DNSClient is Not able to ping DNSserver by its hostname BUT able to ping by its IP - linux

I have Two Linux Machine Redhat & Centos Under Window 7(as host) In Vmware Workstation.
I configure DNS server & DHCP Server in Redhat(
Client which is Centos is able to get IP( from DHCP server but it is not picking up name from DNS Server.
Problem is At server i am able to ping itself by hostname like
root#server->ping server.example.com Ping successfull
But Client is not able to ping Server by Hostname like
root#localhost->ping server.example.com Ping Not Successfull
Client is able to ping Server by its ip like
root#localhost->ping Ping Successfull
Now My questn is that Why Client is not able to ping server by its hostname & why client is not picking up name from DNS server,

Just had similar issue on my Debian VM running on a Win7 host.
Setting up DNS server isn't enough to resolve server name, especially when proxy is used in your network environment.
To solve it, you've to export http_proxy environment variable on command line before calling other executables. For example:
export http_proxy="http://{your proxy ip address here}:{your proxy port here}"
As usual, remember to add it to your profile script so you don't redo it after each boot.


IIS website hostname accessible locally but not on LAN

The goal here is to set up a hostednetwork wifi on a server (fake server, it's Windows 10 x64), the client connect to this wifi, then connect to the website on the server. This is done by creating the hostednetwork :
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=BORNE-1234 key=12345678
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
IIS is configured with a simple website in it. And I just tried every bindings possible :
http borne.fr 80 *
http borne.fr 80
http (Empty) 80
http www.borne.fr 80 *
http www.borne.fr 80
Then i edit the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to add this line : borne.fr www.borne.fr
I even tried with but nothing works. On a browser on the server, borne.fr works. But if I connect to the created wifi with another machine borne.fr give the error ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED whereas with the IP address it works. I tried everything mentioned here https://serverfault.com/a/452269.
I also added an exception on the firewall (in and out) for port 80.
Any Ideas ?
You need to also set " borne.fr www.borne.fr" on another machine.
If " borne.fr www.borne.fr" is not set on another computer, it will not know what the IP address of www.borne.fr is.
Hosts files were used to resolve hosts names before DNS. hosts files would be massive documents used to aide the network name resolution.
If you have a DNS server in your LAN, you can configure the DNS server to resolve www.borne.fr to

forticlientsslvpn doesn't work with a proxy on Cent OS 7

I'd like to use forticlientsslvpn on Cent OS 7 through a proxy but it doesn't work with a message "Can not connect to proxy" or "Can not resolve proxy address". I guess it needs some dependent libraries but I don't know them.
I downloaded the latest Forticlient SSLVPN 4.4.2329-1 64bit from here. (I installed it on debian then copied the forlder(/opt/forticlientsslvon) to the clean Cent OS 7.)
Both forticlientsslvpn CLI and GUI failed on the same error. This is the result of the cli command.
[root#cent7 /]# cd ~/forticlient-sslvpn/64bit/
[root#cent7 /]# ./forticlientsslvpn_cli --proxy --server --vpnuser myuser
Password for VPN:
STATUS::Setting up the tunnel
NOTICE::Can not connect to proxy.
STATUS::Set up tunnel failed
SSLVPN down unexpectedly with error:2
Press Ctrl-C to quit
Clean up...
# Another proxy variable
[root#cent7 /]# ./forticlientsslvpn_cli --proxy --server --vpnuser myuser
Password for VPN:
08/19/2016 18:19:26 [23461] can not resolve name
Init SSLVPN error:Can not resolve proxy address
# Check the proxy connection
[root#cent7 /]# telnet 3128
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'. # OK
# Check DNS
[root#cent7 /]# nslookup
Non-authoritative answer: name = dns.example.com.
Of cource my forticlient on windows in the same network works with the proxy to the server. And FireFox/wget on this Cent OS 7 server works with the proxy. Does anyone know anything about "Can not connect to proxy" error?
My IP was wrong and needed ip route add
Although the error message was "Can not connect to proxy", my destination forti IP was wrong. It was connected after I fixed it.
One more thing, I noticed a confusing point. I have two proxies like a socks proxy and a web proxy at this time. I knew ssl-vpn uses only web connections but I guessed forticlient might use ssh command during the connection. But it didn't. Forticlient_sslvpn needs only a web proxy so we just need to fill the proxy form of forticlient with a web proxy's url.
And one more thing. After I connected to ssl-vpn, it doesn't work perfectly because I can ping to internal server but not to DMZ(Of course my windows forticlient works well for both). I added ip route to DMZ and it started to work.
ip route add via
I guessed this GW is not the same everytime and every machine so I made the dynamic command.
ip route add via $(ip route | grep 10.0.0 | awk '{print $3}' | head -1)
I hope this helps someone.

How to access nginx server from host machine, installed on guest VM ?

Host Machine - Win 7
Guest - Fedora
I have installed nginx web server on guest fedora machine and I can access the webpage inside guest machine using the interface address. How can I access the web page from host machine's browser ?
I am using bridged connection.
Router is assigning to the guest machine's interface. I tried same address in my host machine but it doesn't work.
Based on your description:
First you should check your web application's config. You don't mention which type of your web application running on your Apache server, some are launched with the specific ip argment or localhost), so kind of these web application can only be visited on your localhost computer. You should change the ip argument to
Second if the "Fisrt" failed, check the connection of the two server(host and your guest) by using telnet.
On your Win7, you can use the command:
telnet ip port
for example:
telnet 80
80 is the default port of Apache Http(s) Server.
if the command don't show the "connection refused" error, your Apache server is goood, so it might be something wrong of your web application.
If that, show me your error msg then we go on further.

Linux Debian SSH connection to another machine has delay after network settings change

Hi StackOverflow members,
I have an issue with ssh connection on my Debian 7 system to a remote OpenSSH server located on the same network. It looks like there is some network configuration problem but I cann't find where it lays. This two debian machines are connect with a switch that is NOT connected to a router. So the two machines have no internet connection.
A-Debian 7
B-Debian 7
With that configuration the ssh command prompts my for a password in less then a second. But the with the following network configuration I get the password prompt after a 10+ second delay:
A-Debian 7
B-Debian 7
The ssh connection from the server A -> B runs with both configs on custom 1111 port.
The B machine has also a Web server running on port 8080 that has no delays with both net configurations.
Thank you in advance for any clues or tips how to solve that problem.
SOLVED: Removing of the gateway parameter "GW:" in the network settings has solved the problem.
The usual culprits here are IPv6 and DNS lookups.
SSH might try to connect via IPv6, first, but the timeout is too low for that. You can see whether IPv6 is enabled with
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/disable_ipv6
To disable:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/disable_ipv6
The second culprit is DNS; my guess is that DNS lookups don't work correctly with the second configuration. Try host www.google.com to test this theory.
If that also has a delay, you need to fix your DNS setup.
If that's not it, check the rest of your networking parameters: Gateway, cables, etc.
Start to ping the other host. Is that fast & reliable?
Next, try remote login (ssh, telnet). Note that you can give telnet a port to connect to, so if you have DB server running, you can still use telnet to connect to the server. It will print an error but it allows you to test the TCP/IP connection without any extra error sources.

DNSclient is not picking up hostname from DNSserver but it is able to ping it

I Have Window 7 as Host Machine and I have installed Redhat 5.3 and Centos 5.4 as Vmware Machines under Window 7 through Vmware Workestation.I configure DNS & DHCP in Redhat 5.3( and able to do nslookup & DIG in this.I am able to ping window 7,redhat,centos with each other.
I have made one entry client30.example.com for ip in forword and backword lookup file in DNS server(
Problem :-
Centos whom i have made dhcp client of Redhat( is able to get ip from dhcp server and it gets ip (as i wanted no problem till now)
But Centos is not picking up hostanme client30.example.com as i have bind entry of ip with client30.example.com.
Still it is picking up hostname localhost.localdomain. I check /etc/resolve.conf file of centos and i found that by default it picks nameserver i have not provided this ip anywhere).Everytime i made manual change in this ip again it pics same ip on reboot.
Kindly help how i can resolve this problem.
Because VMware Workstation is itself DHCP. Please disable DHCP in VMware Workstation, You can't run two DHCP in single network subnet.
Also check /etc/sysconfig/network file, Hostname coming from there.
