how can i hide the part of url using .htaccess - .htaccess

I am trying to remove the part from my url here is the url ""
Now I want to remove "itemlist/category/" from the url so that url can be look link ""
I am using default functionality of joomla i.e. SEF urls, I need to simplify it more I am new for the htaccess
Please suggest link for learning how to write rules for .htaccess file
Please help

Easiest thing is just to make a menu link somewhere that goes directly to category-2. That will set up the url correctly. It will also get rid of the 3-


How to make SEO friendly URL using .htaccess

I want to make this URL
I used below code but is not working.
RewriteRule ^domestic-products/table-top-wet-grinders/sleek-table-top-wet-grinder-2l-LEP883/$ single-commercial.php?PId=$1&title=$2 [QSA]
Please share whate i am missing..
Depending on how your website is being hosted, it might be helpful to look at the .htaccess permalink structure which can be found here.
It looks like your first link is using a custom structure permalink, but your desired URL is a combination between post name and product number. A generic set of instructions can be found here if you are using WordPress. This can also clarify the benefits of using URLs that are friendly for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

htaccess URL redirect based on page title

I would like to add a line to my htaccess to change this url:
RewriteEngine on
do this is the url
into something like this :
its php and joomla and I am a php developer, please dont advise me to use a component or module to handle redirects, I am trying to achieve this using .htaccess ONLY :) thank you in advance!!
Your 'pretty' url contains information that is not in the 'working' url. Besides that, the 'working' url also contains information that is not in the pretty url. You need database access to translate the event id to a seo-title, and the seo-title back to an event id. In other words: It is impossible to do this with .htaccess only, unless you change 'viewevent' to accept an event by seo-title, instead of eventid.
Mod_dbd can possible be used, but only in the server config file, not .htaccess.
As Sumurai8 says htaccess cant transform url like you want automatically.
But you can use Redirect 301 (or its variation) for one url to another.
for your example:
Redirect 301 /Calendar/viewevent?eventid=9223 /Calendar/viewevent/Title-of-event
more information here

joomla URL rewrite

I am Using Joomla 2.5, I am using extension Enmass for site, I have make SEO URL from Admin but URL will show like this
I need to rewrite this URL to
I had tried to change in .htaccess but i didnt success.
If any one has idea for this please let me know.
You can create a menu item within Joomla for this Enmass view and it will create this URL.
The URL you see is created by the Joomla JRoute class if no menu item (Itemid) is passed together with the raw URL.
Also the extension can set up its own routing rules with the router.php file (/components/com_enmasse/router.php).

Can't figure it out: Redirection showing old url

I'm using cpanel and tried using htaccess and it's not working.. I need to redirect to but when it does the url that is shown is
How can I do this?? thanksss :(
Sounds like you are wanting to do a masked URL redirect. Meaning, you want the domain to redirect but stay the same in the URL bar.
The above site has a great Masked URL Redirect.
Simply create a index.html file on and paste the generated code.
Make sure to clear the .htaccess file so redirects do not conflict.

How to change url's in Joomla

I have created a website and my client want that the URLs shows in tab according like Login URL is and he want that there will be set in url instead of this. So please tell me how can I do this I am new in Joomla
Check This:
On SEO URL's , apache mod_re-write from you Global Configuration option.
Make sure you check yes to apache mod_rewrite, enable SEO, in global configuration, but also a very important part... in your root folder for Joomla you need to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess - that's VERY important!
That should help you get what you want. I recommend doing some reading up on the documentation - it's all covered in there!
