Converting IO Int to Int - haskell

I've created a combobox from converting a xmlWidget to a comboBox with the function castTocomboBox and now I want to get the text or the index of the active item. The problem is that if I use the comboBoxGetActive function it returns an IO Int result and I need to know how can I obtain the Int value. I tried to read about monads so I could understand what one could do in a situation like this but I don't seem to understand. I appreciate all the help I can get. I should probably mention that I use Glade and gtk2hs.

As a general rule you write something like this:
x <- somethingThatReturnsIO
somethingElseThatReturnsIO $ pureFunction x
There is no way to get the "Int" out of an "IO Int", except to do something else in the IO Monad.
In monad terms, the above code desugars into
somethingThatReturnsIO >>= (\x -> somethingElseThatReturnsIO $ pureFunction x)
The ">>=" operator (pronounced "bind") does the magic of converting the "IO Int" into an "Int", but it refuses to give that Int straight to you. It will only pass that value into another function as an argument, and that function must return another value in "IO". Meditate on the type of bind for the IO monad for a few minutes, and you may be enlightened:
>>= :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
The first argument is your initial "IO Int" value that "comboBoxGetActive" is returning. The second is a function that takes the Int value and turns it into some other IO value. Thus you can process the Int, but the results of doing so never escape from the IO monad.
(Of course there is the infamous "unsafePerformIO", but at your level of knowledge you may be certain that if you use it then you are doing it wrong.)
(Actually the desugaring is rather more complicated to allow for failed pattern matches. But you can pretend what I wrote is true)

Well, there is unsafePerformIO:
(If you want to know how to find this method: Go to and search for the signature you need, here IO a -> a)
That said, you probably heard of "What happens in IO stays in IO". And there are very good reasons for this (just read the documentation of unsafePerformIO). So you very likely have a design problem, but in order to get help from experienced Haskellers (I'm certainly not), you need to describe your problem more detailed.

To understand what those types are –step by step–, first look up what Maybe and List are:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
data [a] = [] | a : [a]
(Maybe a) is a different type than (a), like (Maybe Int) differs from (Int).
Example values of the type (Maybe Int) are
Just 5 and Nothing.
A List of (a)s can be written as ([ ] a) and as ([a]). Example values of ([Int]) are [1,7,42] and [ ].
Now, an (IO a) is a different thing than (a), too: It is an Input/Output-computation that calculates a value of type (a). In other words: it is a script or program, which has to be executed to generate a value of type (a).
An Example of (IO String) is getLine, which reads a line of text from standard-input.
Now, the type of comboBoxGetActive is:
comboBoxGetActive :: ComboBoxClass self => self -> IO Int
That means, that comboBoxGetActive is a function (->) that maps from any type that has an instance of the type-class ComboBoxClass (primitive type-classes are somehow similar to java-interfaces) to an (IO Int). Each time, this function (->) is evaluated with the same input value of this type (self) (whatever that type is), it results in the same value: It is always the same value of type (IO Int), that means that it is always the same script. But when you execute that same script at different times, it could produce different values of type (Int).
The main function of your program has the type (IO ()), that means that the compiler and the runtime system evaluate the equations that you program in this functional language to the value of main, which will be executed as soon as you start the program.


How to return a pure value from a impure method

I know it must sound trivial but I was wondering how you can unwrap a value from a functor and return it as pure value?
I have tried:
f::IO a->a
f x=(x>>=)
f= >>=
What should I place in the right side? I can't use return since it will wrap it back again.
It's a frequently asked question: How do I extract 'the' value from my monad, not only in Haskell, but in other languages as well. I have a theory about why this question keeps popping up, so I'll try to answer according to that; I hope it helps.
Containers of single values
You can think of a functor (and therefore also a monad) as a container of values. This is most palpable with the (redundant) Identity functor:
Prelude Control.Monad.Identity> Identity 42
Identity 42
This is nothing but a wrapper around a value, in this case 42. For this particular container, you can extract the value, because it's guaranteed to be there:
Prelude Control.Monad.Identity> runIdentity $ Identity 42
While Identity seems fairly useless, you can find other functors that seem to wrap a single value. In F#, for example, you'll often encounter containers like Async<'a> or Lazy<'a>, which are used to represent asynchronous or lazy computations (Haskell doesn't need the latter, because it's lazy by default).
You'll find lots of other single-value containers in Haskell, such as Sum, Product, Last, First, Max, Min, etc. Common to all of those is that they wrap a single value, which means that you can extract the value.
I think that when people first encounter functors and monads, they tend to think of the concept of a data container in this way: as a container of a single value.
Containers of optional values
Unfortunately, some common monads in Haskell seem to support that idea. For example, Maybe is a data container as well, but one that can contain zero or one value. You can, unfortunately, still extract the value if it's there:
Prelude Data.Maybe> fromJust $ Just 42
The problem with this is that fromJust isn't total, so it'll crash if you call it with a Nothing value:
Prelude Data.Maybe> fromJust Nothing
*** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
You can see the same sort of problem with Either. Although I'm not aware of a built-in partial function to extract a Right value, you can easily write one with pattern matching (if you ignore the compiler warning):
extractRight :: Either l r -> r
extractRight (Right x) = x
Again, it works in the 'happy path' scenario, but can just as easily crash:
Prelude> extractRight $ Right 42
Prelude> extractRight $ Left "foo"
*** Exception: <interactive>:12:1-26: Non-exhaustive patterns in function extractRight
Still, since functions like fromJust exists, I suppose it tricks people new to the concept of functors and monads into thinking about them as data containers from which you can extract a value.
When you encounter something like IO Int for the first time, then, I can understand why you'd be tempted to think of it as a container of a single value. In a sense, it is, but in another sense, it isn't.
Containers of multiple values
Even with lists, you can (attempt to) extract 'the' value from a list:
Prelude> head [42..1337]
Still, it could fail:
Prelude> head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
At this point, however, it should be clear that attempting to extract 'the' value from any arbitrary functor is nonsense. A list is a functor, but it contains an arbitrary number of values, including zero and infinitely many.
What you can always do, though, is to write functions that take a 'contained' value as input and returns another value as output. Here's an arbitrary example of such a function:
countAndMultiply :: Foldable t => (t a, Int) -> Int
countAndMultiply (xs, factor) = length xs * factor
While you can't 'extract the value' out of a list, you can apply your function to each of the values in a list:
Prelude> fmap countAndMultiply [("foo", 2), ("bar", 3), ("corge", 2)]
Since IO is a functor, you can do the same with it as well:
Prelude> foo = return ("foo", 2) :: IO (String, Int)
Prelude> :t foo
foo :: IO (String, Int)
Prelude> fmap countAndMultiply foo
The point is that you don't extract a value from a functor, you step into the functor.
Sometimes, the function you apply to a functor returns a value that's already wrapped in the same data container. As an example, you may have a function that splits a string over a particular character. To keep things simple, let's just look at the built-in function words that splits a string into words:
Prelude> words "foo bar"
If you have a list of strings, and apply words to each, you'll get a nested list:
Prelude> fmap words ["foo bar", "baz qux"]
The result is a nested data container, in this case a list of lists. You can flatten it with join:
Prelude Control.Monad> join $ fmap words ["foo bar", "baz qux"]
This is the original definition of a monad: it's a functor that you can flatten. In modern Haskell, Monad is defined by bind (>>=), from which one can derive join, but it's also possible to derive >>= from join.
IO as all values
At this point, you may be wondering: what does that have to do with IO? Isn't IO a a container of a single value of the type a?
Not really. One interpretation of IO is that it's a container that holds an arbitrary value of the type a. According to that interpretation, it's analogous to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. IO a is the superposition of all possible values of the type a.
In Schrödinger's original thought experiment, the cat in the box is both alive and dead until observed. That's two possible states superimposed. If we think about a variable called catIsAlive, it would be equivalent to the superposition of True and False. So, you can think of IO Bool as a set of possible values {True, False} that will only collapse into a single value when observed.
Likewise, IO Word8 can be interpreted as a superposition of the set of all possible Word8 values, i.e. {0, 1, 2,.. 255}, IO Int as the superposition of all possible Int values, IO String as all possible String values (i.e. an infinite set), and so on.
So how do you observe the value, then?
You don't extract it, you work within the data container. You can, as shown above, fmap and join over it. So, you can write your application as pure functions that you then compose with impure values with fmap, >>=, join, and so on.
It is trivial, so this will be a long answer. In short, the problem lies in the signature, IO a -> a, is not a type properly allowed in Haskell. This really has less to do with IO being a functor than the fact that IO is special.
For some functors you can recover the pure value. For instance a partially applied pair, (,) a, is a functor. We unwrap the value via snd.
snd :: (a,b) -> b
snd (_,b) = b
So this is a functor that we can unwrap to a pure value, but this really has nothing to do with being a functor. It has more to do with pairs belonging to a different Category Theoretic concept, Comonad, with:
extract :: Comonad w => w a -> a
Any Comonad will be a functor for which you can recover the pure value.
Many (non-comonadic) functors have--lets say "evaluators"--which allow something like what is being asked. For instance, we can evaluate a Maybe with maybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a. By providing a default, maybe a has the desired type, Maybe a -> a. Another useful example from State, evalState :: State s a -> s -> a, has its arguments reversed but the concept is the same; given the monad, State s a, and initial state, s, we unwrap the pure value, a.
Finally to the specifics of IO. No "evaluator" for IO is provided in the Haskell language or libraries. We might consider running the program itself an evaluator--much in the same vein of evalState. But if that's a valid conceptual move, then it should only help to convince you that there is no sane way to unwrap from IO--any program written is just the IO a input to its evaluator function.
Instead, what you are forced to do--by design--is to work within the IO monad. For instance, if you have a pure function, f :: a -> b, you apply it within the IO context via, fmap f :: IO a -> IO b
TL;DR You can't get a pure value out of the IO monad. Apply pure functions within the IO context, for instance by fmap

Is print in Haskell a pure function?

Is print in Haskell a pure function; why or why not? I'm thinking it's not, because it does not always return the same value as pure functions should.
A value of type IO Int is not really an Int. It's more like a piece of paper which reads "hey Haskell runtime, please produce an Int value in such and such way". The piece of paper is inert and remains the same, even if the Ints eventually produced by the runtime are different.
You send the piece of paper to the runtime by assigning it to main. If the IO action never comes in the way of main and instead languishes inside some container, it will never get executed.
Functions that return IO actions are pure like the others. They always return the same piece of paper. What the runtime does with those instructions is another matter.
If they weren't pure, we would have to think twice before changing
foo :: (Int -> IO Int) -> IO Int
foo f = liftA2 (+) (f 0) (f 0)
foo :: (Int -> IO Int) -> IO Int
foo f = let x = f 0 in liftA2 (+) x x
Yes, print is a pure function. The value it returns has type IO (), which you can think of as a bunch of code that outputs the string you passed in. For each string you pass in, it always returns the same code.
If you just read the Tag of pure-function (A function that always evaluates to the same result value given the same argument value(s) and that does not cause any semantically observable side effect or output, such as mutation of mutable objects or output to I/O devices.) and then Think in the type of print:
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
You will find a trick there, it always returns IO (), so... No, it produces effects. So in terms of Referential Transparency is not pure
For example, getLine returns IO String but it is also a pure function. (#interjay contribution), What I'm trying to say, is that the answer depends very close of the question:
On matter of value, IO () will always be the same IO () value for the same input.
On matter of execution, it is not pure because the execution of that
IO () could have side effects (put an string in the screen, in this
case looks so innocent, but some IO could lunch nuclear bombs, and
then return the Int 42)
You could understand better with the nice approach of #Ben here:
"There are several ways to explain how you're "purely" manipulating
the real world. One is to say that IO is just like a state monad, only
the state being threaded through is the entire world outside your
program;= (so your Stuff -> IO DBThing function really has an extra
hidden argument that receives the world, and actually returns a
DBThing along with another world; it's always called with different
worlds, and that's why it can return different DBThing values even
when called with the same Stuff). Another explanation is that an IO
DBThing value is itself an imperative program; your Haskell program is
a totally pure function doing no IO, which returns an impure program
that does IO, and the Haskell runtime system (impurely) executes the
program it returns."
And #Erik Allik:
So Haskell functions that return values of type IO a, are actually not
the functions that are being executed at runtime — what gets executed
is the IO a value itself. So these functions actually are pure but
their return values represent non-pure computations.
You can found them here Understanding pure functions in Haskell with IO

Solving linear equations - Math.LinearEquationSolver returns IO(Maybe[Rational])

I am writing a program to solve certain mathematical problems, and Haskell is the language I've written it in so far (for various reasons). At one point, I need to solve a system of linear equations, and then use the result for something else. I can give more details if needed, but didn't want to go crazy at first.
The easiest way I could find of solving linear equations was to use the Math.LinearEquationSolver module from the linearEqSolver package on hackage. Everything works fine, except that all of the methods (e.g. solveRationalLinearEqs) have a return type of IO (Maybe [Rational]). I want to be able to feed the solution into a method which accepts [Rational].
I know that the whole point of IO is that you can't just take stuff out of it and put it back in, but I haven't written Haskell in enough years now that I've forgotten all of what I used to know about IO.
Is there an easy explanation/example of what I should do? Is the simplest solution to use some other module/find some other way of solving the system of equations?
Edit: I have tried using the HMatrix method linearSolveLS but this returns a list of type [Double] (and is also nowhere near accurate enough for what I need, even if I did settle for a non-fractional type), whereas I would really prefer the return to be of type [Rational] (as in LinearEquationSolver).
The most idiomatic way to do this is to use >>= to combine the IO action that produces your result with the rest of your program.
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>=) :: IO (Maybe [Rational]) -> ((Maybe [Rational]) -> IO a) -> IO a
You would use it like this:
(linearEqSolver arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn) >>= \maybeResult -> case maybeResult of
Just resultList -> (... :: IO a)
Nothing -> (... :: IO a)
Alternatively, if the rest of your code doesn't need IO, you can use fmap, or its infix synonym <$> to map a pure function over the result of linearEqSolver.
theRestOfYourCode :: Maybe [Rational] -> a
(theRestOfYourCode <$> (linearEqSolver arg1 arg2 ... argn)) :: IO a
Note: Most of these type signatures are just for clarity, and can be inferred.
You could also use the Monad instance for Maybe in the same way, but pattern matching is clearer in this case, since it is hard to mentally parse expressions that use multiple Monad instances in general.

How to convert IO Int to String in Haskell?

I'm learning to use input and output in Haskell. I'm trying to generate a random number and output it to another file. The problem is that the random number seems to be returning an IO Int, something that I can't convert to a String using show.
Could someone give me a pointer here?
It's helpful if you show us the code you've written that isn't working.
Anyway, you are in a do block and have written something like this, yes?
main = do
writeFile "some-file.txt" (show generateRandomNumberSomehow)
You should instead do something like this:
main = do
randomNumber <- generateRandomNumberSomehow
writeFile "some-file.txt" (show randomNumber)
The <- operator binds the result of the IO Int value on the right to the Int-valued variable on the left. (Yes, you can also use this to bind the result of an IO String value to a String-valued variable, etc.)
This syntax is only valid inside a do block. It's important to note that the do block will itself result in an IO value --- you can't launder away the IO-ness.
dave4420's answer is what you want here. It uses the fact that IO is a Monad; that's why you can use the do notation.
However, I think it's worth mentioning that the concept of "applying a function to a value that's not 'open', but inside some wrapper" is actually more general than IO and more general than monads. It's what we have the Functor class for.
For any functor f (this could, for instance, be Maybe or [] or IO), when you have some value
wrapped :: f t (for instance wrapped :: Maybe Int), you can use fmap to apply a function
t -> t' to it (like show :: Int -> String) and get a
wrappedApplied :: f t' (like wrappedApplied :: Maybe String).
In your example, it would be
genRandomNumAsString :: IO String
genRandomNumAsString = fmap show genRandomNumPlain

Haskell: I/O and Returning From a Function

Please bear with me as I am very new to functional programming and Haskell. I am attempting to write a function in Haskell that takes a list of Integers, prints the head of said list, and then returns the tail of the list. The function needs to be of type [Integer] -> [Integer]. To give a bit of context, I am writing an interpreter and this function is called when its respective command is looked up in an associative list (key is the command, value is the function).
Here is the code I have written:
dot (x:xs) = do print x
return xs
The compiler gives the following error message:
Couldn't match expected type `[a]' against inferred type `IO [a]'
Expected type: ([Char], [a] -> [a])
Inferred type: ([Char], [a] -> IO [a])
In the expression: (".", dot)
I suspect that the call to print in the dot function is what is causing the inferred type to be IO [a]. Is there any way that I can ignore the return type of print, as all I need to return is the tail of the list being passed into dot.
Thanks in advance.
In most functional languages, this would work. However, Haskell is a pure functional language. You are not allowed to do IO in functions, so the function can either be
[Int] -> [Int] without performing any IO or
[Int] -> IO [Int] with IO
The type of dot as inferred by the compiler is dot :: (Show t) => [t] -> IO [t] but you can declare it to be [Int] -> IO [Int]:
dot :: [Int] -> IO [Int]
See IO monad:
I haven't mentioned System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO that should be used with great care and with a firm understanding of its consequences.
No, either your function causes side effects (aka IO, in this case printing on the screen), or it doesn't. print does IO and therefore returns something in IO and this can not be undone.
And it would be a bad thing if the compiler could be tricked into forgetting about the IO. For example if your [Integer] -> [Integer] function is called several times in your program with the same parameters (like [] for example), the compiler might perfectly well just execute the function only once and use the result of that in all the places where the function got "called". Your "hidden" print would only be executed once even though you called the function in several places.
But the type system protects you and makes sure that all function that use IO, even if only indirectly, have an IO type to reflect this. If you want a pure function you cannot use print in it.
As you may already know, Haskell is a "pure" functional programming language. For this reason, side-effects (such as printing a value on the screen) are not incidental as they are in more mainstream languages. This fact gives Haskell many nice properties, but you would be forgiven for not caring about this when all you're doing is trying to print a value to the screen.
Because the language has no direct facility for causing side-effects, the strategy is that functions may produce one or more "IO action" values. An IO action encapsulates some side effect (printing to the console, writing to a file, etc.) along with possibly producing a value. Your dot function is producing just such an action. The problem you now have is that you need something that will be able to cause the IO side-effect, as well as unwrapping the value and possibly passing it back into your program.
Without resorting to hacks, this means that you need to get your IO action(s) back up to the main function. Practically speaking, this means that everything between main and dot has to be in the "IO Monad". What happens in the "IO Monad" stays in the "IO Monad" so to speak.
Here's about the simplest example I could imagine for using your dot function in a valid Haskell program:
module Main where
main :: IO ()
main =
let xs = [2,3,4]
xr <- dot xs
xrr <- dot xr
return ()
dot (x:xs) =
print x
return xs
