Disable inserted lines in multiline TextBox - text

I have a multiline Textbox for my web page. When user logs in and enters text and press "Save" button, data will be saved. Then, next time when the same user logs in and searches for data, I want him to edit only new text in multiline TextBox, not removing or replacing previously entered text.
Is there any way to make multiline TextBox to lock inserted lines or inserted text and allow to only add text?

If by Textbox you mean "textarea" then it is either disabled or enabled, it can't be both.
You would need to use a client side scripting language such as JavaScript to do what you are after.
You could simply just put the text into HTML and not into the Textarea, that way they can see it but can't change it.


How do I set a place placeholder value for in a text box when using FabricJS?

I would like to create a text box with a place holder value, simliar to how placeholders [1] work in HTML.
Notably I would like:
Some prompt text.
The iternal serialized representation to not have the default text.
If a user clicks the text area, the prompt text goes away during editing.
If the user clicks out of the text area without entering any text, the prompt text comes back.
If the user enters text in the text area, the prompt text goes away and also the internal representation changes to have the newly input text.
What would be the cleanest way to do this ?
[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#htmlattrdefplaceholder

How to search a text using Enter key in blue prism

I have a search box where I can enter the search text however there is no search button next to it. So we use to press enter button after enter the search text in text box.
Please advise how to handle this in blue prism. I have tried using Global Send Keys however the focus moved out of the search box hence nothing happening
If the mouse focus is inside the text box then you can see a 'X' mark inside it
If I use the global sendkeys then the mouse focus is outside the text box as below
To go about this issue, I would first try to set the focus on the field, by sending a Global Mouse Click Center (not just focus) to the Textbox.
Next, send the "{ENTER}" or "~" key to the Textbox, using Send Global Keys.
I would assume that if that doesn't work, you have spied the container of the Textbox, not the Textbox itself somehow.
Alternatively, as a last resort you can also choose to send a Javascript command to the webpage, in order to trigger the form submission. This can be achieved by using the Navigate stage on the Application Model's top element (highest in hierarchy).
Good luck!

how to change text dynamically with raphael

Ok, this is basically what I'm doing right now. I create the raphael text object. I use a click event to open a dialog box. Then I make the changes to the text in the dialog box. This isn't how I wish to implement this though. I want my implementation to be somewhat similar to the way text is created in MS Paint where the user can click on the text object and change the text as they're typing. Does anybody know how to implement this using a raphael text object?
A simple solution would be to create a <textarea> when the user starts editing the text. Fill it with the current text and place it over the text object. Then, when it loses focus (onblur), remove the text area and copy the text back into the text object.
If you really want to edit the text "in place" in the text object, then you can let the user type in a hidden text field. But in this case you'll have to implement all the cursor and selection logic yourself. See this fiddle (which only allows using the right and left arrows to move the cursor, with shift to select text so that you can copy and paste).
Alternately, I don't know if contenteditable works for SVG content, but that would be a very simple solution if it did work.

Duplicate history of multiline text box in infopath

in a sharepoint form i have a multiline textbox that allow to "append changes to existing text".
The problem is that everytime i edit the text in the control and i submit the form, infopath duplicate the history. So it's like i ve inserted twice that text. This happen first time too.
I could notice that the problem do not persist if I use the default insert form instead of the infopath form.
So i suppose the problem is on submit and not in visualization.
Following an attached image:
DO not exist history at column level. It exists just at list level even if it appears like the history can be also at column level.
So, it was duplicate because i did twice the submit of the list.

ASPxHtmlEditor disable HTML input

I want my ASPxHtmlEditor to show text as plain text(this is for some requirement where in I will have to disable HTML editor and show text as normal text only for few users). Is it achievable? I have set the HtmlEditorToolbar visibility to false. But still if i copy and paste colored text the editor will show the colored text.
If this not achievable only option will be to show a normal aspx text area for few users and DevExpress ASPxHtmlEditor editor for other users.
I believe it is possible to use both the ASPxHtmlEditor for the rich text and ASPxMemo/textarea for the plain text.
Perform the necessary checks and decide which control should be shown. Hide another control by setting its Visible property to false.
Then, bind the ASPxHtmlEditor.Html or ASPxMemo.Value property with the corresponding field and display it to an end-user.
P.S. Why don't you contact the DevExpress guys regarding your inquiry?
