I need to install setup.exe in silent mode. I have recorded the response by using "setup.exe /r" and it created the setup.iss in Windows directory. I copied that file into my working directory where setup.exe file exists. Then I gave the command setup.exe /s, it starts the installation but exit in a second.
There is a log file available in the same directory, it says error code = -3. While surfing in net, -3 refers not enough info available in the .iss file. But how can I find out what information is not available?
For Googlers: I got a -3 exit code when reinstalling a package that was already installed. If I uninstalled and installed again, the exit code would go back to 0.
Also note that InstallShield silent install packages create log files in C:\Windows\, but it doesn't seem to overwrite logged errors with successes e.g.
Install once and have an error, you get a log file with a non-zero exit code.
Install again successfully, you still have the old non-zero exit code in the log file. The time on the file hasn't changed, so it looks like it wasn't written to. If you delete the file, then successfully re-run the setup, you get a new log file with a successful exit code.
Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience.
Error code = -3, meaning is "Required data not found in the Setup.iss file. "
I'm trying to init my first NestJS project but met this fail:
$ nest new testproj
⚡ We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to execute command: node #nestjs/schematics:application --name=testproj --directory=undefined --no-dry-run --no-skip-git --no-strict --package-manager=undefined --language="ts" --collection="#nestjs/schematics"
Tryed to reinstall NodeJS, but no luck.
$ node -v
$ nest -v
$ npm -v
Any help will be appreciated.
If your PATH somewhere has a file in it and not a folder (can also be in the middle of a path, with some \other\stuff appended like C:\stuff\somefile.txt\stuff), then this can happen due to an error when Git bash is translating PATH before calling cmd.exe, resulting in part of the PATH not being forwarded and making binaries in that part "not found".
After some investigation via chat, it turned out that the root cause was a bad GRADLE_HOME environment variable.
Yes, Gradle has nothing to do with node.js or nest, but bear with me, this is one of those moments where a TV episode starts with a totally crazy scene and you wonder what the heck happened that led to this, and then you get "6 hours earlier..." 😁
So, Git bash obviously succeeded in finding node, because it ran the nest CLI (which is a node script). But then, somehow, cmd (which is called by node when executing shell commands) did not find node. This normally should not happen.
Tracing the events with Process Monitor revealed that bash (sh.exe) passed a truncated PATH variable to node.exe. It just ended abruptly somewhere in the middle, and C:\Program Files\nodejs (which was towards the end of it) was not passed along.
The reason for this turned out to be an entry in the PATH that looked like this: C:\foobar\file.zip\bin. The transition into bash worked, as the full path (including this bad entry as /c/foobar/file.zip/bin) could be seen in bash's $PATH, and /c/Program Files/nodejs was there too.
But the transition from bash to node.exe failed. In the process of converting the Linux-style paths to Windows-style paths before passing the variable on to node.exe, bash silently failed in the middle of the string and stopped processing it - as soon as this /c/foobar/file.zip/bin entry was encountered. C:\foobar\file.zip did exist, and it turns out Git bash behaves like this when it unexpectedly encounters a "not a directory" error from the OS when querying the path segment ("file not found" is fine) - as a result of attempting to access a "subdirectory" of a file. Removing this entry from the PATH made everything work normally.
The source of this entry was actually %GRADLE_PATH%\bin in the Windows PATH, and the reason this caused the problem was that GRADLE_PATH itself was incorrectly set to a file (C:\foobar\file.zip) instead of a directory.
There are three ways to resolve this:
Remove %GRADLE_PATH%\bin from the PATH.
Fix GRADLE_PATH to point to a directory.
Delete or rename the C:\foobar\file.zip file.
I got a problem when I input any npm cmd, it says
Operating System: Windows 8 pro 64bit
What shall I do to solve this issue?
Your error message of:
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\NUMAN ALI\myfirst.js'
indicates that Node can't find your myfirst.js file to run within your current directory of: C:\Users\NUMAN ALI. Your myfirst.js file isn't located within this directory so you need to move into the correct directory containing this file, or alternatively create this file in the current directory. Then you need to add your desired JavaScript within this file to run it.
With your comment of: "The file you have just created must be initiated by Node.js before any action can take place" I am going to assume you don't have this file in your current directory. Maybe you could try creating the file in a text editor, such as notepad at the very least on a Windows machine, and adding the JavaScript contents into this file. Then try re-running the file with a node myfirst.js. Check out this accepted answer here as I think this will help you out a lot. Also, for command line help for creating files, check out this link.
Hopefully that helps!
I follow the installation process from http://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client-on-ubuntu/
While installing i get a kind of error.
Configuration file can NOT be created.
Auto configuration for Linux client of no-ip.com.
Please enter the login/email string for no-ip.com ******Email*****.com
Please enter the password for user '******Email*****.com' *********
No hosts are available for this user.
Go to www.no-ip.com and create some!
mv /tmp/no-ip2.conf /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf
mv: cannot stat '/tmp/no-ip2.conf': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:32: install] Error 1
A bug while copy the /tmp/no-ip2.conf
A bug while copy the /tmp/no-ip2.conf using script of make install.
This no-ip2.conf file is missing or it make a random name of a file which is create in each command of make install. This is the name of created file NO-IPTIziyV in /tmp/ directory.
But my credentials are correct.
The script create a wrong name file which make the error while moving the file in /usr/local/etc/ directory.
I had the same error message. I assume it was a bug at the noip side. As a workaround I regsitered my addresses again and reinstalled the client.
1)I installed the windows client on a windows machine and observed the
same strange behavior. (Windows client didn't find my hostnames either, although they were indeed registered.)
2) Removed my host names at noip.com and registered them again.
3) Then checked that the windows client has found my host names.
4) I put the following lines into the install script
(source: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=160038)
/usr/local/bin/noip-2.1.9-1# nano Makefile
Check the link because this text editor doesn't let me paste it for some reason. Please consider that the script Makefile is indented with tabs and not with spaces.
5) I uninstalled the client
/usr/local/bin/noip-2.1.9-1# make uninstall
6) Than ran the install again. Now everything seems to be fine.
Windows 10,
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013,
Node v0.12.7,
node-gyp v2.0.2
I always get the error build error with node-gyp:
Error: `C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\msbuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
Also in red color description:
Could not write lines to file "Release\obj\validation\validation.tlog\validation.lastbuildstate". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
Bigger excerpt of error:
As I understand everything is running fine, however msbuild cannot write long path names. Is there a patch for this or windows workaround?
Edit: The question in title is a bit different from OP's actual issue (which this answer addresses).
For node-gyp, or MSBUILD errors in general please see other questions.
To solve the "The specified path, file name, or both are too long." issue, update npm to version 3+. This has been bothering all windows users for a while now, and the answer is to flatten your dependencies. npm#3.x automatically flattens all dependencies to the root even during install.
Long file paths is a big issue with Visual Studio that Microsoft has stated that they have no plans to fix in the near future!
Try moving your solution folder to the root of the drive (c:\project)
Also NPM version 3+ changes the module folder structure so they are not nested so deep. (it says it's in beta but seems to have solved some problems for me)
Regarding your post on Github, (I've been running into an endless string of problems with NPM and node-gyp as well, apparently everything is made to work well on linux!)
You probably need to install VS2013 (you can use the express version, make sure it includes c++)
From the npm errors on github:
v120 is VS2013
v140 is VS2015
To make node-gyp use the correct version for the package you are installing you may need to set an environment variable in Windows.
(if you set it in your windows system properties make sure to restart your command prompt)
By default in MS Windows 10, the NPM global install path will use your user profile directory;
Which translates to something like;
The first path above contains 51 characters and the second contains 57 characters. Depending on the length or your user profile name, your path may be a little shorter or longer.
So the aim is to change the directories used when you install anything with NPM globally by using the -g flag to use directories with fewer characters.
Change the "global" NPM folders to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\(npm|npm-cache)
Your user account should be a member of the administrators group or you may need to enter your administrator password when prompted.
Copy the existing 'npm' folder from %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\ and paste into %ALLUSERSPROFILE%
Open a Windows command prompt and run the following commands;
npm config --global set prefix "C:\ProgramData\npm"
npm config --global set cache "C:\ProgramData\npm-cache"
This will add/update the contents of: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\etc\npmc with;
The first path above now only contains 18 characters and the second contains just 24 characters.
Add/change the PATH variable for NPM
Navigate to 'Environment Variables' by following these steps;
Start > Settings > System > About > System info > Advanced system settings
Under the 'Advanced' tab click the 'Environment Variables...' button.
Select the 'PATH' variable and click the 'Edit...' button.
If there is already an entry for NPM like C:\Users\YOUR-USER-PROFILE-NAME\AppData\Roaming\npm, select it and click the 'Edit' button. Otherwise, click the 'New' button.
Paste C:\ProgramData\npm and click the 'OK' button to save.
Finally, restart your computer.
I had some issues trying to install Node on Windows 10 and found the solution.
The error was as follows:
Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\Stephan\AppData\Roaming\npm'
The solution is below.
It seems like new installers do not have this problem anymore, see this answer by Parag Meshram as my answer is likely obsolete now.
Original answer:
Follow these steps, closely:
http://nodejs.org/download/ download the 64 bits version, 32 is for hipsters
Install it anywhere you want, by default: C:\Program Files\nodejs
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables
Select PATH and choose to edit it.
If the PATH variable is empty, change it to this: C:\Users\{YOUR USERNAME HERE}\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs
If the PATH variable already contains C:\Users\{YOUR USERNAME HERE}\AppData\Roaming\npm, append the following right after: ;C:\Program Files\nodejs
If the PATH variable contains information, but nothing regarding npm, append this to the end of the PATH: ;C:\Users\{YOUR USERNAME HERE}\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs
Now that the PATH variable is set correctly, you will still encounter errors. Manually go into the AppData directory and you will find that there is no npm directory inside Roaming. Manually create this directory.
Re-start the command prompt and npm will now work.
go to http://nodejs.org/
and hit the button that says "Download For ..."
This'll download the .msi (or .pkg for mac) which will do all the installation and paths for you, unlike the selected answer.
In addition to the answer from #StephanBijzitter I would use the following PATH variables instead:
So your new PATH would look like:
[existing stuff];%appdata%\npm;%ProgramFiles%\nodejs
This has the advantage of neiter being user dependent nor 32/64bit dependent.
New installers (.msi downloaded from https://nodejs.org) have "Add to PATH" option. By default it is selected. Make sure that you leave it checked.
Everything should be installed in %appdata% (C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming), not 'program files'.
Here's why...
The default MSI installer puts Node and the NPM that comes with it in 'program files' and adds this to the system path, but it sets the user path for NPM to %appdata% (c:\users[username]\appdata\roaming) since the user doesn't have sufficient priveleges to write to 'program files'.
This creates a mess as all modules go into %appdata%, and when you upgrade NPM itself - which NPM themselves recommend you do right away - you end up with two copies: the original still in 'program files' since NPM can't erase that, and the new one inn %appdata%.
Even worse, if you mistakenly perform NPM operations as admin (much easier on Windows then on *nix) then it will operate on the 'program files' copy of NPM node_modules. Potentially a real mess.
So, when you run the installer simply point it to %appdata% and avoid all this.
And note that this isn't anything wierd - it’s what would happen if you ran the installer with just user priveleges.
You should run the installer as administrator.
Run the command prompt as administrator
cd directory where msi file is present
launch msi file by typing the name in the command prompt
You should be happy to see all node commands work from new command prompt shell
I had the same problem, what helped we was turning of my anti virus protection for like 10 minutes while node installed and it worked like a charm.
The reason why you have to modify the AppData could be:
Node.js couldn't handle path longer then 256 characters, windows tend to have very long PATH.
If you are login from a corporate environment, your AppData might be on the server - that won't work. The npm directory must be in your local drive.
Even after doing that, the latest LTE (4.4.4) still have problem with Windows 10, it worked for a little while then whenever I try to:
$ npm install _some_package_ --global
Node throw the "FATAL ERROR CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory" error. Still try to find a solution to that problem.
The only thing I find works is to run Vagrant or Virtual box, then run the Linux command line (must matching the path) which is quite a messy solution.
For me I had to delete the nodejs folder in \program files and then when I went to install through the msi it worked. Seemed like when I uninstalled Node it didnt actually delete this file
I had the same problem, but after trying everything on this post unsuccessfully, I just had to restart.
So if you haven't tried restarting the computer after the installation, try it.
Restart your computer after installation