Does Node.js actually use multiple threads underneath? - node.js

After all the literature i've read on node.js I still come back to the question, does node.js itself make use of multiple threads under the hood? I think the answer is yes because if we use the simple asynch file read example something has to be doing the work to read the file but if the main event loop of node is not processing this work than that must mean there should be a POSIX thread running somewhere that takes care of the file reading and then upon completion places the call back in the event loop to be executed. So when we say Node.js runs in one thread do we actually mean that the event loop of node.js is only one thread? Or am i missing something here.....

To a Javascript program on node.js, there is only one thread.
If you're looking for technicalities, node.js is free to use threads to solve asynchronous I/O if the underlying operating system requires it.
The important thing is to never break the "there is only one thread" abstraction to the Javascript program. If there are more threads, all they can do is queue up work for the main thread in the Javascript program, they can never execute any Javascript code themselves.


Node.js: why are idle and prepare phases only used internally?

The documentation of node.js describes the so called phases of its underlying event loop.
It explicitly states also that idle and prepare phases are only used internally.
For the event loop of node.js is the one of libuv, it goes without saying that those phases are probably mapped on the idle and prepare handles of libuv.
They would help to have greater granularity while organizing the tasks in a software. In particular, they are the only way to schedule something between the execution of the I/O callbacks and the poll phase.
Anyway, they are not exported from the underlying environment.
What's the reason for which those phases have been forbidden, actually giving to the users an apparently poorest event loop than the one offered by libuv?
Is there any other way to schedule tasks the way mentioned above?
Side note: it's just curiosity.
I used to work with both libuv and nodejs and I noticed it, so I want to know if there is a technical reason for that or... Well, that is how it has been designed and that's all, no particular reason.
I don't think there is a specific reason to "forbid" them. Moreover, they are not really forbidden, they are just not exposed. You could create a Node addon which allows you to create idle and prepare handles and there would be no problem at all. There are some things you must be aware of:
Idle handles have a terrible name: they don't run when the loop is actually idle. They run once per loop iteration, after the timers, and if any idle timer is active, the loop will block for i/o for zero seconds. So they can be dangerous because the CPU will spin if you don't stop it.
Callbacks registered with process.nextTick are called when the C++ <-> JS boundary is crossed (see calls to MakeCallback) so i/o callbacks could be deferred and run a bit later. If you exposed prepare handles to JS you would use MakeCallback in the C++ code, so some of the process.nextTick callbacks would also be called alongside your prepare callbacks.
As a general note: idle, check and prepare handles were somehow inherited from libev (which libuv used to use internally). Check and prepare can be used when embedding libuv with other libraries and idle handles are a bit weird, as I mentioned above. Also, libuv follows its own path these days, so not everything libuv has will end up exposed in Node land.
You could ask a reverse question "why do you need idle phase, for example, to be exposed"? You can just use setImmediate().
Also, why do you want to execute something in between I/O callbacks and polling phase, as you don't control explicitly those things anyways?

Node.js framework & Express.js

What are the best resources to learn Express.js? Can anybody explain the node.js framework,how exactly it works.
The nonblocking eventloop concept.
I've found the Express website explains things pretty well, and Express to be quite approachable for new users.
A multi-threaded system (Java and underlying JVM, for instance), contains many threads of execution that may each execute its own code instructions simultaneously (on a multi-core hardware CPU), or switched between, where each thread runs for a scheduled period of time, and then the OS schedules the next thread for execution.
Node programs are executed in the Node environment, which is single threaded, so there is only a single thread of code execution for the entire program and no multiple threads executing concurrently.
A simple analogy would be comparing the event loop with a standard programming construct, the while loop, which is exactly what it is.
// Node sets this up. Do stuff.. Runs until our program terminates.
Starting a node program would start this loop. You could imagine your program being inserted into this loop.
If the first instruction in your program was to read a file from disk. That request would be dispatched to the underlying OS system call to read the file.
Node provides Asynchronous and Synchronous functions for things like reading a file, although the asynchronous is generally preferred because in a synchronous call, a problem with reading the file halts the entire program, in a single threaded system.
// stop everything until the OS reports the file has been read
In the (preferred) asynchronous version, the request to read the file is issued to the OS, and a callback function is specified, the loop continues. The program essentially waits for the OS to respond, and on the next loop (aka tick), your provided callback function (essentially just a location in memory) is called by the system with the result.
// 1st loop does this
require('fs').readFile('file.txt', callback);
// 2nd loop does this, system calls our callback function with the result
callback(err, result)
There are anticipated advantages of a single threaded system. One is that there is no context switching between threads that needs to be done by the OS, which removes the overhead of performing that task in the system.
The other, and this is a hotly debated topic of how this compares against the way other systems and programming languages handle it - is the simplicity of programming using callback functions as a means to implement asynchronicity.
There are many good resources to learn Express.js e.g.:
You may want to check also these blogs:

What is the difference between single thread and non-blocking I/O operation in NodeJs?

I've been reading up and going through as much of NodeJs code as I can but I'm a bit confused about this:
What exactly does Node being single threaded mean and what does non-blocking I/O mean? I can achieve the first one by spawning a child process and the second one by using async library. But I wanted to be clear what it meant and how non-blocking I/O can still slow up your app.
I'll try my best to explain.
Single-threaded means that the Node.js Javascript runtime - at a particular point in time - only is executing one piece of code from all the code it has loaded. In effect, it starts somewhere, and works it way down through all instructions (the call stack) until it's done. While it's executing code, nothing can interrupt this process, and all I/O must wait. Thankfully, most call stacks are relatively short, and lots of things we do in Node.js are more of the "bookkeeping" type than CPU-heavy.
Being single-thread though, any instructions that would take a long time would be a huge problem for the responsiveness in a system. The runtime can only do one thing at a time, so everything must wait until that instruction has finished. If any "I/O" instruction (say reading from disk) would block execution, then the system would be unnecessarily unavailable at that time.
But thankfully, we've got non-blocking I/O.
Instead of waiting for a file to be read:
you write your code so that you DON'T wait for a file to be read:
The readFile call returns almost instantly (perhaps in a a few nano-seconds), so the runtime can continue executing instructions that come next. But if the readFile call returns before the data has been read, there's no way that the the readFile call can return the file contents. That's where callbacks come in:
readFile(filePath, function(err, contents) { console.log(contents))
Still, the readFile call returns almost instantly. The runtime can continue. It will finish the current work before it (all instructions coming after readFile). Nothing is done with the function that's passed, other than storing a reference to it.
Then, at some later point in time (perhaps 10ms, 100ms, or 1000ms later) when reading the file has completed, the callback is called with as second argument the full contents of the file. Before that time, any number of other batches of work could have been done by the runtime.
Now I will address your comments about spawning child processes and Async library. You are wrong on both accounts.
Spawning a child process is a way to let Node.js use more than CPU core. Being single-threaded, a single Node.js has no purpose for using more than one core. Still, if you are on a multi-core computer, you may want to use all those cores. Hence, start multiple Node.js. processes.
The Async library will not give you non-blocking I/O, Node.js gives you that. What Node.js does not give you itself, is an easy way to deal with data coming in from multiple callbacks. The Async library can help a great deal with that.
As I'm not an expert on Node.js internals, I welcome corrections!
Related questions:
asynchronous vs non-blocking
What's the difference between: Asynchronous, Non-Blocking, Event-Base architectures?

How does node.js know if a call has to be executed in the thread pool or in the event loop?

I've read that node.js uses both treads and an event loop.
I'm curious to know how does it know how to treat a call back... Is it specified by the EventEmitter (and does the engineer know if it is going to be blocking or not)?
Or is the core itself that chooses it at runtime?
If it's this one how does it detect if it has to be run async or threaded?
I've already read a lot of resources but i didn't find about this. Im reading the source code but it's hard since it is a lot of time since the last time i coded with C++.
Your JavaScript code always runs in a single thread. That's because the V8 JavaScript engine is not threadsafe.
However, as an implementation detail of some of the C++ code, there may be threads. For example, suppose you write some JavaScript code that connects to a database. Your JavaScript code will of course be async, like any good Node code. But async coding is very uncommon in the C/C++ world, so the database vendor probably didn't write an async C/C++ API.
So when someone is writing a Node package for database access, they have to write a shim that adapts between the "blocking" C++ behavior and the "non-blocking, event-driven" Node behavior. When you call, say, a "connect" method, that goes to C++ code that spawns a new thread, and that thread issues a (blocking) "connect" call to the database, which blocks the thread until the connection is done. Then the C++ code will communicate the "connection done" back to the event queue, and the next time the main (JavaScript) thread polls the event queue, your callback will fire.
So yes, there are threads, but their use should be completely transparent to you. When you're writing Node.js code in JavaScript, you don't need to worry about threads -- you just care that things happen when they're supposed to. Package authors may use threads, but that's purely an implementation detail and you should never have to worry about it. Your JavaScript code never explicitly uses threads.

How does Asynchronous programming work in a single threaded programming model?

I was going through the details of node.jsand came to know that, It supports asynchronous programming though essentially it provides a single threaded model.
How is asynchronous programming handled in such cases? Is it like runtime itself creates and manages threads, but the programmer cannot create threads explicitly? It would be great if someone could point me to some resources to learn about this.
Say it with me now: async programming does not necessarily mean multi-threaded.
Javascript is a single-threaded runtime - you simply aren't able to create new threads in JS because the language/runtime doesn't support it.
Frank says it correctly (although obtusely) In English: there's a main event loop that handles when things come into your app. So, "handle this HTTP request" will get added to the event queue, then handled by the event loop when appropriate.
When you call an async operation (a mysql db query, for example), node.js sends "hey, execute this query" to mysql. Since this query will take some time (milliseconds), node.js performs the query using the MySQL async library - getting back to the event loop and doing something else there while waiting for mysql to get back to us. Like handling that HTTP request.
Edit: By contrast, node.js could simply wait around (doing nothing) for mysql to get back to it. This is called a synchronous call. Imagine a restaurant, where your waiter submits your order to the cook, then sits down and twiddles his/her thumbs while the chef cooks. In a restaurant, like in a node.js program, such behavior is foolish - you have other customers who are hungry and need to be served. Thus you want to be as asynchronous as possible to make sure one waiter (or node.js process) is serving as many people as they can.
Edit done
Node.js communicates with mysql using C libraries, so technically those C libraries could spawn off threads, but inside Javascript you can't do anything with threads.
Ryan said it best: sync/async is orthogonal to single/multi-threaded. For single and multi-threaded cases there is a main event loop that calls registered callbacks using the Reactor Pattern. For the single-threaded case the callbacks are invoked sequentially on main thread. For the multi-threaded case they are invoked on separate threads (typically using a thread pool). It is really a question of how much contention there will be: if all requests require synchronized access to a single data structure (say a list of subscribers) then the benefits of having multiple threaded may be diminished. It's problem dependent.
As far as implementation, if a framework is single threaded then it is likely using poll/select system call i.e. the OS is triggering the asynchronous event.
To restate the waiter/chef analogy:
Your program is a waiter ("you") and the JavaScript runtime is a kitchen full of chefs doing the things you ask.
The interface between the waiter and the kitchen is mediated by queues so requests are not lost in instances of overcapacity.
So your program is assigned one thread of execution. You can only wait one table at a time. Each time you want to offload some work (like making the food/making a network request), you run to the kitchen and pin the order to a board (queue) for the chefs (runtime) to pick-up when they have spare capacity. The chefs will let you know when the order is ready (they will call you back). In the meantime, you go wait another table (you are not blocked by the kitchen).
So the accepted answer is misleading. The JavaScript runtime is definitionally multithreaded because I/O does not block your JavaScript program. As a waiter you can continue serving customers, while the kitchen cooks. That involves at least two threads of execution. The reality is that the runtime will maintain several threads of execution behind the scenes, in order to efficiently serve the single thread directly corresponding to your script.
By design, only one thread of execution is assigned to the synchronous running of your JavaScript program. This is a good thing because it makes your program easier to reason about than having to handle multiple threads of execution yourself. Don't worry: your JavaScript program can still get plenty complicated though!
