iOS 6 uitextview links - uitextview

Now that uitextview supports rich text and nsattributedstrings, is there any function that gets called when the user clicks a link? I am trying to port a desktop osx app that relied on this behavior of nstextview.


how to make embedded web page scrollable in android webview?

android Webview loads a remote web page that embeds another web page as object data value.
I want to make the page open in object scroll.
But no suggestion so far on net could help me

iOS 5.1 UIWebView crash the iOS simulator after loading a PDF file

I'm developing an universal application with two view controllers, a Master View Controller (a UITableViewController) and a Detail View Controller (with a UIWebView). When the user selects an item (each item is an object with a URL property) in the table, the app sets the detailItem property in the DetailViewController. I customized the setDetailItem to detect when the detailItem is set and open the related URL in the DetailViewController's web view.
The user selects another item and the web view loads the other related URL.
It works fine with items containing URLs targeting HTML files. When the URL targets a PDF file, the web view loads it normally but, when the user selects another item, the app crashes.
On the iPhone simulator it crashes if the user returns to the MasterViewController by pressing the back button in the navigation bar. On the iPad simulator, I'm using a UISplitViewController and it crashes when the user selects any other item in the MasterViewController's table view.
Even setting Xcode to display all exceptions it doesn't show any output. Only crashes in the main.m.
Curiously, if I deploy the app on the device and use it, it works fine, but if I run on the device debugging from Xcode it also crashes.
Any idea on how to fix it or is it just a bug in the simulator?
We have the same problem when displaying a PDF in a UIWebview: the simulator crashes, it works fine on devices, though. So it really looks like it could be a bug in the simulator.
BTW: we are using ARC: are you as well?

Xpages Iphone Mobile Web App leaves app when opening pdf attachment

I have a Mobile Web app (for iphone) based on the Mobile controls of the Xpages extension library.
In the app the user can search for pdf and other files in the nsf files.
When the user clicks on a a filename in a view , I calculate the link like : servername/nsffilename.nsf/O/id/$FILE/filename
This opens the correct pdf file, but the user then leaves the app.
I would like to stay in the app.
I tried it with iFrames, which works fine in some browsers (IE), but not on the iphone (it only displays the first page , no way for scrolling in the pdf, no way to save the pdf file)
I also tried the download control ; but here also the user is leaving the webapp on the iphone
For an image we have a image placeholder , is something similar possible for pdf files ? a pdf placeholder ?
No, this is standard mobile web app behaviour, nothing to do with XPages. By defalt the iphone pdf viewer registers its self to handle those file types. As you have mentioned an iFrame would work to display it (wit issues) but there is no in built XPage control to hande this.

sencha touch/ query mobile running on touchscreen pc - virtual keyboard?

I need to develop a browser app for use on a kiosk touchscreen -> no physical keyboard.
I would like to use Sencha-Touch.
The browser would be running on windows or linux/ununtu.
How can users input text?
I am not tied to sencha touch. I can use another framework (query mobile, etc...) if it offers such a feature.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for but it's a jQuery Virtual Keyboard: (Demo)
I have never heard of such a feature, and Sencha Touch definitely does not include it. However, it would not take much to introduce that functionality into the framework.
You would need to:
design and create your virtual keyboard. This would be a simple component with a HTML template which had buttons for each of the keys. On each key press, you would fire an event.
in all places you need the keyboard (for example, fields), you would listen to the tap event and then trigger the virtual keyboard. You would then just update the value of the field depending on what the user types.

JavaFx 2.0 WebEngine component's Popup Handler not opening a new window for Skype button, also not connecting to skype for a phone call

I need to create a popup handler that opens an external window. How can I do this? The default opens the popup in the same webview, and there is no code in the JavaFx learning trail to provide me a general idea or anything. The origin of the popup request comes from a skype button widget. When the user clicks the widget a new "window" (stage) needs to open and the popup must be included within the new stage. The stage is just a composition of a Webview and its engine.
This should happen if the user does not have skype. If the user has skype then skype should open and connect the phone call. Neither is happening.
Update: I also asked in the JavaFx 2.0 forum and got an answer. Here it is. (I'll move it to the Answer area as soon as I can):
It still wont open skype and connect for a phone call or open a popup to install skype.
Although the Javascript widget does open skype and connects for a phone call if I open the widget inside a browser in standalone mode.
Therefore it is an issue with the JavaFx 2.0 web app.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
AFAIK, to make calls from the browser Skype needs plugin named "Click to Call" to be installed into the browser.
But there is no such plugin for JavaFX WebView, so you can't have Skype "click-to-call" functionality inside webview.
