What is the difference between threads and lightweight threads? - multithreading

I don't quite understand the difference between threads and lightweight threads. From an API perspective both types of threads are identical so where exactly does the difference come in. Is it at the implementation level where a lightweight thread is managed by a higher level runtime than the OS thread scheduler or is it something else? Also, is there set of heuristics that people use to decide which type of thread to use in specific scenarios?

In what context, lightweight threads could represent threads which are implemented by a library, for example threads can be simulated in a library by switching between lightweight threads at an event handling layer, these lightweight threads are queued up and processed by a singe OS thread, the advantage of this is that since context switching is handled in the library switching can occur when the processing of data is complete and so the data does not need to be loaded back into the CPU's cache next time this lightweight thread becomes active.
Lightweight threads could also refer to co-operative threads (or fibers), these are threads where you have to explicitly yield to give other lightweight threads a chance, this has the same advantage in that the context switching can occur at a place you know you have finished processing some data and so you know it will not be need again.
Alternativly Lightweight threads could mean normal OS threads and the non-lightweight threads could mean processes, process have at least one thread within them and also have there own memory and other resources, they are more expensive than threads because you can not share data between thread easily and it can be a more expensive operation for the OS to create processes.


How do user level threads (ULTs) and kernel level threads (KLTs) differ with regards to concurrent execution?

Here's what I understand; please correct/add to it:
In pure ULTs, the multithreaded process itself does the thread scheduling. So, the kernel essentially does not notice the difference and considers it a single-thread process. If one thread makes a blocking system call, the entire process is blocked. Even on a multicore processor, only one thread of the process would running at a time, unless the process is blocked. I'm not sure how ULTs are much help though.
In pure KLTs, even if a thread is blocked, the kernel schedules another (ready) thread of the same process. (In case of pure KLTs, I'm assuming the kernel creates all the threads of the process.)
Also, using a combination of ULTs and KLTs, how are ULTs mapped into KLTs?
Your analysis is correct. The OS kernel has no knowledge of user-level threads. From its perspective, a process is an opaque black box that occasionally makes system calls. Consequently, if that program has 100,000 user-level threads but only one kernel thread, then the process can only one run user-level thread at a time because there is only one kernel-level thread associated with it. On the other hand, if a process has multiple kernel-level threads, then it can execute multiple commands in parallel if there is a multicore machine.
A common compromise between these is to have a program request some fixed number of kernel-level threads, then have its own thread scheduler divvy up the user-level threads onto these kernel-level threads as appropriate. That way, multiple ULTs can execute in parallel, and the program can have fine-grained control over how threads execute.
As for how this mapping works - there are a bunch of different schemes. You could imagine that the user program uses any one of multiple different scheduling systems. In fact, if you do this substitution:
Kernel thread <---> Processor core
User thread <---> Kernel thread
Then any scheme the OS could use to map kernel threads onto cores could also be used to map user-level threads onto kernel-level threads.
Hope this helps!
Before anything else, templatetypedef's answer is beautiful; I simply wanted to extend his response a little.
There is one area which I felt the need for expanding a little: combinations of ULT's and KLT's. To understand the importance (what Wikipedia labels hybrid threading), consider the following examples:
Consider a multi-threaded program (multiple KLT's) where there are more KLT's than available logical cores. In order to efficiently use every core, as you mentioned, you want the scheduler to switch out KLT's that are blocking with ones that in a ready state and not blocking. This ensures the core is reducing its amount of idle time. Unfortunately, switching KLT's is expensive for the scheduler and it consumes a relatively large amount of CPU time.
This is one area where hybrid threading can be helpful. Consider a multi-threaded program with multiple KLT's and ULT's. Just as templatetypedef noted, only one ULT can be running at one time for each KLT. If a ULT is blocking, we still want to switch it out for one which is not blocking. Fortunately, ULT's are much more lightweight than KLT's, in the sense that there less resources assigned to a ULT and they require no interaction with the kernel scheduler. Essentially, it is almost always quicker to switch out ULT's than it is to switch out KLT's. As a result, we are able to significantly reduce a cores idle time relative to the first example.
Now, of course, all of this depends on the threading library being used for implementing ULT's. There are two ways (which I can come up with) for "mapping" ULT's to KLT's.
A collection of ULT's for all KLT's
This situation is ideal on a shared memory system. There is essentially a "pool" of ULT's to which each KLT has access. Ideally, the threading library scheduler would assign ULT's to each KLT upon request as opposed to the KLT's accessing the pool individually. The later could cause race conditions or deadlocks if not implemented with locks or something similar.
A collection of ULT's for each KLT (Qthreads)
This situation is ideal on a distributed memory system. Each KLT would have a collection of ULT's to run. The draw back is that the user (or the threading library) would have to divide the ULT's between the KLT's. This could result in load imbalance since it is not guaranteed that all ULT's will have the same amount of work to complete and complete roughly the same amount of time. The solution to this is allowing for ULT migration; that is, migrating ULT's between KLT's.

Is having many threads in a JVM application expensive?

I'm currently learning about actors in Scala. The book recommends using the react method instead of receive, because it allows the system to use less threads.
I have read why creating a thread is expensive. But what are the reasons that, once you have the threads (which should hold for the actor system in Scala after the initialization), having them around is expensive?
Is it mainly the memory consumption? Or are there any other reasons?
Using many threads may be more expensive than you would expect because:
each thread consumes memory outside of heap which places restriction on how many threads can be created at all for JVM;
switch from one thread to another consumes some CPU time, so if you have activity which can be performed in a single thread, you will save CPU cycles;
there's JVM scheduler which has more work to do if there are more threads. Same applies to underlying OS scheduler;
at last, it makes little sense to use more threads than you have CPU cores for CPU-bound tasks and it makes little sense to use more I/O threads than you have I/O activities (e.g., network clients).
Besides the memory overhead of having a thread around (which may or may not be small), having more threads around will also usually mean that the schedule will have more elements to consider when the time comes for it to pick which thread will get the CPU next.
Some Operating Systems / JVMs may also have constraints on the amount of threads that can concurrently exist.
Eventually, it's an accumulation of small overheads that can eventually account to a lot. And none of this is actually specific to Java.
Having threads around is not "expensive". Of course, it kinda depends on how many we're talking about here. I'd suspect billions of threads would be a problem. I think generally speaking, having a lot of threads is considered expensive because you can do more parallel work so CPU goes up, memory goes up, etc... But if they are correctly managed (pooled for example to protect the system resources) then it's ok. The JVM does not necessarily use native threads so a Java thread is not necessarily mapped to an OS native threads (i.e. look at green threads for example, or lightweight threads). In my opinion, there's no implicit cost to threads in the JVM. The cost comes from poor thread management and overuse of the resources by carelessly assigning them work.

Can thread creation within OS internals run concurrently?

Suppose we have a dual-core machine with a mainstream, modern OS capable to utilize both the cores.
If I have two threads, P1 and Q1 within the same process, and they happen to commence creating child threads, say, P2 and Q2, at approximately the same machine cycle, will OS perform the thread creation concurrently?
I heard thread creation is expensive, so the question came forth...
Thanks in advance.
Any reasonably well designed OS can have multiple processors executing kernel code at the same time. Therefore some of the tasks involved in a thread creation can be happening concurrently. But there will be some necessary serialization to manipulate some shared data structures (e.g. allocating memory, inserting a newly created threat structure into a global list). The processors could contend for the same lock thereby reducing concurrency.
Systems/applications which make new threads so often that the overhead of thread creation actually matters are probably designed wrong (doing too little useful work in a thread relative to the startup time, and not taking advantage of the obvious optimization of reusing short-lived threads from a pool).
It will be sorta-concurrently. There are aspects of thread-creation that cannot proceed in parallel - it would be unfortunate if the kernel memory-manager allocated both threads the same stack!
Thread creation is sufficiently expensive that it's worth while avoiding doing it at all during an app. run, hence the popularity of thread pools. Long-running tasks that block can be threaded off and left for the life of the app - often this means that explicit thread termination, (awkward at best, almost impossible at worst, from user code), is not necessary.
I think developers continually start and stop threads because they like to think of them as 'functions', where you 'pass parameters' in at the start and 'return' results when the thread ends. Ths is not the best way of conceptualizing threads.

Thread Pool vs Thread Spawning

Can someone list some comparison points between Thread Spawning vs Thread Pooling, which one is better? Please consider the .NET framework as a reference implementation that supports both.
Thread pool threads are much cheaper than a regular Thread, they pool the system resources required for threads. But they have a number of limitations that may make them unfit:
You cannot abort a threadpool thread
There is no easy way to detect that a threadpool completed, no Thread.Join()
There is no easy way to marshal exceptions from a threadpool thread
You cannot display any kind of UI on a threadpool thread beyond a message box
A threadpool thread should not run longer than a few seconds
A threadpool thread should not block for a long time
The latter two constraints are a side-effect of the threadpool scheduler, it tries to limit the number of active threads to the number of cores your CPU has available. This can cause long delays if you schedule many long running threads that block often.
Many other threadpool implementations have similar constraints, give or take.
A "pool" contains a list of available "threads" ready to be used whereas "spawning" refers to actually creating a new thread.
The usefulness of "Thread Pooling" lies in "lower time-to-use": creation time overhead is avoided.
In terms of "which one is better": it depends. If the creation-time overhead is a problem use Thread-pooling. This is a common problem in environments where lots of "short-lived tasks" need to be performed.
As pointed out by other folks, there is a "management overhead" for Thread-Pooling: this is minimal if properly implemented. E.g. limiting the number of threads in the pool is trivial.
For some definition of "better", you generally want to go with a thread pool. Without knowing what your use case is, consider that with a thread pool, you have a fixed number of threads which can all be created at startup or can be created on demand (but the number of threads cannot exceed the size of the pool). If a task is submitted and no thread is available, it is put into a queue until there is a thread free to handle it.
If you are spawning threads in response to requests or some other kind of trigger, you run the risk of depleting all your resources as there is nothing to cap the amount of threads created.
Another benefit to thread pooling is reuse - the same threads are used over and over to handle different tasks, rather than having to create a new thread each time.
As pointed out by others, if you have a small number of tasks that will run for a long time, this would negate the benefits gained by avoiding frequent thread creation (since you would not need to create a ton of threads anyway).
My feeling is that you should start just by creating a thread as needed... If the performance of this is OK, then you're done. If at some point, you detect that you need lower latency around thread creation you can generally drop in a thread pool without breaking anything...
All depends on your scenario. Creating new threads is resource intensive and an expensive operation. Most very short asynchronous operations (less than a few seconds max) could make use of the thread pool.
For longer running operations that you want to run in the background, you'd typically create (spawn) your own thread. (Ab)using a platform/runtime built-in threadpool for long running operations could lead to nasty forms of deadlocks etc.
Thread pooling is usually considered better, because the threads are created up front, and used as required. Therefore, if you are using a lot of threads for relatively short tasks, it can be a lot faster. This is because they are saved for future use and are not destroyed and later re-created.
In contrast, if you only need 2-3 threads and they will only be created once, then this will be better. This is because you do not gain from caching existing threads for future use, and you are not creating extra threads which might not be used.
It depends on what you want to execute on the other thread.
For short task it is better to use a thread pool, for long task it may be better to spawn a new thread as it could starve the thread pool for other tasks.
The main difference is that a ThreadPool maintains a set of threads that are already spun-up and available for use, because starting a new thread can be expensive processor-wise.
Note however that even a ThreadPool needs to "spawn" threads... it usually depends on workload - if there is a lot of work to be done, a good threadpool will spin up new threads to handle the load based on configuration and system resources.
There is little extra time required for creating/spawning thread, where as thread poll already contains created threads which are ready to be used.
This answer is a good summary but just in case, here is the link to Wikipedia:
For Multi threaded execution combined with getting return values from the execution, or an easy way to detect that a threadpool has completed, java Callables could be used.
See https://blogs.oracle.com/CoreJavaTechTips/entry/get_netbeans_6 for more info.
Assuming C# and Windows 7 and up...
When you create a thread using new Thread(), you create a managed thread that becomes backed by a native OS thread when you call Start – a one to one relationship. It is important to know only one thread runs on a CPU core at any given time.
An easier way is to call ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (i.e. background thread), which in essence does the same thing, except those background threads aren’t forever tied to a single native thread. The .NET scheduler will simulate multitasking between managed threads on a single native thread. With say 4 cores, you’ll have 4 native threads each running multiple managed threads, determined by .NET. This offers lighter-weight multitasking since switching between managed threads happens within the .NET VM not in the kernel. There is some overhead associated with crossing from user mode to kernel mode, and the .NET scheduler minimizes such crossing.
It may be important to note that heavy multitasking might benefit from pure native OS threads in a well-designed multithreading framework. However, the performance benefits aren’t that much.
With using the ThreadPool, just make sure the minimum worker thread count is high enough or ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem will be slower than new Thread(). In a benchmark test looping 512 times calling new Thread() left ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem in the dust with default minimums. However, first setting the minimum worker thread count to 512, in this test, made new Thread() and ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem perform similarly.
A side effective of setting a high worker thread count is that new Task() (or Task.Factory.StartNew) also performed similarly as new Thread() and ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem.

Is there any comprehensive overview somewhere that discusses all the different types of threads?

Is there any comprehensive overview somewhere that discusses all the different types of threads and what their relationship is with the OS and the scheduler? I've heard so much contradicting information about whether you want certain types of threads, or whether thread pooling is a performance gain or a performance hit, or that threads are heavy weight so you should use these other kind of threads that don't map directly to real threads but then how is that different from thread pooling .... I'm paralyzed. How does anyone make sense of it? Assuming the use of a language that actually directly interacts with threads (I'm aware of concurrent languages, implicit parallelism, etc. as an alternative to needing to know this stuff but I'm curious about this at the moment)
Here is my brief summary, please comment and edit at will:
There are no hyperthreads, unless you're talking about Intel's hyperthreading in which case it's just virtual cores.
"Green" usually means "not OS-level" (scheduled/handled by a VM, which may or may not map those unto multiple OS-level threads or processes)
pthreads are an API (Posix Threads)
Kernel threads vs user threads is an implementation level (user threads are implemented in userland, so the kernel is not aware of them and neither is its scheduler), "threads" alone is generally an alias for "kernel threads"
Fibers are system-level coroutines. They're threads, except cooperatively multitasked rather than preemptively.
Well, like with most things, it's common to not just care unless threading is identified as a bottleneck. That is, just use the threading functionality that your platform provides in the usual manner and don't worry about the details, at least in the beginning.
But since you evidently want to know more: Usually, the operating system has a concept of a thread as a unit of execution, which is what the OS scheduler handles. Now, switching between OS-level threads requires a context switch, which can be expensive and can become a performance bottleneck. So instead of mapping programming-language threads directly to OS threads, some threading implementations do everything in user space, so that there is only one OS-level thread that is responsible for all the user-level threads in the application. This is more efficient both performance- and resource-wise, but it has the problem that if you actually have several physical processors, you cannot use more than one of them with user-level threads. So there's one more strategy of allocating threads: have multiple OS-level threads, the number of which relates to the number of physical processors you have, and have each of these be responsible for several user-level threads. These three strategies are often called 1:1 (user threads map 1-to-1 to OS threads), N:1 (all user threads map to 1 OS thread), and M:N (M user threads map to N OS threads).
Thread pooling is a slightly different thing. The idea behind thread pooling is to separate the execution resources from the actual execution, so that you have a number of threads (your resources) available in the thread pool, and when you need some task to be executed, you just pick one thread from the pool and hand the task over to it. So thread pooling is a way to design a multi-threaded application. Another way to design would be to identify the different tasks that will need to be performed (e.g., reading from a network, drawing the UI to the screen), and create a dedicated thread for these tasks. This is mostly orthogonal to whether the threads are user- or OS-level concepts.
Threads are the main building block of a Process in the Windows win32 architecture. You can ignore green threads, fibers, green fibers, pthreads (POSIX). Hyper threads don't exist. It is "hyper threading" which is a CPU architecture thing. You cannot code it. You can ignore it.
This leaves use with threads. Indeed. Only threads. A kernel thread is a thread of the kernel, which lives in the upper 2GB (sometimes upper 1GB) of the virtual memory addess space of a machine. You cannot touch it. So you can ignore it most of the time (unless you are writing kernel mode ring-0 code).
Only user threads are the ones you should be concerned about. They come in two flavors: main thread and auxiliary threads. Each process has at least one main thread, it is created for you when you create a process (CreateProcess API call). Auxiliary threads can do tasks that take long and otherwise interrupt the user experience. In C#/,NET you can use the BackgroundWorker class to easily create and manage threads.
Threads have several properties. This may have lead to all "kinds" of threads. But worker threads are probably the only ones you should be worried about when you start dealing with threads.
I learned a lot reading these slides.
I came across this after looking at Unicorn.
