How do I set up ACS in SQL Azure? - azure

How do I set up ACS in SQL Azure?
I am trying a code sample from Azure that is to create a custom Login Page in ASP.NET and MVC 3.
It claims to use the ACS Management Portal. It instructs to log on to the my Azure homepage and "navigate to the Service Bus, Access Control and Cashing section." Where is that? I do not see this on my Azure homepage.
The example is listed here:
The step says:
To configure the sample via the ACS Management Portal
Open a browser, navigate to the Windows Azure homepage (, and sign in. Navigate
to the Service Bus, Access Control, and Caching section to configure
your ACS service namespace. Once you have created a namespace, select
it and click Manage > Access Control Service, located at the top of
the page. This will launch the page in a new window.
Where is that? I do not see this on my Azure homepage.

What you're seeing is the new preview portal (I'm referencing your screenshot). In order to access all features of your Azure subscription you might also need to use the 'old' Silverlight portal. Today this is still the case for ACS.
You can visit the old portal through this URL:


403 error with Microsoft Graph in a Azure Web app

i followed this tutorial
Tutorial: Access Microsoft Graph
I can login with my organization user to the web app, but i can't use the GraphServiceClient. It always redirect me to the "signin-oidc" page with a 403 error.
Am i missing something in the tutorial? What should i check in the configurations?
Thank you in advance
According to the tutorial you provided, it requires the azure web app to enable easy-auth by azure ad, it also provides a tutorial on how to enable it.
After creating azure web app, go to Authentication then click Add identity provider, then you need to choose microsoft as the provider and then create a new azure ad app if needed. Now we can deploy sample code into azure after doing the configuration. And as the default redirect url in the code is /signin-oidc so we need to add it into azure ad authentication panel-> redirect url.
If you used my sample, you also need to modify the appsetting.json with the azure ad application client id and client secret. You can use the azure ad app created just now, you only need to add redirect url with https://localhost:44321/signin-oidc and But in this sample, you don't need to enable easy-auth for azure web app. You only need to create a web app and deploy the sample code to it. I used visual studio to create and deploy. If you wanna create azure web app in azure portal, you just need to click New in azure portal->app service and complete the fields.

Microsoft Azure - Where is my custom domain that I added using Azure AD portal?

I have Azure subscription through Visual Studio Enterprise. Yesterday, using my Azure AD Portal, I added a custom domain - that I had bought from Google Domains. I had followed this official tutorial from MS Azure team. The domain was successfully created and verified per the instructions in the tutorial. But today when I login to Azure portal using the same Microsoft account that I use every day to login to Azure (and I also used to create the domain), and go to the left menu item Custom Domain Names of Azure AD page, I see only the default initial domain that has always been there. But I don't see
Question: How do I get access to
Remark: I think one needs to be a user with proper permissions to the domain. But since I am the global admin to the entire Azure subscription and I am the one who added the custom domain, I am, by default, the global admin to the domain, as well. So how do I access the domain?
at the top of the portal, next to the console button there is a directory and subscriptions button, click that, i suspect you have access/multiple directories and you created the custom domain in one of the other directories that you may have access to.
Because as mentioned by sruthi, if you added the domain properly/successfully, it will be there in that "custom domain names" blade.

Azure API Management new dev portal - how to add a new administrator

There is a step by step configuration to add API Management Administrators and then use a Powershell command to retrieve a URL to open the Developer portal as an administrator (
But unfortunately, it is not working with the new developer portal, only with the legacy portal.
What are the steps to use with the new developer portal?
It's a bit more involved.
Generate yourself a token using this API:
Get service details using this API: to see if new dev portal has been assigned custom hostname. Can skip it if you already have this information from somewhere else.
You redirect URL will be: https://[hostname]/signin-sso?token=[token]

Where to find domain name to use Azure AD Authentication in application

I'm looking to learn how to set up a Web API to use Azure authentication. This web api will be locally hosted on my network and not in Azure. I simply want to use Azure as a means of authenticating user sign in and token management. I've set up a web api in the past but it used authentication with a locally hosted SQL database. I'm completely new to Azure and am looking for any resources on how to set this up. The end goal is to get something that I can put into the domain box pictured below:
I have no idea what that is or how to go about getting it. I know this is Stackoverflow but can anyone at least point me in the right direction?
You can absolutely do what you're describing. Assuming you already have an Azure Subscription, sign-in to the Azure portal and open the Azure Active Directory blade. In the Azure Active Directory blade, click on Custom domain names. This will show you what your Azure AD domain is. Unless you have configured a custom domain for your directory, it will be <something> For example,

Unable to login to Azure

I am trying to create an ASP.NET framework app in Azure so i followed the tutorial on the Azure website but while publishing there is always a problem logging in.
I have tried to login several times and it is all successful but i am unable to proceed with creating app services. The page will still be the same page asking to login or create an account.
I am also login to my visual studio 2017 enterprise with the same account so i am wondering why i can't proceed on.
Thank you
According to your description, I suppose you haven't buy the Azure. You could buy Azure from this link. After that, your account could use Azure. Then you could get Subscription for Azure portal. You could also create Resource Group and App Service Plan from Azure portal.
If you want to use Azure for free,you can use trial version.Just like the following screenshot. However, it has use time and function limit.
