Liferay Error in Staging: MethodInvocationException - liferay

I modified settings for a Community Site inside Liferay.
Trying to poke and play with Liferay's CMS.
Added this setting= Staging: Remote Live
And now I get this error:
org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of
method 'runtime' in class com.liferay.taglib.util.VelocityTaglib threw
exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException:
ServletException in '/html/portlet/staging_bar/view.jsp':
com.liferay.portal.NoSuchLayoutSetBranchException: No LayoutSetBranch
exists with the key {groupId=13309, privateLayout=false, master=true}
at VM_liferay.vm[line 91, column 24]
Can anyone help with what can I change programmatically to be able to get into the app again? I cannot even get to localhost:8080, it gives me this error.
I'm still using the default HSQL database.
think it might be related to this:

It looks like the one we had some time ago.
Site crashed after modifying it's settings in Control Panel. After some investigation we've found up that a setting branchingPublic=true affected that.
First of all, find out which site (community) have You modified. For example it is "community1".
In database find the row of this site:
SELECT * FROM group_ WHERE friendlyurl like '%community1%'
And check there what settings it has in column: "typesettings". I recommend copy them to have a backup.
We have changed branchingPublic=true to branchingPublic=false. And restarted the Liferay Portal.
It helped to start running again.
Although Liferay Support didn't reproduce this, I believe it may help You or someone else.
If that doesn't help, try playing with other settings, maybe some other affects the crash. At last you can try remove them all. Just an idea for You!
Kind Regards!


ISAPI Issues with CFWheels

I am working with a brand new instance of IIS on Windows Server 2012 and I am having trouble getting my CFWheels app to work. The issue it seems to be with ISAPI filters and isapi_redirect.dll because it's trying to find the file in the wrong folder. I tried adding a filter myself which I named jakarta and pointed it to the correct folder of the dll but now I am not getting anything but a blank screen and no error of any sort (before I was getting an error 500)
Anyone with a recommendation of what I need to do!?
I recreated the site under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ instead of having it on my second HDD and the issue went away.... I would love to know why though so if anyone ever comes across this question please feel free to post

Glimpse + MVC5 + Sitecore 7.2

I have an ASP.NET MVC5 website and I have installed Glimpse.MVC5 using nuget. The website is running the latest version of the Sitecore CMS (7.2 rev. 140314). I haven't changed the Glimpse configuration at all apart from adding logging.
When I go to the homepage of the website (after enabling Glimpse) I can't see the HUD. The following is the last line in the Glimpse log:
2014-04-24 15:19:01.6043 | DEBUG | Apparently GlimpseRuntime has not
yet initialized this request. This might happen in case you're doing
something specific like mentioned in this issue: . Either way, Glimpse
will be disabled to prevent any further non-deterministic behavior
during this request.
I've had a look at the link but I can't see that it applies to my situation. There are no NullReferenceException's in the log.
I have tested Glimpse.MVC5 with a vanilla ASP.NET MVC5 website on my machine and that worked fine so I'm tempted to assume that it's something to do with Sitecore.
Any ideas what could be wrong or ideas on how to identify the issue?
The solution mentioned in this post on the Glimpse issue tracker solved the problem.
Sitecore does it's own HttpModule stuff which seems to
cause issues.
In order to fix this, you need to move the Glimpse HttpModule
definition before the Sitecore modules in the Web.config.
The reason why you are still not seeing the HUD is explained by that log message as well.
Somehow during the execution of the request, a new HttpContext is created or used which means you'll loose the request initialization that Glimpse did at BeginRequest. As part of that initialization, items are being stored in the HttpContext.Items collection for which Glimpse will look during request monitoring.
The message you see in the log is an example of when Glimpse wants to know what the current RuntimePolicy is, so that it knows whether or not it should continue to monitor that request. The current RuntimePolicy is set by Glimpse during the BeginRequest phase of that request and the log now indicates it cannot find it, after which Glimpse decides to be concervative and stop monitoring that request instead of ending in a NullReferenceException
Now the cases where we've seen that (check the linked issues inside the issue you mentioned) is when another HttpContext is being created and used to process that request after that Glimpse did is initialization.
So the only advice I can give here, is to check whether the creation of another HttpContext is actually the case for you? You might find some ideas in those linked issues.
In case you find something specific that is not related to the issue mentioned above, then I would suggest you create a new issue on our issue tracker as it is a more appropriate place to discuss potential bugs or missing features

Generated portlet with xmlportletfactory and Liferay throws BeanLocator is null error

Im struggling a long time now with the following problem: I generate a very basic (or complex) example portlet with xmlportletfactory. Deploy it to Liferay, add it on a page and try to use it. I can not add a new entry (error message in view) and the server log sais:
ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-1][PortletBeanLocatorUtil:42] BeanLocator is null for servlet context coursesExample
Environment is:
Postgres 9.2
Java 1.6.0_45
I searched the whole web and find a lot of similiar problems on the liferay forums, but nothing helped me. I posted it also to xmlportletfactory forums, but still no answer yet.
What can I do?
In my case, for some reason I changed the project's name, and I started having the same "BeanLocator is null for servlet context..." problem.
A couple of days later, I renamed my eclipse project to the same name I initially used, and everything went back to normal.
Could that be something related to your project's name as well?

Error on installing any module in DotNetNuke 5.6.3

When I upload any module in System->Extensions in DotNetNuke 5.6.3, running on a Windows 2008 R2 server, IIS 7.5, after the correct module information is displayed and I hit next, I receive the error message
Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.FieldEditorControl.CreateEditor()at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.FieldEditorControl.DataBind()at
DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PropertyEditorControl.AddFields(Table tbl)at
and the module is not installed. The file system of the web has not been touched, so I thought it was a permission problem, but even allowing user Everyone to do everything doesn't help (after making sure the ApplicationPoolIdentity user has been allowed full access as well).
Any hint is appreciated.
The manifest of the module is valid (it's Dynamic Registration 4.1).
Update: Installation steps (note: I am using a German installation of Windows 2008, so some translations might not be accurate)
Log in as Hosts Super User (Admin)
Either navigate to System->Extensions or System->Module Definitions (System might be identical to Hosts) - I tried both
In System->Extensions, click Installation assistant for extensions
Select file to upload
Click next
Description of uploading package appears correctly - click next
Error message Object reference not set to an instance of an object. appears on top of the page. Log View shows stack trace as partly displayed above.
What can cause an error in DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.FieldEditorControl.CreateEditor()?
What kind of permissions could be missing?
Update 2: By step-by-step debugging, I found out that the view state is broken, for some reason. The method BindPackage() in DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\Install.aspx.vb doesn't find the current Installer Package. I have not yet found out why the viewstate breaks. It is enabled and huge in the rendered page source.
As described in Update 2, the page's viewstate is lost in DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\Install.aspx.vb. Simply replacing ViewState by Session works (but this workaround may be lost after the next DNN update).
Update (in case someone has a similar issue):
The DNN container that was used had its viewstate turned off! This results in all kinds of weird behaviour, but it took time to track that error. Now it's obvious.

Liferay - how to disable monitoringfilter

As the title says.
I tried adding com.liferay.portal.servlet.filters.monitoring.MonitoringFilter=false to my but it still seems to be enabled. (getting a response already commited exception on it).
And since it only occurs at the customer and we're not monitoring the performance it seems best to turn it off.
Any input is appreciated.
Be extra extra sure that the you mention (you didn't refer to, right) is really picked up - there will be a log entry at startup stating which is being read.
Put your in LIFERAY_HOME, that's the same folder that also has the tomcat, data and deploy folders (if you're on the tomcat bundle).
Also, on Windows, make sure that Windows shows also the extensions. I can't count how many times people created and wondered why it wasn't picked up. (this file is only renameable on the command line, not in Explorer, if you have the "hide extension of known files" on.
I am experiencing the same issue as you and can confirm that the IllegalStateException will still occur even the monitoringFilter is disabled. The exception seems to occur on the filterChain, not actually on the MonitoringFilter. See
