iOS 5.1 UIWebView crash the iOS simulator after loading a PDF file - uiwebview

I'm developing an universal application with two view controllers, a Master View Controller (a UITableViewController) and a Detail View Controller (with a UIWebView). When the user selects an item (each item is an object with a URL property) in the table, the app sets the detailItem property in the DetailViewController. I customized the setDetailItem to detect when the detailItem is set and open the related URL in the DetailViewController's web view.
The user selects another item and the web view loads the other related URL.
It works fine with items containing URLs targeting HTML files. When the URL targets a PDF file, the web view loads it normally but, when the user selects another item, the app crashes.
On the iPhone simulator it crashes if the user returns to the MasterViewController by pressing the back button in the navigation bar. On the iPad simulator, I'm using a UISplitViewController and it crashes when the user selects any other item in the MasterViewController's table view.
Even setting Xcode to display all exceptions it doesn't show any output. Only crashes in the main.m.
Curiously, if I deploy the app on the device and use it, it works fine, but if I run on the device debugging from Xcode it also crashes.
Any idea on how to fix it or is it just a bug in the simulator?

We have the same problem when displaying a PDF in a UIWebview: the simulator crashes, it works fine on devices, though. So it really looks like it could be a bug in the simulator.
BTW: we are using ARC: are you as well?


Hide address bar when opened new tab of another application with $ in chrome

I have two applications: a business application using Angular and a chat application built with NodeJs.
In an Angular controller, I have written code to open the chat application login screen using...
$"http:IPaddress/port/", "_blank","location=0,resizable=yes,top=100,left=20,width=650,height=400")
It is opening the new tab but with with an address bar on it. I want to get rid of the address bar. In IE, by default, the address bar is hidden but on Chrome it is visible.
Could anyone suggest a way to open this new tab as popup without $window.Open() and hide address bar?
can't be turned off, security requirement so users know which site they are actually on.
the only exception might be IE11 running on Win7
The Chromium team has indicated that ignoring the value of location is intended behavior.
You'll need to work around it. One option would be to put the chat view inside the window/tab that's displaying the business application using a chat library like converse.

master detail view for iPhone screen in xamarin

I am new to xamarin and was creating the initial page of the application for iPhone. I added a new project with master-detail template and run it. Now on storyboard I can see both master and detail views. When I debug it for iPad on simulator it works fine and show two screens side by side when required but when I debug it for iPhone it display single screen at a time.
How can I make two pages(master-detail) visible at a time in case of iPhone ?

Getting emulated mobile view of a temporarily changed html page

I am using a chrome extension to temporarily change layout of a Google search webpage. I am changing heading and description of the Advertisements displayed. This part works fine.
Next, I need to take screenshot of desktop, tablet and mobile views. getting desktop view is pretty straight. However, for tab/mobile view if I uses any of mobile emulator, or dev console, they refresh the html page before providing the mobile/tab emulation. This results in loosing the html page changes that were done by the chrome extension.
Is there are way to use mobile emulation without reloading/refreshing the page, so that the changes done in html are intact even in tables/mobile views.
I got the answer !
In Dev console, we have the option device toggle(Ctrl+Shift+M)
This way, temporary DOM changes done in desktop view were intact in mobile view as well.

Android layout resets after camera activity

I am developing an android application where there is an intent where the user fills in a form and takes some photographs. This is then stored as a submission and uploaded to a server. The application works well on my Galaxy Note 8 , however with the Galaxy S3 , the layout resets after taking a photo. I have checked the log cat and I do not get an out of memory exception or any errors. The problem is just that after taking the photo, the layout resets, in other words, clears all the forms EditTexts and photos.
Any help regarding this issue would be appreciated.
I have tried the following, but still had the problem:
I added this to my manifest application section:

after successful porting app is not taking touches/taps on cocos2d buttons

After i had successfully ported the app. the app is running fine and taking touches on native ios nibs files where used for dialogs. But it is not taking touches on menu items.
let me explain this. It has some different view of axis. like tap on somewhere on screen will open some other menu which was not tapped. it seems it is taking touches but opening the desired menus but the location of buttons are not proper..
I had similar. In my case I had implementation of touchesBegan,touchesMoved and touchesEnd in View class with calling super. On iOS it works fine and messages going directly to controller. With apportable SDK it does not work. Maybe you have the same situation.
