A way to transfer IRC chatter/pm to gtalk - bots

I'd like to know if some sort of bot/tool/service exists that would allow people on (regular) IRC chat to me on gtalk
so: irc user X sends a pm to MyBot (f.e.); that pm forwards to me
a irc room to chat would also work fine (so everything said in channel #abc gets into my gtalk conversation with mybot#domain.com
hope I was clear enough for you to understand what I'm looking for and that anyone knows a way for me to solve it.

You can use PircBotX to create an IRC bot in Java yourself, and use pm events to send gtalk messages using any old Jabber library. A quick search finds me Smack.
I did something similar once, but I made two instances of PircBotX, one to connect to the IRC server, and another to connect to this special IRC server somewhere that was configured to automatically pass on messages to popular IM protocols. I can't seem to remember what that service was called, perhaps you'll have better luck.

Well, there's the hans-irc-gtalk bot which does something like that. People need to subscribe to the messages in order to get them from gtalk. Not sure how well supported the project is.


HipChat Nodejs Bot - Cant receive room messages

I am trying to create an hip chat bot with nodejs. The main library is node-xmpp. However at the moment the build is failing and I think thats why my nom install doesn't work.
Any who I managed to write my own version based on the core modules.
- node-xmpp-client
- node-xmpp-component
- node-xmpp-jid
I can see messages fine and send. But only private! although I am registered in a room I cannot see room messages.
The source code of node-xmpp says thats a message or stanza should have a type and from that understand if the message is private or not. Well to me only private messages come. I wonder if its an issue with Hipchat.
If you want to take a look at the code, I made a github repo as it would an overkill to page here. github
The 'problem' lies with the xmpp protocol itself.
Due to the way the protocol works, you need to have joined the room before you can receive messages from it.
Why I was, lead to believe otherwise, was because hip chat showed the user as online on the room, but in reality he is not online on the group he is just online.

Using PubNub, is Unsubscribe a dual use command for Publish and Subscribe?

Yes, I know it seems like a simple question but I just recently started using PubNub and I am confused on how to disconnect from a channel. I think the command to use is "Unsubscribe" and my misunderstanding relates to the dual use of the word.
Logically, I understand that once you initialize PubNub and publish a message a separate process can subscribe to the establish channel. When it's done it unsubscribes. Got it!
Now we want to completely disconnect from PubNub. That is end the channel.
Do I use the command "Unsubscribe" to do this? I guess I am logically looking for an "End" or "Disconnect" command and not an "Unsubscribe" command because it did not subscribe to the channel, it established the channel. I know it seems petty but until I understand this it's difficult to move forward. So is this a dual use command?
You are on the right track here. Depending on the client platform in question, an unsubscribe resulting in an empty channel list will completely disconnect you.
On the more sophisticated clients, advanced/smart frameworks, there are the API calls of un/subscribe (which as you described subs /unsubs you to a specific channel), and separately, the public and/or private method calls defining/detecting being "connected" or "online".
For example, iOS has specific connect and disconnect calls, separate from subscribe/unsubscribe calls. On JS, there is no explicit connect/disconnect, but regardless if you are subbed or not to an active channel list, there may be background "pings/heartbeats" being made to the PN cloud to detect connectivity/online/offline state.
If you give more info on the client platform and version you are on, we can give you more info on how to completely sever all connects to the PN cloud and achieve a "complete disconnect".

Execute irc action on computer

Just as the title says, I want a command be done when a certain word is said in my irc channel.
Ex: If someone types "Hey!" in the channel, the server performs an action like restarting an services.
The channel is private and only I will be getting access to it.
The purpose of it will be that if I send a command from my office that I want to restart Apache (example).
Then I'll type apacherst, the irc sends the command to my server and restarts apache.
Any idea?
Check out a program called Hubot. It has a plug-in mechanism to let make your chat server extensible. It supports IRC and many other protocols.

How to model Push Notifications on server

Brief Description:
Well, since many days I've been looking for an answer to this question but there seems to be answers for 'How to create a Push Notification Server' and like questions. I am using node.js and it's quite easy to 'create' a push notification server using sock.js (I've heard socket.io isn't good as compared to sock.js). No problem till here. But what I want is how to model such a server.
OK, so, let's say I've an application where there's a chat service (just an example this is, actual thing is big as you might have guessed). A person sends a message in a room and all the people in the room get notified. But what I want is a 'stateful' chat - that is, I want to store the messages in a data store. Here's where the trouble comes. Storing the message in the database and later telling everyone that "Hey, there's a message for you". This seems easy when we need the real-time activity for just one part of the app. What to do when the whole app is based on real-time communication? Besides this, I also want to have a RESTful api.
My solution (with which I am not really happy)
What I thought of doing was this: (on the server side of course)
Data Store
Data Layer (which talks to data store)
| |
Real-Time Server Restful server
And here, the Real-time server listens to interesting events that the data-layer publishes. Whenever something interesting happens, the server notifies the client. But which client? - This is the problem with my method
Hope you can be of help. :)
I think I forgot to emphasize an important part of my question. How to implement a pub-sub system? (NOTE: I don't want the actual code, I'll manage that myself; just how to go about doing it is where I need some help). The problem is that I get quite boggled when writing the code - what to do how (my confusion is quite apparent from this question itself). Could please provide some references to read or some advice as to how to begin with this thing?
I am not sure if I understood you correctly; but I will summarize how I read it:
We have a real-time chat server that uses socket connections to publish new messages to all connected clients.
We have a database where we want to keep chat logs.
We have also a restful interface to access the realtime server to get current chats in a lazier manner.
And you want to architect your system this way:
In the above diagram, the components I circled with purple curve wants to be updated like all other clients. Am I right? I don't know what you meant with "Data Layer" but I thought it is a daemon that will be writing to database and also interfacing database for other components.
In this architecture, everything is okay in the direction you meant. I mean DataStore is connected by servers to access data, maybe to query client credentials for authentication, maybe to read user preferences etc.
For your other expectation from these components, I mean to allow these components to be updated like connected clients, why don't you allow them to be clients, too?
Your realtime server is a server for clients; but it is also a client for data layer, or database server, if we prefer a more common naming. So we already know that there is nothing that stops a server from being a client. Then, why can't our database system and restful system also be clients? Connect them to realtime server the same way you connect browsers and other clients. Let them enjoy being one of the people. :)
I hope I did not understand everything completely wrong and this makes sense for the question.

socket.io chat with private rooms

I started looking into node and socket.io.
I already have created a simple chat application and I am amazed at how easy it was.
Now, I would like to take a little bit further and provide a list of online users that have the ability to chat with each other in private.
What would be the best way to approach this?
I read on 0.7's new room feature. Would that be a way to go? Dynamically create a new room each time 2 users need to chat in private? But how the second user is going to be notified of the new room created, so that he can connect there?
Is it better to handle all the above logic myself? Store the rooms and users server side and loop through them each time and send messages to the appropriate ones?
If the only functionality you want is for two people to be able to send messages to one another (and not groups of people to have a room), then the logic could be something like this:
When a user connects, store their connection in an object keyed by their username (or in any other data structure that ensures you can find a specific user's connection).
When a Bob wants to talk to Jeff, send the server an event stating such.
The server looks up Jeff's Socket.IO connection in the object from step 1.
The server uses this connection to send Jeff (and only Jeff) the private message.
Hej Thomas
if theres only 2 users talking you dont need use publish att all just send that message from the client to the server and let the server locate the other client and send it down.
