Implementing Gmail auth in Flask - gmail

I'm working towards setting up Gmail authentication in a Flask app. There is this extension of Flask - but I can't find a clear idea as to how I'd go about using it to let people log into the app using their Gmail accounts. Any pointers? Much appreciated!

This might give you an idea
It says
"Does Gmail have a Data API?
No, but you can use Gmail's Atom feed with AuthSub or OAuth 1 to request read-only access to a user's unread messages. The scope should be set to An example query would be:


How can I get a user's Google account photo using IAP and the People API? (NodeJS preferred)

I have an application that uses Google Cloud IAP to authenticate users. IAP requires the user to authenticate using their Google account, and then headers are passed to the application afterwards that identify that user (user id, user email, and a token).
I would like to get the user's Google account photo after authentication using the People API (would use the Plus api, but it is being shut down).
NodeJS code examples would help a ton, but either a high level guide or examples in other languages would also be very helpful. Thanks in advance!
For anyone that may come across this, here is the solution I found.
You will need to enable the People API in your GCP console. Then create an API key for it.
Get the 'x-goog-authenticated-user-id' header and strip the '' portion of it to just leave the id.
Pass that id and your api key to a GET request, like so:${userId}?personFields=photos&key=${apiKey}
Hope this helps someone else, too!

Connect Google calendar api and

So here is what i am trying to do :
I built a bot with for my business that is hosted on my webpage and my Facebook page right now. Bot works well.
I want to push it to the next step by allowing my customers to make querys on my calendar, ask to book a specific time, see if available, if not offer other time similar, then make a booking.
I have been reading this thread and the great answer attached to it but i think my case is a bit different.
I was wondering if the bot could always have a token so every guests won't have to Auth to query the calendar ?
Obviously i am new to this, i have been reading the guide of google calendar api and but i don't really see how to do that yet. I guess there is a way to store a token somewhere and then just trigger the query with some specific intents but not to sure how.
I have also done the node.js quickstart guide of the G-calendar api, and it works fine if that helps.
Thanks for your help !
You will probably want to use a Service Account that is permitted to the calendar in question. Service Accounts are similar to regular accounts, but they are expected to do server-to-server communication only, so the method to create an auth token is a little different to keep it secure.
See for more information about using Service Accounts.
In general, you'll be using a shared secret to create and sign a JSON Web Token (JWT) you send to Google's servers. You'll get back an access token which you'll then use to call the Calendar API. The access token expires in about an hour, at which point you'll need to repeat the process.
There are libraries available to do much of this for you. For example, if you're using the node.js library, then it will take care of this for you (although you need to modify the key file - see the documentation for details).

How to access a gmail account I own using Gmail API?

I want to run a node script as a cronjob which uses Gmail's API to poll a gmail account I own.
I am following these quickstart instructions:
I'm stuck on the first step. When requesting credentials for a cron script it tells me that "User data cannot be accessed from a platform without a UI because it requires user interaction for sign-in":
The docs are confusing in general, and mention "service accounts," "OAuth," and other things -- I cannot tell which apply to my use-case and which don't. I've used many SaaS APIs, and the typical workflow is to login to your account, get an API key and secret, and use those in your script to access the API. It seems this is not the paradigm used by the Gmail API, so I'd appreciate any guidance or links to clearer instructions.
I also find that the documentation can be confusing at times, but what you want to to is actually pretty straight forward once you get it:
Register your App at Google, and say what APIs you want your App to have access to (only the Gmail API in this case). This will give you two strings, a client_id and a client_secret (which is the content of the client_secrets.json-file above).
Since you are just going to write a script for your own account only, you don't need a http-server. The Oauth Playground will suffice. Press the Settings Cog on the top right and use your own OAuth credentials.
Select the Gmail API in the list of APIs and follow the outlined steps.
Now you have an access_token and a refresh_token you can use to keep your script going indefinitely!
To fully understand the use of Gmail API, going through Gmail API Overview really will make a difference.
And you can also use these documentations to start building a Gmail app:
The client libraries are available for download in several languages and simplify making API requests.
The developer guide topics help you better understand how to implement particular use cases.
The API reference gives you details on every resource and method in the Gmail API.
I hope these help.

Gmail API in a Chrome Extension

I am trying to get Gmail updates in a chrome extension, other than oauth is there anything specific thing I need to do, to import the Gmail API into the extension?
Here is a complete code example from the most credible source.
You will also need to connect to Gmail with either the the IMAP or SMTP protocol in order to check for new emails.
There is a lot of documentation from Google on how to implement OAuth2 for your extension as well as how to connect to Google Services.
The documentation will tell you what kinds of permissions you'll need.

How stackoverflow accomplish login via Gmail?

I want to know how enables login via my Gmail Account.
Is there any arrangment between the two companies? Or its just an api ?
Does Gmail send information to Stack Overflow?
Where can I find the API?
This is called Open ID based authentication this is a very nice presentation which explain Why and How it works
When you go to some site like stackoverflow it gives you option to login via Yahoo or Gmail or any other Open ID provider.
Let's say you choose Yahoo. StackOverflow will then ask Yahoo to authenticate you using your ID + password and give stackoverflow result whether you were successful or not. If you are successful, stackoverflow now know you are authentic user and it will log you in. In this way stackoverflow can avoid storing user ids and password for every member and you can avoid need of creating another ID just for stackoverflow
Its called OpenID, google just implements the protocol.
As you can see via the login page, SO have used G apis with several other vendor API's along with OpenID as TJ mentioned. So upon logging in, the G API redirects back to the SO with the login information stuffs.
Even making use of the same API's, you could have your website do the same.
