Visual Studio 2012 css color picker missing - visual-studio-2012

I seem to be missing Visual Studio 2012's color picker feature in the css editor. It only shows a drop down menu.
I've tried changing the color picker option in preferences. Also tried resetting settings.
Any ideas will be much appreciated.

Type # after the property:
With Resharper installed, I need to click Ctrl J.
That gives you the first bit of the drop down (some swatches). You then click the double arrow pointing down to get the color picker proper.

Are you typing the pound "#" sign? That's what triggers the nice color picker.
(eg, "color:#" when you press "#" you get the picker, otherwise you just get crappy dropdown).

Do you have any extensions installed? ReSharper in particular? I was experiencing the same problem, and thought that ReSharper might've been the cause. Uninstalled it, and now I have the CSS color picker as advertised. If you don't have ReSharper installed, it may be caused by another extension.


How do I change the color of the visual studio code toolbar?

hello, my question is the following, in the new visual studio code update, for Ubuntu Linux, the toolbar (attached photo) we can see that it is white, and it was to know if it can be changed to black as it was in previous updates, and how is it done? ... thanks
For the people who are looking for a new solution:
In the latest version of VSCode, you can add
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"
to your settings.json file and it should use your vscode theme for the border/titlebar
The GTK Dark Title Bar could be the solution to your problems.
I also want to leave some more references to the various issues opened on the official vscode repo in the past years about this problem so that you can give a reading and get an idea of what happened.
#16363 - Allow to change the background color of menu bar (Windows & some Linux)
#11979 - Support dark theme in Gnome
#30031 - Add a way to choose theme variant (Gnome dark/light theme)
#45968 - Set the _GTK_THEME_VARIANT X11 property on top-level window to use "dark" theme on Gnome

Android Studio where is color picker for Flutter plugin

In Android Studio, we have color picker when developing in Java/Kotlin (natively) like this.
But while developing for Flutter, I can't see any options to pick my own color. Is there some plugin required to do that?
The color picker is not clickable in Android Studio running Flutter( Dart code), see picture below. But i found a work around using the Color class and manually opening color picker. Then pick a color and copy/paste it like this:
Here is how i do it:
1. Double tap shift to run search
2. Type Color or Picker
3. Open Color Picker from the search list
4. Copy/paste the HEX color code into your color class.
Expert tip:
Add color picker to a keyboard shortcut. You can find the settings for Keymap, under File > Settings > Keymap
You must have heard of the website from google, which provides many materials like designs, icons, tools, resources and components for easy developing. Now Color Tool is also available. You must add the website to your browsers shortcut if you are a developer. Here's the link for chosing color :!/?view.left=0&view.right=0&primary.color=E91E63
Another way I found is :
Type 'Colors.' and press control+space to see the available colors.
Select the color using arrow or mouse.
Press control+Q for the quick documentation.
And on the documentation windows, click on the edit button which opens the
'colors.dart' file.
Here all the colors with all shades are available. These shortcuts are for windows.
Once you open the file, you can always come back here to chose the next shade. But will not be the comfortable method like android project.
Hope a easier way to do this will come with the later update.

How to get rid of background color of Android Studio comments in dark theme?

I've installed Android Studio 2.1 and switched to the dark theme. How do I get rid of this background color? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I've changed all the background colors of comments but I can't seem to get rid of this:
The Created by Can... comment has a background like it's selected (of course it's not selected) and it's really disturbing my attention.
That background is actually warning highlight from code inspection. You can disable it by going to Settings -> Editor -> Inspections, where you can search for Default File Template Usage and uncheck it (screenshot for help).

Change Text Highlight Color in Eclipse Console

Is it at all possible to change the color of the text highlight in Eclipse console to something more visible in Manjaro Linux? Your time and help are both much appreciated.
Important notes
I am using the default GTK theme. I do not want to use a different theme.
For testing, I have tried using a different theme, but that didn't help.
Currently, I am stuck with a barely visible light grey text selection in Eclipse console in the following two scenarios:
When manually selecting text
When using the Find\Replace... search function
Supporting screenshots
Manual mouse text selection:
Find/Replace... selection:
Looking into and changing these settings did not help:
I once ran into the same problem and used the gnome-color-chooser to resolve this issue.
You have to change property selected_bg_color value in your current GTK theme gtkrc file. I am using Ambiance theme.
So my setting are:
cat /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc | more
gtk-color-scheme = "base_color:#ffffff\nfg_color:#4c4c4c\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000\nselected_bg_color:#f07746\nselected_fg_color:#FFFFFF\ntext_color:#3C3C3C\nbg_color:#F2F1F
Also refer these post which helps you in future for similar kinds of problems.
Change Eclipse sidebar vertical scope highlighting

Highlighting makes code unreadable when searching with VsVim

I've been using VsVim for a while and I have been pretty happy with it. However, the one thing that has been annoying me is the highlighting of text when I do any kind of search in VsVim such using * or the standard search with /.
I've spent hours trying to change the fonts and colors in the Visual Studios options menu, but I haven't found a way to change the color scheme. Below is a picture with the highlight text. Any help on this matter would greatly improve my productivity.
Unfortunately there is a bug in the handling of fonts / colors in Visual Studio that makes it impossible to change the highlight color in VsVim through the standard Fonts and Colors options page. The most recent version of VsVim (1.7.0) added a custom color menu to its option page which allows for this, and a few other, colors to be changed
Just go to Tools -> Options -> VsVim
