Just Difference in C# - c#-4.0

What is the differ between string.Join & string.Concat
similarly what is the diff between string.Equals & string.Compare
Show me with some example for each. I already searched but didn't understand.
Thanks in Advance.

Join combines several strings with a separator in between; this is most often used if you have a list and want to format it in a way that there is a separator (e.g. a comma) between each element. Concat just appends them all after another. In a way, Join with an empty separator is equivalent to Concat.
Equals determines whether two strings are considered equal, Compare is for determining a sort order between two strings.
Honestly, though, this is all explained very well in the documentation.

With .NET 4.0, String.Join() uses StringBuilder class internally so it is more efficient.
Whereas String.Concat() uses basic concatenation of String using "+" which is of course not an efficient approach as String is immutable.
I compared String.Join() in .NET 2.0 framework where its implementation was different(it wasn't using StringBuilder in .NET 2.0). But with .NET 4.0, String.Join() is using StringBuilder() internally so its like easy wrapper on top of StringBuilder() for string concatenation.
Microsoft even recommends using StringBuilder class for any string concatenation.

Program that joins strings [C#]
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
string[] arr = { "one", "two", "three" };
// "string" can be lowercase, or...
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", arr));
// ... "String" can be uppercase:
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", arr));
Output -
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
// 1.
// New string called s1.
string s1 = "string2";
// 2.
// Add another string to the start.
string s2 = "string1" + s1;
// 3.
// Write to console.
Output -

these two methods are quite related. Although it hasn't been done, equals could have been implemented using compareTo:
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == anObject)
return true;
if (o instanceof String)
String s = (String)o;
return compareTo(s) == 0;
return false;
Also, s1.equals(s2) == true implies s1.compareTo(s2) == 0 (and vice versa), and s1.equals(s2) == false implies s1.compareTo(s2) != 0 (and vice versa).
However, and this is important, this does not have to be the case for all classes. It is for String, but no rule prohibits different natural orders for other classes.


Making sure every Alphabet is in a string (Kotlin)

So I have a question where I am checking if a string has every letter of the alphabet in it. I was able to check if there is alphabet in the string, but I'm not sure how to check if there is EVERY alphabet in said string. Here's the code
fun isPangram (pangram: Array<String>) : String {
var panString : String
var outcome = ""
for (i in pangram.indices){
panString = pangram[i]
if (panString.matches(".^*[a-z].*".toRegex())){
outcome = outcome.plus('1')
else {outcome = outcome.plus('0')}
return outcome
Any ideas are welcomed Thanks.
I think it would be easier to check if all members of the alphabet range are in each string than to use Regex:
fun isPangram(pangram: Array<String>): String =
pangram.joinToString("") { inputString ->
when {
('a'..'z').all { it in inputString.lowercase() } -> "1"
else -> "0"
Hi this is how you can make with regular expression
Kotlin Syntax
fun isStrinfContainsAllAlphabeta( input: String) {
return input.lowercase()
.replace("[^a-z]".toRegex(), "")
.replace("(.)(?=.*\\1)".toRegex(), "")
.length == 26;
In java:
public static boolean isStrinfContainsAllAlphabeta(String input) {
return input.toLowerCase()
.replace("[^a-z]", "")
.replace("(.)(?=.*\\1)", "")
.length() == 26;
the function takes only one string. The first "replaceAll" removes all the non-alphabet characters, The second one removes the duplicated character, then you check how many characters remained.
Just to bounce off Tenfour04's solution, if you write two functions (one for the pangram check, one for processing the array) I feel like you can make it a little more readable, since they're really two separate tasks. (This is partly an excuse to show you some Kotlin tricks!)
val String.isPangram get() = ('a'..'z').all { this.contains(it, ignoreCase = true) }
fun checkPangrams(strings: Array<String>) =
strings.joinToString("") { if (it.isPangram) "1" else "0" }
You could use an extension function instead of an extension property (so it.isPangram()), or just a plain function with a parameter (isPangram(it)), but you can write stuff that almost reads like English, if you want!

String concatenation in solidity?

How do I concatenate strings in solidity?
var str = 'asdf'
var b = str + 'sdf'
seems not to work.
I looked up the documentation and there is not much mentioned about string concatenation.
But it is stated that it works with the dot ('.')?
"[...] a mapping key k is located at sha3(k . p) where . is concatenation."
Didn't work out for me too. :/
An answer from the Ethereum Stack Exchange:
A library can be used, for example:
import "github.com/Arachnid/solidity-stringutils/strings.sol";
contract C {
using strings for *;
string public s;
function foo(string s1, string s2) {
s = s1.toSlice().concat(s2.toSlice());
Use the above for a quick test that you can modify for your needs.
Since concatenating strings needs to be done manually for now, and doing so in a contract may consume unnecessary gas (new string has to be allocated and then each character written), it is worth considering what's the use case that needs string concatenation?
If the DApp can be written in a way so that the frontend concatenates the strings, and then passes it to the contract for processing, this could be a better design.
Or, if a contract wants to hash a single long string, note that all the built-in hashing functions in Solidity (sha256, ripemd160, sha3) take a variable number of arguments and will perform the concatenation before computing the hash.
You can't concatenate strings. You also can not check equals (str0 == str1) yet. The string type was just recently added back to the language so it will probably take a while until all of this works. What you can do (which they recently added) is to use strings as keys for mappings.
The concatenation you're pointing to is how storage addresses are computed based on field types and such, but that's handled by the compiler.
Here is another way to concat strings in Solidity. It is also shown in this tutorial:
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
library Strings {
function concat(string _base, string _value) internal returns (string) {
bytes memory _baseBytes = bytes(_base);
bytes memory _valueBytes = bytes(_value);
string memory _tmpValue = new string(_baseBytes.length + _valueBytes.length);
bytes memory _newValue = bytes(_tmpValue);
uint i;
uint j;
for(i=0; i<_baseBytes.length; i++) {
_newValue[j++] = _baseBytes[i];
for(i=0; i<_valueBytes.length; i++) {
_newValue[j++] = _valueBytes[i];
return string(_newValue);
contract TestString {
using Strings for string;
function testConcat(string _base) returns (string) {
return _base.concat("_Peter");
You have to do it manually for now
Solidity doesn't provide built-in string concatenation and string comparison.
However, you can find libraries and contracts that implement string concatenation and comparison.
StringUtils.sol library implements string comparison.
Oraclize contract srtConcat function implements string concatenation.
If you need concatenation to get a hash of a result string, note that there are built-in hashing functions in Solidity: sha256, ripemd160, sha3. They take a variable number of arguments and perform the concatenation before computing the hash.
You could leverage abi.encodePacked:
bytes memory b;
b = abi.encodePacked("hello");
b = abi.encodePacked(b, " world");
string memory s = string(b);
// s == "hello world"
I used this method to concat strings. Hope this is helpful
function cancat(string memory a, string memory b) public view returns(string memory){
you can do it very easily with the low-level function of solidity with
one important thing to remember is , first typecast it to string ie:
string(abi.encodePacked(str, b))
your function will return
return string(abi.encodePacked(str, b));
its easy and gas saving too :)
Solidity does not offer a native way to concatenate strings so we can use abi.encodePacked(). Please refer Doc Link for more information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;
contract AX{
string public s1 = "aaa";
string public s2 = "bbb";
string public new_str;
function concatenate() public {
new_str = string(abi.encodePacked(s1, s2));
In solidity, working with a string is a headache. If you want to perform string action, you have to consider converting string to byte and then convert back to string again. this demo contract will concatenate strings
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract String{
function concatenate(string memory firstName,string memory lastName) public pure returns (string memory fullName) {
bytes memory full=string.concat(bytes(firstName),bytes(lastName));
return string(full);
Examples above do not work perfect.
For example, try concat these values
["10","11","12","13","133"] and you will get ["1","1","1","1","13"]
There is some bug.
And you also do not need use Library for it. Because library is very huge for it.
Use this method:
function concat(string _a, string _b) constant returns (string){
bytes memory bytes_a = bytes(_a);
bytes memory bytes_b = bytes(_b);
string memory length_ab = new string(bytes_a.length + bytes_b.length);
bytes memory bytes_c = bytes(length_ab);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < bytes_a.length; i++) bytes_c[k++] = bytes_a[i];
for (i = 0; i < bytes_b.length; i++) bytes_c[k++] = bytes_b[i];
return string(bytes_c);
You can do this with the ABI encoder. Solidity can not concatenate strings natiely because they are dynamically sized. You have to hash them to 32bytes.
pragma solidity 0.5.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract StringUtils {
function conc( string memory tex) public payable returns(string
memory result){
string memory _result = string(abi.encodePacked('-->', ": ", tex));
return _result;
Compared to languages such as Python and JavaScript, there is no direct way of doing this in Solidity. I would do something like the below to concatenate two strings:
//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 < 0.9.0;
contract test {
function appendStrings(string memory string1, string memory string2) public pure returns(string memory) {
return string(abi.encodePacked(string1, string2));
Please see the screenshot below for the result of concatenating two strings ('asdf' and 'sdf') in Remix Ethereum IDE.
You can use this approach to concat and check equal string.
// concat strgin
string memory result = string(abi. encodePacked("Hello", "World"));
// check qual
if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked("banana")) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked("banana"))) {
// your logic here
After 0.8.4 version of Solidity, you can now concat bytes without using encodePacked()
See the issue: here
//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPT-3
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;
library Strings {
function concat(string memory a, string memory b) internal pure returns (string memory) {
return string(bytes.concat(bytes(a),bytes(b)));
contract Implementation {
using Strings for string;
string a = "first";
string b = "second";
string public c;
constructor() {
c = a.concat(b); // "firstsecond"

Convert String To Nullable Integer List

I'm wanting to parse a string into a nullable int list in C#
I'm able to convert it to int list bit not a nullable one
string data = "1,2";
List<int> TagIds = data.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
say when data will be empty i want to handle that part!
You can use following extension method:
public static int? TryGetInt32(this string item)
int i;
bool success = int.TryParse(item, out i);
return success ? (int?)i : (int?)null;
Then it's simple:
List<int?> TagIds = data.Split(',')
.Select(s => s.TryGetInt32())
I use that extension method always in LINQ queries if the format can be invalid, it's better than using a local variable and int.TryParse (E. Lippert gave an example, follow link).
Apart from that it may be better to use data.Split(new[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) instead which omits empty strings in the first place.

How to truncate a string in groovy?

How to truncate string in groovy?
I used:
def c = truncate("abscd adfa dasfds ghisgirs fsdfgf", 10)
but getting error.
The Groovy community has added a take() method which can be used for easy and safe string truncation.
"abscd adfa dasfds ghisgirs fsdfgf".take(10) //"abscd adfa"
"It's groovy, man".take(4) //"It's"
"It's groovy, man".take(10000) //"It's groovy, man" (no exception thrown)
There's also a corresponding drop() method:
"It's groovy, man".drop(15) //"n"
"It's groovy, man".drop(5).take(6) //"groovy"
Both take() and drop() are relative to the start of the string, as in "take from the front" and "drop from the front".
Online Groovy console to run the examples:
https://ideone.com/zQD9Om — (note: the UI is really bad)
For additional information, see "Add a take method to Collections, Iterators, Arrays":
In Groovy, strings can be considered as ranges of characters. As a consequence, you can simply use range indexing features of Groovy and do myString[startIndex..endIndex].
As an example,
we can simply use range indexing features of Groovy and do someString[startIndex..endIndex].
For example:
def str = "abcdefgh"
def outputTrunc = str[2..5]
print outputTrunc
To avoid word break you can make use of the java.text.BreakIterator. This will truncate a string to the closest word boundary after a number of characters.
package com.example
import java.text.BreakIterator
class exampleClass {
private truncate( String content, int contentLength ) {
def result
//Is content > than the contentLength?
if(content.size() > contentLength) {
BreakIterator bi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance()
def first_after = bi.following(contentLength)
result = content.substring(0, first_after) + "..."
} else {
result = content
return result
Here's my helper functions to to solve this kinda problem. In many cases you'll probably want to truncate by-word rather than by-characters so I pasted the function for that as well.
public static String truncate(String self, int limit) {
if (limit >= self.length())
return self;
return self.substring(0, limit);
public static String truncate(String self, int hardLimit, String nonWordPattern) {
if (hardLimit >= self.length())
return self;
int softLimit = 0;
Matcher matcher = compile(nonWordPattern, CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).matcher(self);
while (matcher.find()) {
if (matcher.start() > hardLimit)
softLimit = matcher.start();
return truncate(self, softLimit);

Is there a .NET function to remove the first (and only the first) occurrence at the start of a string?

I was using the TrimStart function to do the following:
var example = "Savings:Save 20% on this stuff";
example = example.TrimStart("Savings:".ToCharArray());
I was expecting this to result in example having a value of "Save 20% on this stuff".
However, what I got was "e 20% on this stuff".
After reading the documentation on TrimStart I understand why, but now I'm left wondering if there is a function in .NET that does what I was trying to do in the first place?
Does anyone know of a function so I don't have to create my own and keep track of it?
I don't think such a method exists but you can easily do it using StartsWith and Substring:
s = s.StartsWith(toRemove) ? s.Substring(toRemove.Length) : s;
You can even add it as an extension method:
public static class StringExtension
public static string RemoveFromStart(this string s, string toRemove)
if (s == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("s");
if (toRemove == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("toRemove");
if (!s.StartsWith(toRemove))
return s;
return s.Substring(toRemove.Length);
No, I don't believe there's anything which does this built into the framework. It's a somewhat unusual requirement, IMO.
Note that you should think carefully about whether you're trying to remove "the first occurrence" or remove the occurrence at the start of the string, if there is one. For example, think what you'd want to do with: "Hello. Savings: Save 20% on this stuff".
You can do that quite easily using a regular expression.
Remove the occurrence on the beginning of the string:
example = Regex.Replace(example, #"^Savings:", "");
Remove the first occurrence in the string:
example = Regex.Replace(example, #"(?<!Savings:.*)Savings:", "");
