ASPxHtmlEditor disable HTML input - c#-4.0

I want my ASPxHtmlEditor to show text as plain text(this is for some requirement where in I will have to disable HTML editor and show text as normal text only for few users). Is it achievable? I have set the HtmlEditorToolbar visibility to false. But still if i copy and paste colored text the editor will show the colored text.
If this not achievable only option will be to show a normal aspx text area for few users and DevExpress ASPxHtmlEditor editor for other users.

I believe it is possible to use both the ASPxHtmlEditor for the rich text and ASPxMemo/textarea for the plain text.
Perform the necessary checks and decide which control should be shown. Hide another control by setting its Visible property to false.
Then, bind the ASPxHtmlEditor.Html or ASPxMemo.Value property with the corresponding field and display it to an end-user.
P.S. Why don't you contact the DevExpress guys regarding your inquiry?


How can i change color of text of spinner?

I want to change the color of the default text in the spinner in dialog mode. If the text is "Select Gender" only its color change and others will be set as default. Is this possible?
Yes it is possible. You don't show anything you've tried and perhaps that's because you don't know whee to begin?
Have a read of this, Beginners CSS
It will help you get started with styling elements in Html documents using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Required field validation on Sign Up

We are using Custom SignUpSignIn Policy, and on our signUp form we have textbox, dropdown and a checkbox which are all required fields.
When a user does not fill in the necessary details,
for the text box, it is highlighted with red line around the text box and as we enter the text box, it says "This information is required." in red color text on top of the text box which is good.
But for the Dropdown and checkbox, a simple message "Missing required element [Country]" is displayed at the top of the form(not even red color text) and no highlighting on the field. User may not even notice that.
How can I achieve the same behavior as the textbox for dropdown and checkbox?
Wait for the ability to use JavaScript via the "shared domain" feature.
UserVoice item reference. a result of ‘shared domains’ this means that you will be able to start using your tenant as a subdomain of a ‘shared domain’, in the form of {tenant name} where is the ‘shared domain’. You will be able to run Javascript when you are running on this shared domain...
I just want a way for all the required field validation messages to display in Red ...
That you can achieve with custom CSS which you can do today.
But for the Dropdown and checkbox, ... , is displayed at the top of the form
Moving stuff around would require JavaScript.

Text Tab - Letter Spacing

I am using Docusign via the PHP SDK on a project I am currently working on. I am using existing PDF forms that I need to insert text into dynamically and I am using the Text Tab to do this. Everything is working fine but on one of the forms I need to have field's letters positioned within pre-defined boxes, which requires me to have letter spacing so that each letter is aligned within a box. Is there any way to change the spacing between letters in a Text Tab so that I can get the alignment right?
The Docusign REST API documentation for Text Tab suggests that you can specify font/fontSize/bold/italic properties to adjust the font. There is no option for letter spacing.

Disable inserted lines in multiline TextBox

I have a multiline Textbox for my web page. When user logs in and enters text and press "Save" button, data will be saved. Then, next time when the same user logs in and searches for data, I want him to edit only new text in multiline TextBox, not removing or replacing previously entered text.
Is there any way to make multiline TextBox to lock inserted lines or inserted text and allow to only add text?
If by Textbox you mean "textarea" then it is either disabled or enabled, it can't be both.
You would need to use a client side scripting language such as JavaScript to do what you are after.
You could simply just put the text into HTML and not into the Textarea, that way they can see it but can't change it.

Change the color of a link using the ribbon in sharepoint 2010?

A user pasted the content from a word document into a wiki page.
In the word document all the links have the same font and color but on the wiki page some links are blue, some black, some using arial, some using times new roman. I guess the generated HTML screwed it up. Anyhow, when I mark text I can change the color, font, size and so on but when I mark a link the change color button is disabled (but I can change font and size), why is this? Do I need to ask the user to copy the contect back to a word document, edit there and then copy paste it again to the wiki?
Thanks in advance.
There is a good chance that there is some embedded css styles in the text that was pasted which is what is causing you grief. There should be a button that you can use to edit the raw html to get rid of those styles. Otherwise it is helpful if people paste unstyled text i.e. As Text.. rather the styled As HTML.. text.
