Unable to Push Node.js Apps to CloudFoundry - node.js

I registered for a CloudFoundry account and I'm able to login to the website with my registered credentials. However, when I try to use those credentials to login via vmc I get a connection refused:
MyComputer$ vmc login
Attempting login to [http://api.vcap.me]
Email: <*myemail#gmail.com*>
Password: *******
Problem with login to 'http://api/vcap', HTTP exception: Errno::ECONNREFUSED:Connection refused - connect(2), try again or register for an account.
I assume that I need to be logged in to push because I also had the following error:
MyComputer$ vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]:
Application Name: myapp
HTTP exception: Errno::ECONNREFUSED:Connection refused - connect(2)
Is anyone else encountering this issue?

It shows that you're connecting to api.vcap.me, which is typically used for a Cloud Foundry instance running on your local machine that you've installed from the source code. To push apps to CF.com, target it with vmc first:
vmc target https://api.cloudfoundry.com
vmc login myemail#gmail.com


New Azure AD Connect Cloud agent status inactive

Installed 2 different member servers with Azure AD Connect cloud agents both have an inactive status.
I confirmed;
Both installs complete successfully
Proxy settings are off
Since the Azure port test URL is no longer working I manually tested several of the URLs listed on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-portal/azure-portal-safelist-urls?tabs=public-cloud, they were working
Here is a snippet from the local/server logs;
AADConnectProvisioningAgent.exe Error: 0 : Service bootstrap request failed with exception: 'System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at https://[UUID].syncfabric.bootstrap.his.msappproxy.net/ConnectorBootstrap that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult, TransportContext& context)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpOutput.WebRequestHttpOutput.GetOutputStreamAsyncResult.CompleteGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult result)
When it says "the remote server returned an error: 407 proxy authentication", is that MS end or our end?
After trying numerous updates to the machine.config file, as with most MS products there are 100 different options to "try" to get the proxy settings right. None worked even after restarting the service.
We eventually gave up on that and manually set the proxy itself to allow the Azrue AD agent computer/IP to skip/bypass authentication and it connected successfully.

UnknownError: Gateway Timeout while connecting to Codecommit using asdk-sdk nodejs

I have been trying to set up CodeCommit with aws sdk, but when i try and list al the repositories, it says “Unknown Error Gateway Timeout”. The secret keys works fine with S3 but codeCommit gives Gateway timeout error.
Any idea
The user with secret keys have administrator privileges
I tried this, where codeCommit has been defined in other file. Any reason why I am getting this error?
const { codeCommit } = require ("./../../aws")
var hello = await codeCommit.listRepositories(params).promise();;
Check if you can connect to connection endpoint [1] via a command like curl:
$ curl https://git-codecommit.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
If not, something in your network is blocking access, presumably a firewall.

Keyclock token service not running

I am trying to experiement with keycloak for authentication and authorization.
I have deployed keycloak operator on kubernetes and created example keycloak instance. I have created demo client , realm and user
I have been successfully able to port forward and login to admin console.
Now I want to test it using react-keycloak . I have downloaded keycloak.json for my demo client and updated the env file required in react-keycloak example. But it is not working.
Going to http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/user_realm/ gives me:
- realm: "user_realm",
- public_key: "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAk/ppy1MdjUBSTdidubb8wwlAKP2Pt4AyfAdQUYA4F1Ecvliir9EC/RZVICfFbQa4Jiekmr8K4Ye7DsXspseOll6ppL8zO3wDVMQNqthLbFHzEzPd+atkA//G6T/pgDKXO45EC0dNuo1Z2O4UWIn1ZewDMM2RlKXg6bcNtYKsWxcfNGqr/SRLkInrGa0yDVfr/anKhPTZhaUkbTrtemucSxGHD3vye5yWSoUbu22TDMmnLKiUOI5TATe/W11Vvbuv6cSEZVx9w1k6nvuHlAwnjrQEmHNS66lL1qtfau7cckM77Lz0TA5P/lYLhFsuGsqFzKyWqG1y1hYcHweYyL48/QIDAQAB",
- token-service: "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/user_realm/protocol/openid-connect",
- account-service: "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/user_realm/account",
- tokens-not-before: 0
I tried these urls and got the following results:
Seems like token service is not enabled. What do I need to do to enable it?
Also, on checking the logs of keycloak pod, I found the following. Not sure if it is related.
Any tips for me ? :)
Does this page open after redirection from your app?
As far as I can see on the first screenshot in URL :
.../auth?client_id=account&redire.... - instead of account should be 'client-secret'(as I understand from https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-operator/blob/master/deploy/examples/client/client-secret.yaml)

Unable to use NoMachineNX to connect to NX server

I have a NoMachineNX server setup with the following status
./nxserver --status
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxserver.
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxd.
I am unable to connect to this NX server using my NoMachineNX client. The connection request stays at processing state with the message "Waiting for the desktop user to authorize your connection".
I have sudo privileges for the server. I had used the same credentials in the server and at the client.
"Waiting for the desktop user to authorize your connection".
As it says, someone on the server needs to authorize your connection. If it's yourself that's going to be difficult :-) then you should set the server configuration by unchecking the box'Require permission to let users connect'.

CRM 2011 Error: Sandbox Host - Access Denied

I keep getting this error pop up on my CRM Back End Server (this back end server is assigned async and sandbox roles while the front end server has all the other roles)
Sandbox Host - Access Denied.
Host: CRMAP01
User: DEV\CrmAsyncService
I don't know why this is happening to the Async Service account (I have the sandbox service logged in as the sandbox service account)
I have tried following the instructions outlined in this blog post but it's still occurring: http://crminpractice.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/crm-2011-error-sandbox-host-access.html
