[mono]Arabic text rendering in linux / monodevelop 2.6 - text

I've been instructed to port a .NET/C# Windows application to linux (XUbuntu 11.10 or SliTaz 4). This application should be capable of rendering Arabic texts in part or all of its texts.
I managed to modify the Windows application so that it properly shows Arabic texts. I had to switch UseCompatibilityText to true.
When in linux, I tried to look for the same property. No luck. Is it a question of being using an old version of Mono? Is it something not yet supported?
Is there any way around this issue?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Ok, I'm new to MonoDevelop, but I saw your posting, and I have to say that when I tried to use Arabic in an "entry" box as a quick test, I had no trouble. This MD is straight out of the box, I didn't have to do anything other than coding and grab a small piece of Arabic text. I am using MD on my mac.
Oops, let me check the same on my Linux box. I am using Kubuntu 12.04, and MD, and the same test above works. I'm not sure what exactly isn't working on yours, maybe my test is not extensive enough, or maybe you want to upgrade your version?


how to input Japanese to TextArea in JavaFX on Linux

I'm beginner of JavaFX, I'm developing JavaFX Application using CentOS7(I use KDE), but I can't input Japanese to TextArea/TextField.
when I type some word, TextArea/TextField show only English even if I set "KEY-MAP=jp106".
there is same JavaFX Application on Windows, I can input Japanese to TextField/TextArea when I execute that JavaFX application on Windows.
I use ibus-kkc on CentOS7, I can input Japanese on website(FireFox), memo(KWrite), and I can input Japanese Comment in my Eclipse on CentOS7.
I've searched any solution on Website for 1 week but I couldn't find some tips on Website written by Japanese(because I'm Japanese, I apologize my terrible English).
Does anyone know good way to solve?
I use:
Eclipse ide 2018-09
VMware Workstation 15 player
I changed from ibus-kkc to fcitx-Anthy but I could not input Japanese on that JavaFX application.
I found that solution by myself.
I read release note about JavaFX11, and I had to input processing of changing GTK version
forcibly when I execute JavaFX application.
when I execute it, I put,
$cd (directory that exist class file)
$java -Djdk.gtk.version=2 ...
I could execute correctly.

Pharo image does not recognize middle mouse click on Debian

Related to this question, which was never really answered...
I'm running Debian Testing on a Lenovo Thinkpad T530.
I downloaded Pharo using the zeroconf script. About says
Latest update: #30860
I noticed that middle click didn't bring up the morphic halo as I expected, based on the description in Pharo by Example, nor did it do anything as far as I could tell.
I ran the Pharo VM with a Squeak image (as suggested by this answer), and middle mouse did exactly what I would have expected.
I couldn't find any more information about this, so I'm asking here.
Is there a way to enable the middle mouse? Is this a bug?
Try shift + middle click.
(I'm using Debian Testing on T520)

qt creator editing missing some characters (blank) Linux

Im running a fedora 18 box and just installed Qt Creator 3.0,
as well as trying 2.8.1. Both versions, when I pull up my source
code, there are many characters missing in patterns. It looks like
15-25% of the code has sections "missing"
I think its a graphics problem maybe, but I can find no articles online
about this issue so far. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
EDIT: Here's the image. Also using vim they look fine. Im compiling and running
from an xterm window due to qcreator's issue (unfortunately). if I 'file' the source
files, they are: C source, ASCII text

PyQt Release vs Debug

I have a system,written on PyQt4. It is mostly developed and debug under linux (ubuntu) systems, in Eric IDE, and everything works fine. Last task was to create a nested editor for a table cell. So, i did it and it also looks nice in ubuntu. I also ran it under Windows 7 x64, and the behavior was the same.
However, after making executable file with cx_Freeze in Windows 2000 (it's weird, but this environment was configured before me), the editors behavior became unexpected. After opening Editor it's first cell have 'role == Qt.EditRole', and it's almost impossible to commit any changes there without closing the whole Editor. Another issue is about "OK" button - it closes the Editor window, but doesn't commit any changes in it also, and you cannot call it again without changing the active cell (but maybe i just forgot to emit some signals here, so it's not the main bug here).
So my question - where should i look to find the reason for these problems. I'm new to qt, and maybe it is normal behavior and just my fault in code? Or the reason is in different environments (python 2.7, latest pyqt vs python 2.6 and some older pyqt). Or it is the influence of cx_Freeze... Maybe some other directions?
Sorry for long post and my English :)
Hope to get any answers soon.
I think there's a chance that Qt or PyQt on windows 2000 server is outdated or broken.
So If possible, bring cx_freeze related code to your local computer and test it out.
If it fixes the problem, you can upgrade or reinstall Qt on windows 2000 server.

Typing accented characters in JavaFX 2 applications not working?

I'm developing a javafx-2 application and I want the user to be able to type Greek accented characters in a Textfield using a 'dead key'. Unfortunately, the accents are ignored. The javafx-2 samples provided by oracle behave the same way.
I've only checked on a mac running Lion. Java Swing applications don't have this problem. I have installed the latest JRE provided by apple (1.6.0_31-b04-414).
You may want to try JavaFX 2.1 (dev preview: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/index.html)
I had no problems with Greek accented characters there:
UPD: Typing these characters works as well in 2.1, see screenshot with characters entered from keyboard using dead keys for Greek Polytonic keyboard:
I am having the same problem with FX8. One solution would be to write a textproperty listener to take care of that, unless it is fixed later on. Coming from Swing it is true I did not have that problem either. I am using Windows7.
