How to convert IO Int to String in Haskell? - haskell

I'm learning to use input and output in Haskell. I'm trying to generate a random number and output it to another file. The problem is that the random number seems to be returning an IO Int, something that I can't convert to a String using show.
Could someone give me a pointer here?

It's helpful if you show us the code you've written that isn't working.
Anyway, you are in a do block and have written something like this, yes?
main = do
writeFile "some-file.txt" (show generateRandomNumberSomehow)
You should instead do something like this:
main = do
randomNumber <- generateRandomNumberSomehow
writeFile "some-file.txt" (show randomNumber)
The <- operator binds the result of the IO Int value on the right to the Int-valued variable on the left. (Yes, you can also use this to bind the result of an IO String value to a String-valued variable, etc.)
This syntax is only valid inside a do block. It's important to note that the do block will itself result in an IO value --- you can't launder away the IO-ness.

dave4420's answer is what you want here. It uses the fact that IO is a Monad; that's why you can use the do notation.
However, I think it's worth mentioning that the concept of "applying a function to a value that's not 'open', but inside some wrapper" is actually more general than IO and more general than monads. It's what we have the Functor class for.
For any functor f (this could, for instance, be Maybe or [] or IO), when you have some value
wrapped :: f t (for instance wrapped :: Maybe Int), you can use fmap to apply a function
t -> t' to it (like show :: Int -> String) and get a
wrappedApplied :: f t' (like wrappedApplied :: Maybe String).
In your example, it would be
genRandomNumAsString :: IO String
genRandomNumAsString = fmap show genRandomNumPlain


What is the IO type in Haskell

I am new to the Haskell programming language, I keep on stumbling on the IO type either as a function parameter or a return type.
playGame :: Screen -> IO ()
gameRunner :: IO String -> (String -> IO ()) -> Screen -> IO ()
How does this work, I am a bit confused because I know a String expects words and an Int expects numbers. Whats does the IO used in functions expect or Return?
IO is the way how Haskell differentiates between code that is referentially transparent and code that is not. IO a is the type of an IO action that returns an a.
You can think of an IO action as a piece of code with some effect on the real world that waits to get executed. Because of this side effect, an IO action is not referentially transparent; therefore, execution order matters. It is the task of the main function of a Haskell program to properly sequence and execute all IO actions. Thus, when you write a function that returns IO a, what you are actually doing is writing a function that returns an action that eventually - when executed by main - performs the action and returns an a.
Some more explanation:
Referential transparency means that you can replace a function by its value. A referentially transparent function cannot have any side effects; in particular, a referentially transparent function cannot access any hardware resources like files, network, or keyboard, because the function value would depend on something else than its parameters.
Referentially transparent functions in a functional language like Haskell are like math functions (mappings between domain and codomain), much more than a sequence of imperative instructions on how to compute the function's value. Therefore, Haskell code says the compiler that a function is applied to its arguments, but it does not say that a function is called and thus actually computed.
Therefore, referentially transparent functions do not imply the order of execution. The Haskell compiler is free to evaluate functions in any way it sees fit - or not evaluate them at all if it is not necessary (called lazy evaluation). The only ordering arises from data dependencies, when one function requires the output of another function as input.
Real-world side effects are not referentially transparent. You can think of the real world as some sort of implicit global state that effectual functions mutate. Because of this state, the order of execution matters: It makes a difference if you first read from a database and then update it, or vice versa.
Haskell is a pure functional language, all its functions are referentially transparent and compilation rests on this guarantee. How, then, can we deal with effectful functions that manipulate some global real-world state and that need to be executed in a certain order? By introducing data dependency between those functions.
This is exactly what IO does: Under the hood, the IO type wraps an effectful function together with a dummy state paramter. Each IO action takes this dummy state as input and provides it as output. Passing this dummy state parameter from one IO action to the next creates a data dependency and thus tells the Haskell compiler how to properly sequence all the IO actions.
You don't see the dummy state parameter because it is hidden behind some syntactic sugar: the do notation in main and other IO actions, and inside the IO type.
Briefly put:
f1 :: A -> B -> C
is a function which takes two arguments of type A and B and returns a C. It does not perform any IO.
f2 :: A -> B -> IO C
is similar to f1, but can also perform IO.
f3 :: (A -> B) -> IO C
takes as an argument a function A -> B (which does not perform IO) and produces a C, possibly performing IO.
f4 :: (A -> IO B) -> IO C
takes as an argument a function A -> IO B (which can perform IO) and produces a C, possibly performing IO.
f5 :: A -> IO B -> IO C
takes as an argument a value of type A, an IO action of type IO B, and returns a value of type C, possibly performing IO (e.g. by running the IO action argument one or more times).
f6 :: IO Int -> IO Int
f6 action = do
x1 <- action
x2 <- action
putStrLn "hello!"
x3 <- action
return (x1+x2+x3)
When a function returns IO (), it returns no useful value, but can perform IO. Similar to, say, returning void in C or Java. Your
gameRunner :: IO String -> (String -> IO ()) -> Screen -> IO ()
function can be called with the following arguments:
arg1 :: IO String
arg1 = do
putStrLn "hello"
s <- readLine
return ("here: " ++ s)
arg2 :: String -> IO ()
arg2 str = do
putStrLn "hello"
putStrLn str
putStrLn "hello again"
arg3 :: Screen
arg3 = ... -- I don't know what's a Screen in your context
Let's try answering some simpler questions first:
What is the Maybe type in Haskell?
From chapter 21 (page 205) of the Haskell 2010 Report:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
it's a simple partial type - you have a value (conveyed via Just) or you don't (Nothing).
How does this work?
Let's look at one possible Monad instance for Maybe:
instance Monad Maybe where
return = Just
Just x >>= k = k x
Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
This monadic interface simplifies the use of values based on Maybe constructors e.g.
instead of:
\f ox oy -> case ox of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> case oy of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just y -> Just (f x y)
you can simply write this:
\f ox oy -> ox >>= \x -> oy >>= \y -> return (f x y)
The monadic interface is widely applicable: from parsing to encapsulated state, and so much more.
What does the Maybe type used in functions expect or return?
For a function expecting a Maybe-based value e.g:
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe _ f (Just x) = f x
maybe d _ Nothing = d
if its contents are being used in the function, then the function may have to deal with not receiving a value it can use i.e. Nothing.
For a function returning a Maybe-based value e.g:
invert :: Double -> Maybe Double
invert 0.0 = Nothing
invert d = Just (1/d)
it just needs to use the appropriate constructors.
One last point: observe how Maybe-based values are used - from starting simply (e.g. invert 0.5 or Just "here") to then define other, possibly more-elaborate Maybe-based values (with (>>=), (>>), etc) to ultimately be examined directly by pattern-matching, or abstractly by a suitable definition (maybe, fromJust et al).
Time for the original questions:
What is the IO type in Haskell?
From section 6.1.7 (page 75) of the Report:
The IO type serves as a tag for operations (actions) that interact with the outside world. The IO type is abstract: no constructors are visible to the user. IO is an instance of the Monad and Functor classes.
the crucial point being:
The IO type is abstract: no constructors are visible to the user.
No constructors? That begs the next question:
How does this work?
This is where the versatility of the monadic interface steps in: the flexibility of its two key operatives - return and (>>=) in Haskell - substantially make up for IO-based values being
Remember that observation about how Maybe-based values are used? Well, IO-based values are used in similar fashion - starting simply (e.g. return 1, getChar or putStrLn "Hello, there!") to defining other IO-based values (with (>>=), (>>), catch, etc) to ultimately form Main.main.
But instead of pattern-matching or calling another function to extract its contents, Main.main is
processed directly by the Haskell implementation.
What does the IO used in functions expect or return?
For a function expecting a IO-based value e.g:
echo :: IO ()
echo :: getChar >>= \c -> if c == '\n'
then return ()
else putChar c >> echo
if its contents are being used in the function, then the function usually returns an IO-based value.
For a function returning a IO-based value e.g:
newLine :: IO ()
newLine = putChar '\n'
it just needs to use the appropriate definitions.

Why is the output of this Haskell function an IO String instead of a String

I'm learning Haskell through and wanted to test some of the concepts before finishing the input/output module. I haven't been able to google or hoogle my way out of this question, though, even though it seems quite simple.
When I try to run the following code
getName = do
name <- getLine
return name
the output of getName becomes an element of type IO String instead of String, even though name is definitely a String
By reading the documentation and other StackVverflow's questions I couldn't figure out why is this happening when I declare getName as a function (when I use the bind <- operation directly on main there's no problem whatsoever).
The return function is not conceptually the same as what return does in languages like C++, Java and Python. return :: Monad m => a -> m a takes an a (here a String), and produces an m a (here IO a).
The do notation is syntacticual sugar. If we desugar the statement, you wrote:
getName = getLine >>= (\name -> return name)
or cleaner:
getName = getLine >>= return
The bind function (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b thus has as first operand an m a, and as second a function a -> m b, and produces an m b. Since getLine :: IO String is an IO String, that thus means that m is the same as IO, and a is the same as String. The return :: Monad m => a -> m a, makes it clear that here b is the same as a.
Then what is IO here. A metaphor that is frequently used is the one of a recipe. In this metaphor an IO a is a set of instructions that when you follow these, you will get an a. But that does not mean that that recipe is an a.
(>>=) here basically says that, on the left hand I have a recipe to make a, on the right hand I have a function that converts that a into a recipe to make b, so we can construct a recipe to make b with these two.
People often ask how to unwrap an a out of an IO a, but conceptually it makes not much sense. You can not "unwrap" the cake out of a recipe to make a cake. You can follow the instructions to make a cake. Following instructions is something the main will eventually do. We thus can construct a (long) recipe the main will do. But we can not unwrap the values.
Strictly speaking there is a function unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a that can do that. But it is strongly adviced not to use that. Functions in Haskell are supposed to be pure that means that for the same input, we always retrieve the same output. getLine itself is a pure, since it always produces the same recipe (IO String).

Haskell: Show instance of IOArray

I'm learning Haskell and trying to use mutable arrays (in particular IOArray). I wrote a pretty printer that has the following type:
disp :: Show a => IOArray Int a -> IO String
I didn't manage to get rid of the IO part because of a subcall to
getBounds :: Ix i => a i e -> m (i, i)
Now I'm trying to use disp to define a Show instance for my IOArray type but the IO gets in the way.
Is it possible to create a Show instance for IOArray ?
An IOArray is not really an array. It's just a reference to an array. Absolutely everything interesting you can do with an IOArray produces an action in IO. Why is that? Suppose you could index into an IOArray in pure code:
(!) :: IOArray Int a -> a
Consider the following:
f :: IO (Char, Char)
f = do
ar <- newArray (0 :: Int, 10 :: Int) 'a'
let x = ar ! 3
writeArray ar 3 'b'
let y = ar ! 3
return (x, y)
What should f produce? One answer might be that it should produce ('a', 'b'), because the third element of ar started out as 'a' and then was changed to 'b'. But that's deeply troubling! How can ar ! 3 have one value at one time and another later? That violates the fundamental idea of referential transparency that purely functional languages are built on. So you just can't do that.
AFAIK in Haskell getting rid of Monads is neither possible nor correct. Some monads (like Maybe and Either) has special methods to unwrap their values, but (over)using them is discouraged. If you have any Haskell type that is wrapped within a Monad context, you must use it and work with it without unwrapping and releasing. For your case, any type within an IO monad, can not be converted (using any type of function like Show) to any type without IO Monad. One solution for your case is using Haskell's rich treasure of Monad functions and operators to convert inner type (e.g. Int) to Char, and after that you have a IO String instead of IOArray, which in turn you can print out.

Can I use type declaration inside Haskell code

I am new to Haskell, and I have a little question about function type declaration. Suppose there are bunch of integers, we need to sum it and print it out. I am aware this works:
main = do
a <- fmap (map read . words) getContents :: IO [Int]
print $ sum a
buta <- fmap (map (read :: Int) . words) getContentsfailed. Why it failed? We know getContents is IO String, then words is dealing with String and return [String] to map (read :: Int), I thought it may goes fine, because we declared it to read an Int, but it failed.
Is it impossible to use type declaration inside a line of code, or I use it the wrong way. Thanks.
The problem is that read doesn't have the type Int, it has the type String -> Int (for your purposes). The map function only accepts a function as its first argument, and you're trying to say that read has type Int, which would mean it's not a function. There's also no way you can coerce the type Read a => String -> a to Int, so it would error on both of these problems.

Converting IO Int to Int

I've created a combobox from converting a xmlWidget to a comboBox with the function castTocomboBox and now I want to get the text or the index of the active item. The problem is that if I use the comboBoxGetActive function it returns an IO Int result and I need to know how can I obtain the Int value. I tried to read about monads so I could understand what one could do in a situation like this but I don't seem to understand. I appreciate all the help I can get. I should probably mention that I use Glade and gtk2hs.
As a general rule you write something like this:
x <- somethingThatReturnsIO
somethingElseThatReturnsIO $ pureFunction x
There is no way to get the "Int" out of an "IO Int", except to do something else in the IO Monad.
In monad terms, the above code desugars into
somethingThatReturnsIO >>= (\x -> somethingElseThatReturnsIO $ pureFunction x)
The ">>=" operator (pronounced "bind") does the magic of converting the "IO Int" into an "Int", but it refuses to give that Int straight to you. It will only pass that value into another function as an argument, and that function must return another value in "IO". Meditate on the type of bind for the IO monad for a few minutes, and you may be enlightened:
>>= :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
The first argument is your initial "IO Int" value that "comboBoxGetActive" is returning. The second is a function that takes the Int value and turns it into some other IO value. Thus you can process the Int, but the results of doing so never escape from the IO monad.
(Of course there is the infamous "unsafePerformIO", but at your level of knowledge you may be certain that if you use it then you are doing it wrong.)
(Actually the desugaring is rather more complicated to allow for failed pattern matches. But you can pretend what I wrote is true)
Well, there is unsafePerformIO:
(If you want to know how to find this method: Go to and search for the signature you need, here IO a -> a)
That said, you probably heard of "What happens in IO stays in IO". And there are very good reasons for this (just read the documentation of unsafePerformIO). So you very likely have a design problem, but in order to get help from experienced Haskellers (I'm certainly not), you need to describe your problem more detailed.
To understand what those types are –step by step–, first look up what Maybe and List are:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
data [a] = [] | a : [a]
(Maybe a) is a different type than (a), like (Maybe Int) differs from (Int).
Example values of the type (Maybe Int) are
Just 5 and Nothing.
A List of (a)s can be written as ([ ] a) and as ([a]). Example values of ([Int]) are [1,7,42] and [ ].
Now, an (IO a) is a different thing than (a), too: It is an Input/Output-computation that calculates a value of type (a). In other words: it is a script or program, which has to be executed to generate a value of type (a).
An Example of (IO String) is getLine, which reads a line of text from standard-input.
Now, the type of comboBoxGetActive is:
comboBoxGetActive :: ComboBoxClass self => self -> IO Int
That means, that comboBoxGetActive is a function (->) that maps from any type that has an instance of the type-class ComboBoxClass (primitive type-classes are somehow similar to java-interfaces) to an (IO Int). Each time, this function (->) is evaluated with the same input value of this type (self) (whatever that type is), it results in the same value: It is always the same value of type (IO Int), that means that it is always the same script. But when you execute that same script at different times, it could produce different values of type (Int).
The main function of your program has the type (IO ()), that means that the compiler and the runtime system evaluate the equations that you program in this functional language to the value of main, which will be executed as soon as you start the program.
