How stackoverflow accomplish login via Gmail? - gmail

I want to know how enables login via my Gmail Account.
Is there any arrangment between the two companies? Or its just an api ?
Does Gmail send information to Stack Overflow?
Where can I find the API?

This is called Open ID based authentication this is a very nice presentation which explain Why and How it works
When you go to some site like stackoverflow it gives you option to login via Yahoo or Gmail or any other Open ID provider.
Let's say you choose Yahoo. StackOverflow will then ask Yahoo to authenticate you using your ID + password and give stackoverflow result whether you were successful or not. If you are successful, stackoverflow now know you are authentic user and it will log you in. In this way stackoverflow can avoid storing user ids and password for every member and you can avoid need of creating another ID just for stackoverflow

Its called OpenID, google just implements the protocol.

As you can see via the login page, SO have used G apis with several other vendor API's along with OpenID as TJ mentioned. So upon logging in, the G API redirects back to the SO with the login information stuffs.
Even making use of the same API's, you could have your website do the same.


Which is the correct OAuth Flow for our use case?

First of all, I apologize for eventual noob questions, we are very new to the DocuSign API and are currently trying to wrap our heads around which is the most correct way of accessing the API.
I will start with an overview of our use case. We recently purchased a DocuSign prod. Account with an Organization enabled.
We have a Partner which uses a CMS Tooling which integrates with said DocuSign Account. This Tool allows for the Backoffice to create envelopes with documents inside and a url which leads to the signin ceremony through the Templates that we create inside the DocuSign Account. This url is afterwards send to the customer for them to sign the documents in the envelope. This Part is working and is currently being used.
Now what we want to achieve on our side, we have a nextJS web-app which allows the same customers (Which are the receivers of the created envelopes in the step above, same e-mail in both steps) to sign-in our web-app. We want to show the customer in a dashboard, if there are envelopes for him open that he can sign and if this is the case we want to show him the url which leads to the signin ceremony.
We were able to see that as soon as an envelope for a certain User is created through the CMS Tooling, we can see that envelope in our DocuSign Prod Account.
Now our thought process was, to show our customer his open envelopes, we just fetch all open envelopes in our DocuSign Account which match the customers E-Mail.
Is there anything wrong with this process or are we overlooking something?
And if it is okay to proceed this way which of the OAuth Flows is the correct one to use for this case?
From my understanding, the JWT Flow seems like the most reasonable one? Since the Customers that need to sign the documents, will not have any DocuSign accounts.
What have you tried to solve the issue?
We tried using the direct API Access, which worked when set up correctly but since we didn't have a OAuth Flow in place the Access token is only valid for restricted amount of time obviously and has to be refreshed. Hence we have to think first about how to grant access correctly
I would love to hear, what the right approach would be to achieve our desired result.
Once again Apologies for this kind of question, just trying to have a better understanding before we start building :)
Best regards!
According to the use case you mentioned using JWT Grant is fine as users of your integration will use a single system account to log in, you should use JWT Grant.
I would recommend going with the below link to know more regards different use cases and check the knowledge

Looking for way to have a user authenticate against PayPal without losing passport authentication

We are using Passport to authenticate users on our website. We would like to give our users the ability to link their PayPal account so that if there clients are on the page and they want to make a payment we can direct it to the users PayPal account.
We could have the users just enter their PayPal emails and we could bill to that account but we would like for the user to authenticate to PayPal grant us the rights to get their email and then store that email to allow for future billing.
I can get the user to authenticate against PayPal but in that process I lose the Passport session and so when they are redirected to the website I don't know who they are.
I know that Passport has strategies for PayPal but I am not wanting to authenticate with PayPal to our website.
Does anyone know a way I can authenticate against PayPal while keeping my Passport session?
We are using node.js
I did figure out how I can move forward. I had first tried using the generate button way and that seemed a dead end for what I was trying to do. Then I shifted to the build button and it seemed to have the same problem. Finally I noticed in the documentation that the example had an additional query parameters called state. So it seems you can pass this parameter and it will be returned in the request query parameters. It seems that it has to be called state. I didn't see anywhere in the documentation that they talk about this but maybe I was just not looking in the right spot.
I will still need to build my session but at least I can know who to build it for.

How can I get a user's Google account photo using IAP and the People API? (NodeJS preferred)

I have an application that uses Google Cloud IAP to authenticate users. IAP requires the user to authenticate using their Google account, and then headers are passed to the application afterwards that identify that user (user id, user email, and a token).
I would like to get the user's Google account photo after authentication using the People API (would use the Plus api, but it is being shut down).
NodeJS code examples would help a ton, but either a high level guide or examples in other languages would also be very helpful. Thanks in advance!
For anyone that may come across this, here is the solution I found.
You will need to enable the People API in your GCP console. Then create an API key for it.
Get the 'x-goog-authenticated-user-id' header and strip the '' portion of it to just leave the id.
Pass that id and your api key to a GET request, like so:${userId}?personFields=photos&key=${apiKey}
Hope this helps someone else, too!

How to restrict Slack Passport authentication to a specific team?

Simply looking for some direction, whether it's a link to the docs or an example:
I want to use Passport to authenticate users using Slack/Passport but only if they belong to my company. So, for example,
olaf#mycompany can log in and view protected assets
ishtar#anotherco cannot do either, despite having an account with slack
A cursory search found this issue but I couldn't find anything in the docs.
Slack Passport is using the Sign in with Slack feature. It requires users to already have an existing Slack account for your Slack workspace.
So to ensure that only users belonging to your company get access to your web site all you need to do is verify that you receive an access token for the right Slack workspace, e.g. the one of your company. You can check that by comparing the team_id in the access token.
Apparently you can pass a team parameter during the oauth flow as described here. This allows slack to do the id comparison on their end, but it does require the developer to know what their team's id is ahead of time.

Retrieve tagged photos from Instagrams API without forcing user to login?

I want to retrieve a list of recent photos with a given tag to display on a website in a very simple gallery.
For that, the doc says I need an access token. However, it seems that the only way to authenticate against Instagram is through OAuth; which involves sending the user to instagram and allowing my application access to their basic data. However, I don't want my users to do anything; I'd like my application to authenticate against Instagram for me and then retrieve the data I want.
Sounds simple, but all online documentation seems to end up in "Redirect your user to...". And I find no sensible ways to do this programatically; it's all about sending users away, letting them authenticate, and then receiving the access token afterwards. I could of course scrape the HTML, parse the forms (for example, the unique-per-session csrfmiddlewaretoken field which needs to be posted along with login requests etc) and let my server side application pretend to be my own user and login/authorize the app, but that doesn't seem like the way to go.
I could also just authenticate manually in the browser, pick up the auth token and paste into my application; but as the doc says: "do not assume your access_token is valid forever." - so I'd like this to be fully automated.
If I try to create a WebClient and POST to{clientId}&redirect_uri={redirectUri}&response_type=code&scope=basic it just returns a 403 Forbidden which is of no use. (For what it's worth, I'm using C# and have found instasharp, but this problem is not tied to any given platform...)
Am I completely overlooking something, or am I right that server side authentication against Instagram has become really complicated? Most other social media platform API's I've touched lets me get some form of authentication token just by posting a combination of the application id and secret.
