CakePHP 1.3 : Merge Two Model Pagination in single view? - pagination

I have two Model with no relationship between them i need to display it in single view file with cakephp Paging or Custom Paging.
Kindly help me...

If I were you, create a view in mysql that is a UNION of the tables in question. Then create a model for that view and paginate that.
Probably the easiest way!

Use import,
and then you can do pagination on both. Note that I think you would have to do some sort of jquery/ajax pagination to have both work properly on a single page.


using primefaces data exporter with dynamic sql query

My boss loves the idea of some users of our web-based product being able to make straight SQL queries of the underlying database. I currently have it implemented so that the output of the query goes into a scrollable text area with the columns separated by user specified delimiters. The user can then cut and paste it into their spreadsheet or whatever. This is functional but inelegant and just plain ugly.
Primefaces has its data exporter widget which I'm using in other places and it works great. I'd like to use it for this but it requires predefined getters/setters. Since the query is user-defined, I have no way of knowing in advance the number or types of columns that will be returned.
Any ideas on how to work around this?
Did your try this from primefaces extensions

What's a good node.js / mongoose form builder?

From using other frameworks I've gotten used to not building out and mapping forms to db objects manually. Since using node.js and mongoose. I'm looking for a form builder that allows the following:
automatically maps mongoose objects to form fields
handles both 'new' and 'update' use cases
allows class injection around form fields for styling
includes validation
allows one to add custom fields
Does anyone know of any such form builders for node.js, express, mongoose?
I haven't used it, or looked at it in depth, but looks like it may be of interest.
I know this is kind of old discussion but I just wanted to recommend checking out Formage (npm: formage)
Setup is easy and straightforward. You can check it out in matter of minutes and hopefully this can help you.

Best way to display list content coming from different site collections in a webpart?

I would like to build a webpart that is going to display list content coming from different site collections (but the same content type).
I wanted to use the SPSiteDataGuery to create the datasource of a SPGridView for instance, but it appears to be working only within the same site collection. Do you have any idea ?
The best performing solution would be to use the search object model. Look into FullTextSqlQuery. You can filter based on content type easily enough. The downside in using this technique is obviously there is a delay until the content is crawled. The performance over anything else however will be significantly better. Waldek has some great articles on comparing the alternatives.

Rad grid custom filtering

How can I activate custom filtering for my radgrid?(I googled but I didn't get any proper response regarding this)
I have a property like AllowCustomSorting but I don't have any property regarding filtering.
Can any one provide the way how to implement custom filtering?
If possbile give me a sample page then I will understand.
Thanks in advance.
All you need to know about filtering:
I usually do my filtering/sorting within my stored procedures as that brings huge speed benefits when working with larger tables.
I'm aware this is a fairly old question now but this link should help you:
Note that it has a sample project at the bottom of the page.
The property you are looking for is AllowFilteringByColumn="True"
This page has a sample using a dropdown and a custom filter.

Drupal Views Arguments

I know how to successfully use arguments in drupal's views module, but when it "filters" based on those arguments it uses "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement. However, I would like to use "like" instead of "=" in the where clause of the SQL statement so I can pass in, say the title of a node, as an argument and then show all nodes that CONTAIN the title passed in. I am not interested in grabbing only the nodes where the title is exactly the same as the title passed in. Does anyone know how I can do this? Is this possible?
one possible solution would be to generate the view by code with your required query.
I am looking for the same solution. It looks like you can modify the query using the views_views_pre_execute hook. The link below has a pretty good explanation. Haven't tried it yet but giving it a shot now...
You could export the view, which outputs the views-generated query as code, then modify the query to suit your needs, and load it programatically (
In drupal 7 you can use views query alter to generate your custom querys:
Take a look at this example:
I don't think you can do this. See here (
There are no options for selecting which operator should be used with contextual filters (save the exclude option). All default to is equal to.
