Automated Build & Deploy in SharePoint - sharepoint

How should I specify my build definition in Visual Studio 2012 in order to build and deploy a SharePoint solution automatically?

Although not VS 2012, this article series by one of my favorite bloggers can probably help you:


SharePoint 2016 Templates in VS2015

New to StackOverflow so sorry if I'm doing this wrong. Trying to get set up with SharePoint 2016 Development. Moving from SP2010 and need to look into getting some things updated. Have a 2016 single server farm set up for evaluation/development and have VS2015 installed on machine, but cannot for the life of me get SP2016 development templates to show up in VS. I had them briefly after installing the Office Development Tools preview, but after upgrading it to update 2 they're gone again! Please help.
Also, looking for good information on converting SP2010 projects to SP2016 if that's possible.
You need to install: Microsoft Office Developer Tools Preview 2 for Visual Studio 2015

Develop Visual Web Part Without Installing Sharepoint

I want to know if it is possible to develop web parts without installing sharepoint?
I choose Visual Web Part then I get sharepoint not installed error.
You can't develop it without SharePoint on same machine.
The answer is "Yes", you can. But if you do that then you loose all features of Visual Studio for development for SharePoint. You will need to create proper visual web part project artifact structure manually which could be tricky. Also you will have to create wsp package manually or using tools like wsp builder. Then you can copy this wsp package to sharepoint server and deploy it.

Deploy Project option not available at project level for SharePoint 2013 project in Visual Studio 2012

I have recently upgraded my SharePoint 2010 solution to SharePoint 2013 and in the same process upgraded the solution as well to Visual-Studio 2012.
One of the things I have observed is that I don't have the "deploy" option at each SharePoint project level. On digging a bit further I have noticed that the "deloy" option is available to all projects under solution but not for projects under any folder.
e.g. I have attached the image showing the solution structure containing two projects. As seen the "deploy" option is not available for the project under the folder.
Is this a bug or is there something setting in VS to make this work?
It's the very definition of a bug.
See also
Update 2 - and still no fix.
Edit: Fun fact. If you select two or more projects - the deploy option re-appears -.-

WSPBuilder in Visual Studio 2010 for solution in Sharepoint 2007

I've installed the WSPBuilder extension for Visual Studio 2010 and I'm looking for a walkthrough of how to create a deployment package for my web-part. Can anyone point me to a good resource? Everything I find seems to be directed towards VS 2008 and it creates the folder structure differently.
The documentation you have found already should be close enough - the hive folder is named "SharePointRoot" instead of "12", but aside from that it's all the same for basic usage.
Developing for SharePoint without having SharePoint on the dev box is going to be fairly painful whatever method you use though. I have a PowerShell script that deploys a WSP on another server so I can use the same development environment for 2007 and 2010 - it works but is a lot slower than the local copy to GAC or hive when making small changes. The error you are getting with VS2008 can probably be fixed by running visual studio as administrator.

custom sharepoint workflow development using visual studio 2008

I have a requirement which requires custom workflow development. But as I have never created any workflow programatically before, I dont know how to start with. I have a WSPBuilder installed in visual studio 2008, Can anyone please let me know the steps to develop using wsp builder. I have googled for this but unfortunately i did not find anything regarding this. Also, Please suggest me if using WSP builder is the easiest way of developing workflows or is there any other way of implementing it.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
WSPBuilder will not help you develop workflow at all. WSPBuilder assists you in building a WSP out of solution files of SharePoint.
To develop workflows, you need to be first aware with Windows workflow Foundation. Start with an example here:
Once you have learnt the basics, and you can build the workflow manually, then you can use WSPBuilder to build the WSP.
In short, WSPBuilder will help you build WSP which is nothing but deployment package such as rpm, deb in linux environment.
