Assembly! I can't get the loop to exit? - linux

I can't figue out why my program goes into an infinite loop when i want it to exit after the value of ecx is equal to 0? Please help?
section .data
;get external functions
extern printf
global main
;set up stack frame
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;print x is less
;print y is larger than x
;mov values into register to compare them
mov rax,[x]
mov rbx,[y]
cmp rax,rbx ;cmp x,y
jg .x_is_greater
lea rdi,[y_less]
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
call printf
jmp .done
;print "X is greater to the screen"
;mov r11,[count]
;lea rdi,[x_greater]
;xor eax,eax
;call printf
;mov r12,[zero]
;cmp r11,r12
;jg .myloop ;jump to myloop if greater than zero
;jmp .done ;return if equal to 0
mov ecx, 3; [count]
;mov r12, [zero]
jmp .myloop
;;dec r11
;dec rcx
lea rdi,[fmt]
lea rsi,[ecx]
;mov rdx,[r12]
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
call printf
cmp ecx, 0
jz .done
lea rdi,[x_greater]
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
call printf
lea rdi,[fmt]
lea rsi,[ecx]
;mov rdx,[r12]
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
call printf
dec ecx
;sub rcx,[one]
jmp .myloop
;jmp .done
;xor eax, eax
ret;exit program
;leave ;destroy stack frame
section .bss
section .data
prompt db "This is a practice program to test what I know!",0x0a,0
y_less db "Y < X",0x0a,0
x_greater db "X > Y ",0x0a,0
x db 10
y db 1
count dq 3
zero db 0
one dq 1
fmt db "R11 %d ",0x0a,0

When calling functions (e.g., printf), you need to preserve the value of ecx
Registers %rbp, %rbx and
%r12 through %r15 “belong” to the calling function and the called function is
required to preserve their values. In other words, a called function must preserve
these registers’ values for its caller. Remaining registers “belong” to the called
function. If a calling function wants to preserve such a register value across a
function call, it must save the value in its local stack frame.

I have made a loop called WHILE-DO with Printf and just checked on Microsoft Visual Studio That RAX,RCX,RDX,R9,R8 are used by Call Printf. So I added our number to EBX. It's working without poping, pushing, stacking :). I hope it will help some people.
extrn ExitProcess: PROC
extrn printf: PROC
fmt db '%s',10,0 ; The printf format, "\n", '0'
check db 'HALO',0
Start PROC
xor eax,eax
mov rbx,1
cmp rbx,10
jge end_while
lea rcx,check
lea rdx,fmt
call printf
add rbx,1
jmp start_while
xor eax,eax
xor rbx,rbx
call ExitProcess
Start ENDP

The printf call may change the value of ecx register. So what you have to do one of the following:
Push it to the stack before the printf calls and pop it after the printf call;
Use a callee-saved register as the loop counter; or
Save it in a callee-saved register and restores it.
Example of the first option:
lea rdi,[fmt]
lea rsi,[ecx]
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
push ecx ; saved
call printf
pop ecx ; restored
cmp ecx, 0
jz .done
lea rdi,[x_greater]
push ecx ; saved
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
call printf
pop ecx ; restored
lea rdi,[fmt]
lea rsi,[ecx]
push ecx ; saved
xor eax,eax ;must clear eax when using printf
call printf
push ecx ; restored
dec ecx
jmp .myloop


String Reverse in Assembly language x86

I'm new to assembly language and I have this code that is suppose to reverse the string length, now I know I'm close but the program keeps crashing on me for whatever reason that is. The problem is in the STRREV PROC. What am I doing wrong in this code?
prompt BYTE "Enter String: ", 0
response BYTE 50 DUP(0)
message BYTE " Message entered. ",0
swap MACRO a,b
xor a,b
xor b,a
xor a,b
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push edx
push ecx
mov edx, [ebp+8]
call writestring
mov ecx, SIZEOF response
mov edx, OFFSET response
call readstring
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ebp
ret 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push ecx
mov edx,[ebp+16]
mov eax, 0
mov cl,[edx+eax]
cmp cl, 0
JE done
inc eax
jmp counter
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push OFFSET response
mov edx, [ebp+8]
mov esi, 0
dec eax
mov ah, [edx+esi]
mov al, [edx+eax]
swap ah, al
mov [edx+esi],ah
mov [edx+eax],al
inc esi
dec eax
cmp esi, eax
jb reverseloop
ja finish
pop ebp
ret 4
main PROC
push OFFSET prompt
call writedec
mov edx,OFFSET message
call WriteString
push eax
mov edx, OFFSET response
call WriteString
main ENDP
END main
The main problem in your function is changing AL and AH register and then using EAX as pointer. I decided to write a new function based on your code, read it carefully and debug your code using the right emulator.
;opening the function
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push OFFSET response
mov edx, [ebp+8] ;edx = offset string to reverse
mov esi, 0
dec eax
mov ebx,edx ;ebx stores the pointer to the first character
add ebx,eax` ;now ebx store the pointer to the last character before the '$'
mov ah, [edx] ;ah stores the value at string[loop count]
mov al, [ebx] ;al stores the value at string[len-loop count-1]
;"swap ah,al" is logiclly unnecessary
;better solution:
mov [ebx],ah ; string[loop count] = string[len-loop count-1]
mov [edx],al ; string[len-loop count-1] = string[loop count]
inc edx ;increment of the right-most pointer
dec ebx ;decrement of the right-most pointer
cmp ebx, eax ;compares the left-most pointer to the right-most
jb reverseloop
jmp finish ;"ja", there is no need to check a condition twice
pop ebp
ret 4

FInding length of String in NASM

I'm trying to check the length of a sting given in the program argument as part of a larger program. I need to place the value of the string length in a variable called n, which I've left uninitialized in BSS. I've tried a couple different methods of doing this, including the one Im trying right now which was given in another answer here. However when I try to print or use the result of this little algorithm, it always returns 7. I believe I'm getting the address of what I want and not the result but I cant figure what to change. Heres my code:
%include ""
fmt1: db "%d",10,0
argErrMsg: db "Needs 2 args",10,0
argOkMsg : db "Arguments ok",10,0
doneMsg: db "Program finished, now exiting",10,0
strErrMsg: db "String must be between 1 and 20 charaters",10,0
strOkMsg: db "String length ok",10,0
X: resd 20
i: resd 1
n: resd 1
k: resd 1
global asm_main
extern printf
extern strlen
enter 0,0
cmp dword [ebp+8],2
push dword argErrMsg
call printf
add esp,8
jmp EXIT
push dword argOkMsg
call printf
add esp,8
mov eax, dword[ebp+16]
push eax ;This is the code I tried using from another answer
mov ecx,0
dec eax
inc ecx
inc eax
cmp byte[eax],0
jnz count
dec ecx
pop eax
mov [n],ecx ;Tried prining it here to see the result
push dword [n]
push dword fmt1
call printf
add esp,8
cmp byte [n],1
cmp byte [n],20
jmp OK_STRING ;The program always gets to here since [n] = 7?
push dword strErrMsg
call printf
add esp,8
jmp EXIT
push dword strOkMsg
call printf
add esp,8
jmp EXIT
push dword doneMsg
call printf
To get the length of argv[1]:
mov edi,[ebp+12] ;edi = argv = &argv[0]
mov edi,[edi+4] ;edi = argv[1]
mov ecx,0ffffh ;scan for 0
xor eax,eax
repne scasb
sub ecx,0ffffh ;ecx = -(length + 1)
not ecx ;ecx = length
main should return a 0 in eax:
xor eax,eax

operation size not specified

I have a problem with 32bit Assembly, assembling it with NASM on linux.
Here is my implementation of insertion sort
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, [ebp+12] ;put len in ecx, our loop variable
mov eax, 1 ; size of one spot in array, one byte
mov ebx, 0
mov esi, [ebp+8] ; the array
loop loop_1
cmp eax, ecx ; if we're done
jge done_1 ; then done with loop
push ecx ; we save len, because loop command decrements ecx
mov ecx, [esi+eax] ; ecx now array[i]
mov ebx, eax
dec ebx ; ebx is now eax-1, number of times we should go through inner loop
cmp ebx, 0 ; we don't use loop to not affect ecx so we use ebx and compare it manually with 0
jl done_2
cmp [esi+ebx], ecx ;we see if array[ebx] os ecx so we can exit the loop
jle done_2
mov edx, esi
add edx, ebx
push [edx] ; pushing our array[ebx] *****************************
add edx, eax
pop [edx] ; poping the last one *********************************
dec ebx ; decrementing the loop iterator
jmp loop_2 ; looping again
mov [esi+ebx+1], ecx
inc eax ; incrementing iterator
pop ecx ; len of array to compare now to eax and see if we're done
jmp loop_1
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp ; we pop them in opposite to how we pushed (opposite order, it's the stack, LIFO)
Now... When I try to compile my code with nasm, I get errors of "operation size not specified" on the lines containing asterisks in the comments :P
It's basic insertion sort and I'm not sure what could have gone wrong.
Enlighten me, please.
The data at [edx] could be anything, so its size is unknown to the assembler. You'll have to specify the size of the data you want to push/pop. For example, if you want to push/pop a dword (32 bits) you'd write:
push dword [edx]
pop dword [edx]
By the way, you can combine these lines:
mov edx, esi
add edx, ebx
lea edx,[esi + ebx]

Insertion sort not working, 32bit assembly

I'm trying to implement insertion sort in 32bit assembly in linux using NASM and I get a segmentation fault mid-run (not to mention that for some reason 'printf' prints random garbage values, I'm not totally sure why), Here is the
section .rodata
MSG: DB "welcome to sortMe, please sort me",10,0
S1: DB "%d",10,0 ; 10 = '\n' , 0 = '\0'
section .data
array DD 5,1,7,3,4,9,12,8,10,2,6,11 ; unsorted array
len DB 12
section .text
align 16
global main
extern printf
push MSG ; print welcome message
call printf
add esp,4 ; clean the stack
call printArray ;print the unsorted array
;push len
;push array
mov eax, len
mov ebx, array
push eax
push ebx
call myInsertionSort
call printArray ; print the sorted one
mov eax, 1 ;exit system call
int 0x80
push ebp ;save old frame pointer
mov ebp,esp ;create new frame on stack
pushad ;save registers
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov edi,0
mov esi,0 ;array index
mov bl, byte [len]
add edi,ebx ; edi = array size
cmp esi,edi
je print_end
push dword [array+esi*4]
push S1
call printf
add esp, 8 ;clean the stack
inc esi
jmp print_loop
popa ;restore registers
mov esp,ebp ;clean the stack frame
pop ebp ;return to old stack frame
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, [ebp+12]
movzx ecx, byte [ecx] ;put len in ecx, our loop variable
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov esi, [ebp+8] ; the array
loop loop_1
cmp ecx, 0 ; if we're done
je done_1 ; then done with loop
mov edx, ecx
push ecx ; we save len, because loop command decrements ecx
sub edx, ecx
mov ecx, [esi+4*edx] ;;;;;; ecx now array[i] ? how do I access array[i] in a similar manner?
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 2 ; number of times for inner loop
cmp ebx, 0 ; we don't use loop to not affect ecx so we use ebx and compare it manually with 0
jl done_2
cmp [esi+ebx], ecx ;we see if array[ebx] os ecx so we can exit the loop
jle done_2
lea edx, [esi+ebx]
push dword [edx] ; pushing our array[ebx]
add edx, 4
pop dword [edx] ; popping the last one
dec ebx ; decrementing the loop iterator
jmp loop_2 ; looping again
mov [esi+ebx+1], ecx
inc eax ; incrementing iterator
pop ecx ; len of array to compare now to eax and see if we're done
jmp loop_1
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp ; we pop them in opposite to how we pushed
About the printf thing, I'm positive that I should push the parameters the opposite way (first S1 and then the integer so it'd be from left to right as we'd call it in C), and if I do switch them, nothing is printed at all while I'm getting a segmentation fault. I don't know what to do, it prints these as output:
welcome to sortMe, please sort me
mov ecx, [ebp+12] ;put len in ecx, our loop variab
This only moves the address of LEN into ECX not its value! You need to add movzx ecx, byte [ecx]
You also need to define LEN=48
loop loop_1
What's this bizare use of LOOP doing here?
You are mixing bytes and dwords on multiple occasions. You need to rework the code. p.e.
dec ebx ; ebx is now number of times we should go through inner loop
should become
shr ebx,2
This is not correct because you need the address and not the value. Change MOV into LEA.
jle done_2
mov edx, [esi+ebx]
Perhaps you can post your reworked code as an EDIT within your Original question.
Your edited code does not address ALL the problems signaled by user3144770!
The parameters to printf are correct but here are some additional problems with your printArray routine.
Since ESI is an index in an array of dwords you need to scale it up!
push dword [array+esi*4]
Are you sure pusha will save 32 bits ? Perhaps you'd better use pushad
ps Should you decide to rework your code and post the edit then please add the reworked code after the last line of the existing post. This way the original question will continue making sense to people viewing it the first time!

write number to file using NASM

How do I write a variable to a file using NASM?
For example, if I execute some mathematical operation - how do I write the result of the operation to write a file?
My file results have remained empty.
My code:
%include ""
section .bss
result db 2
section .data
filename db "Downloads/output.txt", 0
section .text
global CMAIN
mov eax,5
add eax,17
mov [result],eax
PRINT_DEC 2,[result]
jmp write
mov EAX, 8
mov EBX, filename
mov ECX, 0700
int 0x80
mov EBX, EAX
mov EAX, 4
mov ECX, [result]
int 0x80
mov EAX, 6
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
jmp exit
xor eax, eax
You have to implement ito (integer to ascii) subsequently len for this manner. This code tested and works properly in Ubuntu.
section .bss
answer resb 64
section .data
filename db "./output.txt", 0
section .text
global main
mov eax,5
add eax,44412
push eax ; Push the new calculated number onto the stack
call itoa
mov EAX, 8
mov EBX, filename
mov ECX, 0x0700
int 0x80
push answer
call len
mov EBX, EAX
mov EAX, 4
mov ECX, answer
movzx EDX, di ; move with extended zero edi. length of the string
int 0x80
mov EAX, 6
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
int 0x80
jmp exit
xor eax, eax
; Recursive function. This is going to convert the integer to the character.
push ebp ; Setup a new stack frame
mov ebp, esp
push eax ; Save the registers
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov eax, [ebp + 8] ; eax is going to contain the integer
mov ebx, dword 10 ; This is our "stop" value as well as our value to divide with
mov ecx, answer ; Put a pointer to answer into ecx
push ebx ; Push ebx on the field for our "stop" value
cmp eax, ebx ; Compare eax, and ebx
jl itoa_unroll ; Jump if eax is less than ebx (which is 10)
xor edx, edx ; Clear edx
div ebx ; Divide by ebx (10)
push edx ; Push the remainder onto the stack
jmp itoa_loop ; Jump back to the top of the loop
add al, 0x30 ; Add 0x30 to the bottom part of eax to make it an ASCII char
mov [ecx], byte al ; Move the ASCII char into the memory references by ecx
inc ecx ; Increment ecx
pop eax ; Pop the next variable from the stack
cmp eax, ebx ; Compare if eax is ebx
jne itoa_unroll ; If they are not equal, we jump back to the unroll loop
; else we are done, and we execute the next few commands
mov [ecx], byte 0xa ; Add a newline character to the end of the character array
inc ecx ; Increment ecx
mov [ecx], byte 0 ; Add a null byte to ecx, so that when we pass it to our
; len function it will properly give us a length
pop edx ; Restore registers
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
; Returns the length of a string. The string has to be null terminated. Otherwise this function
; will fail miserably.
; Upon return. edi will contain the length of the string.
push ebp ; Save the previous stack pointer. We restore it on return
mov ebp, esp ; We setup a new stack frame
push eax ; Save registers we are going to use. edi returns the length of the string
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp + 8] ; Move the pointer to eax; we want an offset of one, to jump over the return address
mov edi, 0 ; Set the counter to 0. We are going to increment this each loop
len_loop: ; Just a quick label to jump to
movzx eax, byte [ecx + edi] ; Move the character to eax.
movsx eax, al ; Move al to eax. al is part of eax.
inc di ; Increase di.
cmp eax, 0 ; Compare eax to 0.
jnz len_loop ; If it is not zero, we jump back to len_loop and repeat.
dec di ; Remove one from the count
pop ecx ; Restore registers
pop eax
mov esp, ebp ; Set esp back to what ebp used to be.
pop ebp ; Restore the stack frame
ret ; Return to caller
