How to get rid of background color of Android Studio comments in dark theme? - android-studio

I've installed Android Studio 2.1 and switched to the dark theme. How do I get rid of this background color? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I've changed all the background colors of comments but I can't seem to get rid of this:
The Created by Can... comment has a background like it's selected (of course it's not selected) and it's really disturbing my attention.

That background is actually warning highlight from code inspection. You can disable it by going to Settings -> Editor -> Inspections, where you can search for Default File Template Usage and uncheck it (screenshot for help).


How do I change the color of the visual studio code toolbar?

hello, my question is the following, in the new visual studio code update, for Ubuntu Linux, the toolbar (attached photo) we can see that it is white, and it was to know if it can be changed to black as it was in previous updates, and how is it done? ... thanks
For the people who are looking for a new solution:
In the latest version of VSCode, you can add
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"
to your settings.json file and it should use your vscode theme for the border/titlebar
The GTK Dark Title Bar could be the solution to your problems.
I also want to leave some more references to the various issues opened on the official vscode repo in the past years about this problem so that you can give a reading and get an idea of what happened.
#16363 - Allow to change the background color of menu bar (Windows & some Linux)
#11979 - Support dark theme in Gnome
#30031 - Add a way to choose theme variant (Gnome dark/light theme)
#45968 - Set the _GTK_THEME_VARIANT X11 property on top-level window to use "dark" theme on Gnome

Flutter is not showing me the suggestion window for color names/numbers in Android Studio

I'd like to be able to see a suggestion that will allow me to see what colour belongs to which colour name/number when using Android studio.
Please note that "Show quick documentation on mouse move" has been activated in my Android studio general settings.
This is what my screen looks like when my mouse is on "blueGrey"
This is how i'd like my screen to look like when my mouse is on "blueGrey"
I sometimes have the same issue. For me, when I open the Quick Documentation with CTRL Q (Command J on Mac), then it shows the color swatches like on your second picture.

Scrollbar hints color scheme for Android Studio and Intellij

I'm partially color blind and this causes some usability issues when I'm interacting with software, in this case Android Studio and Intellij. The Color Themes for Intellij website has helped me a lot for customizing the text editor, but there's still one issue.
The right scrollbar on the text editor shows color coded information about the location of errors, warnings and other context aware information.
It's very difficult for me to differentiate the elements of current color scheme for that bar.
Is there a way to customize it?
It seems that changing the Theme of the software doesn't affect said color scheme.
You need to check
Navigate through Setting --> Editor --> colors & Fonts --> General --> Errors and Warnings--> Error --> check Error Stripe mark (choose color you want) to show color code in right scroll
another way that might help you ,
Navigate to setting --> appearance --> check Adjust color of red-green deficiency (under theme)
You might want to try this theme
Also in intelliJ idea, there is an option to enable color-blind mode:
Settings → Appearance & Behavior → Appearance → Adjust colors for red-green vision deficiency

How to change the background color around the visual design/layout editor in Android Studio

The background around the Layout Editor in Android Studio is dark grey. I think it used to be white. Anyway, I would like to make it white again, but I can't find the setting. The reason I want to change it is so that I can make nicer looking print screen images to use on StackOverflow or app descriptions.
Note: I'm not talking about changing the theme or the code editor colors. These questions have already been answered here:
How to change or add theme to Android Studio?
How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?
how to change Android Studio terminal background color
Updated Answer
Android Studio 3.0 has a Screenshot menu item. Right click the design area and choose Save Screenshot.
From there you can make a screenshot with a transparent background.

Visual Studio 2012 css color picker missing

I seem to be missing Visual Studio 2012's color picker feature in the css editor. It only shows a drop down menu.
I've tried changing the color picker option in preferences. Also tried resetting settings.
Any ideas will be much appreciated.
Type # after the property:
With Resharper installed, I need to click Ctrl J.
That gives you the first bit of the drop down (some swatches). You then click the double arrow pointing down to get the color picker proper.
Are you typing the pound "#" sign? That's what triggers the nice color picker.
(eg, "color:#" when you press "#" you get the picker, otherwise you just get crappy dropdown).
Do you have any extensions installed? ReSharper in particular? I was experiencing the same problem, and thought that ReSharper might've been the cause. Uninstalled it, and now I have the CSS color picker as advertised. If you don't have ReSharper installed, it may be caused by another extension.
