I had a problem with retrieving files that I wrote to bundle just before accessing it. (Actually I couldn't access it during all app launch). But after restart, same method found the file I wrote during first app launch.
So finally I found a solution, but I'm not sure if I truly understand how bundle works
(my file was menu.xml and I wrote it in root directory of bundle (to resourcePath))
At first I used instance method - pathForResource:ofType: didn't work on first launch. But found on second.
Than I tried + pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:. It worked both times.
So the Question is:
Does NSBundle cache something? Or why instance method didn't work at first time, before relaunching? If you have some ideas for investigation, I would be glad to hear them.
I've been following this Suave tutorial:
And in general this looks good. However, I was trying to make it work with Linux and for some reason I was unable to compile it with code when TargetFramework was set to "net461" (Target Framework not found), so I tried changing it to "netcoreapp2.0". It compiled, but I hit a problem later on:
At the end it says to add a WebPart:
pathRegex "(.*)\.(css|png)" >=> Files.browseHome
which fails for me. All compiles, but I get
This page isn’t working
localhost didn’t send any data.
I took a look at Suave's source code and it turned out that "Files.browseHome" searches for a file under "ctx.runtime.homeDirectory".
I noticed that this is set on my machine to:
and obviously, that's not my project directory, so no wonder it couldn't find the file.
My question here is: what shall I do in order to make my Suave app handle my css/png files correctly using Files.browseHome ?
Just found out that replacing the WebPart with:
pathRegex "(.*)\.(css|png)" >=> Files.browse "/home/<my_username>/<path_to_my_project>/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/"
works fine, but it looks ugly. Any idea how to make it better ? Basically I don't want to be forced to hardcode the absolute path anywhere.
I think the answer is to be found in https://suave.io/files.html, which suggests creating a config as follows:
let config =
{ defaultConfig with homeFolder = Some (Path.GetFullPath "./public") }
The path returned by Path.GetFullPath will depend on the current working directory that your app sees when it's started (which will, in turn, depend on how you start the app: from the command line, from a systemd unit file, etc.) There are too many possible variables here for me to be able to give you exact instructions, but if your startup method can cd into an appropriate folder before starting your Suave server, then that should solve your problem.
If you run into difficulties with getting the current working directory set correctly, then you could just hardcode the full path in the config:
let config =
{ defaultConfig with homeFolder = Some "/home/<your_username>/<path_to_your_project>/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/" }
But that's kind of ugly, and not really portable (you'd have to modify that path again once you deploy the app). So I'd recommend the approach of making sure your start script does a cd to the right location, then using Path.GetFullPath with a relative path. Alternately, you could have a config file that gets read in at app startup where you specify the home path, or pass it in as an environment variable... All kinds of possibilities. Just make sure that your code can be handed some information on startup that specifies the correct "home" folder, and then put that in your Suave config as I've shown, and that should solve it.
I have started working with the libzip library today. But I do not understand the principle how libzip works.
My focus is on zipping a directory with all the files and dirs within
into a zip-file.
Therefore, I started with zip_open(), then I read the directory
contents and add all the dirs with zip_dir_add() to the archive.
After that, I closed the zip-file with zip_close(). Everything was
fine. The next step should be to add all the files to the archive with
zip_file_add(). But it doesn't work. The last step closing the file
OK, I forgot to create a zip_source to get this done. I added a
statement a line before to get this source (zip_source_file()). But
still it doesn't work.
What is wrong in my thinking? Do I have to fopen() and fclose() the file on the filesystem also?
And what is the difference between zip_source_file() and zip_source_filep()?
Do I have to fopen() and fclose() the file on the filesystem also?
No, you can just use zip_source_file().
From your comments I think you have the right general idea, but there is probably some detail that is making it fail. Make sure you perform all the error checking the documentation suggests after each libzip call so you can get more information about what is causing it to fail.
You could also compare your code with https://gist.github.com/clalancette/bb5069a09c609e2d33c9858fcc6e170e
NOTE: Here is an example repo with the problem.
When I run ./gulp js, the process works (creates the expected files on the file system), but the task never completes... just hangs indefinitely:
ss http://zc.d.pr/4C9U/3GG90rpz+
I figure I'm not returning something somewhere, or invoking a callback correctly, but after hours of tinkering, head-banging, and Googling, I haven't found a solution.
Can someone help me out here?
If it makes a difference, I'm currently using node v4.1.0. All other dependencies and versions are in the example repo linked above.
EDIT: Original inspiration for this gulp recipe came from https://truongtx.me/2015/06/07/gulp-with-browserify-and-watchify-updated/
However, I couldn't get transform to work as that author suggested, which led me to https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/1198#issuecomment-89948202
Of course—as it always happens—I think of something new to try just after I post to SO and it appears to work.
doh http://zc.d.pr/11uMa/5gghjbCx+
You can see my full changeset here: https://github.com/neezer/gulp-browserify-hanging-task/commit/8156e182c04c2e76c5739e31f5a6e417dda01b70
TL;DR Basically I tried the suggestion in the last comment on the aforementioned issue from my question, where I pass the file object itself to browserify instead of the file path, and lo-and-behold, the task finishes now.
I don't pretend to know why that fixed the issue, so if anyone would like to explain, I'd love to learn. ;)
Okay so my MFC application was working fairly well until I cleared the application from the system registry. Now I am unable to run the program. Whenever I try running the program I get an exception. Checking the stack I noticed that CreateEx in LoadFrame for CMainFrame was crushing. This crash occurs when ProcessShellCommand is called in the derived CwinApp of the application.However, I have not been able to pinpoint the exact cause of the crash. I have a hunch it might have something to do with the loading of resource but I don't know exactly how. I have checked the .rc include file and it looks fine to me. I just don't understand how clearing the registry could cause such a mess. Been at it for the past 4 hours.
So basically I am asking if any of you have faced this problem before, and how did you managed to fix it without starting right from scratch? I am not sure of the exact part of the code I should put here to clarify my question so I hope this is clear enough.
I have an app that has been running fine on the iPhone simulator for some time. Recently, I decided I wanted to re-use the data model and related classes in another project - so I dragged them from this project window to the other then told Xcode not to copy, just to make references. At first this didn't work so I jumped through a number of hoops to try to fix it (I may be asking more about that in another post). After all this, I re-compiled and tried to run the original app -- and it's not working any more. On further investigation, I discovered that when I re-compile the original app, I end up with a bundle that contains a .momd package but it contains only a Versioninfo.plist file - no .mom file, no .omo file like I'm expecting to see. I don't recall making any changes to the original app. I don't get any warnings. I just get an incomplete .momd package (and, not surprisingly, my app now crashes).
What's going on here?
BTW, the app now crashes with this message:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '* -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'
Which I get when executing this line of code:
self.productRegistry = [[UIManagedDocument alloc] initWithFileURL:self.productRegistryURL];
I figured this out by looking more closely at the file locations in the project directory using Finder. In the Xcode window, everything looks normal but in the actual project directory I found that the .datamodeld package had ended up at the top level of the project directory -- at the same level as the project package itself. Xcode apparently did not like this but unfortunately it did not complain -- it just created a partial build output. Once I moved the .datamodeld package into the same folder as the rest of the project's code, everything worked just fine.
This would appear to be just a quirk. I would expect that Xcode would either see that all is well and build correctly OR it would see that things weren't quite as they should be and fail. In this case, it did not build correctly but was silent about it.
Hope this answer helps someone else someday.