I'm trying to use Vserv ad network in my J2ME application(The Banner Ad one) but until now i can't receive any ads,i don't get any exception, i just notice that the vservAdFailed() method is always executed first, and the debug result is :
Ad Failed o=vInAppAdEngine.VservAd#e5125d64
This is the screen which must have the ad, i put all the code in it.
What is missing?!
public class Vserv extends Screen implements VservAdListener{
private VservManager vservManager;
private VservAd vservAd;
public Vserv(byte screenName,AppMidletBuilder app,AppData appData,Operation operation ){
//This is required only once in your application life cycle
Hashtable vservConfigTable=new Hashtable();
vservConfigTable.put("appId","My app Id");
vservManager=new VservManager(app,vservConfigTable);
protected void initScreen() {
//This is required for requesting new ad
vservAd=new VservAd(Vserv.this);
protected void screenDefinition() {
public void vservAdReceived(Object obj) {
System.out.println("Ad Recieved");
//Use retrived image ad for rendering
Image imageAd=(Image)((VservAd)obj).getAd();
} else if(((VservAd)obj).getAdType().equals(VservAd.AD_TYPE_TEXT))
//Use retrieved text ad for rendering
String textAd=(String)((VservAd)obj).getAd();
public void vservAdFailed(Object o) {
System.out.println("Ad Failed o="+o);
Have you replaced My app Id here
vservConfigTable.put("appId","My app Id");
Also the vservAdFailed() method is executed when no ads are available for your request.
You should have a button to handle the image rendered(Image Ad). Something like
imageItem = new ImageItem("", imageAd, ImageItem.LAYOUT_DEFAULT, "", Item.BUTTON);
I have a Xamarin IOS application that get's the users location each 10 sec, even when the app is killed. I make us of this library: "https://jamesmontemagno.github.io/GeolocatorPlugin/".
What I want is: When the app is closed or open and the user is at a specific location, I want to show a local notification. Is that even possible when the app is closed? I can't find information on this because it's always about remote notifications.
Notification permission should be requested as soon as the app launches by adding the following code to the FinishedLaunching method of the AppDelegate and setting the desired notification type (UNAuthorizationOptions):
using UserNotifications;
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
//after iOS 10
UNUserNotificationCenter center = UNUserNotificationCenter.Current;
center.RequestAuthorization(UNAuthorizationOptions.Alert | UNAuthorizationOptions.Sound | UNAuthorizationOptions.UNAuthorizationOptions.Badge, (bool arg1, NSError arg2) =>
center.Delegate = new NotificationDelegate();
else if(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0))
var settings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes(UIUserNotificationType.Alert| UIUserNotificationType.Badge| UIUserNotificationType.Sound,new NSSet());
return true;
New to iOS 10, an app can handle Notifications differently when it is in the foreground and a Notification is triggered. By providing a UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate and implementing the UserNotificationCentermethod, the app can take over responsibility for displaying the Notification. For example:
using System;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UserNotifications;
namespace workplat
public class NotificationDelegate:UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
public NotificationDelegate()
public override void WillPresentNotification(UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotification notification, Action<UNNotificationPresentationOptions> completionHandler)
// Do something with the notification
Console.WriteLine("Active Notification: {0}", notification);
// Tell system to display the notification anyway or use
// `None` to say we have handled the display locally.
public override void DidReceiveNotificationResponse(UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotificationResponse response, Action completionHandler)
// Take action based on Action ID
switch (response.ActionIdentifier)
case "reply":
// Do something
// Take action based on identifier
if (response.IsDefaultAction)
// Handle default action...
else if (response.IsDismissAction)
// Handle dismiss action
// Inform caller it has been handled
To create and register a Custom Action with the system, use the following code:
public void RegisterNotification(long time)
UNUserNotificationCenter center = UNUserNotificationCenter.Current;
//creat a UNMutableNotificationContent which contains your notification content
UNMutableNotificationContent notificationContent = new UNMutableNotificationContent();
notificationContent.Title = "xxx";
notificationContent.Body= "xxxx";
notificationContent.Sound = UNNotificationSound.Default;
UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger.CreateTrigger(time, false);
UNNotificationRequest request = UNNotificationRequest.FromIdentifier("FiveSecond", notificationContent, trigger);
center.AddNotificationRequest(request,(NSError obj) =>
When you call this method ,for emample:
RegisterNotification(20);//set the time you want to push notification
The notification will been pushed after 20 seconds,enen if you close your app. You could put this line after uploading the location .
I have upload my demo to my github, you can download it for your reference: Demo Link .
And you can access the link for more information and details: MicroSoft Document
I am trying to create an error page service which, when called, will determine which type of exception has occurred and processes the code properly. If the exception is of type "redirect", it should send the user to a login page (for testing purposes, I'm just using the home "/" page).
I'm trying to use NavigationMangager.NavigateTo("/") but am running into a Null point exception whenever I reach that function call. I've been looking for a solution to this for a while now but everything I see is usage of NavigationManager in .razor files and I'm trying to complete this within a .cs service. Is this not possible currently or am I just doing something wrong? I've included all the relevant code from my file "ErrorProcessingService.cs" below, any help would be appreciated.
using ToDoList.Pages;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
namespace ToDoList.ExceptionHandler
public class ErrorProcessingService
protected NavigationManager NavigationManager {get; set;}
public void processError(ErrorTypes.errorType et)
new ErrorTypes();
case ErrorTypes.errorType.ignore:
//To Be Implemented
case ErrorTypes.errorType.popup:
//To Be Implemented
case ErrorTypes.errorType.redirect:
In a service you cannot use [Inject] attribute but inject dependency in constructor:
using ToDoList.Pages;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
namespace ToDoList.ExceptionHandler
public class ErrorProcessingService
public ErrorProcessingService(NavigationManager navigationManager)
NavigationManager = navigationManager;
protected NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; }
public void processError(ErrorTypes.errorType et)
new ErrorTypes();
case ErrorTypes.errorType.ignore:
//To Be Implemented
case ErrorTypes.errorType.popup:
//To Be Implemented
case ErrorTypes.errorType.redirect:
I'm using Azure AD B2C with our Xamarin Forms mobile app. However, when testing it never actually logs me in. I sign up for a new account, enter the verification code and password when prompted. When I go enter my details and try to login, it just keeps taking me back to the signin page (where I need to enter my login details....again).
Here are my Azure AD B2C settings.
public const string Tenant = "mytenant.onmicrosoft.com";
public static string ClientId = "my-clientid-for-the-application";
public static string SignUpSignInPolicy = "B2C_1_IfmMobileApp";
public static string PolicyResetPassword = "B2C_1_IfmMobileAppReset ";
public static string[] Scopes = { "" };
public static readonly string CustomRedirectUrl = $"msal{ClientId}://auth";
public static string AuthorityBase = $"https://login.microsoftonline.com/tfp/{Tenant}/";
public static string Authority = $"{AuthorityBase}{SignUpSignInPolicy}";
public static string AuthorityPasswordReset = $"{AuthorityBase}{PolicyResetPassword}";
And here's my signin / signout code.
private async void OnSignInSignOut(object sender, EventArgs e)
IEnumerable<IAccount> accounts = await AuthenticationService.PCA().GetAccountsAsync();
if (btnSignInSignOut.Text == "Sign in")
var account = this.GetAccountByPolicy(accounts, ApplicationConstants.SignUpSignInPolicy);
AuthenticationResult ar =
await AuthenticationService.PCA().AcquireTokenAsync(ApplicationConstants.Scopes, account, App.UiParent);
foreach (var user in accounts)
await AuthenticationService.PCA().RemoveAsync(user);
catch (MsalClientException ex)
await DisplayAlert($"MSAL Exception:", ex.ToString(), "Dismiss");
catch (Exception ex)
// Checking the exception message
// should ONLY be done for B2C
// reset and not any other error.
if (ex.Message.Contains("AADB2C90118"))
await DisplayAlert($"Exception:", ex.ToString(), "Dismiss");
Looking through the Android log I see this error each time I try to log in. I'm assuming that this error is related to my issue.
I needed to add the following code (as per this example)
For Android in the MainActivity.cs file In OnActivityResult you need to add
AuthenticationContinuationHelper.SetAuthenticationContinuationEventArgs(requestCode, resultCode, data);
For iOS in AppDelegate.cs you need to add
public override bool OpenUrl(UIApplication app, NSUrl url, NSDictionary options)
return true;
These changes ensure that the control goes back to MSAL once the interactive portion of the authentication flow has ended.
Been stuck with that error till madness phases ... Please help
I have created an Azure Mobile Service .NET backend, and am now trying to call its Post function from a Xamarin Android client
I initialize and call the Insert async function (these are just snippets from my code)
private static IMobileServiceTable<Todo> _todoMobileServiceTable;
public static bool? InitializeAms()
_mobileServiceClient = new MobileServiceClient(applicationUrl, applicationKey);
_todoMobileServiceTable = _mobileServiceClient.GetTable<Todo>();
return true;
catch (MalformedURLException malformedUrlException)
ReportHelper.Report(Tag, "There was an error creating the Mobile Service. Verify the URL", true, malformedUrlException);
catch (Exception exception)
ReportHelper.Report(Tag, "Error occurred during initialization of Azure Mobile Services", true, exception);
return null;
I get the following error when calling .InsertAsync(Todo)
The request could not be completed. (Not Found)
Azure storage client is not available for xamarin yet, and I have no other choice other than to use this dirty fork which is 1 year old and is made for iOS not Android (although it works fine with azure mobile service javascript) https://github.com/zgramana/IOSAzureBlobUploader
It works if I use the browser 'try it out' button but it doesn't work when I call it from the xamarin client app.
It works from the xamarin client app if I use the javascript mobile service
This error occurs both on the local azure mobile service and the published one online
Here is the WebApiConfig class
namespace Service.Ams
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register()
// Use this class to set configuration options for your mobile service
ConfigOptions options = new ConfigOptions();
// Use this class to set WebAPI configuration options
HttpConfiguration config = ServiceConfig.Initialize(new ConfigBuilder(options));
// To display errors in the browser during development, uncomment the following
// line. Comment it out again when you deploy your service for production use.
config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;
Database.SetInitializer(new ServiceAmsInitializer());
public class ServiceAmsInitializer : ClearDatabaseSchemaIfModelChanges<ServiceAmsDbContext>
Here is the TableController class
namespace Service.Ams.Controllers
public class TodoItemController : TableController<TodoItem>
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
ServiceAmsDbContext serviceAmsDbContext = new ServiceAmsDbContext();
DomainManager = new EntityDomainManager<TodoItem>(serviceAmsDbContext, Request, Services);
// GET tables/TodoItem
public IQueryable<TodoItem> GetAllTodoItems()
return Query();
// GET tables/TodoItem/55D11C86-6EA6-4C44-AA33-337FC9A27525
public SingleResult<TodoItem> GetTodoItem(string id)
return Lookup(id);
// PATCH tables/TodoItem/55D11C86-6EA6-4C44-AA33-337FC9A27525
public Task<TodoItem> PatchTodoItem(string id, Delta<TodoItem> patch)
return UpdateAsync(id, patch);
// POST tables/TodoItem/55D11C86-6EA6-4C44-AA33-337FC9A27525
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostTodoItem(TodoItem item)
string storageAccountName;
string storageAccountKey;
// Try to get the Azure storage account token from app settings.
if (
!(Services.Settings.TryGetValue("STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME", out storageAccountName) |
Services.Settings.TryGetValue("STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY", out storageAccountKey)))
Services.Log.Error("Could not retrieve storage account settings.");
// Set the URI for the Blob Storage service.
Uri blobEndpoint = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/", storageAccountName));
// Create the BLOB service client.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = new CloudBlobClient(blobEndpoint, new StorageCredentials(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey));
// Create a container, if it doesn't already exist.
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(item.ContainerName);
await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
// Create a shared access permission policy.
BlobContainerPermissions containerPermissions = new BlobContainerPermissions
PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob
// Enable anonymous read access to BLOBs.
// Define a policy that gives write access to the container for 5 minutes.
SharedAccessBlobPolicy sasPolicy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy
SharedAccessStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5),
Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write
// Get the SAS as a string.
item.SasQueryString = container.GetSharedAccessSignature(sasPolicy);
// Set the URL used to store the image.
item.ImageLqUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", blobEndpoint, item.ContainerName, item.ResourceNameLq);
item.ImageHqUri = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}", blobEndpoint, item.ContainerName, item.ResourceNameHq);
// Complete the insert operation.
TodoItem current = await InsertAsync(item);
return CreatedAtRoute("Tables", new {id = current.Id}, current);
// DELETE tables/TodoItem/55D11C86-6EA6-4C44-AA33-337FC9A27525
public Task DeleteTodoItem(string id)
return DeleteAsync(id);
Here is the EntityData class
namespace Service.Ams.DataObjects
public class TodoItem : EntityData
public string ContainerName { get; set; }
public string ResourceNameLq { get; set; }
public string ResourceNameHq { get; set; }
public string SasQueryString { get; set; }
public string ImageLqUri { get; set; }
public string ImageHqUri { get; set; }
Is there any way you can get a dump of what the HTTP request looks like?
I don't have an android client handy here but we can have a look on Monday.
TableController and client corresponding class must have the same name for example TodoController and TodoClass. I don't know if there is an attribute that modifies this rule and how to use, if at server side decorating TableController class or at client side decorating data class.
Is there some configuration or available module in Spring Security to limit login attempts (ideally, I'd like to have an increasing wait time between subsequent failed attempts)? If not, which part of the API should be used for this?
From Spring 4.2 upwards annotation based event listeners are available:
public class AuthenticationEventListener {
public void authenticationFailed(AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent event) {
String username = (String) event.getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
// update the failed login count for the user
// ...
Implement an AuthenticationFailureHandler that updates a count/time in the DB. I wouldn't count on using the session because the attacker is not going to be sending cookies anyway.
I recently implemented a similar functionality to monitor login failures using JMX. Please see the code in my answer to question Publish JMX notifications in using Spring without NotificationPublisherAware. An aspect on the authenticate method of authentication provider updates MBean and works with a notification listener (code not shown in that question) to block user and IP, send alert emails and even suspend the login if failures exceed a threshold.
Similar to my answer to question Spring security 3 : Save informations about authentification in database, I think that capturing an authentication failure event (as opposed to customizing a handler) and storing information in database will also work and it will keep the code decoupled as well.
As suggested by Rob Winch in http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?108640-Login-attempts-Spring-security, I just subclassed DaoAuthenticationProvider (which could also have been done using an aspect as Ritesh suggests) to limit the number of failed logins, but you could also assert pre-conditions as well:
public class LimitingDaoAuthenticationProvider extends DaoAuthenticationProvider {
private UserService userService;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
// Could assert pre-conditions here, e.g. rate-limiting
// and throw a custom AuthenticationException if necessary
try {
return super.authenticate(authentication);
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
// Will throw a custom exception if too many failed logins have occurred
throw e;
In Spring config XML, simply reference this bean:
<beans id="authenticationProvider"
<security:authentication-provider ref="authenticationProvider"/>
Note that I think that solutions which rely on accessing an AuthenticationException's authentication or extraInformation properties (such as implementing an AuthenticationFailureHandler) should probably not be used because those properties are now deprecated (in Spring Security 3.1 at least).
You could also use a service which implements ApplicationListener<AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent> to update the record in DB.
See spring application events.
Here is my implementation, hope help.
Create a table to store any invalid login attempts.
If invalid attempts > max allowed, set UserDetail.accountNonLocked to false
Spring Security will handle the "lock process" for you. (refer to AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider)
Last, extends DaoAuthenticationProvider, and integrate the logic inside.
public class YourAuthenticationProvider extends DaoAuthenticationProvider {
UserAttemptsDao userAttemptsDao;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
throws AuthenticationException {
try {
Authentication auth = super.authenticate(authentication);
//if corrent password, reset the user_attempts
return auth;
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
//invalid login, update user_attempts, set attempts+1
throw e;
For full source code and implementation, please refer to this - Spring Security limit login attempts example,
create a table to store the values of failed attempts ex : user_attempts
Write custom event listener
public class AuthenticationEventListener
implements AuthenticationEventPublisher
UserAttemptsServices userAttemptsService;
UserService userService;
private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3;
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthenticationEventListener.class);
public void publishAuthenticationSuccess(Authentication authentication) {
logger.info("User has been logged in Successfully :" +authentication.getName());
public void publishAuthenticationFailure(AuthenticationException exception, Authentication authentication) {
logger.info("User Login failed :" +authentication.getName());
String username = authentication.getName().toString();
UserAttempts userAttempt = userAttemptsService.getUserAttempts(username);
User userExists = userService.findBySSO(username);
int attempts = 0;
String error = "";
String lastAttempted = "";
if (userAttempt == null) {
if(userExists !=null ){
userAttemptsService.insertFailAttempts(username); }
} else {
attempts = userAttempt.getAttempts();
lastAttempted = userAttempt.getLastModified();
userAttemptsService.updateFailAttempts(username, attempts);
if (attempts + 1 >= MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
error = "User account is locked! <br>Username : "
+ username+ "<br>Last Attempted on : " + lastAttempted;
throw new LockedException(error);
throw new BadCredentialsException("Invalid User Name and Password");
3.Security Configuration
1) #Autowired
AuthenticationEventListener authenticationEventListner;
2) #Bean
public AuthenticationEventPublisher authenticationListener() {
return new AuthenticationEventListener();
3) #Autowired
public void
configureGlobalSecurity(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
//configuring custom user details service
// configuring login success and failure event listener