iOS6 - MKMapView current location blue dot - mkmapview

In iOS6 (Google map) I am not seeing the current location which should be marked by a blue dot.
When I run the same code in ios5.1 and previous versions, i am getting the blue dot marked in my current location.
When I was searching for a solution, I discovered that the following line need to be added to get the blue dot, and I am using the same,
mapInstance.showsUserLocation = YES;
But I still didn't get the blue dot. Is there anything that needs to be added in my code?

Try the following; switch to the Maps Attributes inspector and click the checkbox for Shows User Location.


Why does gitlab icon change shade

I have noticed that gitlab has a different shade of icon and I can't figure out what makes the icon change.
The one on the left is the more common logo.
The one on the right is the shade I noticed start to appear several months ago.
What does the lighter shade icon represent? has, for at least a couple years now, used the yellow tanuki favicon to make it easier to distinguish from the default favicon used in self-managed instances.
You'll also see different favicons used in different portions of the site to help identify tabs quickly.
A couple historical issues will evidence this:
Yellow tanuki being shown outside canary releases (2018)
a 2020 issue related favicons, but with a screenshot showing the yellow tanuki favicon
I believe it has something to do with their new interface.
It's odd -- contrary to what #sytech posted, I've noticed that I sometimes have multiple tabs open to the same GitLab page (e.g. an open MR) and one of them has the orange icon and the other has the yellow one. For example, right now:
Flipping between the two tabs, I see that the one with the yellow icon has the word "next" inserted next to the gitlab logo up at the top-left, whereas the other one doesn't:
Clicking on it lands me on a page where I can flip a toggle to use their new interface. Clicking the toggle instantly changes the favicon:

FabricJS Textbox - The cursor position is not set correctly for certain fonts

In the above image, the cursor should be at the end, but for some reason, it is placed before the last character.
This only happens for certain fonts.
I don't think it is related with how the custom font is being loaded, this image was taken from Also, the last version of the library is being used.
To reproduce the issue you have to do the following:
Change the font-family to "Pacifico".
Click on the text box to enter in edit mode.
Start typing.
Sometimes, even the last character goes outside of the bounding box.
I think that this has something to do with how the _measureChar() function executes, but I'm not sure what needs to be changed.
Thanks in advance!
I did more tests and it seems that this problem is not present in IE.
This problem appears in Chrome and Firefox.
It is also strange how the characters are being rendered in each browser:
add below code before canvas.requestRenderAll();
fabric.charWidthsCache[this.value] = {};

Settings type «invisibles» and «shadow» in Sublime Text 3 .tmTheme file

I have read the documentation for the Color Schemes. I realized all settings except invisibles and shadow (+shadowWidth). I can translate from English, but I do not see anywhere where the elements, the color of which changes settings. Does anyone could show me the screenshots, where there are elements which change color? Thanks.
From the unofficial documentation on color schemes, linked to in your question, we can see that invisibles is ignored, so changing it has no effect on the appearance of any elements in ST3. The tmTheme format is borrowed from a different text editor, to make it easier to use the same color scheme in different editors. So maybe it does something in other text editors, but not in ST. EDIT: support for invisibles has been added to ST in build 3149 -
The effect of the shadow setting can be seen below, it is the pink parts on the far sides:
It is only visible when the text in the document is wider than the window - it will appear on the left when the view can be scrolled to the left and it will appear on the right when the view can be scrolled to the right.
From my testing, including shadowWidth in the tmTheme file will cause the shadow to not appear. I have logged an issue in the unofficial documentation here, maybe someone will update it with details of how to get this working.
When making changes to atmTheme file, it is often necessary to close all open documents, and restart Sublime Text, before the change will become visible.

how to change the color of a spinner prompt

I have a spinner with a custom background and I need to change the initially displayed text (the initial prompt) from black to white.
This is what I've got at the moment
There are plenty of answers on SO and elsewhere on how to change the spinner ITEMS color using an adapter but nothing (that I can find) on how to change the initial text (the 'Android' in my example).
How do I change the color of the initial spinner prompt?
Blush ... Oops, I've just found out for myself. The answer is to replicate simple_spinner_item.xml and put it into the layout directory. I had done that but called it simple_spinner.xml, not simple_spinner_item.xml.

UISegmentControl custom images not proper

I have a segment control with 5 segments. I need custom images to be shown on each segment for selected and deselected each.
The problem is when I place image programmatically on selection of segment I get default blue color on the left side of the segments
This seems to be a bug found in iOS6 at the moment. The solution is to change the segmentedControlStyle of the UISegmentedControl to UISegmentedControlStyleBar and set the momentary property to YES.
UISegmentedControl image highlighting bug in iOS6
I finally found a workaround. I changed the UISegmentControl style to Bar and set state Momentary to YES which removed the default blue color on selection. I guess this is a bug in iOS6. Found the solution from another stack overflow question. Thanks to verbumdei
