how to input Japanese to TextArea in JavaFX on Linux - linux

I'm beginner of JavaFX, I'm developing JavaFX Application using CentOS7(I use KDE), but I can't input Japanese to TextArea/TextField.
when I type some word, TextArea/TextField show only English even if I set "KEY-MAP=jp106".
there is same JavaFX Application on Windows, I can input Japanese to TextField/TextArea when I execute that JavaFX application on Windows.
I use ibus-kkc on CentOS7, I can input Japanese on website(FireFox), memo(KWrite), and I can input Japanese Comment in my Eclipse on CentOS7.
I've searched any solution on Website for 1 week but I couldn't find some tips on Website written by Japanese(because I'm Japanese, I apologize my terrible English).
Does anyone know good way to solve?
I use:
Eclipse ide 2018-09
VMware Workstation 15 player
I changed from ibus-kkc to fcitx-Anthy but I could not input Japanese on that JavaFX application.

I found that solution by myself.
I read release note about JavaFX11, and I had to input processing of changing GTK version
forcibly when I execute JavaFX application.
when I execute it, I put,
$cd (directory that exist class file)
$java -Djdk.gtk.version=2 ...
I could execute correctly.


Text corruption in LLVM 7.0.1 installer

I have tried install llvm 7.0.1 on Windows 10.
But the installer has text corruption like below.
It make so harder to install.
How do I fix it?
I using Windows 10 1809, chcp is 65001.
I using Japanese.
I have enabled "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in Region settings".
Is this change cause of the error?
But A installer of other application does not be text curruption.
The Picture of installer with compatibility mode (Windows XP SP3)
That LLVM installer is not a Unicode NSIS installer. The LLVM team can fix it by adding Unicode True to their NSIS script.
That LLVM installer looks like it supports multiple languages (I could not find it's source, it might be using CMake/Ninja) and NSIS does try to guess the correct language but this is based on the return value of GetUserDefaultUILanguage() and not the active codepage.
I could not replicate your issue on build 18290 (after changing to UTF-8 and rebooting I verified that GetACP() returns 65001) but this is probably because my system is detected as English by NSIS.
Based on the (N) in your Next button in your screenshot I'm going to guess that your UI language is detected as Chinese or Japanese?
Without more information about your system it is hard to guess if this is a bug in NSIS or Windows. NSIS is a relatively normal application and does not call MultiByteToWideChar on its interface strings (IIRC).
By forcing a installer to pick Japanese I can replicate your issue. The solution for this issue is to switch your "language for non-Unicode programs" back to Japanese if you wish to install this application using Japanese as the display language. Another solution you can try is to set the locale for a single application. AppLocale was Microsoft's solution to this but it is not supported on Windows 10 but there are other alternatives out there.
When building a NSIS installer without Unicode support the program stores the text internally as raw bytes encoded with the codepage of the specific language. At run time it uses functions like SetWindowTextA to set the text of UI elements. This is how non-Unicode applications have worked since the dawn of time on Windows. All non-Unicode programs that display text outside the ASCII range will have the same issue unless they have been specifically written to support UTF-8 as the active codepage (which is unlikely since it is a new feature). This feature is only useful for console applications and ported POSIX applications that assume that the narrow string is UTF-8 encoded.
Too long for a comment.
UPDATE: Looking at this a little, I am wondering if the problem is a font corruption issue. There is a description of rebuilding the font cache here: I think you must install a good copy of the font file first though? You do that by copying the font files into the Fonts folders I believe. I will check with Anders what font NSIS uses.
Similar issue with an MSI file: Windows Installer ugly font rendering.
Compatibility Mode: Pretty sure that UTF8-setting would cause it. I don't think it would work, but the first thing I would try would be to run the executable in compatibility mode.
Locate the setup.exe in question.
Right click the EXE, hold right mouse button down, now drag to empty desktop area and release mouse button. Click "Create Shortcut Here".
Right click Shortcut => Properties => Compatibilty tab.
Try various combinations of "Run program in compatibility mode for..."
I would try "Windows XP" highest service pack first. Click OK when done.
Now double click the shortcut to launch the executable and see what happens.

GTK+, GLADE, PYTHON 3.6 Windows

I am an Electrical engineer. I am completely new for programming and coding..
Actually i am working as estimation engineer, where i am doing the same estimation again and again with excel.
As same in design stage also i am doing the same again and again.
I thought i will create a application which will automatically do the estimation based on my input. and the same time at the time of design stage it will input from my estimation sheet it will generate the drawing automatically.
(i am doing estimation in excel, preparing drawing in auto cad)
from google, i found the following..
To write a program I need to know a language. so i selected python version 3.6.1
To create a stand alone or micro soft windows installer i selected cx freeze which is converting my code to .exe filex
To create a user interface i selected glade.
But i dont know how to install gtk builder to link pythin code and glade files.
Hopefully you got the point what i am looking..
I am using windiws 10 with 64 bit version
Advance thanks for all
All the information you need on how to install GTK+ and Glade on Windows is on the GTK+ Website.
However, If you're a total beginner, then I suggest you start small, as the kind of work you're describing seems a lot of work for someone who has never written a single line of code.
As suggested by #liberforce, install GTK+ and Glade on Windows from their GTK+ Website. This way you will have an environment (MINGW64) inside which you can practice.
Install python from their download site.
Check also these instructions for how to use it.
The key points (at least for me) are:
Copy the script you created to C:\msys64\home\<username>
In the mingw32 terminal execute python3 - a window should appear.
After that, if you want to make an executable, follow these instructions. Try their example for gedit to get some ideas on how to create and how PKGBUILD works (a.k.a. follow the instructions for gedit to see what's happening).

[mono]Arabic text rendering in linux / monodevelop 2.6

I've been instructed to port a .NET/C# Windows application to linux (XUbuntu 11.10 or SliTaz 4). This application should be capable of rendering Arabic texts in part or all of its texts.
I managed to modify the Windows application so that it properly shows Arabic texts. I had to switch UseCompatibilityText to true.
When in linux, I tried to look for the same property. No luck. Is it a question of being using an old version of Mono? Is it something not yet supported?
Is there any way around this issue?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Ok, I'm new to MonoDevelop, but I saw your posting, and I have to say that when I tried to use Arabic in an "entry" box as a quick test, I had no trouble. This MD is straight out of the box, I didn't have to do anything other than coding and grab a small piece of Arabic text. I am using MD on my mac.
Oops, let me check the same on my Linux box. I am using Kubuntu 12.04, and MD, and the same test above works. I'm not sure what exactly isn't working on yours, maybe my test is not extensive enough, or maybe you want to upgrade your version?

Programmers Editors on Windows for Indic language editing [duplicate]

We're going to be building some J2ME apps and Java/Rails webapps which will have a Kannada(a south indian language, for those who don't know much about India) UI. The UI and the data will both be in Kannada for these apps.
So, we will need to write code containing some of these language text in the source code. I find it irritating that neither emacs nor XEmacs OR Jedit can edit any of these languages :-(
Someone mentioned that a variant of Emacs can do it except I don't know if it works on Windows and where to get hold of it.
I know notepad can do the trick BUT it's not a programmer's editor.
P.S : I am an EMacs guy but will be open to using other programmer editors.
P.P.S : This should work on Windows Vista/Windows 7. I wouldn't mind using VirtualBox or VMWare to boot into Linux to use an Linux Editor, if that is the only option I have!
So, we will need to write code containing some of these language text in the source code.
I think any Windows editor that supports UTF-8 will be able to do this. There should be plenty to choose from.
I'm the as the author of the Zeus editor and just recently UTF-8 support was added so I would expect Zeus should be able to do exactly this. But if it doesn't feel free to report a bug on the Zeus forum.
P.S : I am an EMacs guy but open to using other programmer editors in this situation.
Zeus has a Emacs keyboard emulation mode ;)
Considering it's Java you're using: Have you tried Eclipse? I know it's not an editor and might be a little overkill when one is used to Emacs, but it uses SWT which in turn uses the OS's native font rendering. And at least my browser shows that the Uniscribe can display Kannada just fine.
Another option might be Notepad++.

Windows CE 6 Wordpad replacement

I'm developing a Win CE 6 OS image and want to make it fit in the "Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Core Run-Time License".
This means, among other things, that I have to remove the Wordpad application.
From a product service and development perspective I'd like to replace it with something similar but free.
One thought was to do a simple editor in C#/CF.Net but I'd rather like to find something which can be plugged in and works, preferable free or at least cheaper than the 15$ per unit a bumped up license would cost.
Is there any suitably licensed text editors out there which are available for Win CE 6?
I don't need a rich text editor just a simple text editor to edit xml and text configuration files. The editor must be able to handle utf-8/unicode.
cke is quite good and I'm sure you can make some kind of a deal with it's author. CEdit is another good one.
I ended up writing my own simple file editor in C#/WinForms. Not great, but gets the job done.
