Shell Code and kernel hacking OS Agnostic? - linux

I'm reading a book about hacking the kernel and one area the author keeps coming back to is shell code, that many attempts at kernel hacking try to find a way to execute shell code.
Can someone elaborate more on this topic, particularly can you clarify "shell code."
How does shell code get around sudo in *NIX systems or not being Admin in a windows machine?
Are there examples of shell code attacks that aren't OS specific? I would think one has to be targeting specific OS.

Shell code is the payload used when exploiting a vulnerability that is used to create a command shell from which the attacker can control the machine.
A typical shell code when run might open a network connection and spawn cmd.exe on a Windows machine (or /bin/sh on Linux/unix) piping stdin and stdout over the network connection. An attacker may complete the connection from his machine and enter commands and get feedback as if he was sitting at the compromised machine.
A buffer overflow is not shell code. It is the vulnerability that is exploited to execute the shell code.
The buffer overflow is exploited to copy the shell code to the user's machine and overwrite the return address on the program's stack. When the currently executing function returns, the processor jumps to the uploaded shell code which creates the shell for the attacker.
For more information on exploiting buffer overflows, have a look at Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit.
You can try to use the -fno-stack-protector flag for gcc but I'm not very familiar with OSX or whatever stack protections it may use.
If you want to play around with buffer overflows, modern compilers and modern OSs have protections in place that make this difficult. Your best bet would be to grab yourself a Linux distro and turn them off. See this question for more information on disabling these protections.
Note you don't need to have a buffer overflow to execute a shell code. I've demonstrated opening a remote shell using a command injection exploit to upload and execute a batch file.

Essentially it's finding a buffer overflow or similar technique that allows you to insert malicious code into a process running as root.
For example, if you used a fixed sized buffer and you overrun that buffer, you can essentially overwrite memory contents and use this to execute a malicious payload.

A simple shell code snippet that can come back to bite you is:
or inside a C program:
If you can direct your exploits to execute such a line of code (e.g. through a buffer overflow that hijacks the intended control path of the program), you get a shell prompt with the victim's privileges and you're in.

Basically, when a program runs, everything that's related to it (Variables, Instructions etc.) is stored in the Memory, as a Buffer.
Memory is essentially a hell lot of bits in your RAM.
So, for the purpose of our example, let's say that there's a variable Name that get's stored in Bit# 1-10. Let's assume that Bits 11-30 is used for storing Instructions. It's clear that the programmer expects Name to be 10 bits long. If I give a 20-bit-long Name, it's buffer's gonna overflow into the area that holds the instructions. So I'm gonna design the latter 10 bits of my Name such that the instructions will get overwritten by naughty ones.
That's an Attack.
Though not all instances are this obvious, there's some vulnerability in almost every large piece of code. It's all about how you exploit it.


How do different commands get executed in CPU x86-64 registers?

Years ago a teacher once said to class that 'everything that gets parsed through the CPU can also be exploited'.
Back then I didn't know too much about the topic, but now the statement is nagging on me and I
lack the correct vocabulary to find an answer to this question in the internet myself, so I kindly ask you for help.
We had the lesson about 'cat', 'grep' and 'less' and she said that in the worst case even those commands can cause harm if we parse the wrong content through it.
I don't really understand how she meant that. I do know how CPU registers work, we also had to write an educational buffer overflow so I have seen assembly code in the registers aswell.
I still don't get the following:
How do commands get executed in the CPU at all? e.g. I use 'cat' so somehwere there will be a call of the command. But how does the data I enter get parsed to the CPU? If I 'cat' a .txt file which contains 'hello world' - can I find that string in HEX somewhere in the CPU registers? And if yes:
How does the CPU know that said string is NOT to be executed?
Could you think of any scencario where the above commands could get exploited? Afaik only text gets parsed through it, how could that be exploitable? What do I have to be careful about?
Thanks alot!
Machine code executes by being fetched by the instruction-fetch part of the CPU, at the address pointed to by RIP, the instruction-pointer. CPUs can only execute machine code from memory.
General-purpose registers get loaded with data from data load/store instructions, like mov eax, [rdi]. Having data in registers is totally unrelated to having it execute as machine code. Remember that RIP is a pointer, not actual machine-code bytes. (RIP can be set with jump instructions, including indirect jump to copy a GP register into it, or ret to pop the stack into it).
It would help to learn some basics of assembly language, because you seem to be missing some key concepts there. It's kind of hard to answer the security part of this question when the entire premise seems to be built on some misunderstanding of how computers work. (Which I don't think I can easily clear up here without writing a book on assembly language.) All I can really do is point you at CPU-architecture stuff that answers part of the title question of how instructions get executed. (Not from registers).
How does a computer distinguish between Data and Instructions?
How instructions are differentiated from data?
Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide! covers the basic fetch/decode/execute cycle of simple pipelines. Modern CPUs might have more complex internals, but from a correctness / security POV are equivalent. (Except for exploits like Spectre and Meltdown that depend on speculative execution). is a deep-dive on Intel's Sandybridge microarchitecture. That page covering instruction-fetch shows how things really work under the hood in real CPUs. (AMD Zen is fairly similar.)
You keep using the word "parse", but I think you just mean "pass". You don't "parse content through" something, but you can "pass content through". Anyway no, cat usually doesn't involve copying or looking-at data in user-space, unless you run cat -n to add line numbers.
See Race condition when piping through x86-64 assembly program for an x86-64 Linux asm implementation of plain cat using read and write system calls. Nothing in it is data-dependent, except for the command-line arg. The data being copied is never loaded into CPU registers in user-space.
Inside the kernel, copy_to_user inside Linux's implementation of a read() system call on x86-64 will normally use rep movsb for the copy, not a loop with separate load/store, so even in kernel the data gets copied from the page-cache, pipe buffer, or whatever, to user-space without actually being in a register. (Same for write copying it to whatever stdout is connected to.)
Other commands, like less and grep, would load data into registers, but that doesn't directly introduce any risk of it being executed as code.
Most of the things have already been answered by Peter. However i would like to add a few things.
How do commands get executed in the CPU at all? e.g. I use 'cat' so somehwere there will be a call of the command. But how does the data I enter get parsed to the CPU? If I 'cat' a .txt file which contains 'hello world' - can I find that string in HEX somewhere in the CPU registers?
cat is not directly executed by the CPU cat.c. You could check the source code and get and in-depth view. .
What actually happens is that each instruction is converted to assembly instruction and they get executed by the CPU. The instructions are not vulnerable because what they do is just move some data and switch some bits. Most of the vulnerability are due to memory management and cat has been vulnerable in the past Check this for more detail
How does the CPU know that said string is NOT to be executed?
It does not. Its the job of the operating system to tell what is to be executed and what not.
Could you think of any scencario where the above commands could get exploited? Afaik only text gets parsed through it, how could that be exploitable? What do I have to be careful about?
You have to be careful about how you are passing the text file to the memory. You could even make your own interpreter that would execute txt file and then the interpreter will be telling the CPU about how to execute that instruction.

Sensitive Data in Command Line Interfaces

I know it's frowned upon to use passwords in command line interfaces like in this example:
./commandforsomething -u username -p plaintextpassword
My understanding that the reason for that (in unix systems at least) is because it'll be able to be read in the scrollback as well as the .bash_history file (or whatever flavor shell you use).
HOWEVER, I was wondering if it was safe to use that sort of interface with sensitive data programatically while programming things. For example, in perl, you can execute a command using two ``, the exec command, or system command (I'm not 100% sure on the differences between these apart from the return value from the two backticks being the output of the executed command versus the return value... but that's a question for another post I guess).
So, my question is this: Is it safe to do things LIKE
system("command", "userarg", "passwordarg");
as it essentially does the same thing, just without getting posted in scrollback or history? (note that I only use perl as an example - I don't care about the answer specific to perl but instead the generally accepted principle).
It's not only about shell history.
ps shows all arguments passed to the program. The reason why passing arguments like this is bad is that you could potentially see other users' passwords by just looping around and executing ps. The cited code won't change much, as it essentially does the same.
You can try to pass some secrets via environment, since if the user doesn't have an access to the given process, the environment won't be shown. This is better, but is a pretty bad solution too (e.g.: in case program fails and dumps a core, all passwords will get written to disk).
If you use environment variables, use ps -E which will show you environment variables of the process. Use it as a different users than the one executing the program. Basically simulate the "attacker" and see if you can snoop the password. On a properly configured system you shouldn't be able to do it.

2 questions regarding ASLR

I've been reading about ASLR and I have a couple of questions. I have little programming experience but I am interested in the theory behind it.
I understand that it randomizes where DLLs, stacks and heaps are in the virtual address space so that malicious code doesn't know their location, but how does the actual program know their location when it needs them?
If the legitimate process can locate them, what stops the malicious code doing the same?
and finally, is the malicious code that ASLR tries to prevent running in the user space of the process it is attacking?
As background, ASLR is intended to complicate code injection attacks where the attacker tries to utilize your overflow bug to trick your application into running the attacker's code. For example, in a successful stack buffer overflow attack the attacker pushes their code onto the stack and modifies the call frame's return pointer to point to the on-stack code.
Most code injection attacks require the attacker to know the absolute address of some part of your process's memory layout. For stack buffer overflow attacks, they need to know the address of the stack frame of the vulnerable function call so they can set the functions return pointer to point to the stack. For other attacks this could be the address of heap variables, exception tables, etc...
One more important background fact: unlike programming languages, machine code has absolute addresses in it. While your program may call function foo(), the machine code will call address 0x12345678.
but how does the actual program know their location when it needs them?
This is established by the dynamic linker and other operating system features that are responsible for converting your on-disk executable into an in-memory process. This involves replacing references to foo with references to 0x12345678.
If the legitimate process can locate them, what stops the malicious code doing the same?
The legitimate process knows where the addresses are because the dynamic linker creates the process such that the actual addresses are hard-wired into the process. So the process isn't locating them, per se. By the time the process is started, the addresses are all calculated and inserted into the code. An attacker can't utilize this because their code is not modified by the dynamic linker.
Consider the scenario where an attacker has a copy of the same executable that they are trying to attack. They can run the executable on their machine, examine it, and find all of the relevant addresses. Without ASLR, these addresses have a good chance of being the same on your machine when you're running the executable. ASLR randomizes these addresses meaning that the attacker can't (easily) find the addresses.
and finally, is the malicious code that ASLR tries to prevent running in the user space of the process it is attacking?
Unless there's a kernel injection vulnerability (which would likely be very bad and result in patches by your OS vendpr), yes, it's running in the user space. More specifically, it will likely be located on the stack or the heap as this is where user input is stored. Using data execution prevention will also help to prevent successful injection attacks.

Can you load a tree structure in memory with Linux shell?

I want to create an application with a Linux shell script like this — but can it be done?
This application will create a tree containing data. The tree should be loaded in the memory. The tree (loaded in memory) could be readable from any other external Linux script.
Is it possible to do it with a Linux shell?
If yes, how can you do it?
And are there any simple examples for that?
There are a large number of misconceptions on display in the question.
Each process normally has its own memory; there's no trivial way to load 'the tree' into one process's memory and make it available to all other processes. You might devise a system of related programs that know about a shared memory segment (somehow — there's a problem right there) that contains the tree, but that's about it. They'd be special programs, not general shell scripts. That doesn't meet your 'any other external Linux script' requirement.
What you're seeking is simply not available in the Linux shell infrastructure. That answers your first question; the other two are moot given the answer to the first.
There is a related discussion here. They use shared memory device /dev/shm and, ostensibly, it works for multiple users. At least, it's worth a try:
Edit: just tried it with two users on Ubuntu - looks like a normal directory and REALLY WORKS with the right chmod.
See also:
I don't think there is a way to do this as if you want to keep all the requirements of:
Building this as a shell script
Usable across terminals / from external scripts
You would have to give up at least one requirement:
Give up shell script req - Build this in C to run as a Linux process. I only understand this up to the point to say that it would be non-trivial
Give up in-memory req - You can serialize the tree and keep the data in a temp file. This works as long as the file is small and performance bottleneck isn't around access to the tree. The good news is you can use the data across terminals / from external scripts
Give up usability from external scripts req - You can technically build a script and run it by sourcing it to add many (read: a mess of) variables representing the tree into your current shell session.
None of these alternatives are great, but if you had to go with one, number 2 is probably the least problematic.

How to "hibernate" a process in Linux by storing its memory to disk and restoring it later?

Is it possible to 'hibernate' a process in linux?
Just like 'hibernate' in laptop, I would to write all the memory used by a process to disk, free up the RAM. And then later on, I can 'resume the process', i.e, reading all the data from memory and put it back to RAM and I can continue with my process?
I used to maintain CryoPID, which is a program that does exactly what you are talking about. It writes the contents of a program's address space, VDSO, file descriptor references and states to a file that can later be reconstructed. CryoPID started when there were no usable hooks in Linux itself and worked entirely from userspace (actually, it still does work, depending on your distro / kernel / security settings).
Problems were (indeed) sockets, pending RT signals, numerous X11 issues, the glibc caching getpid() implementation amongst many others. Randomization (especially VDSO) turned out to be insurmountable for the few of us working on it after Bernard walked away from it. However, it was fun and became the topic of several masters thesis.
If you are just contemplating a program that can save its running state and re-start directly into that state, its far .. far .. easier to just save that information from within the program itself, perhaps when servicing a signal.
I'd like to put a status update here, as of 2014.
The accepted answer suggests CryoPID as a tool to perform Checkpoint/Restore, but I found the project to be unmantained and impossible to compile with recent kernels.
Now, I found two actively mantained projects providing the application checkpointing feature.
The first, the one I suggest 'cause I have better luck running it, is CRIU
that performs checkpoint/restore mainly in userspace, and requires the kernel option CONFIG_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE enabled to work.
Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace, or CRIU (pronounced kree-oo, IPA: /krɪʊ/, Russian: криу), is a software tool for Linux operating system. Using this tool, you can freeze a running application (or part of it) and checkpoint it to a hard drive as a collection of files. You can then use the files to restore and run the application from the point it was frozen at. The distinctive feature of the CRIU project is that it is mainly implemented in user space.
The latter is DMTCP; quoting from their main page:
DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) is a tool to transparently checkpoint the state of multiple simultaneous applications, including multi-threaded and distributed applications. It operates directly on the user binary executable, without any Linux kernel modules or other kernel modifications.
There is also a nice Wikipedia page on the argument: Application_checkpointing
The answers mentioning ctrl-z are really talking about stopping the process with a signal, in this case SIGTSTP. You can issue a stop signal with kill:
kill -STOP <pid>
That will suspend execution of the process. It won't immediately free the memory used by it, but as memory is required for other processes the memory used by the stopped process will be gradually swapped out.
When you want to wake it up again, use
kill -CONT <pid>
The more complicated solutions, like CryoPID, are really only needed if you want the stopped process to be able to survive a system shutdown/restart - it doesn't sound like you need that.
Linux Kernel has now partially implemented the checkpoint/restart futures:, the status is here.
Some useful information are in the lwn(linux weekly net): ......
So the answer is "YES"
The issue is restoring the streams - files and sockets - that the program has open.
When your whole OS hibernates, the local files and such can obviously be restored. Network connections don't, but then the code that accesses the internet is typically more error checking and such and survives the error conditions (or ought to).
If you did per-program hibernation (without application support), how would you handle open files? What if another process accesses those files in the interim? etc?
Maintaining state when the program is not loaded is going to be difficult.
Simply suspending the threads and letting it get swapped to disk would have much the same effect?
Or run the program in a virtual machine and let the VM handle suspension.
Short answer is "yes, but not always reliably". Check out CryoPID:
Open files will indeed be the most common problem. CryoPID states explicitly:
Open files and offsets are restored.
Temporary files that have been
unlinked and are not accessible on the
filesystem are always saved in the
image. Other files that do not exist
on resume are not yet restored.
Support for saving file contents for
such situations is planned.
The same issues will also affect TCP connections, though CryoPID supports tcpcp for connection resuming.
I extended Cryopid producing a package called Cryopid2 available from SourceForge. This can
migrate a process as well as hibernating it (along with any open files and sockets - data
in sockets/pipes is sucked into the process on hibernation and spat back into these when
process is restarted).
The reason I have not been active with this project is I am not a kernel developer - both
this (and/or the original cryopid) need to get someone on board who can get them running
with the lastest kernels (e.g. Linux 3.x).
The Cryopid method does work - and is probably the best solution to general purpose process
hibernation/migration in Linux I have come across.
The short answer is "yes." You might start by looking at this for some ideas: ELF executable reconstruction from a core image (
As others have noted, it's difficult for the OS to provide this functionality, because the application needs to have some error checking builtin to handle broken streams.
However, on a side note, some programming languages and tools that use virtual machines explicitly support this functionality, such as the Self programming language.
This is sort of the ultimate goal of clustered operating system. Mathew Dillon puts a lot of effort to implement something like this in his Dragonfly BSD project.
adding another workaround: you can use virtualbox. run your applications in a regular virtual machine and simply "save the machine state" whenever you want.
I know this is not an answer, but I thought it could be useful when there are no real options.
if for any reason you don't like virtualbox, vmware and Qemu are as good.
Ctrl-Z increases the chances the process's pages will be swapped, but it doesn't free the process's resources completely. The problem with freeing a process's resources completely is that things like file handles, sockets are kernel resources the process gets to use, but doesn't know how to persist on its own. So Ctrl-Z is as good as it gets.
There was some research on checkpoint/restore for Linux back in 2.2 and 2.4 days, but it never made it past prototype. It is possible (with the caveats described in the other answers) for certain values of possible - I you can write a kernel module to do it, it is possible. But for the common value of possible (can I do it from the shell on a commercial Linux distribution), it is not yet possible.
There's ctrl+z in linux, but i'm not sure it offers the features you specified. I suspect you asked this question since it doesn't
