How to make an assert window in QT - multithreading

I currently have a very long running GUI-Application in QT. Later that application is going to be tested and run on an embedded device without a keyboard in full screen.
For easier debugging I have a custom assert macro, which allows me to ignore certain asserts (may include known buggy parts I have to work around for now) etc. For the time being I just print something on the console such as "Assertion: XXXX failed; abort/ignore". This is fine when I start the application within a console, but ultimately fails when I run it on the final device. In that case the assert will just block the main thread waiting for input and make the GUI hang badly without hope for recovery.
Now I am thinking about how to remedy this situation. One Idea is to just have the assert crash, as the standard assert does. But I do not really like that Idea, since there are a lot of know problems, and I've always found ignorable asserts very helpful when testing applications. Also I would have to put the messages into a separate file, so I can later see what happened while testing. Reading these files afterwards is possible, but I would prefer a simpler way to find out what went wrong.
The other idea was to make a window instead. However the asserts may be triggered in any thread and I can only create new windows in the GUI thread. Also the main event loop may be blocked by the assert, so I cannot be sure that it will handle the events correctly. I would somehow need a fully responsive stand-alone window in a separate thread, which only handles a few buttons.
Is this somehow possible in QT4?

You may post events to main thread to display dialog and wait for an answer from non-gui threads, or just display dialog if current thread is app thread
int result = -1;
if ( QTrhead::currentThread() == QCoreApplication::instance()->thread() )
result = AssertHandler->ShowDialog(where, what, condition);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(AssertHandler, "ShowDialog", Qt::QueuedBlockingConnection, Q_RETURN_ARG(int, result), Q_ARG(QString, where), Q_ARG(QString, what), Q_ARG(QString, condition);
if (result != 0)
// handle assert
The AssertHandler is QObject based class with slot int ShowDialog(const QString &where, const QString what, const QString &condition). It should display dialog with assert data and buttons assert/ignore. Returns 0 when user pressed ignore, otherwise returns non zero value.


Getting error "attempting to detach while still running code" when calling JavaVm->DetachCurrentThread [duplicate]

I have an Android app that uses NDK - a regular Android Java app with regular UI and C++ core. There are places in the core where I need to call Java methods, which means I need a JNIEnv* for that thread, which in turn means that I need to call JavaVM->AttachCurrentThread() to get the valid env.
Previously, was just doing AttachCurrentThread and didn't bother to detach at all. It worked fine in Dalvik, but ART aborts the application as soon as a thread that has called AttachCurrentThread exits without calling DetachCurrentThread. So I've read the JNI reference, and indeed it says that I must call DetachCurrentThread. But when I do that, ART aborts the app with the following message:
attempting to detach while still running code
What's the problem here, and how to call DetachCurrentThread properly?
Dalvik will also abort if the thread exits without detaching. This is implemented through a pthread key -- see threadExitCheck() in Thread.cpp.
A thread may not detach unless its call stack is empty. The reasoning behind this is to ensure that any resources like monitor locks (i.e. synchronized statements) are properly released as the stack unwinds.
The second and subsequent attach calls are, as defined by the spec, low-cost no-ops. There's no reference counting, so detach always detaches, no matter how many attaches have happened. One solution is to add your own reference-counted wrapper.
Another approach is to attach and detach every time. This is used by the app framework on certain callbacks. This wasn't so much a deliberate choice as a side-effect of wrapping Java sources around code developed primarily in C++, and trying to shoe-horn the functionality in. If you look at SurfaceTexture.cpp, particularly JNISurfaceTextureContext::onFrameAvailable(), you can see that when SurfaceTexture needs to invoke a Java-language callback function, it will attach the thread, invoke the callback, and then if the thread was just attached it will immediately detach it. The "needsDetach" flag is set by calling GetEnv to see if the thread was previously attached.
This isn't a great thing performance-wise, as each attach needs to allocate a Thread object and do some internal VM housekeeping, but it does yield the correct behavior.
I'll try a direct and practical approach (with sample code, without use of classes) answering this question for the occasional developer that came up with this error in android, in cases where they had it working and after a OS or framework update (Qt?) it started to give problems with that error and message.
JNIEXPORT void Java_com_package_class_function(JNIEnv* env.... {
JavaVM* jvm;
JNIEnv* myNewEnv; // as the code to run might be in a different thread (connections to signals for example) we will have a 'new one'
JavaVMAttachArgs jvmArgs;
jvmArgs.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
int attachedHere = 0; // know if detaching at the end is necessary
jint res = jvm->GetEnv((void**)&myNewEnv, JNI_VERSION_1_6); // checks if current env needs attaching or it is already attached
if (JNI_EDETACHED == res) {
// Supported but not attached yet, needs to call AttachCurrentThread
res = jvm->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<JNIEnv **>(&myNewEnv), &jvmArgs);
if (JNI_OK == res) {
attachedHere = 1;
} else {
// Failed to attach, cancel
} else if (JNI_OK == res) {
// Current thread already attached, do not attach 'again' (just to save the attachedHere flag)
// We make sure to keep attachedHere = 0
} else {
// JNI_EVERSION, specified version is not supported cancel this..
// Execute code using myNewEnv
// ...
if (attachedHere) { // Key check
jvm->DetachCurrentThread(); // Done only when attachment was done here
Everything made sense after seeing the The Invocation API docs for GetEnv:
If the current thread is not attached to the VM, sets *env to NULL, and returns JNI_EDETACHED. If the specified version is not supported, sets *env to NULL, and returns JNI_EVERSION. Otherwise, sets *env to the appropriate interface, and returns JNI_OK.
Credits to:
- This question Getting error "attempting to detach while still running code" when calling JavaVm->DetachCurrentThread that in its example made it clear that it was necessary to double check every time (even though before calling detach it doesn't do it).
- #Michael that in this question comments he notes it clearly about not calling detach.
- What #fadden said: "There's no reference counting, so detach always detaches, no matter how many attaches have happened."

SpriteKit windows do not redraw until "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method quits

I use SpriteKit for Mac OS X (not iOS) to run my programs.
At the end of the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method of the "AppDelegate"-Class I start all things which are needed for initialization. Some methods do not like to be called from a background-thread like setting window-titles, resizing windows and some other tasks. So all these things are done in the main-thread.
Then we come to my problem: I cannot simply run my main program at the end of the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method, because when I do so, the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method does not quit until my main program quits. And my main program does not quit, because it shows some animation on the screen directly after starting the program.
In the case, that the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method does not quit, SpriteKit does not redraw the window, so my animation runs but I see a white window.
After quitting my program, the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method quits, too, and I see the last picture of the animation.
So I realized a workaround: I now do the initialization in the "applicationDidFinishLaunching" method and then start a background thread which runs my main program.
The "applicationDidFinishLaunching" quits after starting the background-thread and the window is updated as expected. Everything runs fine with the background-thread doing the animation.
And now the problem, I cound not solve: I need to hide the menu bar, not directly when starting the program, but after some time.
Doing so is no problem when calling from the main-thread but if I hide the menu-bar from my background thread, then I can hide it once, make it visible once, hide it a second time and when making it visible a second time an exception in the AppDelegate Class stops my program:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_i386_GPFLT)
My idea to solve this problem, was to post an event, which is handeled by the main-thread. But if I post a keyboard event for example, the event-handling is done within the background-thread, too.
Events like selecting a menu by the user, not programmatically are handeled from the main thread but I did not find a way to post an event which is then handeled in the main thread instead of the thread, which contains the sendEvent-command:
NSApplication.sharedApplication().sendEvent(event!) // Called from background-thread
Has anybody an idea of sending an event which is handeled by the main-thread
Running my program completely in the main-thread without having the problem, that the window-content is not drawn at all. This second solution would be my favourite, because there are some more things, which make problems within a background thread.
Perhaps I can start my main program from another method, some time after "applicationDidFinishLaunching" has finished.
Some deeper information to the topic above but still no solution:
I discovered, that there exists a function "performSelectorOnMainThread" which can be called from swift like this:
NSApplication.performSelectorOnMainThread(Selector(myFunctionToCall()), withObject: nil, waitUntilDone: true)
This call compiles, my function is called but in my background thread not on the main thread and an error is dumped:
2015-01-17 20:11:09.142 AudioDatabase[4449:2099588] +[NSApplication (null selector)]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x7fff7b1d8be0
But execution continues. I was not able to call the function on any other than a few types like NSApplication, NSObject, NSThread like a class function. But I never reached the main loop with this.
Another idea was to use NSInvocation, but when I look in the documentation, only the Objective-C Part appears.
It would help, if it was possible, to simply call a function of mine with or without arguments that runs in the main thread and can do there something.
While running my program in a background thread, I discovered a way, to execute neccessary commands in the main-thread asynchronous. To do so, you have to call:
// This block runs in the main thread
So my question was, so show and hide the menu bar without crashing my program. Here are the finished functions which work, when called from a background-thread:
func m_MenuBarShow ()
NSMenu.setMenuBarVisible(true) // Class func, must be called on the Class (NSMenu) and not on the Instance (NSApp.sharedApp.mainMenu)
func m_MenuBarHide ()
NSMenu.setMenuBarVisible(false) // Class func
Please note that there is a small restriction on using this: The block is called asynchronous, that means you have to make sure, that it is finished, until doing something with the result. In the case of showing the menu bar this is no problem. But if you want to do something like opening a file, you must handle this.
I will explain this as an answer to another question of mine. Please have a look at: Open File Dialog crashes in Swift

Silverlight 5: print outside the UI thread?

Is it possible to print in Silverlight without blocking the UI thread?
I have to print a lot of pages, and consequently my UI freezes for a while. I would like to print on a background thread instead (and update a progress bar if possible), but can't figure out how.
I tried calling the Print() method of my PrintDocument inside the DoWork() method of a BackgroundWorker, but that gives me an UnauthorizedAccessException "Invalid cross-thread access".
It seems that even initiating a PrintDocument is not possible outside the UI thread:
PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); in BackgroundWorker.DoWork() throws the same exception.
I found a lot of posts where people say that printing has to happen on the UI thread, but no documentation of this. I'm new to multithreading, so any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
I had this problem and came across this question which unfortunately didn't have the answer i was hoping for. But I thought that for anyone else who comes across this problem, this may at least shed some light.
I was following this article on printing in Silverlight, It works like a charm for regular printing on the UI Thread, but for actually trying to print on a separate thread I don't think it's possible. I switched out the last line of code in the example
printDocument.Print("SLPrintDemo document");
with an alternate one to see if it would work
new Thread(() => printDocument.Print("SLPrintDemo document")).Start();
To see if the print job itself would spawn in a separate thread. However though the code compiles and runs fine, the document does not print. The reason seems to be that once the Print command is fired, it then fires up the printing options dialog for choosing printer and other options etc. At this point it is no longer on the UI thread so nothing happens ( No exceptions, so i'm assuming they're swallowed somewhere)
So as far as I can tell at the moment, there is no way to print in Silverlight that is not in the UI thread.
Use Dispatcher for updating your UI. For example:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
ProgressBar.Value = 100;

Thread returning into bad space address

I have a weird problem regarding the use of threads inside a Firebreath plugin (in this case a FB plugin, but could happen anywhere); I will try to explain:
1) My plugin creates a thread (static), and it receives a pointer to "this" every time it gets added to a page.
2) So, now I have a thread with a pointer to the plugin, so I can call it's methods.
3) Very nice so far, BUT, suppose that I have a button (coded in HTML), which when pressed will REMOVE the current plugin, put in place another one and launch another thread.
I have described my scenario, now for the problem, when a plugin gets added it launches a thread; inside the thread there is a pointer to "this". First time, it gets fired...while the thread is executing I press the HTML button (so, the current plugin now is destroyed) and a new one is placed. The thread from the 1st plugin ends, and now returns...but it returns to the 2nd instance of the plugin.
The plugin is an image viewer, the first plugin look for a picture, it gets removed and a new one is placed; BUT the image from the 1st plugin is placed in the 2nd one. I don't know where to start looking, apparently the pointer has an address to the plugin (e.g. 12345), the plugin gets removed and instantiated again with the same memory address (12345).
Is there some way to avoid that behavior?
This is the code I have so far:
unsigned ThreadId;
HANDLE hThread;
unsigned __stdcall myPlugin::Thread(void *data)
myPlugin* this = (myPlugin*) data;
_endthreadex(0); //EDIT: addedd this missing line to end the thread
void myPlugin::onPluginReady(std::string imageUrl)
hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, myPlugin::Thread, (void*) **this**, 0, &ThreadId);
void myPlugin::getImage()
//get an image using CURL... //no problem here
You need to stop and join the thread in the shutdown() function of your Plugin class; that will be called before things are actually unloaded and that will help avoid the problem.
I would also recommend using boost::thread, since FireBreath already compiles it all in, and that will help simplify some of this; you can hold a weak_ptr in your thread to the plugin class rather than passing in a void*. Of course, either way you'll need to stop and join the thread during the plugin shutdown (and the thread needs to stop quickly or the browser will get cranky about it taking so long).

C++ MultiThreading with visual studio express 2010 Forms Application

I am developing a Windows forms application which connects to a piece of hardware, acquires a lot of data (~1 GSample/sec), processes it, and spits it out to the screen upon a button click. I am now trying to automate the process in a loop that can be started/stopped at any time so I can monitor it whilst tweaking the input to the acquisition hardware. I thinks it's clear that I need to do this on a separate thread, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to do this in c++/cli - I have found a number of good examples using MFC, which is not supported by Express.
Specifically: My task is to press a button which is handled in Form1.h, to call a function in my main file Acquisition.cpp which contains the following code (currently an infinite loop)
void Form1::realTimeUpdate()
// live is a boolean variable set by a button on the form
I wish to execute this code in a separate thread so that the main program can listen for the user request to stop the operation. Without threading, I currently have to forcefully quit the program (or set it to run a fixed number of times) to stop it.
Is there any suggestions how I might go about running this code on a separate thread?
I've (unsuccessfully) tried a few things already:
Modifying the example given in This Microsoft Example. Problem: requires /clr:oldSyntax option which is incompatible with the other 1300 lines of code in the program.
Trying to do what I'd do in Java (Declare a global thread and start/stop it from any point in the code. Problem: Compiler won't let me declare a global System::Threading.Thread
this beautiful example. Problem: Requires MFC.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You can use a BackgroundWorker or a Thread to handle this. You'll need to make sure that the portion of your work that updates the UI is marshaled back to the UI thread, however.
Here is a tutorial on threading in C++/CLI.
For the record, upon Reed's suggestion about using a BackgroundWorker, I sifted through the code at the bottom of this page and modified my code so that:
It created a new backgroundWorker BGWorker in which BGWorker->DoWork() called my realTimeUpdate() function.
A button on the main Form calls either RunWorkerAsync() or CancelAsync() depending on whether or not the process is running (checked by a boolean flag in my main program).
The realTimeUpdate() function is now passed a BackgroundWorker - realTimeUpdate(BackgroundWorker^ worker, DoWorkEventArgs ^ e) After each calculation is complete within the internal loop, it calls worker->ReportProgress(result) function. In the BGWorker->ProgressChanged() function a separate function, upDataUI(int) draws the result on the main form.
Thanks again for the help.
