Limitations of Windows 8 Desktop duplication using DXGI? - visual-c++

I am working on a remote desktop application which works fine on windows 7 and its previous version. but In windows 8 mirror driver has removed so that we have to develop the same remote desktop feature using DXGI. I have read the documentation but I want to know Is there any limitation of DXGI ?
If any one experience some limitation while creating desktop emulation
in windows 8 please share.


Is there a Windows 10 equivalent tool that does the job of Apple Configurator mobile device management?

The Apple Configurator tool is a MacOS application that allows you to create and edit a device profile, which can be downloaded from a webserver and used to suitably configure devices in the Apple ecosystem.
Does an equivalent tool exist for the Microsoft ecosystem?
Most specifically, is there a Windows 10 compatible Windows application that generates a suitable device profile, that can be downloaded from a webserver and used to suitably configure devices in the Microsoft ecosystem?
There are quite many similar tools for Windows 10. Windows 10 has its own MDM solution and has distinct features. There is another good Mobile Device Management Solution for Windows 10 application i.e MobiLock Pro. It's more simplified and easy to use compared to other MDM for Windows 10.

Does Azure support client operating systems (ie Windows 7)?

I am trying to setup a Windows 7 Virtual Machine in Azure and I see a list of Windows Server options, but not a plain Windows 7 Professional.
I need Windows 7 for testing purposes.
Do they only support server VMs?
Edit: After Searching I found that Windows 7 Enterprise N is supported. I guess I could use that. But it seems lame that they would not support something so common as Windows 7 Professional...
Windows 7 (and all Windows client OSs) are not supported, or more importantly, licensed for use on ANY cloud service.
Azure gets around this limitation by only allowing Windows Client machines to be run as MSDN development machines. (I imagine being Microsoft helps too)
If you have an MSDN subscription, you will have access to Win7, Win8, and Win10 machines.
So if you wanted to build a business running Windows client machines, licensing would restrict that, but if you're using it as a development machine, that is ok.
So you couldn't, for instance, give everyone in an office access to a Win 10 Machine on Azure.

Build WinObjC app on Linux

Currently I am using Ubuntu linux and I want to create a WinObjC app on Linux plateform. Is there any way to create WinObj apps on linux.
Sorry to disapoint you, but unfortunately there is not. WinObjC is intended to bring iOS apps to Windows 10. Basically it just enables you to write Windows 10 apps in Objective-C but you still need a Windows 10 machine to compile it.
A Windows 10 device and Visual Studio are mandatory at the moment, to create WinObjC apps.

Windows Phone 8 via USB does not display in VS2012

I was working on my windows 8.1 OS on my Virtual Box running Visual Studio 2012. Yes I am working on an 8.0 with a feature and after planned on migrating everything to 8.1 since it can be integrated more easily with PC And tablet. Everything was working fine and my windows phone 8 was connected via my virtual box via USB and showed up in VS2012. My Virtual Box did 2 random shutdowns and now my VS2012 only shows an option to use an emulator. This was never working before which is why I always debugged via my windows phone. Hyper-V and all of that stuff specified it was installed using a CoreInfo.exe file I got off the web to check to make sure the appropriate stuff was enabled. Now after the 2 random virtual machine shutdowns the emulator is the only option showing when I want to debug.
Things checked:
Restarted both phone and virtual box OS.
Uninstalled device driver on the virtual box machine.
The 2.0 option is checked in the settings for the virtual box OS and can see the windows phone connected on the virtual machine via the device manager.
It mysteriously started working again where the windows phone was connected instead of to a 7.1 emulator. I wish I could give a reason or an explanation to what I did to fix it but I didn't do anything to create this specific issue nor to fix it. I put this up just in case anyone was reading it.

What version of RDP is used in Windows 8?

I've tried to connect to Windows 8 Developer Preview via rdesktop 1.6 and freerdp 0.8.2 from linux and there was no success.
I've get:
ui_unimpl: NOT IMPLEMENTED: Unknown Capability Set 0x1E ui_unimpl: NOT
Although I could set a connection from Windows 7. What is the version of RDP on Windows 8? Is there any rdp client on linux that supports such version?
RDP underwent significant work in Windows 8 and likely does not yet have any support from non-Microsoft maintained clients. Remoting from Windows 7 should work properly. Some capabilities that were added in Windows 7 may now be taken advantage of which is why Windows 7 to Windows 8 may work while Linux to Windows 8 may not. That is to say, Windows 7's RDP client already supported the new capabilities.
Below change work around windows8 display problem. Somehow the bpp is zero when connecting windows8.
Tested with "xfreerdp --no-nla "
diff --git a/client/X11/xf_graphics.c b/client/X11/xf_graphics.c
index afbf773..beb3afe 100644
--- a/client/X11/xf_graphics.c
+++ b/client/X11/xf_graphics.c
## -109,6 +109,7 ## void xf_Bitmap_Decompress(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap,
uint16 size;
+ if (!bpp) bpp = 16;
size = width * height * (bpp + 7) / 8;
if (bitmap->data == NULL)
For those stumbling onto this question:
Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 support RDPv8: (Wikipedia)
Remmina (remmina#sourceforge), implementing FreeRDP (FreeRDP), is able to connect to Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 -- I'm currently using Remmina to successfully connect to a WS2012 machine.
FreeRdp is aiming to support win8
when I tried it logged it but fails to display properly
Bitmap Decompression Failed
Until release 1.0 gets out you can try it :
I am investigating
Maybe Remmina or Freerdp or Rdesktop connect to Windows Server 2012 but we have to be sure that is using the RDPv8 and it is not running on RDPv7 in a sort of compatibility mode.
Let me tell you, the performance gain of using RDPv8 is gigantic. See this video about remoting desktop is very interesting:
those guys in the video have done a excellent job evaluating Windows remote protocols.
