Can I prevent a local user from snooping on HTTPS headers containing a manager password? - security

My program sends a request to a web page over SSL and in the header ( is a manager password used to determine if they are a valid client of my system before I send them a bunch of data.
If a rogue employee were to obtain this password by snooping on the local SSL data, he could potentially toy with client orders being sent and received if he were to guess order numbers (not hard).
I'm aware of how to use bcrypt to protect someone's password on my system. But how do I protect someone's password when someone else is using they're system?
I know you shouldn't send a pre-hashed password at risk of revealing your salt. Should I use some soft of temporary transmission hash (one that differs from what I store it in the DB with). I'm thinking this isn't the best way, so I'm asking you all for help. I've found some great tips here at Stack Exchange.
Thank you in advance for your time, everyone. I look forward to your thoughts.

Snooping on SSL can only be done by man-in-the-middling, and that's detected.
Consider how if you do so in fiddler, the browser reacts by complaining about the certificate. Of course, since you trust you not to spy on you, you okay it!
Comparably, you're going to see that you aren't dealing with a server with the correct certificate. If your app refuses to deal with other certificates, then it won't allow the SSL connection to be estabilshed, and there's no snooping.
I'd still recommend sending the password in authentication headers though, as per RFC 2617, NTLM, or so on. Especially if you move to also doing server-to-browser on top of the same system later, and wouldn't want them to be snoopable from the address bar.
Edit: Depending on what you write the app in, it can be temporarily allowing snooping for debugging purposes that proves trickier!


Sanity Check: SSL+ POST vs. un-encrypted GET

A classic dumb thing to do is pass something security related info via a GET on the query string ala:
...any yahoo can just use Fiddler or somesuch to see what's going on....
How safe is it to pass this info to an app server(running SSL) via a POST, however? This link from the Fiddler website seems to indicate one can decrypt HTTPS traffic:
So is this equally dumb if the goal is to make sure the client can't capture / read information you'd prefer them not to? It seems like it is.
Yes, it's "equally dumb". SSL only protects data from being read by a third party; it does not prevent the client (or the server) from reading it. If you do not trust the client to read some data, they should not be given access to that data, even just to make a POST.
Yes, any user can easily examine the data in a POST request, even over HTTPS/SSL, using software like Burp Suite, Webscarab, or Paros Proxy. These proxies will complete the SSL transaction with the server, and then pass on the data to the client. All data passing through the proxy is stored and is visible to the client.
Perhaps you are trying to store sensitive/secret data on the client-side to lighten the load on your server? the way to do this so that the user cannot look at it (or change it) even with a proxy, is to encrypt it with a strong symmetrical secret key known only to the server. If you want to be sure that the encrypted data is not tampered with, throw on an HMAC. Make sure you use a sufficiently random key and a strong encryption algorithm and key length such as AES 256.
If you do this you can offload the storage of this data to the client but still have assurance that it has not changed since the server last saw it, and the client was not able to look at it.
This depends on who you're trying to protect your data from, and how much control you have over the client software. Fundamentally, in any client-server application the client must know what it is sending to the server.
If implemented properly, SSL will prevent any intermediary sniffing or altering the traffic without modifying the client. However, this relies on the connection being encrypted with a valid certificate for the server domain, and on the client refusing to act if this is not the case. Given that condition, the connection can only be decrypted by someone holding the private key for that SSL certificate.
If your "client" is just a web browser, this means that third parties (e.g. at a public wi-fi location) can't intercept the data without alerting the person using the site that something is suspicious. However, it doesn't stop a user deliberately by-passing that prompt in their browser in order to sniff the traffic themselves.
If your client is a custom, binary, application, things are a little safer against "nosy" users: in order to inspect the traffic, they would have to modify the client to by-pass your certificate checks (e.g. by changing the target URL, or tricking the app to trust a forged certificate).
In short, nothing can completely stop a determined user sniffing their own traffic (although you can make it harder) but properly implemented SSL will stop third-parties intercepting traffic.
The other, more important reason not to add confidential information into URL with GET requests is that the web server and any proxies on the way will log it. POST parameters don't get logged by default.
You don't want your passwords to show up in server logs - logs are usually protected much, much less than, for example, the password database itself.

What are the ways man in the middle attacks can be initiated?

I am creating a chat service program that follows the server/client paradigm. That chat program exists as both a chat server and a chat client, and a user can either host the chatroom(and it will connect his client to that server), or he can join an existing one.
Clients connect via a direct IP address that the other user will tell them, such as gained from, and a specified port number.
During any time in this chat program, one user can send a file to another user. This is initiated by asking the server to set up a handshake between the two users, with user A passing his IP through the server to user B, and user B calling the new service that user A created for file transfer. This eliminates the original chat server, and the users are connected via a direct IP using nettcp protocol.
Over this file transfer, the files are encrypted with AES after initially sending the AES private key via RSA encryption.
I want to know what kind of ways somebody can initiate a man in the middle attack here. Obviously I see the flaw I have in passing the IP address through the server to the other user, but right now I don't see any other way as I cannot have the server retrieve the IPV4 of the sender.
Is the way a man in the middle attack works, is that he can see that these two users are transferring files, and somehow pull the data stream to himself from both ends? Can he do this on an already ongoing file transfer session?
I'm trying to understand the way MITM attacks work so I can see if I can protect my program from such attacks... but if the only way to reliably do so is to use a certificate authority(of which I'm still learning about), please go ahead and tell me that.
After doing more searching, I found this great link explaining the different types of MITM attacks and how they work and are executed in great detail.
There are a total of four parts.
Is the way a man in the middle attack works, is that he can see that
these two users are transferring files, and somehow pull the data
stream to himself from both ends? Can he do this on an already ongoing
file transfer session?
You need to define a threat model. The usual suspects are message insertion, deletion, tampering and reordering. Sometimes the attacker only needs to tamper with a message so you do the wrong thing. For example, he/she may need to flip a bit so "transfer $100 from A to B" changes to "transfer $900 from A to B". In this case, the attacker did not need to be in the middle or decrypt the message.
I'm trying to understand the way MITM attacks work so I can see if I
can protect my program from such attacks... but if the only way to
reliably do so is to use a certificate authority(of which I'm still
learning about), please go ahead and tell me that.
Rather than attempting to design a hardened protocol, perhaps you could use a protocol that already exists that addresses your concerns.
That protocol would be Z-Real-time Transport Protocol (ZRTP). The protocol is specified in RFC 6189, ZRTP: Media Path Key Agreement for Unicast Secure RTP.
ZRTP is a key exchange protocol that includes Short Authentication Strings (SAS) to keep out the MitM. Essentially, the SAS is a voice authentication that only needs to be performed once. You can omit the SAS check, though its not recommended. If you omit the check and the bad guy is not attacking, then everything is OK for current and future sessions.
Once you establish your first secure channel without adversarial tampering, all future sessions will be secure because of the way key agreement for the current session depends on earlier sessions. And the earliest session (first session) is known to be secure.
ZRTP also provides forward secrecy, so a compromise of the current session does not affect security of past sessions.
ZRTP does not require certification authorities or other (un)trusted third parties.
Dr. Matthew Green has a blog about ZRTP on his Cryptography Engineering site at Let's talk about ZRTP.
To answer your question about MitM, there's too much for a Stack Overflow answer. A great free book is Peter Guttman's Engineering Security. MitM is sometimes a goal of an attacker, but it not his/her only vector. Guttman's book looks at a number of threats, how humans act and react, why the attackers succeed, and how to design around many of the problems.

Secure authentication on a device occasionally without connection to a server

I am working on a server application which will have quite a fair number of client devices accessing it.
The problem is we cannot guarantee that the client devices will always have access to the server. It is perfectly possible for a device to be outside the network for 1 week or more. In the meantime, we still want the device to work in an autonomous manner with a copy of the necessary content (automatically updated when connected to the network).
Of course, this is causing some security issues related to the user authentication. We plan to have the device have a copy of the users list. We are pondering on how to have the authentication secured on the device. Obviously we cannot send the passwords in plain text in the update packages.
Passwords on the main server are salted and hashed and we are thinking of using a hash of some sort (SHA1 ?), for the list available to the client device.
By doing so however we are lowering the bar for attacks on the devices (no salt).
Would you have any suggestion for an efficient way to keep the client devices as secure as possible?
First of all, you need to be clear who the attacker is. In this case, what if someone where to steal the device? Another scenario is what if someone where to connect to the server with a malicious client? What if someone where to sniff the traffic?
To stop sniffing all communication should be done over ssl (probably https). To prevent malicious clients you can identify each client device by a SSL certificate hardcoded and store these credentials on the server side in a database. The server could use a normal certificate from a CA. If a device is stolen you could revoke the certificate in your local db. A full PKI isn't necessary, although this is a case where one could be used with great results.
Spilling the password hashes to the attacker(client) is always a vulnerability. Transferring all of the password hashes to the client is commonly done with sql injection. This is not a solution.
md5 is broken in many different ways and exploited in real world attacks. sha1 is more secure and still approved by NIST, however sha256 is a very good choice. Salting password hashes with a random value is necessary.
A secure solution that I can think of for your password problem is to only allow authentication while connected to a network. That user could be cached and then that user could log out and log back in. This limits the attack scenario but doesn't negate it. If someone where to steal the device he would also have a password hash, in this case the user must be forced to change his password (and hopefully this happens before the attacker has a chance to break the hash).
A less secure solution would be to use a heavy hash function such as PBKDF2. This is used in applications like winzip where the password hash is always available to the attacker. The drawback is its EXTREMELY SLOW and can't be used for normal web applications because of this.
If you don't have a good reason to weaken passwords on client device, use the same auth scheme on client and server. Client devices can handle salt too.

GWT/Javascript client side password encryption

I'm implementing authorization in my gwt app, and at the moment it's done in the following fashion:
The user signs up by putting his credentials in a form, and I send them in clear text to the server.
The server code hashes the received password using BCrypt and puts the hash in a database.
When the user logs in, his password is sent in the clear to the server, that checks it against the stored hash.
Now. The thing that's bothering me about this is the fact that I'm sending the password to the server in the clear, I keep thinking that I wouldn't be very pleased if an application I was using did that with my (use-for-everything-kind) password, but encrypting it on the client wouldn't really earn me anything, since the attackers could just use the hashed password as they would the clear one.
I have been googling all day for this, and it seems the Internet is quite unanimous when it comes to this - apparently there is nothing to be gained from client side password encryption. This, this and this are just a few examples of the discussions and pages I've come by, but there are many, many more, all saying the same thing.
This question, in light of all this, might seem a bit unnecessary, but I am hoping that somewhere, someone, will have another answer for me.
What can I do, if ssl isn't an option at this point, to ease my mind about this? Is there anything to be done, or will implementing some sort of client-encrypt-server-decrypt-scheme just be time-consuming feeble dead-horse-kicking?
For login, SSL should be your option, even at this point. If it's just for login, you don't need an expensive SSL farm, but at least you protect the (use-for-everything-kind) password, even though it's clear, that the remaining communication isn't secured [*]. This may mean, that you need to buy a certificate for just one login server, which can again save you a lot of money, depending on the certificate vendor.
For GWT, if you can't afford to encrypt all communication, you'll have to put the login on a separate page due to Same Origin Policy constraints.
If that still isn't an option, you can think about logging in via OpenID, just like stackoverflow does.
There can't be any secure communication over insecure media without some pre-shared secret - usually provided by the root certificates that are installed in a browser (BTW, it's funny/scary that browsers and even entire operating systems are usually downloaded via HTTP). Other systems, e.g. PGP, rely on previously established trust in a "Web Of Trust", but this is just another form of pre-shared secrets. There's no way around it.
[*] Using SSL for everything - unfortunately - comes with additional practical problems: 1) Page loads are a lot slower, especially if you have many elements on the page. This is due to SSL-induced round trips and the resulting latency, which you can't counter with even the fastest SSL farm. The problem is mitigated, but not fully eliminated by keep-alive connections. 2) If your page includes elements from foreign, non-HTTPS sites (e.g. images inserted by users), many browsers will display warnings - which are very vague about the real security problem, and are therefore usually unacceptable for a secure site.
A few additional thoughts (not a recommendation)
Let's assume the worst case for a moment, i.e. that you can't use SSL at all. In that case, maybe surprisingly, hashing the password (with a salt) before transmitting it, may actually be a bit better than doing nothing. Here's the reason: It can't defeat Mallory (in cryptography, a person who can manipulate the communication), but at least it won't let Eve (a person who can only listen) read the plaintext password. This may be worth something, if we assume that Eves are more common than Mallorys (?) But note, that in that case, you should hash the password again (with a different salt), before comparing it with the database value.
If SSL isn't an option then you obviously don't care enough about security ;)
But seriously - like you mentioned, client side encryption of the password is not a good idea. In fact, it's a very bad one. You can't trust the client side for jack - what if an attacker managed to alter the JS code (through XSS or while it was sent through the wire), so that your MD5/whatever hash function just passes the pass in cleartext? Not to mention that you should be using a good, strong, salted encryption method, like bCrypt - something which is just slow on the client and like mentioned before, doesn't quite add to the security of the app.
You could try bypassing some of those problems: by sending the hash library through some secure means (if that was possible in the first place, we wouldn't have to bother with all this now, would we?), by somehow sharing a common secret between the server and client and using that for encryption... but the bottom line is: use HTTPS when possible (in GWT it's hard to mix HTTPS and HTTP) and justified (if the user is stupid enough to use the same password for your not-security-related app and for his banking account, then it's highly likely that he/she used the same password on a number of other sites, any of which could lead to hijacking the password). Other means will just make you think that your application is more secure than it is and make you less vigilant.
Consider using SRP.
But that still won't help if a man in the middle sends you evil javascript than simpy sends a copy of your password to the attackers server.

Which attacks are possible concerning my security layer concept?

Despite all the advices to use SSL/https/etc. I decided to implement my own security layer on top of http for my application... The concept works as follows:
User registers -> a new RSA Keypair is generated
the Private Key gets encrypted with AES using the users login Password
(which the server doesnt know - it has only the sha256 for authentication...)
Server stores the hash of the users password
and the Encrypted Private Key and Public Key
User logs in -> authenticates with nickname+password hash
(normal nick/password -> IP-bound sessionid authentication)
Server replies: sessionid, the Encrypted RSA Private Key
and an Encrypted randomly generated Session Communication Password
Client decrypts the RSA Private Key with the users Password
Client decrypts the Session Communication Password with the RSA Private Key
---> From this point on the whole traffic gets AES-encrypted
using that Session Password
I found no hole in that chain - neither the private key nor the login password get ever sent to the server as plaintext (I make no use of cookies, to exclude the possibility of the HTTP Cookie header to contain sensitive information)... but I am biased, so I ask - does my security implementation provide enough... security?
Why does everyone have to come up with their secure transport layer? What makes you think you've got something better than SSL or TLS? I simply do not understand the motivation to re-invent the wheel, which is a particularly dangerous thing to do when it comes to cryptography. HTTPS is a complex beast and it actually does a lot of work.
Remember, HTTPS also involves authentication (eg: being able to know you are actually talking to who you think you are talking to), which is why there exists a PKI and browsers are shipped with Root CA's. This is simply extremely difficult (if not impossible) to re-invent and prone to security holes. To answer you question, how are you defending against MITM attacks?
TLDR: Don't do it. SSL/TLS work just fine.
I'm not a crypto or security expert by any means, but I do see one serious flaw:
There is no way the client can know that it is running the right crypto code. With SSL/TLS there is an agreed upon standard that both your browser vendor and the server software vendor have implemented. You do not need to tell the browser how SSL works, it comes built in, and you can trust that it works correctly and safely. But, in your case, the browser only learns about the correct protocol by receiving plain-text JavaScript from your server.
This means that you can never trust that the client is actually running the correct crypto code. Any man-in-the-middle could deliver JavaScript that behaves identically to the script you normally serve, except that it sends all the decrypted messages to the attacker's servers. And there's no way for the client to protect against this.
That's the biggest flaw, and I suspect it's a fatal flaw for your solution. I don't see a way around this. As long as your system relies on delivering your crypto code to the client, you'll always be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. Unless, of course, you delivered that code over SSL :)
It looks like you've made more complexity than is needed, as far as "home-grown" is concerned. Specifically, I see no need to involve assymetric keys. If the server already knows the user's hashed password, then just have the client generate a session id rolled into a message digest (symmetrically) encrypted via the client's hashed password.
The best an attacker might do is sniff that initial traffic, and attempt a reply attack...but the attacker would not understand the server's response.
Keep in mind, if you don't use TLS/SSL, then you won't get hardware-accelerated encryption (it will be slower, probably noticeably so).
You should also consider using HMAC, with the twist of simply using the user's password as the crypto key.
SSL/TLS provide transport layer security and what you've done does nothing but do that all over again for only the authorization process. You'd be better served to focus on authorization techniques like client certificates than to add an additional layer of line-level encryption. There's a number of things you could also introduce that you haven't mentioned such as encrypted columns in SQL Server 2008, IPSec, layer 4 & 7 hardware solutions and even setting up trusts between the server and client firewalls. My biggest concern is how you've created such a deep dependency on the username and password, both which can change over time in any system.
I would highly recommend that you reconsider using this approach and look to rely on more standard techniques for ensuring that credentials are never stored unencrypted on the server or passed in the clear from the client.
While I would also advocate the use of SSL/TLS for this sort of thing, there is nothing wrong with going re-inventing the wheel; it leads to innovation, such as the stack exchange series of websites.
I think your security model is quite sufficient and rather intelligent, although what are you using on the client-side? I'm assuming javascript since you tagged this post with 'web-development'? Or are you using this to communicate with a plug-in of sorts? How much overhead does your implementation produce?
Some areas of concern:
-How are you handling initial communication, such as: user login, registration?
-What about man-in-the-middle attacks (assuring the client that it is talking to the authorized server)?
The major problem you have is that your client crypto code is delivered as Javascript over unauthenticated HTTP.
This gives the Man-In-The-Middle plenty of options. He can modify the code so that it still authenticates with your server, but also sends the password / private key / plaintext of the conversation to him.
Javascript encryption can be enough when your adversary is an eavesdropper that can see your traffic but not modify it.
Please note that I am not referring to your specific idea (which I did not take the time to fully understand) but to the general concept of Javascript encryption.
