How to change url's in Joomla - .htaccess

I have created a website and my client want that the URLs shows in tab according like Login URL is and he want that there will be set in url instead of this. So please tell me how can I do this I am new in Joomla

Check This:
On SEO URL's , apache mod_re-write from you Global Configuration option.

Make sure you check yes to apache mod_rewrite, enable SEO, in global configuration, but also a very important part... in your root folder for Joomla you need to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess - that's VERY important!
That should help you get what you want. I recommend doing some reading up on the documentation - it's all covered in there!


Nginx URL rewrite to remove folder from URL when its followed by certain subfolders

After I have upgraded my site I see that once I go live with new version some parts of the website URLs will not be redirected for gallery, blogs and files because of new structure. And there is no way fixing it within the CMS. So my goal is to use NGINX redirects.
I wonder do any of you know any NGINX rewrite tricks to make such redirects possible? into into into
I actually need the part forums dropped from the URL only and ONLY when the address is going for forums+blogs/gallery/files. Don't want to loose that google traffic.
So for example is redirected to
is left alone and working just like before because the following subfolder is neither blogs or gallery or files.
I needed that once on Apache and this one worked but on Nginx I have no idea.
RewriteRule ^forums/(blogs|gallery|files)/(.*)$ /$1/$2 [L,R=301]
You can try something like
rewrite ^/forums/(blogs|gallery|files)/(.*)$ /$1/$2;
Please note that rewrite directive accepts some flags wich meaning depends on where is it placed (is it inside a server or location block). Detailed documentation is here. redirects to

I just rebuilt my site to be responsive with Gantry 5 and Joomla. built in inmotion hosting server. moved it into a sub domain on my real sites server, when i try to access the site to test it redirects to
I have discussed this with my host, they say i have a wildcard redirect- i don't. they say to check my .htaccess file. i did but i do not see where i am redirecting / or to itself.
they then recommended that i read one of your forum results. the one they sent didn't apply to me. hoping you can help
Check for any RewriteBase command in .htaccess. You could also temporarily copy the standard htaccess.txt over .htaccess to see if this makes any difference (backup .htaccess to .htaccess.old or similar first).
Also check your configuration.php file to see if the live_site parameter has been set.

htaccess URL redirect based on page title

I would like to add a line to my htaccess to change this url:
RewriteEngine on
do this is the url
into something like this :
its php and joomla and I am a php developer, please dont advise me to use a component or module to handle redirects, I am trying to achieve this using .htaccess ONLY :) thank you in advance!!
Your 'pretty' url contains information that is not in the 'working' url. Besides that, the 'working' url also contains information that is not in the pretty url. You need database access to translate the event id to a seo-title, and the seo-title back to an event id. In other words: It is impossible to do this with .htaccess only, unless you change 'viewevent' to accept an event by seo-title, instead of eventid.
Mod_dbd can possible be used, but only in the server config file, not .htaccess.
As Sumurai8 says htaccess cant transform url like you want automatically.
But you can use Redirect 301 (or its variation) for one url to another.
for your example:
Redirect 301 /Calendar/viewevent?eventid=9223 /Calendar/viewevent/Title-of-event
more information here

How to get Dynamic URL with the help of Web.Config and PHP

Suppose i have
3 php pages
For good SEO . I need URL like
i need all the variables for proper functioning of php pages. Some suggests me to use htaccess file but my website is on godaddy windows hosting so htaccess doesn't work ..
Go Daddy allows you to use URL rewrite module if you are on windows hosting plan. You can achieve the desired effect with URL routing. should give you all the information you need for setting up the appropriate rewrite rule.

how can i hide the part of url using .htaccess

I am trying to remove the part from my url here is the url ""
Now I want to remove "itemlist/category/" from the url so that url can be look link ""
I am using default functionality of joomla i.e. SEF urls, I need to simplify it more I am new for the htaccess
Please suggest link for learning how to write rules for .htaccess file
Please help
Easiest thing is just to make a menu link somewhere that goes directly to category-2. That will set up the url correctly. It will also get rid of the 3-
