaybe inp of
Nothing -> fail "Not a number"
Just x -> pure x
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- runMaybeT (readNumber >>= add1)
print x
Working in an IO computation I ended up with a staircase of case mbValue of …s and figured out that I should use the Maybe monad to simplify the code. Since it's within an IO computation and I need to get IO values, I used the MaybeT monad transformer so that I can lift IO computation into Maybe.
Now, I have always thought about values being “stripped” of their Maybeness after an values <- mbValue inside a Maybe computation, but this turns out to be too simple of a heuristic here.
As highlighted below, when using a Maybe a value as an a (here by passing it to read), it fails to type check:
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
lol :: IO (Maybe Int)
lol = return (Just 3)
lal :: IO (Maybe String)
lal = return (Just "8")
foo :: IO (Maybe Bool)
foo = do
b <- runMaybeT $ do
x <- lift lol
y <- lift lal
return (x < (read y))
return b ^-- Couldn't match type ‘Maybe String’ with ‘String’
main = foo >>= print
If I put a typed hole in for return (x < (read y)), I see that it expects a Bool, which makes sense, but also that the current bindings include
|| y :: Data.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Base.String
|| (bound at /private/tmp/test.hs:14:5)
|| x :: Data.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Types.Int
|| (bound at /private/tmp/test.hs:13:5)
I.e., y is a Maybe String. This of course explains the error, but I'm left confused. Where is my understanding wrong, and how can I fix this error?
In short: Replace lift by the MaybeT constructor.
Note that
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a
Your use of lift in
x <- lift lol
is at the type
lift :: IO (Maybe Int) -> MaybeT IO (Maybe Int)
That's why x will be a Maybe Int again. The lift adds a fresh MaybeT layer that is independent of the Maybe occurrence you already have.
MaybeT :: m (Maybe a) -> MaybeT m a
instead as in
x <- MaybeT lol
will be used at type
MaybeT :: IO (Maybe a) -> MaybeT IO a
and do the right thing.
When specialized to MaybeT, lift :: Monad m => m a -> MaybeT m a. Since lol :: IO (Maybe Int), m is IO and a is Maybe Int, therefore lift lol :: MaybeT IO (Maybe Int).
IO (Maybe a) is just the value contained within a MaybeT IO a newtype wrapper, so there's no need to lift it; instead use the MaybeT constructor, for example as in MaybeT lol.
But this is not how people tend to use monad transformers. Instead, just use MaybeT values and lift as needed:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT, MaybeT)
lol :: MaybeT IO Int
lol = return 3
lal :: MaybeT IO String
lal = return "8"
foo :: IO (Maybe Bool)
foo =
runMaybeT $ do
x <- lol
y <- lal
_ <- lift getLine -- lift (IO String) to MaybeT IO String
_ <- return 100 -- lift any pure value
_ <- mzero -- use the MonadPlus instance to get a lifted Nothing.
return (x < (read y))
main = foo >>= print
I was playing around with composable failures and managed to write a function with the signature
getPerson :: IO (Maybe Person)
where a Person is:
data Person = Person String Int deriving Show
It works and I've written it in the do-notation as follows:
import Control.Applicative
getPerson = do
name <- getLine -- step 1
age <- getInt -- step 2
return $ Just Person <*> Just name <*> age
getInt :: IO (Maybe Int)
getInt = do
n <- fmap reads getLine :: IO [(Int,String)]
case n of
((x,""):[]) -> return (Just x)
_ -> return Nothing
I wrote this function with the intent of creating composable possible failures. Although I've little experience with monads other than Maybe and IO this seems like if I had a more complicated data type with many more fields, chaining computations wouldn't be complicated.
My question is how would I rewrite this without do-notation? Since I can't bind values to names like name or age I'm not really sure where to start.
The reason for asking is simply to improve my understanding of (>>=) and (<*>) and composing failures and successes (not to riddle my code with illegible one-liners).
Edit: I think I should clarify, "how should I rewrite getPerson without do-notation", I don't care about the getInt function half as much.
Do-notation desugars to (>>=) syntax in this manner:
getPerson = do
name <- getLine -- step 1
age <- getInt -- step 2
return $ Just Person <*> Just name <*> age
getPerson2 =
getLine >>=
( \name -> getInt >>=
( \age -> return $ Just Person <*> Just name <*> age ))
each line in do-notation, after the first, is translated into a lambda which is then bound to the previous line. It's a completely mechanical process to bind values to names. I don't see how using do-notation or not would affect composability at all; it's strictly a matter of syntax.
Your other function is similar:
getInt :: IO (Maybe Int)
getInt = do
n <- fmap reads getLine :: IO [(Int,String)]
case n of
((x,""):[]) -> return (Just x)
_ -> return Nothing
getInt2 :: IO (Maybe Int)
getInt2 =
(fmap reads getLine :: IO [(Int,String)]) >>=
\n -> case n of
((x,""):[]) -> return (Just x)
_ -> return Nothing
A few pointers for the direction you seem to be headed:
When using Control.Applicative, it's often useful to use <$> to lift pure functions into the monad. There's a good opportunity for this in the last line:
Just Person <*> Just name <*> age
Person <$> Just name <*> age
Also, you should look into monad transformers. The mtl package is most widespread because it comes with the Haskell Platform, but there are other options. Monad transformers allow you to create a new monad with combined behavior of the underlying monads. In this case, you're using functions with the type IO (Maybe a). The mtl (actually a base library, transformers) defines
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
This is the same as the type you're using, with the m variable instantiated at IO. This means you can write:
getPerson3 :: MaybeT IO Person
getPerson3 = Person <$> lift getLine <*> getInt3
getInt3 :: MaybeT IO Int
getInt3 = MaybeT $ do
n <- fmap reads getLine :: IO [(Int,String)]
case n of
((x,""):[]) -> return (Just x)
_ -> return Nothing
getInt3 is exactly the same except for the MaybeT constructor. Basically, any time you have an m (Maybe a) you can wrap it in MaybeT to create a MaybeT m a. This gains simpler composability, as you can see by the new definition of getPerson3. That function doesn't worry about failure at all because it's all handled by the MaybeT plumbing. The one remaining piece is getLine, which is just an IO String. This is lifted into the MaybeT monad by the function lift.
newacct's comment suggests that I should provide a pattern matching example as well; it's basically the same with one important exception. Consider this example (the list monad is the monad we're interested in, Maybe is just there for pattern matching):
f :: Num b => [Maybe b] -> [b]
f x = do
Just n <- x
-- first attempt at desugaring f
g :: Num b => [Maybe b] -> [b]
g x = x >>= \(Just n) -> [n+1]
Here g does exactly the same thing as f, but what if the pattern match fails?
Prelude> f [Nothing]
Prelude> g [Nothing]
*** Exception: <interactive>:1:17-34: Non-exhaustive patterns in lambda
What's going on? This particular case is the reason for one of the biggest warts (IMO) in Haskell, the Monad class's fail method. In do-notation, when a pattern match fails fail is called. An actual translation would be closer to:
g' :: Num b => [Maybe b] -> [b]
g' x = x >>= \x' -> case x' of
Just n -> [n+1]
_ -> fail "pattern match exception"
now we have
Prelude> g' [Nothing]
fails usefulness depends on the monad. For lists, it's incredibly useful, basically making pattern matching work in list comprehensions. It's also very good in the Maybe monad, since a pattern match error would lead to a failed computation, which is exactly when Maybe should be Nothing. For IO, perhaps not so much, as it simply throws a user error exception via error.
That's the full story.
do-blocks of the form var <- e1; e2 desugar to expressions using >>= as follows e1 >>= \var -> e2. So your getPerson code becomes:
getPerson =
getLine >>= \name ->
getInt >>= \age ->
return $ Just Person <*> Just name <*> age
As you see this is not very different from the code using do.
Actually, according to this explaination, the exact translation of your code is
getPerson =
let f1 name =
let f2 age = return $ Just Person <*> Just name <*> age
f2 _ = fail "Invalid age"
in getInt >>= f2
f1 _ = fail "Invalid name"
in getLine >>= f1
getInt =
let f1 n = case n of
((x,""):[]) -> return (Just x)
_ -> return Nothing
f1 _ = fail "Invalid n"
in (fmap reads getLine :: IO [(Int,String)]) >>= f1
And the pattern match example
f x = do
Just n <- x
translated to
f x =
let f1 Just n = [n+1]
f1 _ = fail "Not Just n"
in x >>= f1
Obviously, this translated result is less readable than the lambda version, but it works with or without pattern matching.
I have trouble gripping to monads and monad transformers. I have the
following contrived example (not compilable):
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
data State = State Int Int Int
type Foo = ReaderT State IO
readEither :: String -> Either String Int
readEither s = let p = reads s
in case p of
[] -> throwError "Could not parse"
[(a, _)] -> return a
readEitherT :: IO (Either String Int)
readEitherT = let p s = reads s
in runErrorT $ do
l <- liftIO (getLine)
readEither l
foo :: Foo Int
foo = do
d <- liftIO $ readEitherT
case d of
Right dd -> return dd
Left em -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn em
return (-1)
bar :: Foo String
bar = do
liftIO $ getLine
defaultS = State 0 0 0
If I copy the functionality of readEither to readEitherT, it works, but I
have a nagging feeling that I can leverage the power of the existing
readEither function, but I can't figure out how. If I try to lift the
readEither in the readEitherT function, it lifts it to ErrorT String IO
(Either String Int) as it should. But I should somehow get it to ErrorT
String IO Int.
If I'm going to the wrong direction with this, what is the correct way to
handle errors which require IO (or other monads) and are to be called from
monadic context (see the foo function in the example)
Apparently it was not clear what I was trying to do. Maybe the following function describes what and why I was wondering
maybePulseQuit :: Handle -> IO (Either String ())
maybePulseQuit h = runErrorT $ do
f <- liftIO $ (communicate h "finished" :: IO (Either String Bool))
(ErrorT . pure) f >>= \b → liftIO $ when b $ liftIO pulseQuit
This works, but is still ugly because of the binds. This is a lot clearer than the previous version which had case checking. Is this the recommended way to do this?
It is not clear why you need ErrorT. You can implement readEitherT like
readEitherT :: IO (Either String Int)
readEitherT = fmap readEither getLine
If you really need ErrorT for some reason, then you can create utility function eitherToErrorT:
eitherToErrorT = ErrorT . pure
readEitherT = runErrorT $ do
l <- liftIO $ getLine
eitherToErrorT $ readEither l
Maybe you just want to add ErrorT into your monad stack...
data State = State Int Int Int
type Foo = ErrorT String (ReaderT State IO)
runFoo :: Foo a -> State -> IO (Either String a)
runFoo foo s = runReaderT (runErrorT foo) s
doIt :: Int -> Foo Int
doIt i = if i < 0
then throwError "i < 0"
else return (i * 2)
*Main> runFoo (doIt 1 >>= doIt) (State 0 0 0)
Right 4
*Main> runFoo (doIt (-1) >>= doIt) (State 0 0 0)
Left "i < 0"
Particularly, I need to be able to combine the CGI monad with the IO monad, but an example of how to combine the IO monad with the Maybe monad might be even better...
I assume you want to use the Maybe monad for early termination (like break or return in C).
In that case you should use MaybeT from the MaybeT package (cabal install MaybeT).
main = do
runMaybeT . forever $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "I won't stop until you type pretty please"
line <- liftIO getLine
when ("pretty please" == line) mzero
return ()
MaybeT is a monad transformer version of the maybe monad.
Monad transformers "add functionality" to other monads.
You don't exactly say how you want to combine IO and Maybe, but I assume you have many functions that return IO (Maybe a) that you want to combine easily. Basically you want to treat IO (Maybe a) as a separate type with it's own Monad instance:
newtype IOMaybe a = IOM (IO (Maybe a))
-- "unpack" a value of the new type
runIOMaybe :: IOMaybe a -> IO (Maybe a)
runIOMaybe (IOM a) = a
instance Monad IOMaybe where
-- bind operator
(IOM ioa) >>= f = IOM $ do
a <- ioa
case a of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> runIOMaybe (f v)
-- return
return a = IOM (return (Just a))
-- maybe also some convenience functions
returnIO :: IO a -> IOMaybe a
returnIO ioa = IOM $ do
v <- ioa
return (Just v)
returnMaybe :: Maybe a -> IOMaybe a
returnMaybe ma = IOM (return ma)
With this you can use the do-Notation to combine functions that return IO (Maybe a), IO a or Maybe a:
f1 :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f1 0 = return Nothing
f1 a = return (Just a)
main = runIOMaybe $ do
returnIO $ putStrLn "Hello"
a <- returnMaybe $ Just 2
IOM $ f1 a
return ()
Generally something that combines and modifies monads like this is called a monad transformer, and GHC comes with a package that includes monad transformers for common cases. If there is something in this monad transformer library that fits your scenario depends on how exactly you want to combine Maybe and IO.
In what sense do you want to combine the monads?
f :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f x = do
putStrLn "Hello world!"
return $ if x == 0 then Nothing else Just x
Can be evaluated to:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( maybe-io.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> f 0
Hello world!
*Main> f 3
Hello world!
Just 3