Unable to use NoMachineNX to connect to NX server - remote-access

I have a NoMachineNX server setup with the following status
./nxserver --status
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxserver.
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxd.
I am unable to connect to this NX server using my NoMachineNX client. The connection request stays at processing state with the message "Waiting for the desktop user to authorize your connection".
I have sudo privileges for the server. I had used the same credentials in the server and at the client.

"Waiting for the desktop user to authorize your connection".
As it says, someone on the server needs to authorize your connection. If it's yourself that's going to be difficult :-) then you should set the server configuration by unchecking the box'Require permission to let users connect'.


Authorization failed when trying to log into AWS using SSO using internal Azure Platform

I am trying to use an AWS single sign on script from my company to log into aws using the internal Azure Platform. When trying to log into the platform using SSO, I receive the following error messages:
Logging in to Azure AD...
Please enter your username(email address): test#company.com
Please enter your password: ********
Login failed: Authorization failed, please activate company's VPN.
The logs of the sso script show me this information:
2022-07-11 11:57:42,042 auth_with_adfs 207 | DEBUG | loginMessage: Authorization failed
2022-07-11 11:57:42,042 log_in_to_aad 174 | ERROR Login failed: Authorization failed, please activate your company's VPN.
I have activated the VPN so that is not the issue.
By looking at the internals of the files that raise those errors I found out that during the failed login process the login page for the Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform is returned.
The login webpage tells me that I receive the following error when logging in with my credentials:
Error details: MSIS7012: An error occurred while processing the request. Contact your administrator
My POST request seems to be redirected with a 302 code and GET the login page with a 200 OK response.
So I can tell that I get stuck during the login process and according to the error message it is an authorization issue. My credentials are correct so I am wondering what needs to be changed here to get correct access? Is there some permissions missing I should have a closer look at? Do I need to make changes in AzureAD somehow?
Thanks in advance for looking into this, I know the information is sparse but I hope it is enough.

New Azure AD Connect Cloud agent status inactive

Installed 2 different member servers with Azure AD Connect cloud agents both have an inactive status.
I confirmed;
Both installs complete successfully
Proxy settings are off
Since the Azure port test URL is no longer working I manually tested several of the URLs listed on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-portal/azure-portal-safelist-urls?tabs=public-cloud, they were working
Here is a snippet from the local/server logs;
AADConnectProvisioningAgent.exe Error: 0 : Service bootstrap request failed with exception: 'System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at https://[UUID].syncfabric.bootstrap.his.msappproxy.net/ConnectorBootstrap that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult, TransportContext& context)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpOutput.WebRequestHttpOutput.GetOutputStreamAsyncResult.CompleteGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult result)
When it says "the remote server returned an error: 407 proxy authentication", is that MS end or our end?
After trying numerous updates to the machine.config file, as with most MS products there are 100 different options to "try" to get the proxy settings right. None worked even after restarting the service.
We eventually gave up on that and manually set the proxy itself to allow the Azrue AD agent computer/IP to skip/bypass authentication and it connected successfully.

Db2 (Warehouse) on Cloud: How to use APIKEY or ACCESSTOKEN to connect from CLP?

I have an instance of Db2 on IBM Cloud. I would like to use my local CLP to connect to it. I set everything up to be able to connect using a username and password. Now, however, I would like to make use of either an APIKEY or ACCESSTOKEN as documented.
My attempts result in either
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "25" ("CONNECTION
SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME
I have successfully create an APIKEY and also was able to generate an access token using that API key. But what is needed to connect?
connect to clouddb ACCESSTOKEN "my long token here"
It was a matter of the right setup and correct steps:
IAM support only works with SSL connections
for SSL, I had to use the right port number (50001) and keywords (security ssl) when cataloging the node and database
my Db2 client required additional setup for GSKit and encryption key database
I wrote up a blog post with all the steps and a collection of error message on how to setup a Db2 client to authenticate using either API key or access token. Basically, it is to catalog the server:
db2 catalog tcpip node Db2oCfra remote db2host-fra02-xxx.services.eu-de.bluemix.net
server 50001 security ssl
Then catalog the database:
db2 catalog db bludb as fradb at node db2ocfra
Thereafter, connect:
db2 connect to fradb APIKEY myIBMCloudplatformApiKey
There might be additional steps in order to install GSKit and properly configure SSL support.

ServiceStack (Self-hosted) - running a curl from Windows console

I am trying to run a curl command from Windows console. (eg curl.exe http://localhost:8087/ServiceStackRequest)
However, the information returned provides me with a "Error 401.2 Unauthorized".
... " [ Logon Method: Not yet determined. Logon user: Not yet determined".
In IIS, I have enabled
- AppPool: given access to the specific user who has got access
- Service (Site): enabled pass-through authentication with said user.
However, the authentication details are not being passed when running the command. Any ideas?
Ok got it working.
(i) disabled Windows authentication
(ii) enabled anonymous authentication

Unable to Push Node.js Apps to CloudFoundry

I registered for a CloudFoundry account and I'm able to login to the website with my registered credentials. However, when I try to use those credentials to login via vmc I get a connection refused:
MyComputer$ vmc login
Attempting login to [http://api.vcap.me]
Email: <*myemail#gmail.com*>
Password: *******
Problem with login to 'http://api/vcap', HTTP exception: Errno::ECONNREFUSED:Connection refused - connect(2), try again or register for an account.
I assume that I need to be logged in to push because I also had the following error:
MyComputer$ vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]:
Application Name: myapp
HTTP exception: Errno::ECONNREFUSED:Connection refused - connect(2)
Is anyone else encountering this issue?
It shows that you're connecting to api.vcap.me, which is typically used for a Cloud Foundry instance running on your local machine that you've installed from the source code. To push apps to CF.com, target it with vmc first:
vmc target https://api.cloudfoundry.com
vmc login myemail#gmail.com
